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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Something I came up with.

To Pull a Henchmen21:

"Feeling guilt or remorse at entertaining the idea or feeling of attraction towards men who are younger than yourself"

Just kidding... I only mean this as a joke :p


Okay, I know I'm terrible... I: I would let you punch me in the face if we were to meet in real life.
I'll join the party
Ben Affleck

thats all i gotta say really, or use google to understand
Something I came up with.

To Pull a Henchmen21:

"Feeling guilt or remorse at entertaining the idea or feeling of attraction towards men who are younger than yourself"

Just kidding... I only mean this as a joke :p


Okay, I know I'm terrible... I: I would let you punch me in the face if we were to meet in real life.

I'll join the party

Well now I just feel ganged up on and not in that oh so fun way.


Disclaimer: I'm a bit drunk at the moment.

Ben Affleck

thats all i gotta say really, or use google to understand
Ben is so old, I only just noticed after googling him. He's already daddy material. (Which is not a bad thing)


Hot guy, definitely. :D

Fucking school. Im studying sociology at USC. Only three more semesters left after this one
If I pass my classes that is
School is a drag.
Nah, school is cool. I wish I could do more at the moment to educate myself on stuff that I'm interested in (art) but since I was so dumb I dropped school after I was around 15 for smoking dope and drinking vodka. Yeah, I was a dumb kid back then. It's good that you are visitiving school while you have time for it. And Sociology is an interesting field too, I know someone who learned about it (One of my exes). A really intelligent guy. I hope you get through all the textbook stuff, because the stuff later on should be really cool. You should learn a lot about racism and homophobia and all that stuff too if your prof is one of the good ones.

I made a tumblr!

It's terrible... for now. I'm just going to reblog stuff.


I'm already following some of you guys (if you guys don't mind) :)
Subscribed. What do you think you will do with you tumblr (besides re-blogging stuff? Poetry? Art? Thoughts?


"Why is no one talking about Ben Affleck's ass? He's got a decent pair of vanilla cakes."

A comment I found on gawker I really liked LOL


Eh, I also have a Tumblr. Mostly reposting funny stuff, sexy men and sometimes architecture/design things.


...and in a bit more than a week Ithis semester will be finished. Can't wait ;_;

He sure is a shower. :O

Subscribed to you :)

Disclaimer: I'm a bit drunk at the moment.

Ben is so old, I only just noticed after googling him. He's already daddy material. (Which is not a bad thing)


Hot guy, definitely. :D

Nah, school is cool. I wish I could do more at the moment to educate myself on stuff that I'm interested in (art) but since I was so dumb I dropped school after I was around 15 for smoking dope and drinking vodka. Yeah, I was a dumb kid back then. It's good that you are visitiving school while you have time for it. And Sociology is an interesting field too, I know someone who learned about it (One of my exes). A really intelligent guy. I hope you get through all the textbook stuff, because the stuff later on should be really cool. You should learn a lot about racism and homophobia and all that stuff too if your prof is one of the good ones.

Subscribed. What do you think you will do with you tumblr (besides re-blogging stuff? Poetry? Art? Thoughts?

You are one of the most interesting drunk persons I have ever met (well I'm not so sure about "meeting" as much as knowing someone on the internet - in this case GAF). You are one of the very few drunk persons that doesn't really have his/her cognitive abilities impaired, at least judging from what you write. Indeed, I am impressed! As far as my Tumblr, I'm just going to reblog random stuff that I like. It can be anything.


You are one of the most interesting drunk persons I have ever met (well I'm not so sure about "meeting" as much as knowing someone on the internet - in this case GAF). You are one of the very few drunk persons that doesn't really have his/her cognitive abilities impaired, at least judging from what you write. Indeed, I am impressed! As far as my Tumblr, I'm just going to reblog random stuff that I like. It can be anything.
I learned from the best when it comes to drinking (Charles Bukowski).

Random stuff on tumblr is totally okay, I am someone who does the same. I just don't re-blog NSFW stufff. I like it it, but that is it. :)
Sociology? What are you going to do once you graduate.

I didn't do much with my degree.

I hate it when people ask me this (I'm going to make a paper airplane with it, maybe go to grad school and rack up some debt).

Can't decide if I want to be a psychotherapist or spend my life sitting in seiza burning incense beneath a brass Buddha statue. Partially thinking of becoming a night time security guard or boiler maintenance person so I'd have hours normally scheduled for boredom that I could spend meditating and stuff. I hear lots of writers have taken jobs like that to pay the bills while still having lots of time to work on their stuff.
fuck finals zzzzzzzz

The tension would actually be kind of fun sometimes were it not for the objects causing it.

Finished bullshitting my way through a Chinese religions final today. My takeaway from that whole class is China is fucking fascinating and you should never take a class in Chinese culture/religion.

I wrote a research paper on an 8th century meditation manual that I follow sometimes/have personal knowledge of, and that probably no one else wrote about in the prof's course of teaching the class, did a decent job trying to track down the source (it's an apocryphal text), and do a critical analysis comparing it to various other similar meditation methods that I'm also familiar with and I still just got an 80.


Got a perfect on my Calc 2 final and my 80 on my phys. 182 final came out to like 110% with the curve lol.

PS: fuck physics. I have never been so stressed about a class like that one. Only going to get worse too (majoring in mech. engineering). :-*


Finals were easy cake for me compared to the exams that came before them :p Good luck ;)

Well lucky yooooooou. And thanks!

The tension would actually be kind of fun sometimes were it not for the objects causing it.

Finished bullshitting my way through a Chinese religions final today. My takeaway from that whole class is China is fucking fascinating and you should never take a class in Chinese culture/religion.

I wrote a research paper on an 8th century meditation manual that I follow sometimes/have personal knowledge of, and that probably no one else wrote about in the prof's course of teaching the class, did a decent job trying to track down the source (it's an apocryphal text), and do a critical analysis comparing it to various other similar meditation methods that I'm also familiar with and I still just got an 80.

Essay grading is always shit. I actually enjoy doing things last minute, but I hate this semester with a passion. It's my fault, though -- I did too many things, got burnt out midway through.

Got a perfect on my Calc 2 final and my 80 on my phys. 182 final came out to like 110% with the curve lol.

PS: fuck physics. I have never been so stressed about a class like that one. Only going to get worse too (majoring in mech. engineering). :-*

Calc 2 was fuckin hard. I suck at math, though. Maybe I shouldn't be majoring in it!
Essay grading is always shit. I actually enjoy doing things last minute, but I hate this semester with a passion. It's my fault, though -- I did too many things, got burnt out midway through.

It's true. I don't like doing things last minute, but that's the way it goes for me. It's just such a roller coaster, you go from scrambling to get shit done to recovering from your panicked stress, if my effort levels were consistent I'd probably learn more, but I don't know what would have to change for that to happen.. I couldn't imagine doing that with more than four classes, which is generally all I ever take, because fuck time management.


Calc 2 was fuckin hard. I suck at math, though. Maybe I shouldn't be majoring in it!

I've always been good with math which is why I decided on mechanical. Not trying to sound douchey or anything, but I didn't find calc 1 or 2 all that difficult. Let's hope three isn't that bad too! We'll find out in January.

I fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8 word problems though. Physics is word problems: the class.

Bless, Sucker is really good.
What's the required book by your gender studies class?

Its not an actual book, just a reader of texts compiled by the teacher. It's pretty cool actually, it covers a lot about women obviously but there were some readings about the gay community too. We read this super sleazy story about this gay dude growing up in Mexico and coming to terms with his sexuality all while living as a prostitute. It's a pretty interesting read

Good luck tomorrow at your finals, bubbavelli. :)

Some really cool music I listen to. at the link. Hope you don't mind that I linked you to it.

Oh, I never asked. What kind of artists do you like? I know that do you like rap, but whose rap?

Aww man, thats a tough one if only because there's too many to name. Rap-wise I've been listening to a lot of Young Thug, Gucci Mane, Migos, Max B (the dude in my avi), PeeWee Longway, and Future Lately. Its all super ignorant but they're all really good at making music whether its the way they use their voice, their writing, or whatever. Of course I have an appreciation for the classics like Outkast, Ugk, and Jay Z. I also have a whole bunch of other shit on vinyl just chilling in my room. Everything from Bad Brains to Roberta Flack, The Coup and Mobb Deep

Sociology? What are you going to do once you graduate.

I didn't do much with my degree.

Hey that's a good question. I really don't know what I'm doing with my life. Im pretty much just treading water. There isn't one day I don't have crippling existential anxiety about my life and where it's going if anywhere.
Fuck I can barely read lol. Holy shit, haven't felt like this in a long time. Will feel like shit at work in the morning but so, so worth it. I needed this.


That sounds ominous. Hope it's not as bad as I imagine.

Way ahead of you. Old fashioned, Manhattan, and Whiskey Sours.

Oh lord lol. Don't tempt me.

Llamas are awesome.

Its not an actual book, just a reader of texts compiled by the teacher. It's pretty cool actually, it covers a lot about women obviously but there were some readings about the gay community too. We read this super sleazy story about this gay dude growing up in Mexico and coming to terms with his sexuality all while living as a prostitute. It's a pretty interesting read

Sounds cool. I also had a Gender Studies class. We had an official book titled "Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies." It's interesting because the name of the class was Gender Studies 102: Understanding LGBT identities. It covers a lot of women issues and studies too, with a focus on LGBT+ identities. But it was mostly women's stuff... which was cool and amazing because I was oblivious to a lot of issues that our queer sisters face. Best of luck in your finals!

Fuck I can barely read lol. Holy shit, haven't felt like this in a long time. Will feel like shit at work in the morning but so, so worth it. I needed this.

Wow... can you try and read the Lorem Ipsum?

Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci[ng] velit, sed quia non numquam [do] eius modi tempora inci[di]dunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat…


Still studying, final is in five hours. Afraid to go to sleep because I might not wake up, hah.

I've always been good with math which is why I decided on mechanical. Not trying to sound douchey or anything, but I didn't find calc 1 or 2 all that difficult. Let's hope three isn't that bad too! We'll find out in January.

I fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8 word problems though. Physics is word problems: the class..

Not at all -- most people I know find these classes easy. I just don't.
Sounds cool. I also had a Gender Studies class. We had an official book titled "Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies." It's interesting because the name of the class was Gender Studies 102: Understanding LGBT identities. It covers a lot of women issues and studies too, with a focus on LGBT+ identities. But it was mostly women's stuff... which was cool and amazing because I was oblivious to a lot of issues that our queer sisters face. Best of luck in your finals!

you guys lost when people switched from GLBT to LGBT


That sounds ominous. Hope it's not as bad as I imagine.
Hmm, probably one notch down from what you're imagining. Still not, uh, great.

Anyways Morning gang! Handed in my coursework yesterday and my essay is ready to submit so there's just one exam on Tuesday between me and the Christmas holidays!

So tumblr... Lot's of fun and interesting stuff there. I saw a video of Michael Hoffman, a body-builder and my god.... What is life, I can't... just wow. I have no words.

GLBT use to be widely used far more than anything, then LGBT dominated and more feminist bent

better than LGBTTQQIAAP tho
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