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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I feel really lovesick but I'm not actually in love with anyone. How the fuck does that even work? Now I remember why I try to forget that I have feelings :p


I feel really lovesick but I'm not actually in love with anyone. How the fuck does that even work? Now I remember why I try to forget that I have feelings :p
Better than getting old feelings for ex-es. That's way worse, especially if you broke up with them because they hurt you.
Better than getting old feelings for ex-es. That's way worse, especially if you broke up with them because they hurt you.

For sure.

It's just annoying and doesn't make much sense to me. I think being in contact with your feelings is sort of like when your foot goes asleep. If you keep it up consistently it's fine, but as soon as you go numb but then have to get feeling back, and start walking on it a little too early, it's all pins and needles and "wtf is this uncomfortable sensation".


Hey (Hench)man. 😉

For sure.

It's just annoying and doesn't make much sense to me. I think being in contact with your feelings is sort of like when your foot goes asleep. If you keep it up consistently it's fine, but as soon as you go numb but then have to get feeling back, and start walking on it a little too early, it's all pins and needles and "wtf is this uncomfortable sensation".
I think I know what you mean and I even experience it myself (though it's not as obvious to me, maybe because I don't really meditate).

Welp that final is over. Time to eat wings, drink pints, and play video games with my friday night
Bravo. Get yourself some drinks to celebrate this achievement. :)
I think I know what you mean and I even experience it myself (though it's not as obvious to me, maybe because I don't really meditate).

Honestly if you ever feel like opening the flood gates, metta is what is doing it for me. Interestingly the Buddha actually mentions that form of meditation in the sutras more often than mindfulness of breathing, yet it's surprisingly underrated. Maybe because cultivating a sincere intent is scary, it cuts through all of your cynicism. And I'm not being glib when I say that, I personally find it scary. I have a hating and fearful temperament though so it's good for me, but this medicine is giving me cough syrup burps rite now.


Flashback Friday to that Calvin Klein Concept Super Bowl ad

Calvin Klein Concept



I feel really lovesick but I'm not actually in love with anyone. How the fuck does that even work? Now I remember why I try to forget that I have feelings :p

I don't post here much but man I have the very same thing at the moment. It's like an extreme subconscious craving for a relationship. It's like, being lovesick in a relationship is painful enough but there's always the nice part as well. This is just the bad part with no benefits. Well, how convenient for us that relationships grow on trees and can also be bought at the supermarket just like everything else on earth.
I don't post here much but man I have the very same thing at the moment. It's like an extreme subconscious craving for a relationship. It's like, being livesick in a relationship is painful enough but there's always the nice part as well. This is just the bad part with no benefits. Well, how convenient for us that relationships grow on trees and can also be bought at the supermarket just like everything else on earth.

I know!! *hugs* It's weird. I actually have some idea, like an actually realistic and personal idea, of what I want out of love and I think that's what is causing it. Before I didn't really know, it was just another image, another idea, with no real weight or shape to it. Now that it has an outline though I can identify with it.


I know!! *hugs* It's weird. I actually have some idea, like an actually realistic and personal idea, of what I want out of love and I think that's what is causing it. Before I didn't really know, it was just another image, another idea, with no real weight or shape to it. Now that it has an outline though I can identify with it.

*hugs back*

I think it being christmas season doesn't help either


So I'm thinking of going to Los Angeles this February for my cousin's wedding (who's very religious, very republican, but I really like her, the American part of my family is so complicated) and to watch a hockey game, tips for stuff to do there? They live in a suburb between LA and Anaheim, I don't remember what their city is called, Whittier or something like that.


Hunky Nostradamus
So I'm thinking of going to Los Angeles this February for my cousin's wedding (who's very religious, very republican, but I really like her, the American part of my family is so complicated) and to watch a hockey game, tips for stuff to do there? They live in a suburb between LA and Anaheim, I don't remember what their city is called, Whittier or something like that.

Gay saunas/bath houses are a great place to blow off some steam (among other things).

This semester really has me dispirited with school. I'm not sure that I want to do what I'm doing right now at all.

Quit. Life's too short to be dispirited.

Not after watching those pics tbh.

Same. Those don't really suit him.

And Bisexuals... #StopBiErasure

no such thing tbh
At the risk of making umop mad: that friend I am crushing on invited me to dinner with his parents after finals. I accepted.

Lol that's fine. I only got upset the last time because it seemed like you were pretty wrapped up in it which just kind of had me questioning your emotional sanity or whatever, but obviously I can't really tell that much just from words on a screen.


Ehhh idk. It was comprised of two essay questions. I feel like I aced one and I didn't even finish the other. I really just hope for a C. I really fucked up this semester.

For my GS final we had several short essay questions. One of them was about Intersectionality in regards to the Women's Music Movement and Women-identified women - which is about a lot of theoretical and political analysis of women's roles and gender in Western societies. We read prompts from a lot of lesbian and women theory stuff, but it's all very confusing to me... I was just scribbling things on my paper. Writing down words trying to make it seem as if I am responding to the essay questions without actually saying anything. Terrible, but on the parts and some of the questions I did good. I just don't understand a lot of the political theory and women-identified-women rhetoric. But it's all very interesting and "high academia" in nature, which is probably why I struggled understanding even half of it. There's also a lot of context and background that we never covered.
For my GS final we had several short essay questions. One of them was about Intersectionality in regards to the Women's Music Movement and Women-identified women - which is about a lot of theoretical and political analysis of women's roles and gender in Western societies. We read prompts from a lot of lesbian and women theory stuff, but it's all very confusing to me... I was just scribbling things on my paper. Writing down words trying to make it seem as if I am responding to the essay questions without actually saying anything. Terrible, but on the parts and some of the questions I did good. I just don't understand a lot of the political theory and women-identified-women rhetoric. But it's all very interesting and "high academia" in nature, which is probably why I struggled understanding even half of it.

Yeah I feel it. Someone cuddle me and tell me its going to be all okay :(


Y'all a buncha crazy mothafuckas.

Take it outside!

Just need to finish writing an Epistemology term paper over the weekend and write an Ethics final on Monday and I'm done
for the term
cannot fucking wait.

That's good. How long are the papers?

I'll be happy to be back in school. I'm not sure if going back so soon was the absolute best choice, but it was either that or eat (or should I say spit out) 1200USD in insurance payments in the short term, and one of those two options is much more likely to piss off my dad.
That's good. How long are the papers?

I'll be happy to be back in school. I'm not sure if going back so soon was the absolute best choice, but it was either that or eat (or should I say spit out) 1200USD in insurance payments in the short term, and one of those two options is much more likely to piss off my dad.

Only 2500 words, it should be pretty easy, but it's also the only second year philosophy class I've taken so I don't really have a feel for the expectations yet. I actually really liked epistemology, but it also occupies kind of a weird position being both really abstract yet attempting to address something relatively discrete and sensible at the same time ("knowledge"). I find I pick it up intuitively really quickly, but it's actually the structured writing assignments and presenting clear and concise arguments that I find kind of hard.

Going back to school is probably preferable. Sometimes it's the best place to idle, in a way, because oftentimes the stuff you learn is fairly unexpected. Like we did a section on philosophy of art in my ethics class, and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Sometimes it feels okay to be kind of idle, if you're still doing something moderately stimulating. Originally I went back to school this year because I was getting sick of working and I wanted to do something less mundane for a bit, and maybe end up with a degree at the end.
Lol that's fine. I only got upset the last time because it seemed like you were pretty wrapped up in it which just kind of had me questioning your emotional sanity or whatever, but obviously I can't really tell that much just from words on a screen.
Emotional sanity is overrated.
Emotional sanity is overrated.

Honestly, having some experience with mood irregularity, compulsions, anxiety, and hyper self-reflection, I'm going to have to say no :p

But maybe emotional sanity as I had it defined in this case (I realize the above is not what you're talking about). Personally I'm a bit of romantic fool, romance is practically devoid of intellectualization for me and I sort of just wait for the tide to carry me away (which is maybe the sort of thing that you're talking about). Ironically what that means is I have to be very discriminating about what I dive into, or allow myself to become enmeshed in, or my foolishness loses any of the nobility it might otherwise have and I just become a sad fool :p
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