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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


This means I've been out for 10 years! I turn 29 today!!!
Happy birthday:)

As for my behavior, no one would suspect I'm gay and people act very surprised when I say I'm gay, to the point where some don't even believe I am even though I'm saying it. Plus I tend to joke a lot, so it gets less believable I guess. I do think it has affected me a bit because many guys would not consider me just because they never thought I could be gay. I don't know if I act that way because I always wanted to protect my sexuality in my adolescent years, but I feel comfortable the way I am so it's ok.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was once described as "tearfully feminine" by a highschool friend.

And I get some advances in online games because of "haly" or because I play female characters. It's a running joke between me and my bud.

Astral Dog

Happy Birthday Pyro! 🎋

well i feel like im a bit more in touch with my feminine side since very young but, the way i grow up i had to cover up a lot if stuff so im kinda in the middle now, its very hard to say or do anything "girly" without being insulted or told to stop. And after coming out in my twenties its like nobody wants to believe im even Gay,leaves me confused. Im also very tall and soft spoken

But all that stuff, Cooking, Fashion, Disney, make up,chattong, soap operas, dancing,comedies, videogames, theatre, shopping, hairdressing, sadly i barely do any of those, but great stuff :D


Happy Birthday Pyro! ��

well i feel like im a bit more in touch with my feminine side since very young but, the way i grow up i had to cover up a lot if stuff so im kinda in the middle now, its very hard to say or do anything "girly" without being insulted or told to stop. And after coming out in my twenties its like nobody wants to believe im even Gay, leaves confused.

But all that stuff, Cooking, Fashion, Disney, make up,chattong, soap operas, dancing,comedies, videogames, theatre, shopping, hairdressing, i barely do any of those, but good stuff :D

Thanks! But I would say in regards to your list of things.....I have NO idea about any of that stuff. I was talking purely mannerisms and such. In fact, most of that stuff all bores me. Except fashion and dancing. I like fashion but I still suck at it. I can't match to save my life. But I'd buy awesome clothes if I had the money. But I do love to dance! I'm not very good, though haha.
I don't get men's fashion so I can't dress myself for shit but I love women's fashion. I'm often tempted to compliment my female coworkers on some component of their outfit but I don't want to seem flirty/creepy.


I don't get men's fashion so I can't dress myself for shit but I love women's fashion. I'm often tempted to compliment my female coworkers on some component of their outfit but I don't want to seem flirty/creepy.

I'm more decent on both ha. I wouldn't say I stay up with fashion though.

Astral Dog

Itz ok just a bunch of stuff that came to mind.all of it can can be enjoyed by both sexes but goes a bit on the stereotype "fem" side compared to sports, cars, work, and other things for some reason i never quite got :/
I don't get men's fashion so I can't dress myself for shit but I love women's fashion. I'm often tempted to compliment my female coworkers on some component of their outfit but I don't want to seem flirty/creepy.
Do it they already know you are Gay right? they will like the praise and feel complimented, one of the easiest ways to chat up.


Itz ok just a bunch of stuff that came to mind.all of it can can be enjoyed by both sexes but goes a bit on the stereotype "fem" side compared to sports, cars, work, and other things for some reason i never quite got :/

Do it they already know you are Gay right? they will like the praise and feel complimented, one of the easiest ways to chat up.

Agreed! Do iiit!!! : D

Also, I don't like sports, cars, work, either. Omg I'm WEIRD!!!

I just like video games, public transportation, politics, and urban planning. That's normal, RIGHT?!
It's noooooooooot : ' (|


Agreed! Do iiit!!! : D

Also, I don't like sports, cars, work, either. Omg I'm WEIRD!!!

I just like video games, public transportation, politics, and urban planning. That's normal, RIGHT?!
It's noooooooooot : ' (|

Damn but I like, Sports, Cars, Video Games, Gym and action movies. So I can't be bi....


Happy birthday:)

As for my behavior, no one would suspect I'm gay and people act very surprised when I say I'm gay, to the point where some don't even believe I am even though I'm saying it. Plus I tend to joke a lot, so it gets less believable I guess. I do think it has affected me a bit because many guys would not consider me just because they never thought I could be gay. I don't know if I act that way because I always wanted to protect my sexuality in my adolescent years, but I feel comfortable the way I am so it's ok.

But you're super gay



Hunky Nostradamus
I've noticed in recent years that my feminine side is coming out more than ever. In fact, I've actively been trying to embrace it because I think I act TOO straight. I came out at 19, but I was one of those people that felt I needed to break the feminine stereotype, so I acted as masculine as possible. Now, it's mostly who I am but I don't hide the femininity at all, and it's here more than ever. But I'm still surprised when people don't know I'm gay when I tell them. I'm like....really? Haha.

This means I've been out for 10 years! I turn 29 today!!!

Happy birthday!
So I just found out I've officially lost 20lbs -- from 235.5lbs to 215.5lbs! I got a haircut as well, so both are good excuses for a selfie, right? ^_^


I'm so happy to have a chin again, hehe.

Also get one of these infusers while you're there.

It doesn't have to be this one. You just want to make sure it feels solid and the mesh is fine and there's a spout for convenient pouring.

I really want one of these: http://www.teavana.com/ca/en/teawar...34897.html?navid=teapots-and-tea-sets&start=1

Classy AF, in my opinion. I need to start drinking more tea, actually. While I'm loving my coffee and water, I could always use a third healthy option!

I go there every year, the Irish accent is just too nice.

I'm a 1/4 Irish. Too bad I don't have a sexy accent though. Well, unless you think Canadians have sexy accents. :p

I've noticed in recent years that my feminine side is coming out more than ever. In fact, I've actively been trying to embrace it because I think I act TOO straight. I came out at 19, but I was one of those people that felt I needed to break the feminine stereotype, so I acted as masculine as possible. Now, it's mostly who I am but I don't hide the femininity at all, and it's here more than ever. But I'm still surprised when people don't know I'm gay when I tell them. I'm like....really? Haha.

This means I've been out for 10 years! I turn 29 today!!!

Happy birthday, Pyro! I'm so proud of you for being out so long. I know when I was 19 (just a year earlier than you) I was still in denial about my bisexuality. Good for you! <3
So I just found out I've officially lost 20lbs -- from 235.5lbs to 215.5lbs! I got a haircut as well, so both are good excuses for a selfie, right? ^_^

I'm so happy to have a chin again, hehe.

I really want one of these: http://www.teavana.com/ca/en/teawar...34897.html?navid=teapots-and-tea-sets&start=1

Classy AF, in my opinion. I need to start drinking more tea, actually. While I'm loving my coffee and water, I could always use a third healthy option!

I'm a 1/4 Irish. Too bad I don't have a sexy accent though. Well, unless you think Canadians have sexy accents. :p

Happy birthday, Pyro! I'm so proud of you for being out so long. I know when I was 19 (just a year earlier than you) I was still in denial about my bisexuality. Good for you! <3

I am so envious of those green eyes and that beard. Congrats on your weight loss.
The person at work I am supposed to contact when I can't attend wasn't passing on the messages so my direct supervisors didn't know where I was for 8 days! >:-[
So I had a second date with a guy yesterday. The first date was the most perfect night ever: dinner (vegetarian because he doesn't eat meat), then Fantastic Beasts (we were holding hands throughout the entire movie), then we went to his place and watched Black Mirror (the episode with Bryce Dallas Howard, and he deleted Instagram because of how creepy it is), made out for like an hour, cuddled and fell asleep, then woke up and had sex. Last night all we did was go for drinks, and argue about if Zelda sucks or not. -_-

And I have a third date with a girl tomorrow. She's driving because I can't drive. :( I bought her a Christmas gift, so hopefully that doesn't seem weird to her.
So I had a second date with a guy yesterday. The first date was the most perfect night ever: dinner (vegetarian because he doesn't eat meat), then Fantastic Beasts (we were holding hands throughout the entire movie), then we went to his place and watched Black Mirror (the episode with Bryce Dallas Howard, and he deleted Instagram because of how creepy it is), made out for like an hour, cuddled and fell asleep, then woke up and had sex. Last night all we did was go for drinks, and argue about if Zelda sucks or not. -_-

And I have a third date with a girl tomorrow. She's driving because I can't drive. :( I bought her a Christmas gift, so hopefully that doesn't seem weird to her.

Wow that date sounds fantastic and you seem to have great chemistry keep us updated on that. I hope the one with the girl goes well too.

Do these people drink actual tea or like, lipton bags?

Wendy drinks actual tea at least.

I went to my local market that has all kinds of tea that are imported and bought some.


So I just found out I've officially lost 20lbs -- from 235.5lbs to 215.5lbs! I got a haircut as well, so both are good excuses for a selfie, right? ^_^

I'm so happy to have a chin again, hehe.

I really want one of these: http://www.teavana.com/ca/en/teawar...34897.html?navid=teapots-and-tea-sets&start=1

Classy AF, in my opinion. I need to start drinking more tea, actually. While I'm loving my coffee and water, I could always use a third healthy option!

I'm a 1/4 Irish. Too bad I don't have a sexy accent though. Well, unless you think Canadians have sexy accents. :p

Happy birthday, Pyro! I'm so proud of you for being out so long. I know when I was 19 (just a year earlier than you) I was still in denial about my bisexuality. Good for you! <3

You're looking rather daddy TBH


Feeling like pure introvert tonight lol. Boyfriend and I hosted a potluck and I was hosting great and leading whatever games people asked to play but then like 4 hours in my brain noped out and was hoping everyone would leave and was feeling pressure even though people were still having fun


^ That's literally me since I got home from Chicago a few weeks back. I have not hung out with anyone other than family since I got back and then finals are happening. I'm just burned out and I need sleep for the rest of my life.
Was in a wikipedia hole and saw this

" In 1947, Johnnie Phelps, a member of the Women's Army Corps and a lesbian, was told by General Eisenhower, "It's come to my attention that there are lesbians in the WACs, we need to ferret them out.... " Phelps replied, "If the General pleases, sir, I'll be happy to do that, but the first name on the list will be mine."Eisenhower's secretary added, "If the General pleases, sir, my name will be first and hers will be second." Phelps then told Eisenhower, "Sir, you're right, there are lesbians in the WACs – and if you want to replace all the file clerks, section commanders, drivers, every woman in the WAC detachment, I will be happy to make that list. But you must know, sir, that they are the most decorated group – there have been no illegal pregnancies, no AWOLs, no charges of misconduct." Eisenhower dropped the idea."


Was in a wikipedia hole and saw this

" In 1947, Johnnie Phelps, a member of the Women's Army Corps and a lesbian, was told by General Eisenhower, "It's come to my attention that there are lesbians in the WACs, we need to ferret them out.... " Phelps replied, "If the General pleases, sir, I'll be happy to do that, but the first name on the list will be mine."Eisenhower's secretary added, "If the General pleases, sir, my name will be first and hers will be second." Phelps then told Eisenhower, "Sir, you're right, there are lesbians in the WACs – and if you want to replace all the file clerks, section commanders, drivers, every woman in the WAC detachment, I will be happy to make that list. But you must know, sir, that they are the most decorated group – there have been no illegal pregnancies, no AWOLs, no charges of misconduct." Eisenhower dropped the idea."

Suck it ya bald bastid


It means self-hating gay men don't have to evaluate their prejudices just by breathing the same air as you.


Yes, I totally crush on Rory's mom.
She looks awesome in that costume. I loved Steampunk stuff ever since I watched Disney's Treasure Planet as a kid.

Anyway, here's a couple of shots of hot people I thought worth sharing:

Figured I'd post what I look like here. Be nice, I know I'm not that pretty. :(

Here's another photo (pardon the filter).

Looking good, Mysterious.&#128536;
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