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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

The Gaycation episode about the Deep South has me so conflicted about New Orleans. "Second highest gay population in the country" wow awesome! "Louisiana has the highest rates of new HIV infections" well shit
Guess I should go spread some education and deeply seed it in their head. (I live an hour away from new Orleans)


You're attempting to make a distinction that doesn't matter. He can meet a white guy who doesn't hold those views. But KmA is not willing to provide that opportunity to white people, based on a presumption assigned to an entire demographic on the basis of skin color. Therefore, white people are not eligible for dating.

Sounds like a racist action to me, but hey!

White supremacy and white privilege are not just "views" a white person holds lmao. These are undeniable facts of our society that literally infect everything. While I can't avoid it completely, I'd rather not have to deal with it in relationships too.

Honestly you defining that as racist is whatever to me. Call me a racist, it doesn't really matter because it doesn't have a tangible effect literally anywhere. I'm not hurting white people by not dating them. I'm not ruining their image. I'm not feeding into a "white" stereotype that hurts them day to day. When a gay person excludes poc from their dating pool, it doesn't come from a place of not relating to them. It comes from generalizations and stereotypes that stem from white supremacy.

And for me it's not just about race. I come from a Muslim background, and a pretty conservative orthodox one at that. Everything about myself is difficult to explain to people who aren't in similar circumstances.


Turned on all my dating sites after a roughly three month break. Turned them off because I was going travelling for a while (and I just really needed a break from it all), but now thats done and I'm home so I guess its time to dive in once again!

New year, new start. Or so I hope. Not just for dating though. I quit my shitty job late last year, and am going back to school. 2017 will be an interesting year.
Turned on all my dating sites after a roughly three month break. Turned them off because I was going travelling for a while (and I just really needed a break from it all), but now thats done and I'm home so I guess its time to dive in once again!

New year, new start. Or so I hope.
Good luck

Also Grindr updated to unlock more guys in the area if you watch a video ad. Lol


Acting like skin tone preference is neutral in a civilization defined by centuries of systemic racism (definition included)... I can't, lettersgaf fam. I would say love yourselves, but the problem is about loving others beyond your own taught limitations.

Your standards of beauty and attraction are at least in part ingrained into you by society. If you live in a racially unequal society then some of that passes on into your own attitudes. This is call "internalized prejudice", and it's why some women among the more conservative areas of the US believe that their sexs role is truly as domestic caretakers.

It seems to me in the gay community "it's just the preference" is the dating equivalent of "some of my best friends are black". The idea of preference being innate instead of conditioned tries to remove personal responsibility from what is conscious decision making, i.e. it's just how it is and there's nothing they can do to change it, and thus they don't need to. And, since you can't be born racist, and that they believe they were just born like this, they can't actually be racist themselves.

There's also the varying levels of racism that's all thrown under the same umbrella of "racist". There's the overt kind, where white people are burning down black churches and calling blacks the n-word. But there's also the subtle, insidious kind, where prospective employees with "untraditional" names get passed over for "normal" (read: white christian) names. Where teenagers enthusiastically engage with music from black artists but remain cloistered in their all-white (or all-asian as the case may be across the pond) social bubbles. When people hear "racist", they think of the former. The hate crimes, the trolling, the antagonism.

But I would argue that it's the latter that contributes most to oppression of minorities. No one robs you of opportunity when they yell a slur at your face. It's a moment of sadness and anger that disappears with the next day. It's the systematic prejudice that's really damaging. Children being shunted off to poorer schools, actors missing out on bigger roles, gentrification and white flight. All these things are the real obstacles to creating a multi-cultural society because they suppress the rate of change.

And I see the Grindr phenomenon as just part of that. I don't think it's coincidence blacks are so undesirable among both the gay and the straight dating scene, and that will never change if people just hide behind their "preferences" rather than engage in honest introspection. Because those preferences get passed on. They didn't come from nowhere, and they don't stop at yourself. It's a pattern that keeps repeating as long as you're contributing to it.

Wisdom. Excellent post, Haly.


Gold Member
White supremacy and white privilege are not just "views" a white person holds lmao.
Yado called it that, not me. I just responded in kind. Maybe you should take up your problem with that classification with Yado. You know. lmao or whatever.

Honestly you defining that as racist is whatever to me. Call me a racist, it doesn't really matter because it doesn't have a tangible effect literally anywhere. I'm not hurting white people by not dating them. I'm not ruining their image. I'm not feeding into a "white" stereotype that hurts them day to day. When a gay person excludes poc from their dating pool, it doesn't come from a place of not relating to them. It comes from generalizations and stereotypes that stem from white supremacy.

And for me it's not just about race. I come from a Muslim background, and a pretty conservative orthodox one at that. Everything about myself is difficult to explain to people who aren't in similar circumstances.
The mental gymnastics involved here is incredible. You're basing your decision to not date a demographic of people due to preconceived notions based on their skin color - I'm not defining what you're doing as racist. It IS racist. How harmful it is or isn't to that particular demographic as a whole doesn't change what you're doing. The impact on white people as a demographic is negligible, but it's still wrong.

It's completely fucked up when someone puts "no Asians, no blacks, no fems" and so forth in their Grindr profile. And it is also fucked up when you say shit like "I can never date white people lmao" and then go through some lengthy bullshit diatribe approaching this like I'm somehow the asshole. I'm not the one excluding an entire demographic of people based on skin tone.

I'll say no more on the matter.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Yado called it that, not me. I just responded in kind. Maybe you should take up your problem with that classification with Yado. You know. lmao or whatever.

The mental gymnastics involved here is incredible. You're basing your decision to not date a demographic of people due to preconceived notions based on their skin color - I'm not defining what you're doing as racist. It IS racist. How harmful it is or isn't to that particular demographic as a whole doesn't change what you're doing. The impact on white people as a demographic is negligible, but it's still wrong.

It's completely fucked up when someone puts "no Asians, no blacks, no fems" and so forth in their Grindr profile. And it is also fucked up when you say shit like "I can never date white people lmao" and then go through some lengthy bullshit diatribe approaching this like I'm somehow the asshole. I'm not the one excluding an entire demographic of people based on skin tone.

I'll say no more on the matter.
What's wrong with saying no fems out of curiosity?


irresponsible vagina leak
What's wrong with saying no fems out of curiosity?

Cause you are minimizing the value of a man for him not following what people standards of how a man should act like. Its rooted on our brain that men should be manly and any sign of femininity is seen as weakness so its another problem to deal with.


I personally think putting "No _________________" in your profile is incredibly tacky, and is more likely to make me think you're a very limited, narrow-minded person.

And yes, having "No [insert race here]" is racist. To cut off an entire group of people who can look wildly different from one another based on a man-made construct is inherently racist. This ain't hard.

Especially if you have "No blacks" in your profile, but then turn around and message me with the thought that telling me you're willing to make an exception in my case is somehow a compliment.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Cause you are minimizing the value of a man for him not following what people standards of how a man should act like. Its rooted on our brain that men should be manly and any sign of femininity is seen as weakness so its another problem to deal with.

Misogyny and homophobia wombo-combo.
I'm not sure I can agree with you two on this. It's not unrealistic to think that someone who is attracted to men to not be attracted to someone who acts feminine.


I'm not sure I can agree with you two on this. It's not unrealistic to think that someone who is attracted to men to not be attracted to someone who acts feminine.

You're obfuscating the motivation. Men are men, regardless if they act "feminine" or not. Disparaging a man because he "acts like a woman" in the eyes of the given person isn't the expression of a personal preference, it's textbook prejudice working on multiple axes. "Men that act like women are undesirable." It's no better than disparaging someone for their dialect, cultural rearing, language, or their ethnicity.


I also think it's normal to have a preference for particular traits, the issue is people being jerks about it. There are honestly many masculine traits I find attractive, but that doesn't mean I automatically shut down people based on any kind of "masculinity checklist" or whatever.
Looking for love is hell, is my lesson of the week apparently. Gonna be a sad new year probably but at least I'll be with friends (and wine) during it!


I'm not sure I can agree with you two on this. It's not unrealistic to think that someone who is attracted to men to not be attracted to someone who acts feminine.
A man who identifies as a man, is one no matter how he acts. To tell him he isn't masculine because of conventions you are judging him on is a prejudice, rather than to simply realize it is a man and therefore masculinity is whatever behavior he owns as a man. He is just as much a man as anyone no matter how many times you want to bring up societal conventions.

You don't get to say someone has to act a certain way in their gender, or else they are less of their gender. It's an essential aspect of LGBT+ rights. Society can't tell us we can't marry other men because we are men and that's not how men act.

It's just degrading to put out there that if someone doesn't fit society's homophobic depiction of what a conventionally masculine guy is, don't bother sending a message. You can say that if you want, but it will be saying plenty about you.

And nobody is denying that conditioning means you can't flip switches on what you are attracted to, but you sure as hell can address those causes and conditions by choice and perhaps become more open and sensitive to the people who are hearing your message.
The Gaycation episode about the Deep South has me so conflicted about New Orleans. "Second highest gay population in the country" wow awesome! "Louisiana has the highest rates of new HIV infections" well shit
Isn't Louisiana Republican run, people ain't out there trusting doctor's

What's wrong with saying no fems out of curiosity?
Implies there's a choice to be fem or not. Instead of a personality that fits a label made to fit personality


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Okay, what everyone is saying makes complete logical sense when talking about it on paper. However I don't think it applies to the real world. People like what they like. I don't think it is unrealistic for someone not to want their partner acting in a particular way. Which is why it is probably better if someone clearly says they aren't attracted to someone who acts a particular way.


The men in my family think that guys who wear jeans tight enough to show the shape of their legs and bright colors are feminine.

What makes someone feminine is so freaking subjective that announcing it in your profile doesn't really inform people of your specific preference so much as conjures a caricature in their minds, oh and lends to a perception that you're incredibly judgmental.


Okay, what everyone is saying makes complete logical sense when talking about it on paper. However I don't think it applies to the real world. People like what they like. I don't think it is unrealistic for someone not to want their partner acting in a particular way. Which is why it is probably better if someone clearly says they aren't attracted to someone who acts a particular way.

You've got it backwards― "people like what they like" is an essentialist narrative that only works in a paper world where taste is an immutable, inscrutable, and unchangeable set of characteristics. Does not wash with what we know (that preferences can and do change for a variety of reasons).
a friend from a few years back had a boyfriend who for all tense of purposes no one would call him femme, he was buff, worked on a oil rig, dressed only in jeans and a t-shirt but I've never seen someone as "femme" as he. Mostly because he never talked when out and not comfortable with anyone. He would sometimes talk about the struggle with all these no fem guys hitting him up hard because of his look (mostly a by-product of his job) then get disgusted by his personality. I'm half tempted to login to BookFace foe the first time in years to see what they've been upto but


It's almost as if you have to step out of your white masc bubble and listen to other perspectives!

Yeah, bubble, cute, my Bio reads "35+ no fem please"
Next thing i'm gonna hear is that i'm prejudiced against younger demographics? How do you choose what to be attracted to?

Seriously, i can't, it's insane how different the lgbt communities from other countries are
imagine being introspective

That's too much work tho.

Yeah, bubble, cute, my Bio reads "35+ no fem please"
Next thing i'm gonna hear is that i'm prejudiced against younger demographics? How do you choose what to be attracted to?

Seriously, i can't, it's insane how different the lgbt communities from other countries are

You can't really dictate what you're attracted to but you can at least acknowledge it's a problem and shitty to certain people and try to limit your bluntness about it. Maybe open your mind and stop writing off people who don't fit a certain race or personality type. You don't necessarily have to fuck them, but at least don't be an asshole about it.


That's too much work tho.
You can't really dictate what you're attracted to but you can at least acknowledge it's a problem and shitty to certain people and try to limit your bluntness about it. Maybe open your mind and stop writing off people who don't fit a certain race or personality type. You don't necessarily have to fuck them, but at least don't be an asshole about it.

How am i being an asshole? I'm lookin for a specific kind of guy, that's why i'm there in the first place

It doesn't fuckin mean that i hate everybody else that doesn't fit the damn profile


That's too much work tho.

You can't really dictate what you're attracted to but you can at least acknowledge it's a problem and shitty to certain people and try to limit your bluntness about it. Maybe open your mind and stop writing off people who don't fit a certain race or personality type. You don't necessarily have to fuck them, but at least don't be an asshole about it.

I love your posts!


Decided to give FFXIV a go finally. While I was waiting for the game to finish patching I saw a notice about the "Ceremony of Eternal Bonding" and I was like "oh, marriage, I wonder if they have gay marriage"

So I Googled it and the game does, yay.

But one of the search results came up with this

A thread from 2014, by a player who was banned for expressing their hatred of gay marriage being included, saying that they were banned for "speaking as a Christian"

You might mistake them for sounding almost reasonable until you scroll down and see them saying shit like this:
While it's true that discrimination because of someone's ethnicity or gender, which they can't help, is wrong, sexuality is a choice, just like rape or adultery, and it's no less wrong. Would you give murderers and rapists free reign in the same way you give homosexuals free reign? Not necessarily. People change, and past sins can be forgiven, but when you openly celebrate such a sin, I have a problem with you.
any endorsement of sexual immorality ruins the game for me. The developers should have known better than to allow gay unions in the game. Now I have to put up with this idiocy in both the game and reality instead of just the latter. Of course I spoke up.

And people wonder why I hate religion. Fucking hell.

I just spent a wonderful evening and morning with my boyfriend and then just see shit like that casually posted by a miserable prick who thinks they are somehow better

It's a horrible slap in the face with reality of just how awful some people out there are.
It's shitty but it's just one person, even barring the religious aspect he overall sounds like a person with issues in general to be this upset over a MMO.

You have to be really bothered to go in this much over a feature you can easily ignore and not take part in.


irresponsible vagina leak
Zero²;227297928 said:
I always wanted a boyfriend that plays MMOs with me, life isn't perfect.

I want a bf that watches the same TV shows I watch or at least tolerates them enough to watch with me and plays videogames with me even if he may have a bit of bad taste at times like enjoying Bethesda buggy games and Ubisoft lazy yearly games for example. I think there is nothing odd wanting someone to have similar interests and its quite common from what Ive seen around. Of course you are not looking for a twin and you want them to have their own set of differences to bring interesting conversations or discover things you haven't checked.
XIV has great aesthetics and I enjoy the lore but the combat is what's not doing it for me.

Black Desert hit the right spot for me in terms of combat.
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