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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Hunky Nostradamus
This one guy who was flying an rc copter though

gross how childish

I never had the chance to talk to him about it, simple

no time for dads what a shame u__u

You tell your dad everything "letting him" into your life? :p

If so, some interesting convos you must have with him... wink wink ;)

"hey son what did you do today"

"hi dad i fucked the 47 yo waiter we saw last week when we went out to dinner together because we're such good friends"

"nice but did you used protection"


"if youre not careful youll end up with a kid like i did"

"the waiter was a man though"

"i know"

And yeah coming out is so difficult. Apparently my dad found out somehow a couple of weeks ago. Called my mom and chewed her out. Our relationship has been strained for a while and now it looks to be even worse. :( ugh.

having a gay raccoon for a son would be tough on any dad tbh

both my parents made me promise not to tell anybody until I was "ready to decide" - that is, when I was 21. Which is a rule I have smashed into the ground at this point. :p

what else did you smash into the ground


I wish someone would come out for me again at work. The same girl makes a big deal about me visiting my friend in Texas every time. But the friend I'm visiting is a girl and I don't really feel comfortable with how banter on the sales floor keeps leading to her prodding me about why I feel that it's a just friends visit to Texas. Ugh coworkers who know I'm gay please gossip more

I'll probably never tell my piano instructor even though she's a family friend I still see. She goes to church and doesn't believe in evolution.

I'll also probably stop working for my father's company once I'm in a serious relationship because he works with a lot of clients from the Middle East and they've come off as rather behind the times (half of the ones I've met are young and in arranged marriages and at least one implied gays and other such oddities were American issues they didn't want anything to do with)) and I don't want a single business dinner where I have to pretend whoever I'm in a relationship with doesn't exist.

But overall, I've had probably 6 times where I've come out in various situations and none were easy and it still isn't. They all went well though. Telling my parents is the scariest moment I can remember of my life. Makes me upset just thinking about how worrying that felt :/

I'm better off for those coming outs though.

Mr. F

For me, Christmastime = snow. And there's none of it here. Without it, it's hard to get in the mood.

Yeah it sucks. It's going to be 10C and raining on Christmas eve here, although it might be snowing on Christmas day. I'm sure proper winter with consistent snow will be coming later, but it sucks for it to be increasingly rare/fleeting in the run-up to Christmas to have snow on the ground.


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah it sucks. It's going to be 10C and raining on Christmas eve here, although it might be snowing on Christmas day. I'm sure proper winter with consistent snow will be coming later, but it sucks for it to be increasingly rare/fleeting in the run-up to Christmas to have snow on the ground.

Just checked the forecast - Sunny on both CmasEve and CmasDay. :/ ffs
Sure, I guess someone could blow dry him to death.

lol. I think being able to choose the circumstances of your death can feel like a very important kindness given to you by the world, even though it's death. Granted this is more of a metaphor, and I'm not talking about suicide or anything like that. It's kind of a hard feeling to explain though and I risk seeming silly in trying. Just trying to flex my 'feeling' muscles, like emotional calisthenics.


how old is toothless anyway

That's actually answered in HTTYD2

lol. I think being able to choose the circumstances of your death can feel like a very important kindness given to you by the world, even though it's death. Granted this is more of a metaphor, and I'm not talking about suicide or anything like that. It's kind of a hard feeling to explain though and I risk seeming silly in trying. Just trying to flex my 'feeling' muscles, like emotional calisthenics.

Nah, I understand, hah.

Lucario just sent me this, I think it's funny:


I feel the same. Wish my family were here. It's just me and my mom and my grandma this year. :(

Same here. It's just going to be my mom, grandma and I.

gross how childish

no time for dads what a shame u__u

"hey son what did you do today"

"hi dad i fucked the 47 yo waiter we saw last week when we went out to dinner together because we're such good friends"

"nice but did you used protection"


"if youre not careful youll end up with a kid like i did"

"the waiter was a man though"

"i know"

having a gay raccoon for a son would be tough on any dad tbh

what else did you smash into the ground

You have a really cool dad.


You're significantly behind on your angst quota - from what you've said it sounds like your relationship with your dad isn't even strained. Have you considered taking up a drug habit or joining a neo-fascist political party to create a more appropriate degree of shame, disappointment and anger?

Hm, maybe if I started talking bout boobz all day and how women have suddenly become pure objects of lust for me. That would throw him off in a number of ways I'm sure. (Still wouldn't be legitimate gay-caused anger tho)


I'm really enjoying the mild weather we're having here. It's cold and won't snow, but it's still nice. Feeling fairly Christmassish.
Nevermind, not worth the price. Tell whomever you want.

That was quite the sobering moment for me. I was right there with Jeff. Speaking f Giant bomb, I have my new drew-avatar ready once christmas is over. I can't wait.
Drewvatar? Nice.

This. I told one sibling, then the other, and both took it rather well - but then my older sibling decided to have me tell my mother out of the blue (they were doing it with the absolute best of intentions, though). I ...thought my mother took it okay, but the next evening everything went to complete shit. At the end of all the tears and raised voices (and, err, suicidal statements) both my parents made me promise not to tell anybody until I was "ready to decide" - that is, when I was 21. Which is a rule I have smashed into the ground at this point. :p

But I'm still incredibly lucky in the fact that despite all that, they still love me. They're paying for college and the dynamic between us hasn't changed much - except that I never talk about gay stuff around them and they generally don't bring it up either. Elephant in the room, but it works for the moment. I'm a bit worried what happens when I turn 21, though.
I hadn't told anyone. One parent found out by accident and confronted me, then told the other. I have the cliche conservative religious family, so you can imagine it wasn't exactly well received.

Fuck, it's been a long time and it still hurts to think about that day too much. But, like you, they still love me enough to support me, and never considered kicking me out or sending me to some pray the gay away camp, so in that sense, I was lucky. We get by on a policy of don't ask don't tell for now and not talk about it.



Drewvatar? Nice.

I hadn't told anyone. One parent found out by accident and confronted me, then told the other. I have the cliche conservative religious family, so you can imagine it wasn't exactly well received.

Fuck, it's been a long time and it still hurts to think about that day too much. But, like you, they still love me enough to support me, and never considered kicking me out or sending me to some pray the gay away camp, so in that sense, I was lucky. We get by on a policy of don't ask don't tell for now and not talk about it.

That ask don't tell policy can only last for so long. For heteros, their first relationships and sexualities are encouraged and celebrated (for the most part). "Oh why yes Jimmy we'd love to meet your girlfriend!" "My boy is a grown up man now" Heh... I:



IDK what that is let me google it

...woah 17 degrees? That's not gunna happen here till like March probably :p

Yeah that's on Christmas eve... but that's the highest it's going to be during the day anyways. No snow either, for the rest of December it seems :(
When I came out to my mom she acted all cool and relaxed but admitted later that it was a bit of a shock for her. I am bisexual though (more gay than straight but still) so that night have helped her deal with it. I never told my father, I asked my mother to do it.

I never was too comfortable to talk about personal stuff with my parents so we also don't talk about my sexuality. But since we still have a great relationship and our dynamic hadn't really changed at all I guess after all they really took it well. Most of my friends are cool with me now having a boyfriend. But well many friends from school days still don't know since we don't see each other that often anyway.

For work that's a different thing though. There are rumors about me being gay and my boss even approached me saying that ' it wasn't important if his routes employees had a girlfriend or a boyfriend' but I never actually talked about my sexuality there. I am not sure why, since I'm comfortable with it.

All in all I'm pretty happy with my situation, I didn't experience anything truly negative regarding my sexuality.i guess I'm especially lucky that the part of Germany I live in isn't especially religious or something, that could have made things worse!


When I came out to my mom she acted all cool and relaxed but admitted later that it was a bit of a shock for her. I am bisexual though (more gay than straight but still) so that night have helped her deal with it. I never told my father, I asked my mother to do it.

I never was too comfortable to talk about personal stuff with my parents so we also don't talk about my sexuality. But since we still have a great relationship and our dynamic hadn't really changed at all I guess after all they really took it well. Most of my friends are cool with me now having a boyfriend. But well many friends from school days still don't know since we don't see each other that often anyway.

For work that's a different thing though. There are rumors about me being gay and by boys even approached me saying that ' it wasn't important if his routes employees had a girlfriend or a boyfriend' but I never actually talked about my sexuality there. I am not sure why, since I'm comfortable with it.

All in all I'm pretty happy with my situation, I didn't experience anything truly negative regarding my sexuality.i guess I'm especially lucky that the part of Germany I live in isn't especially religious or something, that could have made things worse!

So you're not out at work, (at first I misread that sentence). I agree, religion makes things worse!

If this is your first time posting here, welcome!! :) we have another fellow German Gaffer who goes by the Spanish alias of "El Gato." So yay for more German letter gaffers! :p


Psolar bears, Grizzly bears, and all types of foxes too! :p
So many beautiful creatures there. Oh, and you forgot about Moose! Majestic species.

But I originally thought of hunky, hairy lumberjacks when I wrote 'bears' to be honest, I didn't mean the wildlife.
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