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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your friend. Have you tried talking to him about how you feel like he's started to ignore you? I mean, if you really care about your friendship with him and would rather not lose him as a friend, I would try to open communication again and see what he says. If you're trying to distance yourself from him due to your feelings, then that might be for the best though. If you're over him, then maybe try to maintain the friendship.

I had a crush on my best friend for quite a while (he's straight). I almost told him once because it was driving me crazy, but I decided against it because... I felt like it would just make things awkward and I had a fear he might act like your friend did. I did act like a complete ass to him for a year or so and tried to distance myself from him as much as I could. I was trying to make those feelings go away, but it just made him feel like shit and like he had done something wrong. I eventually apologized to him for how I was acting and we started hanging out again regularly after that.

Maybe it'll just take some time and you guys are gonna hang out again in a few weeks/months. It's not easy to go back to how things were once such a secret have been revealed. It's not easy for you, but neither is it for him.

Try to see how things are gonna evolve in the next few days and you'll know if it's worth giving it a try or best to forget him altogether.

Stay strong leonidas!

I just miss his friendship more than anything. I hope things will go back to normal as time goes on. It always sucks when you fall for a guy who's straight I:

I am more and more attracted to all these grey foxes (= slim, grey-haired men) out there, you know, guys around 30-40. The attraction to guys my age remains.

Like this?


Or like this?

Out to eat for friend birthday. See cute waiter. Gaydar going off.

Or wishful thinking?

size queen eh? my man

chest is tight cant breath feel real panicky

Try to do some deep breathing.


Wow that Dark Chocolate Truffle Martini sounds like something serious lol 12 year old rum? Does that mean the rum is twelve years old? o:


This Boise State game on ESPN is killing me. The sideline shots.. man oh man.. so many good-looking guys on that team.
(but the blue football field always gives me a headache)
seriously tho danny can the way a person sit affect your breathing

Well, yeah, your posture affects your breathing, if your posture is poor you're more likely to use thoracic breathing. Actually a lot of people don't really have good breathing habits and use shallow/thoracic breathing most of the time.
Well, yeah, your posture affects your breathing, if your posture is poor you're more likely to use thoracic breathing. Actually a lot of people don't really have good breathing habits and use shallow/thoracic breathing most of the time.
I have terrible breathing due to anxiety. Sometimes I don't breath or when. I try to take a deep breath its never complete or full
I have terrible breathing due to anxiety. Sometimes I don't breath or when. I try to take a deep breath its never complete or full

It's strange how deeply breathing and anxiety can get yolked together. I know you can try to retrain breathing habits but I think it can take a bit of work. IIRC a large part of it is just becoming aware of the muscles that are necessary in breathing (the perineum, psoas, and diaphragm), and completely relaxing everything that isn't those, and gradually slowing down and smoothing out all the transitions and stuff, but I've kind of just heard of people doing that.


seriously tho danny can the way a person sit affect your breathing

Yes. Along with your current diet and health. Stress? smoking etc? If you feel that its not those then see a doctor. If breathing is hard and you're having chest pains and feel anxiety then maybe its low blood sugar. it could be numerous things. If its really bad go to the ER watsky.


Hunky Nostradamus
My response was kind of dickish.

i's jus playin bromop you didnt come off as dickish a'tall we coo

I'm not really feeling like myself lately

me too

Yes. Along with your current diet and health. Stress? smoking etc? If you feel that its not those then see a doctor. If breathing is hard and you're having chest pains and feel anxiety then maybe its low blood sugar. it could be numerous things. If its really bad go to the ER watsky.

im ok really thnx for ur concern (︶︹︺)
I think I might have found someone who's even crazier than me. And that's the guy that was "ignoring him"... after about 48 hours since my last text, which went unnoticed, I decided to send one last text. I just thought: if I'm not gonna see him anymore anyway then I might just give it one last shot. That was at 8 PM or something like that.

I get these texts at 1:21 AM:
- Hi kid, how are you?
- You know what? I'd love you to be the perfect boyfriend
- But I'm scared that you're not how I'd want you to be
- And I want to apologize 'cause I didn't save your number and I didn't know how to contact you
- How are you

I reply:
- Then save it!
- I'm here at home, playing videogames.

- Cool
- Won't you say anything about that other thing?

- lol
- I don't know what to say!

- I knew it

I kept writing, stuff like: You don't know how I am and I don't know how you are, I thought we were going to figuring that out along the way. Not another word from him til now. I tried calling him just because I was freaking out, he probably didn't know it was me because I have 2 numbers, I still use my Venezuelan number for whatsapp which is how I text him. He might be sleeping, I don't know.

Now how am I supposed to sleep? His "I knew it" makes me think he believes I meant "I don't want to be your boyfriend" or something like that. Or maybe he's just still playing along. I hope we can talk ASAP and I can just learn what the fuck is on his mind.

EDIT: The text I sent him earlier only said "Hi"

EDIT 2: I know the "I didn't save your number is fishy at it's best. Why would he feel the need to make this all up though?
I have no idea what's going on, so...
I tried calling him just because I was freaking out.
Why are you freaking out? Don't freak out. Stop that.
Now how am I supposed to sleep?
What you do is you get up onto your bed, climb under the covers real good, then lay your head on your pillow. Close your eyes and wait. That's it. Breathe in, breathe out. Ignore all the drama, and ignore the people who cause it.
Not the kind of pool I was expecting. Too much gratuitous assiness.
That seems like a passive aggressive way to say that he doesn't consider you as a "perfect boyfriend" as you are (and that he wishes you'd become one). Ditch ha.
Lol we barely know each other, we just spent like 4 hours making out, etc, which was amazing according to both of us, which led to him telling me that he wanted to know me better, etc. Which hasn't happened because we haven't seen each other since then and just barely talked (his last words before today were "can't wait to see you").
Lol we barely know each other, we just spent like 4 hours making out, etc, which was amazing according to both of us, which led to him telling me that he wanted to know me better, etc. Which hasn't happened because we haven't seen each other since then and just barely talked (his last words before today were "can't wait to see you").
Oh. That's good news, then. At least you know to bail out now before it gets serious.


So last night before I went to sleep there was something I was telling myself I had to do when I woke up. But I've woken up with no idea what it was :(
Not sure about how you'd embellish the rest of the costume, but maybe you can have like a straightened out wire hanger attached to your belt, protruding out in front of you, with cotton balls attached to it, so you'll have a line of white pac man dots sticking out in front of you as you walk. Just dull the end somehow so you don't stab people as you walk. 0_O

First of all, wtf ice-breaker did you have and how on earth did this conversation go?

Secondly, just be up-front with him and lay your cards on the table and then let him know where your feelings stand, and that you're there to help him go at it at his pace since he's just feeling things out.

Get him drunk. Maybe it's "predatory", or maybe you're the rock and beacon that'll facilitate his exploration and self-realization. Of peen love.

Seriously though, just let him know you're there for him not just to experiment and explore, but do it safely and at a level he's comfortable with.

I didn't have a ice breaker, I was drunk and it was SUPER SUPER awkward

I thought I had fucked up really bad when I woke up the next day but luckily it is turning out good :)

The conversation was pretty much -

>flirting, flirting, more flirting
>I'm drunk!
>hey so like tell me about your relationships
>i think im falling for you
>im an idiot
>go home alone and wake up terrified


More like this:

Ian McKellan is a bit too old for my tastes. ��

Gato pls, he was so creepy on The Wire....

Tch, Grizzo, not you too. lol. I'm not interested in men so maybe I don't see the appeal but I just wouldn't be able to separate out himself from his role on that show.
TheCat's (new) tastes have redeemed him!

I thought you were more a fan of young twink-like guys? Haha

And Connor from HTGAWM reminds of me <3

Well, except for the attractiveness.

And the sex scenes.

And the flirting.

And the jerkassery.


Gato pls, he was so creepy on The Wire....

Tch, Grizzo, not you too. lol. I'm not interested in men so maybe I don't see the appeal but I just wouldn't be able to separate out himself from his role on that show.

Haha I don't watch Game Of Thrones so that wouldn't be a problem!

alright, y'all can gang up on me now for admitting I don't watch GoT
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