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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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It's a really heavy show.

Speaking of heavy shows, Rectify's amazing. I'm almost finished with the 2nd season and I love it. The pace is very slow, though (I can see why someone would find it boring), so I guess one has to be in the mood to enjoy the show.
So I have might made the biggest fool of myself. Since I didn't hear anything else after last night from that guy, I wrote again in the morning "I want to see you, I want to kiss you and I want to talk to you". No answer once again. Waited a couple more hours. Then I wrote "You have no clue how confused I feel". No answer again. I also called him a couple of times. Nothing.

So I just wrote this long ass message saying something like: I didn't expect anything else than a good time when I went to your place, after the things you said I wanted to show you I felt the same way. I don't know what happened or if you regret the things you said, but if there's something you'd like to tell me, please do it even if you think it will hurt me, it's better than being ignored."

I tried to say it in the kindest way possible since after all we don't owe any explanations to each other. A couple of minutes after that he called me (for the first time) and he apologized, said once again about how he deleted our conversation without saving my number. That he's been having a terribly busy week with work and family and everything else and that he really wanted to see me again and that he really liked me besides the sex, etc. He'll still be busy for the next week or so but he said he would time to make some time tomorrow.

After he said a few things I was like: It's OK you don't have to explain it all to me, I just didn't know what was going on and I tend to think a lot about stuff.

Maybe I have scared him off but at least I feel good now, I felt really shitty writing to him and just feeling ignored. I think it's understandable that I had doubts about it all when we met through grindr. It seems like we're cool, he could have used it as an scapegoat if he didn't want things to go further. I still feel like a fool, a better kind of fool though :p


So I have might made the biggest fool of myself. Since I didn't hear anything else after last night from that guy, I wrote again in the morning "I want to see you, I want to kiss you and I want to talk to you". No answer once again. Waited a couple more hours. Then I wrote "You have no clue how confused I feel". No answer again. I also called him a couple of times. Nothing.

So I just wrote this long ass message saying something like: I didn't expect anything else than a good time when I went to your place, after the things you said I wanted to show you I felt the same way. I don't know what happened or if you regret the things you said, but if there's something you'd like to tell me, please do it even if you think it will hurt me, it's better than being ignored."

I tried to say it in the kindest way possible since after all we don't owe any explanations to each other. A couple of minutes after that he called me (for the first time) and he apologized, said once again about how he deleted our conversation without saving my number. That he's been having a terribly busy week with work and family and everything else and that he really wanted to see me again and that he really liked me besides the sex, etc. He'll still be busy for the next week or so but he said he would time to make some time tomorrow.

After he said a few things I was like: It's OK you don't have to explain it all to me, I just didn't know what was going on and I tend to think a lot about stuff.

Maybe I have scared him off but at least I feel good now, I felt really shitty writing to him and just feeling ignored. I think it's understandable that I had doubts about it all when we met through grindr. It seems like we're cool, he could have used it as an scapegoat if he didn't want things to go further. I still feel like a fool, a better kind of fool though :p

Please don't fall too hard. I've told people that I've been busy and that I'd make time for them after not getting back to them for awhile, and then not done it because I, frankly, didn't want to meet them again. I'm not saying that's the case here, I'm sure he's a nice dude, but...chill out a bit.

me, personally, if i woke up to a bunch of texts and missed calls after just fucking someone, that's a massive red flag. maybe i'm the outlier here, but i know i'm not the only one who'd feel like that.


So I have might made the biggest fool of myself. Since I didn't hear anything else after last night from that guy, I wrote again in the morning "I want to see you, I want to kiss you and I want to talk to you". No answer once again. Waited a couple more hours. Then I wrote "You have no clue how confused I feel". No answer again. I also called him a couple of times. Nothing.

So I just wrote this long ass message saying something like: I didn't expect anything else than a good time when I went to your place, after the things you said I wanted to show you I felt the same way. I don't know what happened or if you regret the things you said, but if there's something you'd like to tell me, please do it even if you think it will hurt me, it's better than being ignored."

I tried to say it in the kindest way possible since after all we don't owe any explanations to each other. A couple of minutes after that he called me (for the first time) and he apologized, said once again about how he deleted our conversation without saving my number. That he's been having a terribly busy week with work and family and everything else and that he really wanted to see me again and that he really liked me besides the sex, etc. He'll still be busy for the next week or so but he said he would time to make some time tomorrow.

After he said a few things I was like: It's OK you don't have to explain it all to me, I just didn't know what was going on and I tend to think a lot about stuff.

Maybe I have scared him off but at least I feel good now, I felt really shitty writing to him and just feeling ignored. I think it's understandable that I had doubts about it all when we met through grindr. It seems like we're cool, he could have used it as an scapegoat if he didn't want things to go further. I still feel like a fool, a better kind of fool though :p

I'm just going to leave this old post by royalan which is from an old thread. It was about a different guy, but the pressure thing he mentioned applies here as well.


So I have might made the biggest fool of myself. Since I didn't hear anything else after last night from that guy, I wrote again in the morning "I want to see you, I want to kiss you and I want to talk to you". No answer once again. Waited a couple more hours. Then I wrote "You have no clue how confused I feel". No answer again. I also called him a couple of times. Nothing.

So I just wrote this long ass message saying something like: I didn't expect anything else than a good time when I went to your place, after the things you said I wanted to show you I felt the same way. I don't know what happened or if you regret the things you said, but if there's something you'd like to tell me, please do it even if you think it will hurt me, it's better than being ignored."

This is too much. I would be scared away. :/

There are people that can't turn someone down or away. And for your own good and mental health, you can't continue to broach and push the topic. I would be guilted if I was the recipient of your messages.
You guys always raining on my parade :'(

Look I know myself better than anyone. I know I get too excited when I meet a guy I like. He was the one who said he wanted to stick around and that he couldn't wait to see me again. After he "ignored" me for the first time he could have just kept on ignoring me and I wouldn't have written again. He just had to write that weird boyfriend thing last night so I couldn't leave it like that.


This is too much. I would be scared away. :/

There are people that can't turn someone down or away. And for your own good and mental health, you can't continue to broach and push the topic. I would be guilted if I was the recipient of your messages.
Yeah, no offense but this would be a sure way to scare me away, lol.

Also shame on whoever doesn't like coffee. Weirdos!


Speaking of heavy shows, Rectify's amazing. I'm almost finished with the 2nd season and I love it. The pace is very slow, though (I can see why someone would find it boring), so I guess one has to be in the mood to enjoy the show.

Rectify was wayyyy too heavy for me. Just dark, dark stuff. Trying to watch cheerier or lighter stuff these days. Lots of j-dramas!


I'm one of those people that simultaneously wants to be close and at the same time wants to be by himself most of the time. This fellow might be the same

That said, people absolutely need their space. You absolutely can not let your insecurities drive you to push harder or verbally manifest themselves, that's just going to bring those issues to the surface and drive people away.

It's hard, but I know from experience; not having faith that people will like you and not having the self-respect to put those people at a distance when it's clear they're not invested yet tends to drive you to desperation and drive the other party away.

Everyone with an open circulatory system will have to watch out :p

I was imagining irregular drinks as being like heterogeneous mixtures with starchy blobs in them or something.

Hey, I don't let these spiders stay around for nothing!

And I think that's gelatin with corn stuck inside of it.

Afternoon all

You silly west-coaster!

I have joined your ranks so I can't joke. I'm still not used to having nearly everyone be 3 hours later in my schedule.


I'm just going to leave this old post by royalan which is from an old thread. It was about a different guy, but the pressure thing he mentioned applies here as well.

This perfect memory. Sis, I was about to basically post this same thing. Thanks for reminding me that I've already said it.

You guys always raining on my parade :'(

Look I know myself better than anyone. I know I get too excited when I meet a guy I like. He was the one who said he wanted to stick around and that he couldn't wait to see me again. After he "ignored" me for the first time he could have just kept on ignoring me and I wouldn't have written again. He just had to write that weird boyfriend thing last night so I couldn't leave it like that.

It's one thing to know yourself. and another thing entirely to know your flaws and acknowledge them.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, because it won't help you. You are being a creep. Don't expect a response from this guy, and don't expect a LTR from any guy, as long as you continue to be a creep.

The texting non-stop, the demanding responses. The attempts at guilt-trips when you don't get the response that YOU want? It's scaring this guy off. And, sorry, but it would scare MOST PEOPLE off. Because it's creepy.

There. There it is. In plain English. And you can choose to do something about it, and learn how to let things go and not put INCREDIBLE amounts of pressure on EVERYTHING when it comes to men...or you can keep doing the same shit...and wondering why the same shit keeps happening to you in return.
Well, at least I only have to wait until tomorrow. If he doesn't manifest himself I'll just assume I fucked up and move on, just like I thought I would have to before he excused himself.


You guys always raining on my parade :'(

Look I know myself better than anyone. I know I get too excited when I meet a guy I like. He was the one who said he wanted to stick around and that he couldn't wait to see me again. After he "ignored" me for the first time he could have just kept on ignoring me and I wouldn't have written again. He just had to write that weird boyfriend thing last night so I couldn't leave it like that.
Whether or not things work out with this guy, you can use this experience. It sounds like you tend to come on too strong. When someone appears to ignore you or give mixed signals, pull back and leave the situation alone for a day or two. Let things settle. The last thing you want is to give the impression that you're clingy and high strung. It's OK to freak out internally as long as you play it cool.
don't expect a LTR from any guy, as long as you continue to be a creep.

The texting non-stop, the demanding responses. The attempts at guilt-trips when you don't get the response that YOU want? It's scaring this guy off. And, sorry, but it would scare MOST PEOPLE off. Because it's creepy.

Well I had a 5 year relationship that I ended a couple of years ago. Also I didn't "non stop" text this guy. I said hi. two times, on two different days before being "ignored" on which as I said the last thing he told me was he couldn't wait to see me.

I think I'm done with gaygaf for a while, you guys certainly find ways to scare people off from the community. I don't expect to be cheered or liked by people here but I just get mocked on every time I post something.

I might have issues but you're not helping at all. I just thought it would be nice to have a place where I could share my experiences with other guys.
I'm one of those people that simultaneously wants to be close and at the same time wants to be by himself most of the time. This fellow might be the same

That said, people absolutely need their space. You absolutely can not let your insecurities drive you to push harder or verbally manifest themselves, that's just going to bring those issues to the surface and drive people away.

It's hard, but I know from experience; not having faith that people will like you and not having the self-respect to put those people at a distance when it's clear they're not invested yet tends to drive you to desperation and drive the other party away.

Hey, I don't let these spiders stay around for nothing!

And I think that's gelatin with corn stuck inside of it.

You silly west-coaster!

I have joined your ranks so I can't joke. I'm still not used to having nearly everyone be 3 hours later in my schedule.



I might have issues but you're not helping at all. I just thought it would be nice to have a place where I could share my experiences with other guys.

We are all here to help. We all want the best for you, obviously. The way you currently handle meeting guys can be improved and its good that you recognize that. But let situations 'be' you hung out and had fun. He is being kind of a jerk with the BF line, totally rude. But he does not owe you anything, nor you him. I mean you know how to handle the situation to best protect yourself, its hard to but you got to.


Well I had a 5 year relationship that I ended a couple of years ago. Also I didn't "non stop" text this guy. I said hi. two times, on two different days before being "ignored" on which as I said the last thing he told me was he couldn't wait to see me.

I think I'm done with gaygaf for a while, you guys certainly find ways to scare people off from the community. I don't expect to be cheered or like by people here but I just get mocked on every time I post something.

I might have issues but you're not helping at all. I just thought it would be nice to have a place where I could share my experiences with other guys.

Sweetie, don't take it the wrong way.

I stopped posting regularly in this thread years ago. And since then, the rare times I do post in this thread 9 times out of 10 it's in response to one of your posts. Not because I think you're a bad guy, or that I'm trying to mock you. But because you seem like a really good guy who keeps falling into the same pit.

I'm not doubting your capacity to love or be in a relationship, I remember all of your posts about your previous relationship. I'm just trying to help you by giving you my honest advice about your actions and behavior now that you're back in the dating game. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but please understand that it's coming from a good place.

You come on way too strong when you encounter a guy that you feel attachment to. That is really off-putting for a lot of people. And it's one thing to acknowledge that you have this issue (and that it IS an issue) and another thing entirely to take steps to address it.

Stop texting him. Let him come to you. And if he doesn't? Oh well, it wasn't meant to be. But you don't have to ALWAYS put yourself so completely out there. You only end up misrepresenting yourself in the long-term.


how good of a group of people would we be if we just encouraged each other in everything we did

that's not what makes good friends. good friends call you out on your shit so that you can better yourself
You always set your parade route to end plummeting into a chasm.
This made me laugh more than it should have. I'm a terrible person.
Also shame on whoever doesn't like coffee. Weirdos!
What if I like the smell of it? :(
Well I had a 5 year relationship that I ended a couple of years ago. Also I didn't "non stop" text this guy. I said hi. two times, on two different days before being "ignored" on which as I said the last thing he told me was he couldn't wait to see me.

I think I'm done with gaygaf for a while, you guys certainly find ways to scare people off from the community. I don't expect to be cheered or liked by people here but I just get mocked on every time I post something.

I might have issues but you're not helping at all. I just thought it would be nice to have a place where I could share my experiences with other guys.
Hun, we're only being honest with you because we care. I haven't seen anyone mock you in a cruel-intentioned way.

My only advice would be to take some time away from seeing other guys. Give yourself an emotional and mental break. There have been many times where you've posted about flings that convince you that you've found the love of your life, or where you go at a guy a bit too intense. I'm not saying that's your fault, but it only seems to be hurting you. I know what it's like to fall for people really easily.

Give yourself some time to be happy without someone else so you're coming from a good place when you do look for someone. Don't overwork yourself over one little thing that some guy you've barely seen says in one throwaway message when you don't know if he's being serious or not. It's not healthy. For your sake, not anyone else's. If someone ignores you, then he might just be playing you or is not interested -- at that point, you move on. Fixating on him instead will only scare him away and leave you emotionally burned out. I can only speak for myself, but letting myself recover from heartbreak left me a stronger and more independent person in the end. I avoid people who won't be good for me in my life, and have learned to not get too attached too soon. Focus on other pursuits for a while. Eventually, you'll find people worth a damn, and worth any effort you spend on them.


how good of a group of people would we be if we just encouraged each other in everything we did

that's not what makes good friends. good friends call you out on your shit so that you can better yourself

Unrelated but...

Sis, your Tumblr lately?



Well I had a 5 year relationship that I ended a couple of years ago. Also I didn't "non stop" text this guy. I said hi. two times, on two different days before being "ignored" on which as I said the last thing he told me was he couldn't wait to see me.

I think I'm done with gaygaf for a while, you guys certainly find ways to scare people off from the community. I don't expect to be cheered or liked by people here but I just get mocked on every time I post something.

I might have issues but you're not helping at all. I just thought it would be nice to have a place where I could share my experiences with other guys.
The feedback you're getting may be harsh sometimes but it probably comes from a good place, for the most part. We're here to help each other out. Take the advice that makes sense to you, leave the rest.

You seem like a well meaning dude. I hope you stick around.
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