Same and all I've done today is make potato chips in the microwave and marathon The Golden Girls
Same and all I've done today is make potato chips in the microwave and marathon The Golden Girls
That's enough tho.
Gotta help with the chicken wing stew and white rice.
Wait. isn't it tomorrow?Only a few more hours until the Switch conference. I can't wait to be ultimately disappointed. (but at least it can't be worse than the Wii U reveal and the following E3 conference... I hope)
Two streams, main one is live from Japan tonight at 11 PM EST and Treehouse is doing one tomorrow at 9:30 AM EST.Wait. isn't it tomorrow?
Leave something for tomorrow.
There should be some for tomorrow but most likely my brother will take em for work.
Anyhow Im ready for Switch. Either way a good presentation or a mess I'll get fun out of it.
Why doesn't renowned hottie Bladenic have a real pic up?
Still not really sure about that thing. Mini-controllers are useless for me. But the screen is bigger and I do like MH. So I will possibly maybe get one if I have the money for it.I'm prepared to be disappointed by Switch
I will if you do boo
Still not really sure about that thing. Mini-controllers are useless for me. But the screen is bigger and I do like MH. So I will possibly maybe get one if I have the money for it.
At least we get something great this year with ME:Andromeda. I'm looking forward to playing that. :3
Still not really sure about that thing. Mini-controllers are useless for me. But the screen is bigger and I do like MH. So I will possibly maybe get one if I have the money for it.
At least we get something great this year with ME:Andromeda. I'm looking forward to playing that. :3
Still not really sure about that thing. Mini-controllers are useless for me. But the screen is bigger and I do like MH. So I will possibly maybe get one if I have the money for it.
At least we get something great this year with ME:Andromeda. I'm looking forward to playing that. :3
But this is hardly a new problem. Throughout cinematic history, queer people werent just punchlines they represented an unspoken evil. In films like Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho or John Hustons The Maltese Falcon, the assumed queer leanings of their effeminate villains stands in for the other. Dr Robert Elliott, a Hitchcock-esque trans killer played by Michael Caine in Brian de Palmas 1980 film Dressed to Kill, was one of the first films followed by Silence of the Lambs to be protested by LGBT groups for its representation of queer people.
What I hope for is a decent launch lineup which according to rumors should be achievable.
The Queen
I've literally watched this Tinashe video 7000 times it is so good I'm gonna learn this choreo one day she looks so damn good I can't deal with it.
Fiddler is soooo good. Not a huge fan of Phantom or Les Mis. Consider supporting your local community theater for cheap! Community theaters LOVE to do Fiddler.
Happy Birthday!!
The Switch seems like another gross miscalculation of the market ala the Wii U. If it's not $199 or less, it's going to bomb hard. I can't imagine watching the event and not coming away feeling underwhelmed by it.
hype AF for Beyond Good and Evil 2 though - my most anticipated game ever
What are the rumors?
Hated this song at first, but it grew on me, and especially after seeing the video.
(the mixtape is excellent)
Okay. You go first, boo. 😉LMAO
I will if you do boo
I don't understand any of this postHow the fuck do you make microwave chips?
How the fuck do you make microwave chips?
How the fuck do you make microwave chips?
My friend who operates the McD drive thru (yes the McD drive thru operator who has become a friend) said she likes my tunic??? It's just a button up shirt unless I don't understand what a tunic is?
Why doesn't renowned hottie Bladenic have a real pic up?
I think it will be. After playing through DAI many times and especially after playing the DLC I am sure it will be fantastic if they take some notes from it.^ Isn't a tunic a slightly longer shirt? (usually without buttons though).
Nintendo is such a weirdly conservative company at times, it's almost unimaginable that they do everything right. Their absolute refusal to have a decent online infrastructure is baffling to me (like I'm assuming some people there are monitoring their competition...), and I expect the Switch to show barely any improvement in that regard.
What I hope for is a decent launch lineup which according to rumors should be achievable. No 3DS/Wii U situation again this time... Can you believe the 3DS launched without an online store?
That's incredibly optimistic(I really wish the new ME is good)
I just hope they don't have any children in it. After playing ME3 I started to dislike children.Same here! I just hope it lives up to the hype.
That's the only good thing I can say that comes with only working a part-time job, more time for whatever you want to do. I suppose you can make time for it still on the weekends though or take some time off for it.I'm pretty hyped, but I just need to find the time for it somehow.
Full time jobs 😩
This crush is literally going to kill me. I can't even look at this dude at work without getting a bit stiff.
I remember my first boyfriend, I would get hard just texting or talking on the phone. And not sex talk, just regular conversation. I'm not sure that that's been replicated since TBH.
So yeah you must really be crushing hard. Is he straight?
one of my friends is the type that goes on about how much he hates feminine guys but ends up trying to get with the straight leftovers all our gal pals don't want. it kinda boggles the mind
one of my friends is the type that goes on about how much he hates feminine guys but ends up trying to get with the straight leftovers all our gal pals don't want. it kinda boggles the mind
Huh? Don't see how him not being into fem guys makes him picking up "leftovers" from your friends questionable. How are those two things even related?
Just cause he's fem doesn't have to mean he likes that in others as well. Some look for something close to home, similar. Others look for opposites. We humans are a strange bunch, and quite complex.i probably should have mentioned he is the most stereotypically fem person in our group
Just cause he's fem doesn't have to mean he likes that in others as well. Some look for something close to home, similar. Others look for opposites. We humans are a strange bunch, and quite complex.
I think that's harmless, nothing worrying about that compared to skin color "preferences".
(Trying to get into straight guys jeans is stupid tho, just saying. But you can't stop those poor fools from trying.)
Just cause he's fem doesn't have to mean he likes that in others as well. Some look for something close to home, similar. Others look for opposites. We humans are a strange bunch, and quite complex.
I think that's harmless, nothing worrying about that compared to skin color "preferences"
Buy Simple and Clean (Ray of Hope Mix) on iTunes today.
Even if you are right about him, I'd say you needn't think about it. It's his life, and you are better off not wasting your time trying to make him see how he manipulates himself. If he wants help with that he'll come around himself and ask for it.he doesn't have to like it, but he actively dislikes people who embody that particular stereotype so i hold it at a different distinction i guess? i only mention it, at the risk of sounding problematic, because he's probably the closest thing to being a poster boy for a typical gay guy, and he expends most of his efforts trying to get with someone who have absolutely no interest in him and actively shuns the people he has somewhat of a chance with, ya know?
Toxic masculinity, and the further devaluing of feminine traits are still pretty harmful attitudes.
"Hates feminine guys" sounds quite a bit more than a simple refusal to date.