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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

So yeah last night for me... a bit of background first. Talked to a guy on Grindr just over a year and a half ago who just moved in to my area. Only to find he'd actually moved into the house next door. Told me he was in a relationship upfront. Was just looking for new friends up here in the App but his bf doesn't know he's on them and he wouldn't be happy he was. We meet and go round each other's houses the few days after. Tells me he's getting married to his bf in the coming months. He seems canny and we click really well. Says I can come round for drinks and meet his bf sometime.

With work and general keeping ourselves to ourselves we've never really seen each other bar in the odd passing/picking up left parcels. He's invited me round to an odd party, odd night out and bbqs but I've always been busy/unable to.

Earlier last week he texts me asking what my plans were for the weekend. Im free so I ask him his. His husband is going to be away for the day so invited himself round for drinks. Fast forward to Saturday night where he brings a couple of bottles. Conversation is in full flow as were the drinks. We're getting on really well and have things in common, chatting for hours. The drink flows in full force. It's coming up midnight and his husband texts back saying he's back home (ie next door). Guy whose round mine invites his husband to pop round but he's tired and already undressed in bed. At this point I thought he'd probs wanna head back home too. But more drink top ups ensue into the morning. At this point we're wasted. We blast some music on and he gets up to dance. He pecks me on the lips as I get up and boogie with him. A friendly, drunken, seemingly innocent type thing it came across as. Things start to go from quick pecks to tongue action and he starts to strip me and then himself. So we're dancing topless before things starting coming off further down. Trousers get unbuttoned and underwear starts to fall. He backs off upon seeing my boner (before commenting how big I was (I'm not, I'm average but he's very small)) and saying he shouldn't be doing this before swiftly changing his mind and getting more down to it. Dancing becomes bumping and grinding. Then actual sexual messing around happens. Should I be stopping this, yes I should. But we're both drunk, in the zone and he's wanting it (I'm in 2 minds but this is happening in my living room). Next he says he's wanted to fuck me for ages and asks we go upstairs. But this is too far for me actuall full on sex. I don't want to go beyond the messing about stage which I shouldn't even be doing. The marriage playing on my mind throughout. He goes upstairs ready but I don't follow. He comes back and plays around a bit more with me. Again he wants to go upstairs. I kind of want to just throw him out though but don't know how to do it politely. But I again refuse to go upstairs. I leave him for sometime and then go check on him. He's asleep in my bed. It's 3am at this point. I just wanna go to sleep in my bed so I get in. He wakes and he spoons and we play about before he tells me he wants to do this every weekend. Then again he says he shouldn't be doing this. Turns and goes to sleep (all the while he's husbands in bed directly in his house opposite, we're feet away). I'm not getting a wink of sleep and keep one eye open. 5am rolls round and he tries to get up silently. I ask if he's going downstairs and he says he's going to get some water. Before returning and saying he lives next door so should go back to his bed. He leaves. Thanks me for the nice night.

He's texted me today to ask if I'm feeling ok and how rough and fragile he is from the drink. Again thanks me for having him round and was a nice evening from what he recollects. I reply back saying similar. Now I like him, not really sexually but as a friend, other than his personality and face he doesn't do it for me. I want to stay friendly neighbours and not be awkward. So after that text things seem ok with us and no bad vibes of regrets from him.

I don't believe he's in an open relationship from our conversations and trying to hide himself being on apps from his husband. I do feel really bad with where it eventually went. I loved just having drinks and chatting to him. But one thing lead to another (and yes it takes 2 to tango) and well, it happened. I'm not proud of it but I'm not sure I'd have totally backed off in hindsight if we'd have gone and redone the night either. Although if he asked to come round in future, I don't think I'd want to meet up one on one like that again knowing where it'd probably go again. :/

So yeah. Definitely a night I won't forget any time soon. It was weird, surreal, totally wrong and completely naughty.

1. Using Grindr to find "just friends"
2. Tells you his bf doesn't know he's on apps.
3. Drunken kisses as "just friendly innocent type stuff"

Dude was planning on banging you from the start.


Katana_Strikes, if I were you, I'd just do this the next time that neighbor appears at your door


He'll only bring more drama.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
All this political news has me feeling like Season 2 Arnold of Please Like Me.


1. Using Grindr to find "just friends"
2. Tells you his bf doesn't know he's on apps.
3. Drunken kisses as "just friendly innocent type stuff"

Dude was planning on banging you from the start.

I'm not sure if he was planning it from the start, but my interpretation of the story is that the neighbor was in denial of his desire to sleep with other men. Like, gets on apps convincing himself he just wants friends (while not coming to terms with the fact that he thinks it's important enough for him to damage the trust of his relationship) and then is able to keep up that act for a significant amount of time until one day it breaks. Just an outsider's view, but it sounds to me like the neighbor isn't being honest with himself.
In retrospect maybe that was his mission. I'll never know truly. Get us drunk, said he'd always wanted to do me but that never, ever came across when we we're chatting, no flirting or touching. And I wasn't giving him any signals or trying too. Until the drink completely hit and it's either that talking or true feelings are coming out. It did all happen very fast in the end. Like almost out of nowhere and completely unexpected to come on to me. When he's invited me other times for stuff, it's always been when his husband would be about. Certainly it was never a thought something even close was ever going to happen that night. But for whatever reason it did.


I apologize, I don't want to distract from this weird story, :p but here's an introduction:

Your gender?
Your sexual identity?
Your sexual orientation?
Where Are You From?
Central Texas
Where Do You Live?
Central Texas
How Old Are you?
Favorite Type of Music?
..........I mostly listen to soundtracks
Profession or Career interest?
Right now I'm a college student studying every aspect of the 3D animation process
Favorite video game(s)?
The Metroid series, Fire Emblem series, Ace Attorney series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Digital Painting, watching Movies/Shows

I've been repressing myself and got the advice that it might be good to do an introduction here. I'd call myself questioning but I've honestly known for a long time now and just didn't want to accept/deal with it :/ Seems like a shitty time to do this with Trump in office but I need to be honest with myself and others. I already feel so much more comfortable in my own skin now that I've accepted it.

I don't know if I'll have much to add to the discussions so I'll probably just lurk. All I really do during the semester is school work :/


Hunky Nostradamus
I've been repressing myself and got the advice that it might be good to do an introduction here. I'd call myself questioning but I've honestly known for a long time now and just didn't want to accept/deal with it :/ Seems like a shitty time to do this with Trump in office but I need to be honest with myself and others. I already feel so much more comfortable in my own skin now that I've accepted it.

yas gurl now get on grindr and get some DICK
Favorite Type of Music?
..........I mostly listen to soundtracks
Profession or Career interest?
Right now I'm a college student studying every aspect of the 3D animation process
Favorite video game(s)?
The Metroid series, Fire Emblem series, Ace Attorney series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Digital Painting, watching Movies/Shows

I've been repressing myself and got the advice that it might be good to do an introduction here. I'd call myself questioning but I've honestly known for a long time now and just didn't want to accept/deal with it :/ Seems like a shitty time to do this with Trump in office but I need to be honest with myself and others. I already feel so much more comfortable in my own skin now that I've accepted it.

I don't know if I'll have much to add to the discussions so I'll probably just lurk. All I really do during the semester is school work :/
Hey, congrats on finally starting to accept yourself. I hope the road forward gets easier for you.

Soundtracks are my favorite as well! For video games, mostly. Lots of good stuff to experience, though I tend to favor battle themes just to give me something to energize my mind with. Although, anything that sounds good will do, not just battle themes. My playlist is pretty varied.

I was a little disappointed with Spirit of Justice, but I'm also a huge AA fan. I've been disappointed with FE since Awakening, but I'm looking forward to Echoes.
Making anonymous sex part of our identity was the biggest mistake the culture ever made.

You don't need to go get a quick fuck from some skeevo on Grindr to be gay
I do want to say that there's nothing wrong with casual hookups*

But it just annoys me that that's the response when someone comes out. "Go out and be wild!" As if there's some need to catch up and add as many notches to your belt as you can in a short time.

*though gay men have significantly higher STD rates than straight men or women, and I can't imagine that casual hookups don't play a massive role in that


^ Welcome!


yas gurl now get on grindr and get some DICK

lol, thanks, but I'm not that kind of guy... but maybe in the future. You never know. ;P

Hey, congrats on finally starting to accept yourself. I hope the road forward gets easier for you.

Soundtracks are my favorite as well! For video games, mostly. Lots of good stuff to experience, though I tend to favor battle themes just to give me something to energize my mind with. Although, anything that sounds good will do, not just battle themes. My playlist is pretty varied.

I was a little disappointed with Spirit of Justice, but I'm also a huge AA fan. I've been disappointed with FE since Awakening, but I'm looking forward to Echoes.

Yeah, me too! I love listening to video game soundtracks. I listen to a variety but I especially like listening to looped stage themes or, like, a dungeon theme. They're perfect for getting into a rhythm when I really have to focus on the work I'm doing.

I've only just recently gotten a 3ds so I'm not quite caught up with those series yet, but I've played every previous game. The only one I've beaten so far is Awakening and I felt the same way. They're just wasn't enough variety and I felt hard mode wasn't balanced all that well. I'm so excited for Echoes just because I didn't expect another FE game on 3ds. :D


Katana_Strikes, if I were you, I'd just do this the next time that neighbor appears at your door


He'll only bring more drama.
This is correct, I can attest nothing good will ever come from trying to stay friends with your neighbor. Just stay friendly away. I've been in a somewhat similar situation so I know the drama that will ensue.


Ok not to make everything about me but I'm really proud of myself and I've literally been posting this everywhere lmao


Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Ok not to make everything about me but I'm really proud of myself and I've literally been posting this everywhere lmao


Nicely done! Back layouts are so fun! :) If this is your first time completing that pass, that's a really big step! Congrats! Any plans to try adding a full (twist) to that layout?

I apologize, I don't want to distract from this weird story, :p but here's an introduction:

Your gender?
Your sexual identity?
Your sexual orientation?
Where Are You From?
Central Texas
Where Do You Live?
Central Texas
How Old Are you?
Favorite Type of Music?
..........I mostly listen to soundtracks
Profession or Career interest?
Right now I'm a college student studying every aspect of the 3D animation process
Favorite video game(s)?
The Metroid series, Fire Emblem series, Ace Attorney series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Digital Painting, watching Movies/Shows

I've been repressing myself and got the advice that it might be good to do an introduction here. I'd call myself questioning but I've honestly known for a long time now and just didn't want to accept/deal with it :/ Seems like a shitty time to do this with Trump in office but I need to be honest with myself and others. I already feel so much more comfortable in my own skin now that I've accepted it.

I don't know if I'll have much to add to the discussions so I'll probably just lurk. All I really do during the semester is school work :/

Welcome! We have some overlap in our favorite franchises and music. I wish I were a better visual artist, so I'm jealous of your studies and hobby. Do you have a favorite soundtrack?
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