I absolutely understand you and have personally been in this situation for at least a few days now. Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions. What helps me a bit is to lean on other people to give me something to do: doing favors for friends, hanging out, playing games together online, etc. Those actions don't eliminate it, but it at least gives me a feeling of productivity.
I have those moments too, luckily doing something like playing video games helps to take my mind off of things. It sucks having almost no friends and not being able to rely on them when I'm feeling down though and sometimes gaming just won't do it either. I can only keep my feelings to myself in these circumstances until they hopefully subside.
Yeah. Or maybe not dead inside/straight anhedonia but I'll be lamenting basically everything.
And I'm not content to just wait for this stuff to pass, either. It happens with enough regularity that just waiting for the cycle to run its course is actually impractical, and not just inconvenient.
Yeah, it's just hard to get going on anything. It's like there's this life-sapping presence around that pulls me down and away from anything productive, fun, you name it. It's omnipresent now.
Me for the past six months. I get it. It's hard. I'm in the "I'll never be happy and loved" mindset constantly.
But hey, at least we can miserable together
same ugh, that's like every day for me
We'll make it. It's just something we're going to work through. And we will be all the stronger for having gone through it.
Zero²;229156339 said:
You all really need some antidepressants haha
I spent all teenage years thinking love is just a bother and unnecessary, and then it hit me like a truck and now I'm mad I love. Guess life really is unpredictable!
I'm on two different medications and seeing three different specialists for various issues. It's not always as easy as popping a pill and going about your day. Antidepressants don't make you "happy" like people think. They just take away the extremes so that your moods aren't (as) crippling.
You havent fucked up anything, people make mistakes and we have the ability to move on from them. Plus, you dont have time to be sad

You have that cute guy from your university to ask out!
Eh, I'm not asking anyone out in my current state anymore. I just am not in a good place by any measure -- emotionally, financially etc.. In fact, those fucking dating apps cause me more stress than they're worth. Every time I get a message, I have to put on this cheery personality and try to engage with people I typically have no things in common with. The guys I've went on dates with have been disappointing. There's always something off -- not physically attracted, not enough matching interests, they don't show any intellectual curiosity etc, they don't kiss properly

P). Maybe I'm just too picky, and/or I'm not in a "relationship place."
Oh, and those are the most "positive" ends of the apps. The other is just getting messages from nasty people or instant, unrequested dick pics.
I've especially been soured on the apps since what happened to Pample. So I'm going to delete them and remove that from my life for a good long while.
But I've had good news! My bestie asked me to be her Best Man at her (lesbian) wedding!