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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


So many people in that thread were just making shit posts and totally missing the point.

What was the point? Genuinely asking. I thought her response was fair, if only because she admits it stems from her own insecurities. But like I said in the thread, this type of biphobia seems directed at males most of the time, rarely if ever females.
Yep, probably why it was locked. Sadly it's easier to lock, then to actually post and tell people not to shit post.

It was probably just as annoying to the mod who locked it as it was one big circle jerk of missing the point. It's not exactly about Amber Rose and more so about the fact this is a very common phobia between straights and the gay community so bi men feel left out.

Biphobia isn't discussed enough.

edit whoops just saw your post Bladenic, I think this should answer your question.


What was the point? Genuinely asking. I thought her response was fair, if only because she admits it stems from her own insecurities. But like I said in the thread, this type of biphobia seems directed at males most of the time, rarely if ever females.

That was the whole point of my thread, being a bi guy I get it loads. Now we have a celeb saying the same shit.


It was probably just as annoying to the mod who locked it as it was one big circle jerk of missing the point. It's not exactly about Amber Rose and more so about the fact this is a very common phobia between straights and the gay community so bi men feel left out.

Biphobia isn't discussed enough.

edit whoops just saw your post Bladenic, I think this should answer your question.

True, the mod could have least messaged me the reason why and I would have accepted it. A mod mailed me when they locked another thread of mine.

Ah, I will just get past it.


No idea if they are on Netflix but

Freier Fall - Lifting - Weekend - Prayers for Bobby

I hardly like LGBT movies but those I fuckin loved on top of my head

Hello top of the page, let's get Hardy in here

Yas TOP. Tom get Hard in me. Pls.

Xiao Hu

I've only met only one girl so far who was ok with me being bi. All the others said not so flattering things when I allured to that


I've only met only one girl so far who was ok with me being bi. All the others said not so flattering things when I allured to that

Sorry to hear that.

I've been very fortunate in the support I've received from girls I've dated. But I know that may not always be the case.



IBM have changed their logo, to stand up to the anti LGBT+ bill.


gotta love the immediate jump to race in that thread

"not being attracted to bi guys is like not being attracted to black girls! i'm not racist!!!"

gotta love the immediate jump to race in that thread

"not being attracted to bi guys is like not being attracted to black girls! i'm not racist!!!"


Followed by the tried and true "who cares" (clearly me because I took the time to enter the thread and type this response)


I love bi guys.

I don't understand why people have such silly dumb ideas about bi people, especially among gays. I've heard dumb things like "bi guys can't be trusted" "you're competing against men and women at the same time when dating a bi guy"

Like what....
I love bi guys.

I don't understand why people have such silly dumb ideas about bi people, especially among gays. I've heard dumb things like "bi guys can't be trusted" "you're competing against men and women at the same time when dating a bi guy"

Like what....

I got tired of hearing this shit to the point I just straight up asked one gay guy (who I am no longer friends with) "so where's your excuse for your gay bf who constantly cheats on you?" he shut the hell up real quick.

Bi men are not more likely to cheat than anyone else, being faithful is a morality issue not a sexuality one.


Idk I don't get the greedy thing. Like if someone is bi it isn't a choice so they aren't like making some decision to have attractions to more than one gender? How is it greedy? Are you suggesting bi people were one sexuality but decided to instead have two or more attractions in some sort of strategy? Are you suggesting bi people start controlling their sexuality despite being aware that nobody can make such decisions? And they aren't any different from any other person when in a committed relationship in that anyone in a relationship still is attracted to other people but they simply choose their commitment. Idk the bi bashing never makes any sense.
Idk I don't get the greedy thing. Like if someone is bi it isn't a choice so they aren't like making some decision to have attractions to more than one gender? And they aren't any different from any other person when in a committed relationship in that anyone in a relationship still is attracted to other people but they simply choose their commitment. Idk the bi bashing never makes any sense.

I think they're conflating bisexuality with indiscriminate hypersexuality. The thought itself seems understandable, albeit extremely stupid.


Problematic opinion incoming: So one of my close friends fell really hard for this bi guy he was dating for awhile. But the bi guy left my friend when this girl he was interested in became available. Of course my friend was devastated and the bi guy is a shitty person who immediately chose the familiarity of straightness over what he had with my friend.

I feel like for people with similar backgrounds to mine (Muslim, brown etc.) the overwhelming thought process is to just choose straightness if it's an option for you. I can't do that since I'm fully 100% gay. But it's hard for me to imagine if I end up with someone who is bi with the same background as me who would choose to stay with me. Because our culture just makes it hard to deviate from the norm.

This is a very particular instance though for any other bi person I'm not really thinking this and I don't really care. But if it's a bi person like me? I just have trouble believing they would want to stay with me. I don't know if any of this makes sense I kind of realize it's irrational.


irresponsible vagina leak
Problematic opinion incoming: So one of my close friends fell really hard for this bi guy he was dating for awhile. But the bi guy left my friend when this girl he was interested in became available. Of course my friend was devastated and the bi guy is a shitty person who immediately chose the familiarity of straightness over what he had with my friend.

I feel like for people with similar backgrounds to mine (Muslim, brown etc.) the overwhelming thought process is to just choose straightness if it's an option for you. I can't do that since I'm fully 100% gay. But it's hard for me to imagine if I end up with someone who is bi with the same background as me who would choose to stay with me. Because our culture just makes it hard to deviate from the norm.

This is a very particular instance though for any other bi person I'm not really thinking this and I don't really care. But if it's a bi person like me? I just have trouble believing they would want to stay with me. I don't know if any of this makes sense I kind of realize it's irrational.
A gay person can as well just leave his partner for another guy just because the guy he was eyeing broke up with his partner. Overall reasons might be different but its not a bisexual exclusive thing and shitty people exist with any sexuality.


Problematic opinion incoming: So one of my close friends fell really hard for this bi guy he was dating for awhile. But the bi guy left my friend when this girl he was interested in became available. Of course my friend was devastated and the bi guy is a shitty person who immediately chose the familiarity of straightness over what he had with my friend.

I feel like for people with similar backgrounds to mine (Muslim, brown etc.) the overwhelming thought process is to just choose straightness if it's an option for you. I can't do that since I'm fully 100% gay. But it's hard for me to imagine if I end up with someone who is bi with the same background as me who would choose to stay with me. Because our culture just makes it hard to deviate from the norm.

This is a very particular instance though for any other bi person I'm not really thinking this and I don't really care. But if it's a bi person like me? I just have trouble believing they would want to stay with me. I don't know if any of this makes sense I kind of realize it's irrational.

You can stay with me KmA 😘


A gay person can as well just leave his partner for another guy just because the guy he was eyeing broke up with his partner. Overall reasons might be different but its not a bisexual exclusive thing and shitty people exist with any sexuality.

Yep, any one can cheat on any one. Just because I am bi doesn't mean I am more likely to cheat. I have never cheated and never will.


Hunky Nostradamus
13 years, 2 months, 1 day after the release of Beyond Good and Evil, we're finally gonna get an official announcement of a sequel (if that rumor is true - if it's not i will rage)

6 days until we know for sure~


13 years, 2 months, 1 day after the release of Beyond Good and Evil, we're finally gonna get an official announcement of a sequel (if that rumor is true - if it's not i will rage)

6 days until we know for sure~

It'll be trash like all his ray man games. Not getting hyped.
Problematic opinion incoming: So one of my close friends fell really hard for this bi guy he was dating for awhile. But the bi guy left my friend when this girl he was interested in became available. Of course my friend was devastated and the bi guy is a shitty person who immediately chose the familiarity of straightness over what he had with my friend.

I feel like for people with similar backgrounds to mine (Muslim, brown etc.) the overwhelming thought process is to just choose straightness if it's an option for you. I can't do that since I'm fully 100% gay. But it's hard for me to imagine if I end up with someone who is bi with the same background as me who would choose to stay with me. Because our culture just makes it hard to deviate from the norm.

This is a very particular instance though for any other bi person I'm not really thinking this and I don't really care. But if it's a bi person like me? I just have trouble believing they would want to stay with me. I don't know if any of this makes sense I kind of realize it's irrational.

Kant said that we can view the actions of people in two ways. One of those is like a sort of determinism, where we try to anticipate people acting 'predictably' in certain situations, due to what we know about them or people in general. This is essentially the attitude of the social sciences, or even psychology or biology in general. The other perspective we take is the perspective of freedom, or the capacity to make autonomous decisions, which is basically the perspective of ethics.

Both of these perspectives are valid and useful, but they're also contradictory, which means we can't really reconcile them and instead we have to be able to switch between lenses when the situation calls for it.

I think it's reasonable to say that the path of least resistance is really powerful. I mean the fact that gay people still end up in straight marriages should be a testament to that. I think the objection would just be that you have to treat people as individuals capable of making decisions for themselves, and not a foregone conclusion (though I don't think you are here).


Problematic opinion incoming: So one of my close friends fell really hard for this bi guy he was dating for awhile. But the bi guy left my friend when this girl he was interested in became available. Of course my friend was devastated and the bi guy is a shitty person who immediately chose the familiarity of straightness over what he had with my friend.

I feel like for people with similar backgrounds to mine (Muslim, brown etc.) the overwhelming thought process is to just choose straightness if it's an option for you. I can't do that since I'm fully 100% gay. But it's hard for me to imagine if I end up with someone who is bi with the same background as me who would choose to stay with me. Because our culture just makes it hard to deviate from the norm.

This is a very particular instance though for any other bi person I'm not really thinking this and I don't really care. But if it's a bi person like me? I just have trouble believing they would want to stay with me. I don't know if any of this makes sense I kind of realize it's irrational.

I think I get what you're saying - since bi guys have a choice between genders, if it's sufficiently hard for them to be with someone of the same gender (culturally or due to family, coworkers, or whatever), might they not tend to go with a girl instead, just to make things easier? I'm sure that happens plenty.

I mean, as a bi-guy who's got a preference toward women and has never actually dated a guy (I've only been in long relationships, and the chance just hasn't come up), I've got the potential of entering the dating market again soon and part of me says 'just stick to women and keep it simple!' out of anxiety/fear - and I'm a white guy in Canada with a non-religious family! I'm sure there must be a lot of bi guys who it's harder for who just avoid that side of themselves completely.


Kant said that we can view the actions of people in two ways. One of those is like a sort of determinism, where we try to anticipate people acting 'predictably' in certain situations, due to what we know about them or people in general. This is essentially the attitude of the social sciences, or even psychology or biology in general. The other perspective we take is the perspective of freedom, or the capacity to make autonomous decisions, which is basically the perspective of ethics.

Both of these perspectives are valid and useful, but they're also contradictory, which means we can't really reconcile them and instead we have to be able to switch between lenses when the situation calls for it.

I think it's reasonable to say that the path of least resistance is really powerful. I mean the fact that gay people still end up in straight marriages should be a testament to that. I think the objection would just be that you have to treat people as individuals capable of making decisions for themselves, and not a foregone conclusion (though I don't think you are here).

😩😩😩 my face when I realize ur way out of my league and my e crush will go unrequited 😩😩😩
😩😩😩 my face when I realize ur way out of my league and my e crush will go unrequited 😩😩😩

I really don't think that's true. I'm kind of a surly unmotivated malcontent irl, being able to chose my words and tone over text does me a lot of favours.

I appreciate it, though, I was feeling a little down today and this really cheered me up.


lol... yeahokay.gif

Looks aren't everything, we all get old and wrinkled. I would rather be with a person that I like etc, then a person who is stunning and I don't get on with. Even people that are more well spoked (brainy) don't always get with people their equals.


I really don't think that's true. I'm kind of a surly unmotivated malcontent irl, being able to chose my words and tone over text does me a lot of favours.

I appreciate it, though, I was feeling a little down today and this really cheered me up.

this is kinda my type tbqfh :*

Sorry you were havin a down day tho. I feel you. I was like that for most of last week. Just gotta remind myself that it comes in waves.
Looks aren't everything, we all get old and wrinkled. I would rather be with a person that I like etc, then a person who is stunning and I don't get on with. Even people that are more well spoked (brainy) don't always get with people their equals.

Looks aren't everything. That doesn't make them unimportant, especially at certain stages of life. You might as well be arguing that sexual compatibility doesn't matter in a relationship because one day you'll both be so old that sex won't really be a thing you do anymore.

You've also set up a false dichotomy.


Looks aren't everything. That doesn't make them unimportant, especially at certain stages of life. You might as well be arguing that sexual compatibility doesn't matter in a relationship because one day you'll both be so old that sex won't really be a thing you do anymore.

You've also set up a false dichotomy.

Use small words man, I am dyslexic :p I just don't see looks as all that important. Obviously we all have looks we prefer, but for me that isn't a league.
this is kinda my type tbqfh :*

Sorry you were havin a down day tho. I feel you. I was like that for most of last week. Just gotta remind myself that it comes in waves.

You're crazy :p

Thanks. It's sort of been a few days, it really does come in waves. Sometimes I think the thing that annoys me most is when you know you could do something consctructive to make yourself feel better, but it seems like too much effort so you just don't do it lol.

Astral Dog

What do you think about Heterosexuality being related to family diagrams/trees? They do talk me alot about a " burden" being related to a distant uncle or past generations,i find that a bit strange even when it makes sense in pdychology but i can't quite figure out why its so important to know the family past on those things.
Use small words man, I am dyslexic :p I just don't see looks as all that important. Obviously we all have looks we prefer, but for me that isn't a league.

"For me" is the key term there. I don't think you can argue that leagues aren't generally a thing in society.

What do you think about Heterosexuality being related to family diagrams/trees? They do talk me alot about a " burden" being related to a distant uncle or past generations,i find that a bit strange even when it makes sense in pdychology but i can't quite figure out why its so important to know the family past on those things.

I literally dont know what you're trying to say here. Are you asking if homosexuality is genetic in nature?


What do you think about Heterosexuality being related to family diagrams/trees? They do talk me alot about a " burden" being related to a distant uncle or past generations,i find that a bit strange even when it makes sense in pdychology but i can't quite figure out why its so important to know the family past on those things.
Can you rephrase this? While it sounds interesting, I don't get what you mean. Genetics? Or just like knowing your ancestors? Don't understand.

Astral Dog

"For me" is the key term there. I don't think you can argue that leagues aren't generally a thing in society.

I literally dont know what you're trying to say here. Are you asking if homosexuality is genetic in nature?
I wish i knew :S

like we have been discussing if its hereditar,or related to previous family relationships like a different or problematic uncle, i don't believe the genetic or psychological relationships of the extended family have much if any to do if one member turns Gay or not.

Think i explained better :•)
I wish i knew :S

like we have been discussing if its hereditar,or related to previous family relationships like a different or problematic uncle, i don't believe the genetic or psychological relationships of the extended family have much if any to do if one member turns Gay or not.

Think i explained better :•)

I'm still not quite understanding though. Hereditary OR related to a previous family relationship?

So you're asking if it is genetic, or if gay people got like weirded out by an Uncle and were turned gay?

Astral Dog

I'm still not quite understanding though. Hereditary OR related to a previous family relationship?

So you're asking if it is genetic, or if gay people got like weirded out by an Uncle and were turned gay?
whay They told is that somehow im different (subconcious) like an uncle who could have been Gay and was ostracized (?)or looked down From the family in past generations.

Something like that. Very common in family trees wich why i have to do one.

Maybe similar to how alcoholism is seen as "hereditary" ?
whay They told is that somehow im different (subconcious) like an uncle who could have been Gay and was ostracized (?)or looked down From the family in past generations.

Idk bro.


Yes, homosexuality is very likely genetic at least in part. But like... why the comparison to alcoholism? Idk I hope they arent bringing it up as a negative trait.
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