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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

Talking about booking PAX with friends got me thinking that I've never once considered going to GaymerX, and I have no idea why. Is it a good con?


My first night shift is Monday . So I have lil over 48 hours to rearrange my life. I'm so nervous and excited.


Imagine you have a big dumb computer with all the computer stuff built that politely teases you error code 0xc00000d.

My first night shift is Monday . So I have lil over 48 hours to rearrange my life. I'm so nervous and excited.

What's the job?


The LGBTQ panel here at MAGFest was full af at some point. Tons of people trying to get in, we ended up moving into another bigger room halfway into the panel, lol.

Loved seeing so many people coming in, even if it's just for support. <3

There's supposed to be another later tonight.

Oh yeah, I turn 31 today!

Happy Birthday!

Gong Yoo?

WaiT, how did I miss this? Big was horrible and I dropped that one, but this one seems way more interesting. I'll have to check it out as soon as I finish other shows.
One of the main guys was the lead in the infamous "Coffee Prince"
Goblin has 11 episodes out not sure how many total of will have


Just had the weirdest "I want to fuck you" chat up line ever. :/

" can you get me a yumyum from Greggs, so I can lick the icing off yours"



It's always a great feeling when you spend weeks studying slides for a massive exam then realize a week before that the slides you have are outdated and the university website somehow never gave you access to the new ones.

Also studying STDs is always so fucking depressing. Most of the time you'll see "This particular disease is seeing a major rise in recent years, mostly from younger MSM populations".


irresponsible vagina leak


Was just flicking through TV stations and saw a horror movie on. They had the LGBT+ flag and even had a few LGBT+ characters, Sadly they didn't last long... But not before his bigot dad died. So that's something I guess.


It's always a great feeling when you spend weeks studying slides for a massive exam then realize a week before that the slides you have are outdated and the university website somehow never gave you access to the new ones.

Also studying STDs is always so fucking depressing. Most of the time you'll see "This particular disease is seeing a major rise in recent years, mostly from younger MSM populations".

Ugh, my infectology teacher was homophobic and always called MSM "chotitos" (it's the f word where I live) and mentioned that in every damn class.
What the fuck. Every dude I severely crush on is either straight, 8+ years older than me, or already in a committed monogamous relationship. And sometimes a combination of the three.


I think the biggest age difference was like 11 years? When I was 21 I think. It was fun, but dating would be weird probably.
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