What does friendship have to do with it? You can be friends with someone and still hold prejudiced views. In fact, why would I as a minority want to befriend someone who introduces themselves with "no blacks/Asians"?
I recommend mods if you have Xbox One or PC? Otherwise yeah it's a step down compared to New Vegas/3.So I got Fallout 4 for xmas. So far not really liking it. The upgrading system is a complete joke.
Different people of the same race will look different for the most part. Ruling out an entire race is kind of bad because there is so much variety, the odds of someone not finding any attractive are extremely small. If you refuse to date somebody due to their race than yeah it's racist.So if someone has a preference for black people are they racist too? Or is it only when the preference is for whites that people get up in arms about it?
Race is a big part of what makes up people's physical characteristics and physical characteristics are what inform sexual attraction. So they are already entwined. In all my years here discussing different people's sexual, racial preferences pretty much everyone understands that it's just that and doesn't make someone a racist. Maybe the situation is different in the US where race is more polarizing.
So if someone has a preference for black people are they racist too? Or is it only when the preference is for whites that people get up in arms about it?
Race is a big part of what makes up people's physical characteristics and physical characteristics are what inform sexual attraction. So they are already entwined. In all my years here discussing different people's sexual, racial preferences pretty much everyone understands that it's just that and doesn't make someone a racist. Maybe the situation is different in the US where race is more polarizing.
So if someone has a preference for black people are they racist too? Or is it only when the preference is for whites that people get up in arms about it?
Race is a big part of what makes up people's physical characteristics and physical characteristics are what inform sexual attraction. So they are already entwined. In all my years here discussing different people's sexual, racial preferences pretty much everyone understands that it's just that and doesn't make someone a racist. Maybe the situation is different in the US where race is more polarizing.
So if someone has a preference for black people are they racist too? Or is it only when the preference is for whites that people get up in arms about it?
Race is a big part of what makes up people's physical characteristics and physical characteristics are what inform sexual attraction. So they are already entwined. In all my years here discussing different people's sexual, racial preferences pretty much everyone understands that it's just that and doesn't make someone a racist. Maybe the situation is different in the US where race is more polarizing.
Different people of the same race will look different for the most part. Ruling out an entire race is kind of bad because there is so much variety, the odds of someone not finding any attractive are extremely small. If you refuse to date somebody due to their race than yeah it's racist.
I see this get brought up as some sort of gotcha point, not saying that's what you're doing here but it happens and to answer your question yes it can be if it's rooted in stereotypes.
In the U.S there's tiers to this and whites are pretty much at the top for a lot of people, minority groups included all the while saying no to other ethnic groups including their own.
Maybe they're just attracted to the physical characteristics of a particular race to the exclusion of others. All people in a particular race generally share some physical characteristics don't they?
Oh wow so I just know a bunch of racists then. My good friend L who only likes black guys, same with my gay mate O. My friend DJ only liked Asian girls. E likes doesn't like back girls. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent). In your judgement they are all racists right? Never mind the interactions they have with all races outside the sexual sphere. Point being: I know they they're not racists because I know them very well but I don't spend my time trying to psychoanalyse why they prefer one race over another I just accept it.
Carrie Fisher![]()
No, just having a preference for someone who is black isn't exactly racist but sometimes there are ulterior thought processes that goes into it. It all stems back in the slave days as black men being seen as strong and were the ones who were picked to then the negative sexual stereotype that all black men have big penises.
Maybe they're just attracted to the physical characteristics of a particular race to the exclusion of others. All people in a particular race generally share some physical characteristics don't they?
Hard disagree. The only truly common trait among blacks is our skin color (whose effects manifest in a variety of ways.) We don't all have huge dicks, fuck like animals or any of the other alleged "positive" stereotypes. Doesn't matter which way it goes, just treat as like human individuals.
Yes, I talk about both racism of exclusion and racism of fetishization in my stand up act . Both anecdotes are real things white gays have said to me.
When you say "i don't like "racial group" you are refusing to see me as a human. You have literally judged me solely based on the color of my skin.
A fellow black gay and I like to joke that "being a black 8/10 is like being a white 5". Plenty of white gays will fuck you, but they won't show you to their friends or bring you home to meet the family. Like with many things, you have to work so much harder and be so much better to just be seen as an individual.
If you don't find someone attractive, just say that instead of bringing race into it.
No, just having a preference for someone who is black isn't exactly racist but sometimes there are ulterior thought processes that goes into it. It all stems back in the slave days as black men being seen as strong and were the ones who were picked to then the negative sexual stereotype that all black men have big penises.
The things i've heard being said in gay spaces out in the open about black men was just... degrading to say the least. Asians in media mainly asian men are desexualized so they are not seen as a big attractive figure and all having small penises and that trickled down to gay spaces.
That's exactly the point I was making.
You said "No, just having a preference for someone who is black isn't exactly racist but sometimes there are ulterior thought processes that goes into it"
I am saying that in all cases, it is racist. Just treat people as individuals.
Yeah I did see that when you posted it early, pretty funny by the way. In those two examples where someone is writing "no blacks" on their profile or approaching you based on some slavery fetish there may be an element of racism there. But if I'm just having a conversation with someone, in the club of whatever, and they express a preference for a particular race I'm not going to jump to judging that person as a racist.
Like it or not it's a valid physical descriptor just like brunette or blue-eyes. As I said in my first post: maybe it's too loaded with baggage to be used over in the US in lieu of just saying you're not into someone. But here in London it's no big thing.
you don't have to be an out and out racist to make racist actions
Someone literally told me "hey I need a big nigger dick in me. Can you fuck 500 years of slavery out this tight white ass, but to you that only constitutes "may be an element of racism". You can't even commit to calling that racist, so I shouldn't be surprised that you don't see racism in the gay community as a problem.
Ummm, I'm not sure if you've read Straight Jacket
, but the author lives in London and describes racism in the dating scene there as well. This isn't a uniquely American thing.
Someone literally told me "hey I need a big nigger dick in me. Can you fuck 500 years of slavery out this tight white ass, but to you that only constitutes "may be an element of racism". You can't even commit to calling that racist, so I shouldn't be surprised that you don't see racism in the gay community as a problem.
Ummm, I'm not sure if you've read Straight Jacket
, but the author lives in London and describes racism in the dating scene there as well. This isn't a uniquely American thing.
Someone literally told me "hey I need a big nigger dick in me. Can you fuck 500 years of slavery out this tight white ass, but to you that only constitutes "may be an element of racism". You can't even commit to calling that racist, so I shouldn't be surprised that you don't see racism in the gay community as a problem.
Well, I never said racism isn't a problem in the gay community. I'm talking about the core issue of what makes people attracted to other people which is not the same thing. And I'm not just talking about the gay community. Half the examples I gave earlier were of my straight friends. Just because some people in the gay community select their sexual partners based on racism does not mean all people who hold a racial sexual preference are racist.
Jesus Christ, but can't say I am surprised people are bold with this.
Well, I never said racism isn't a problem in the gay community. I'm talking about the core issue of what makes people attracted to other people which is not the same thing. And I'm not just talking about the gay community. Half the examples I gave earlier were of my straight friends. Just because some people in the gay community select their sexual partners based on racism does not mean all people who hold a racial sexual preference are racist.
but their racial sexual preference is a racist action on some level
To ground the conversation, I must ask, how do you define "racism"? I feel we are working from two different definitions.
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
Cool. I love it when people twist themselves so much they end up arguing against themselves.As you can see the word implies a classification of races as superior or inferior to another race. I'm not convinced that someone making a personal, subjective judgement about what is sexually attractive to them carries that connotation unless they presented that as a statement of fact e.g. I prefer Asians because they are better looking/smarter than caucasians.
Your post:The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
So by your own definition: it's fucking racist.Maybe they're just attracted to the physical characteristics of a particular race to the exclusion of others. All people in a particular race generally share some physical characteristics don't they?
Cool. I love it when people twist themselves so much they end up arguing against themselves.
Your definition:
Your post:
So by your own definition: it's fucking racist.
(and yes saying that a race is more sexually attractive is saying that that race is superior, in least in some aspect)
I guess every single person i know is racist and I didn't even know, go figure
I guess every single person i know is racist and I didn't even know, go figure
If more people admitted their prejudices and worked toward exploring them, we would be in a better place racially in this country.
dictionary definitions are so boring and passe
you can miss ALL of us with that shit lol
Oh boy, yeah when it starts getting to definitions it's not even worth it.
Cool. I love it when people twist themselves so much they end up arguing against themselves.
Your definition:
Your post:
So by your own definition: it's fucking racist.
(and yes saying that a race is more sexually attractive is saying that that race is superior, in least in some aspect)
Thank god it's not as easy to classify someone as racist here where I live thenIf more people admitted their prejudices and worked toward exploring them, we would be in a better place racially in then US at least.
Perfectly fine as it is thank youthe post of someone who would rather spout hyperbole rather than realize that maybe they need to do some introspection into their own thought processes.
Perfectly fine as it is thank you
Well, yeah if the true meaning of the words you are using are not important to you then there really isn't much point going further with this debate.
Except you ignore the key part of the definition which is using it as a basis for saying one race is superior to another. Otherwise saying all caucasian people have light skin would be considered racist since that is ascribing a characteristic to a whole race.
Saying one race is more sexually attractive as an objective judgement would be considered racist; however, people are making a subjective judgement when describing their own personal likes or dislikes.