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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


I can't tell if im asexual or just weird lol. I want to try a romantic relationship to make sure but wouldn't be weird to tell someone "Can I use you as a dating test subject? We can date...but there will probably be little to no kissing/sex"?

i feel the same, except i know that i have a big need to feel like my partner cares about me and i think them being open to affection (generally not sexual, more like cuddling) would be real important. but i dont really ever look forward to having sex with anybody thus far in life, i kinda want to just have someone to go out and do things with (because i dont do anything on my own) and feel comfortable doing my own thing around. it's complicated!


Hunky Nostradamus
What is chewing gum about?

a 20 something girl in the UK who lives with her fanatically religious mother and sister. shes really horny and wants sex, but her boyfriend (of like 10 years) wont have sex with her because he is also super religious (and also secretly gay lol. he has posters of shirtless Jesus and Tom Daley on his wall), so she dumps him and finds a new boyfriend in the form of an underachieving aspiring "poet" who lives with his weird mom. she's completely clueless about sex though - cue all sorts of hilarity.

its very silly and over the top, but fun




a 20 something girl in the UK who lives with her fanatically religious mother and sister. shes really horny and wants sex, but her boyfriend (of like 10 years) wont have sex with her because he is also super religious (and also secretly gay lol. he has posters of shirtless Jesus and Tom Daley on his wall), so she dumps him and finds a new boyfriend in the form of an underachieving aspiring "poet" who lives with his weird mom. she's completely clueless about sex though - cue all sorts of hilarity.

its very silly and over the top, but fun



This looks like Brandy dbdcsxdrff screaming


a 20 something girl in the UK who lives with her fanatically religious mother and sister. shes really horny and wants sex, but her boyfriend (of like 10 years) wont have sex with her because he is also super religious (and also secretly gay lol. he has posters of shirtless Jesus and Tom Daley on his wall), so she dumps him and finds a new boyfriend in the form of an underachieving aspiring "poet" who lives with his weird mom. she's completely clueless about sex though - cue all sorts of hilarity.

its very silly and over the top, but fun



Sounds interesting. I don't think this show is safe for work?

You put a gum in your moth and your start hitting it with your own teeth until you're bored of it

What if you never get bored?


My best friend recommended Chewing Gum to me but I don't trust his opinion when it comes to entertainment. She was great in Black Mirror though.


When ever I see "religious freedoms" I see fuck the LGBT+ community and their rights.

Don't even get me started on that trash. Abhorrent. Shit like that term makes me wanna get violent.

I bet the Demotrash won't fight this Supreme Court at all. Literally Scalia 2.0
Thing is if they stop this nomination we risk an even worse option. They won't be able to block every nomination, as much as I would love that. I honestly don't know what they should do.


How is everyone tonight? Having some drinks but it isn't lifting my spirits like I hoped it would.

Other than Trump stuff I have a lot of schoolwork to do. Gonna have a few late nights and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. It's hard to stay motivated like this.
I finished Berseria and should play again but the power of meh stops me from doing stuff.
I have a backlog including Bayonetta 2. I just should force myself to do it.

Other than Trump stuff I have a lot of schoolwork to do. Gonna have a few late nights and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. It's hard to stay motivated like this.
I have two degrees and finally paid off my loan and should be looking for work in my field. I stopped looking originally because of the loan and jobs requiring years of experience. Going to have to get an unpaid internship...


My best friend recommended Chewing Gum to me but I don't trust his opinion when it comes to entertainment. She was great in Black Mirror though.

Stopped after two episodes recently and started Curb your Enthusiasm instead. Not 'bad' (the lead is great), but wasn't for me. Channel 4 can be hit and miss with their shows tbh
Zero²;229478415 said:
I started Ocarina of Time since I've actually never played it before, such a amazing game! I'm already on dodongo's cave.

I've played OoT once every year since it came out. Great game. Haven't played it yet this year. Probably the most owned game I own since I have it on N64, GCN, Wii, 3ds, and WiiU.
How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

I'm not American, but there was a quotation in the Hannah Arendt thread:

When I wrote my Eichmann in Jerusalem one of my main intentions was to destroy the legend of the
greatness of evil, of the demonic force, to take away from people the admiration they have for the great
evildoers like Richard III.
I found in Brecht the following remark:
The great political criminals must be exposed and exposed especially to laughter. They are not great
political criminals, but people who permitted great political crimes, which is something entirely
different. The failure of his enterprises does not indicate that Hitler was an idiot.
Now, that Hitler was an idiot was of course a prejudice of the whole opposition to Hitler prior to his
seizure of power and therefore a great many books tried then to justify him and to make him a great man.
So, Brecht says, “The fact that he failed did not indicate that Hitler was an idiot and the extent of his
enterprises does not make him a great man.” It is neither the one nor the other: this whole category of
greatness has no application.
“If the ruling classes,” he goes on, “permit a small crook to become a great crook, he is not entitled to a
privileged position in our view of history. That is, the fact that he becomes a great crook and that what he
does has great consequences does not add to his stature.” And generally speaking he then says in these
very abrupt remarks: “One may say that tragedy deals with the sufferings of mankind in a less serious way
than comedy.” This of course is a shocking statement; I think that at the same time it is entirely true. What
is really necessary is, if you want to keep your integrity under these circumstances, then you can do it only
if you remember your old way of looking at such things and say: “No matter what he does and if he killed
ten million people, he is still a clown.”


How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?
Eventually you realize there's a bit of magic in being different and feeling love for those who still have it harder. There's plenty to be upset with, but there's a lot of bright side to own and learn from.


How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

I try not to think about it.

I also try to think that (or convince myself) that I can make a difference, for as little as it may be, in someone's life.

So I can't give up. Even though I wanted to give up and throw the towel many times.

Just not yet.
How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

Keep yourself educated, surround yourself with people who are uplifting and interested in the liberation of all people in this country ( united states). And get yourself into the arts, if not a participant, an observer. And read. Read read read read read. if not literature, fiction, non fiction, academic work anything. stay educated, never stop learning. Its all i can do. All i can say to do.

Edit: I dont belive in the empty turn the cheek and have faith method im sorry. I dont think that works especially speaking for myself. I will and can never pretend things are ok when clearly people are affected. Because if i have to wish that things will eventually be ok that means that people are still suffering. Never be ok with JUST hoping faith will find its way. Look for a call for action as well.


irresponsible vagina leak
How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

Keep yourself up to date with the events (educate yourself) and don't fear because we dont need to go back to live in fear. Also offer support to more people cause as a community we need to do better at giving support.
I try to remember that this world has many good people and that the world needs more good people rather than less. It's kept me going through my entire life. Despite living in a deep blue state I have lived around anti-LGBTQ+ my entire life and it has tested me and my identity. I've met quite a few good people and it keeps me going.


How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

Pills. Like, seriously, I can't remember the last time I cried. :3

Even though I've only accepted it recently, deep down I've known for a long time about my sexuality and always took LGBT issues very personally. It's one of the largest causes of my clinical depression.

I try to practice mindfulness and just focusing on the next thing that needs to be done.


Stopped after two episodes recently and started Curb your Enthusiasm instead. Not 'bad' (the lead is great), but wasn't for me. Channel 4 can be hit and miss with their shows tbh

I need to get back to Curb, was up to like season 5. Prepare to be on the floor laughing TBH


I have a backlog including Bayonetta 2. I just should force myself to do it.

I have two degrees and finally paid off my loan and should be looking for work in my field. I stopped looking originally because of the loan and jobs requiring years of experience. Going to have to get an unpaid internship...
Oh my god get on this.

what are you even waiting for


Eventually you realize there's a bit of magic in being different and feeling love for those who still have it harder. There's plenty to be upset with, but there's a lot of bright side to own and learn from.

Mm sure. I disagree. I'm so thankful of my friends around me. But there is a massive fight ahead of us all. And I'm so thankful that my friends and I can support eachother through this all. We know we are on the right side of history. We just have to fight for it.

Off topic; I have 4 days off work and I'm drunk as heck. Our cats are hiding all the time but i think they'll get accustomed to us soon.
Oh my god get on this.

what are you even waiting for
I actually started playing it when it first came out and I stopped playing it. I just never went back to it and I'm kind of in a gaming funk where nothing catches my attention. I'll go back eventually, hopefully.
How do you guys manage to keep your heads up in light of recent events and the adversity you undeservedly face?

I tell the people in my life whom I love that I love them. Every chance I get.

At the end of the day, no matter what, at least there will be one thing I've done that I won't regret, and if it's all I can do on some days, it's enough. To support and be supported, at times when you feel or know there's a lot against you, is to me one of the biggest things in the world.


I actually started playing it when it first came out and I stopped playing it. I just never went back to it and I'm kind of in a gaming funk where nothing catches my attention. I'll go back eventually, hopefully.
It's such a great ride. Endlessly replayable too. Don't stop until you've collected all the weapons.
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