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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I told my mother, looks like I have to move out. Expected reaction though.

You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
Sending you positive thoughts. I hope you can find someplace where you feel comfortable and respected soon.
Thanks guys, your support means a lot! <3

You should try to talk to her when she is more calm. When your parents are angry they will say vile and mean things that are horribly painful. However, they don't really mean it. She's your mother she loves you, don't doubt on that. You had enough courage to tell her and that's good, she's probably in shock/denial. As for uni, aren't there dorms? Best of luck! don't be sad, we're here for you <3 :)

No dorms in the Netherlands, I'd have to rent a room or something. As for my mother, I'm gonna keep my expectations low and see what happens. If she tries to mend things after 5 or 10 years I don't think I'll be interested honestly.

I really want to see Big Hero 6!
I told my mother, looks like I have to move out. Expected reaction though.
You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
Oh no, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. :< Hang in there, man. Let us know if we can help. Lots of positive thoughts for you!

Well, I'm having bad dreams too recently (not for the same reasons though), so I can understand a little what you are going through. Hang on: it may kinda sounds corny to say that, but time does heal all the wounds. I just hope that you will be able to focus on better things and that your subconscious will finally let you rest. In any case, we are here for you.
I'm not really a believer in that aphorism; let's just say, from personal experience, it has not been true for me, lest the example I gave would not have happened.

But, I do appreciate the sentiment greatly. Everyone here has been terribly kind and supportive.

I hope you have better dreams as well. Would it be impertinent of me to ask what dreams bother you?

As for my avatar: *blush* you flatter me, lackadaisy fellow.
Just speaking the truth! It doesn't hurt it's also of perhaps my favorite character. Zeb is the shit. Too adorable. Zeb blushing would be quite a sight, haha.

Interestingly, the only other people I recall having Lackadaisy avatars are also, iirc, GayGAF. I wonder what draws us to it? ;p I'm a sucker for the time period in history. The style and the like.

I wish Pixar would release godlike things again. At least I have How to Train Your Dragon, hah. Another good animated movie was Wreck It Ralph.
HTTYD is still one of my all time favorite animated movies. I went in expecting not much, but was blown away. Making Toothless such a strong character using no dialogue is an achievement.


Thanks guys, your support means a lot! <3

No dorms in the Netherlands, I'd have to rent a room or something. As for my mother, I'm gonna keep my expectations low and see what happens. If she tries to mend things after 5 or 10 years I don't think I'll be interested honestly.

I really want to see Big Hero 6!

Wow, now this will sound like a gross generalisation, but I thought the Netherlands were rather in the vein of Norway/Sweden etc i.e. pretty open-minded. Sad that this shit still pervades all countries and societies to an extent.


You should try to talk to her when she is more calm. When your parents are angry they will say vile and mean things that are horribly painful. However, they don't really mean it. She's your mother she loves you, don't doubt on that. You had enough courage to tell her and that's good, she's probably in shock/denial. As for uni, aren't there dorms? Best of luck! don't be sad, we're here for you <3 :)

I don't think you know many parents. Not to say I know anything about Art's parents, but many parents really do hate their kids.

HTTYD is still one of my all time favorite animated movies. I went in expecting not much, but was blown away. Making Toothless such a strong character using no dialogue is an achievement.

I expected one of the best movies ever since it's about dragons, and I got one. Woo! Yeah, Toothless is great.
I don't think you know many parents. Not to say I know anything about Art's parents, but many parents really do hate their kids.

I expected one of the best movies ever since it's about dragons, and I got one. Woo! Yeah, Toothless is great.

By best movie ever you meant any other movie than that right? ;)
I don't think you know many parents. Not to say I know anything about Art's parents, but many parents really do hate their kids.

I expected one of the best movies ever since it's about dragons, and I got one. Woo! Yeah, Toothless is great.
Yeah, the "Parents will love you no matter what" thing is really not true. I'm kinda scared of what might happen when I come out to my Dad... hopefully I don't get hit but I'm fighting back lol


I don't think you know many parents. Not to say I know anything about Art's parents, but many parents really do hate their kids.

You are right, I don't know many parents. All I can say is limited to my own experiences and perceptions. But I really do hope that almost every parent, deep inside them, feels something for their kids. Heck my mom threw away my stuff and kicked me out of the house with my dog. She said many nasty things too. She then apologized and we're on good terms. I know what it feels like to have your own things thrown out and your mother yelling at you, telling you to leave. I still had hope back then that things would get better and they did. I hope the same for Art and many parents that disown their kids.


Gold Member
I think it needs to be emphasized: please don't come out unless you are in a situation where you are in control of your surroundings.
Oh no, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. :< Hang in there, man. Let us know if we can help. Lots of positive thoughts for you!

Thanks! <3

Wow, now this will sound like a gross generalisation, but I thought the Netherlands were rather in the vein of Norway/Sweden etc i.e. pretty open-minded. Sad that this shit still pervades all countries and societies to an extent.

NL is pretty open-minded, there's same-saxemarriage/adoption etc, and most people don't care what your sexuality is. There's still too many rotten appels though. A lot of them in my family since they come from villages.

Yeah, the "Parents will love you no matter what" thing is really not true. I'm kinda scared of what might happen when I come out to my Dad... hopefully I don't get hit but I'm fighting back lol

Some parents love unconditionally, some don't, my family is the latter type, they'll love you as long as you do what they want. I hope your dad isn't like that.

I think it needs to be emphasized: please don't come out unless you are in a situation where you are in control of your surroundings.

Yeah agreed, my mother is probably going to be horrible the next couple of days, then pretend it never happened and ask about girls in a few months. She believes it's a choice so she'll try to convince me. If she gets physical or throws my stuff out I don't think I'll ever forgive her.


I just watched How to train your Dragon and it's pretty amazing.
Yes I cried a few times.

You haven't played it yet? Gonna have to revoke your gay membership, bro.

at least give the demo a try
Will do. =)
Yeah, the "Parents will love you no matter what" thing is really not true. I'm kinda scared of what might happen when I come out to my Dad... hopefully I don't get hit but I'm fighting back lol
When it really comes down to that situation where you see no point in reasoning with your Dad (in such a rhetoretical situation), leave the place, get to somewhere safe.

And yes, parents can do horrible things too of course. And sometimes its best to cap all bonds when parents get abusive, psychologically or physically.


Gold Member
She believes it's a choice so she'll try to convince me.
My mom still is convinced it's a choice, though after two years, her resolve has been waning after numerous conversations on the subject. She doesn't get physical, but she was extremely ashamed at first. Unfortunately, she's caught up in what other people think and has been motivated by that all of her life. Her upbringing makes me understand her perspective, even if I vehemently disagree with her position.

I'm hopeful that she'll fully understand one day, and I wish the same for your mother as well.
Thanks! <3

NL is pretty open-minded, there's same-saxemarriage/adoption etc, and most people don't care what your sexuality is. There's still too many rotten appels though. A lot of them in my family since they come from villages.

Some parents love unconditionally, some don't, my family is the latter type, they'll love you as long as you do what they want. I hope your dad isn't like that.

Yeah agreed, my mother is probably going to be horrible the next couple of days, then pretend it never happened and ask about girls in a few months. She believes it's a choice so she'll try to convince me. If she gets physical or throws my stuff out I don't think I'll ever forgive her.
That's.. actually the perfect description for them. I came out to my Mom and that was a trainwreck, sometimes she asks me if I was traumatized or something as a kid because she thinks that's why I'm gay. I don't take her seriously anymore, I actually kind of can't stand her these days. Sad.
Guys are pretty hot so I might choose to be gay </circular reasoning>

Actually apart from a more limited dating pool I think being gay suits my personality better. If anyone asks me what I mean by that I'm probably not going to respond though because it would be a pain in the ass to try to explain.


They never can explain the "It's a choice" bs. Why would we choose this? I'm not ashamed to be gay but why would we choose this. The can never come up with an answer for that.

I think that this really helped Dad in accepting us.

Why would anyone in their right mind deliberately choose to be a part of perhaps the world's most loathed minority? To be a part of a tiny group of people who are demonized by people of nearly all religious and cultural backgrounds. Being queer is like playing the game of life on Hard Mode.

Meanwhile, the claim that we're recruited or seduced into being gay is ridiculous. Advertising, recruitment, and pressure for heterosexuality is everywhere. Weddings, TV commercials, programs, movies, all popular music - it all pushes and glorifies heterosexual love. Only very recently did we begin to see representations of queer individuals in a non-condemning, non-derogatory manner - and most of those representations are still of the "harmless neutered sidekick" variety.

The "it's a choice" shit is a joke.


Hunky Nostradamus
Some parents love unconditionally, some don't, my family is the latter type, they'll love you as long as you do what they want.

so soz art


i think my parents are like that so thats why i never came out to them

You need to see the second one, it's also amazing.

I saw it a few weeks ago and really liked it, maybe even as much as the first! :eek:

Actually apart from a more limited dating pool I think being gay suits my personality better. If anyone asks me what I mean by that I'm probably not going to respond though because it would be a pain in the ass to try to explain.


I think that this really helped Dad in accepting us.

Why would anyone in their right mind deliberately choose to be a part of perhaps the world's most loathed minority? To be a part of a tiny group of people who are demonized by people of nearly all religious and cultural backgrounds. Being queer is like playing the game of life on Hard Mode.

Meanwhile, the claim that we're recruited or seduced into being gay is ridiculous. Advertising, recruitment, and pressure for heterosexuality is everywhere. Weddings, TV commercials, programs, movies, all popular music - it all pushes and glorifies heterosexual love. Only very recently did we begin to see representations of queer individuals in a non-condemning, non-derogatory manner - and most of those representations are still of the "harmless neutered sidekick" variety.

The "it's a choice" shit is a joke.

I do unconsciously, you need something for background for when you're gazing out your window and sighing wistfully. Even on a mental level it would seem weird listening to Sublime or something in the winter. Not that I've listened to Sublime in the past six years or so.


... Your name's "Upside_Down" when viewed upside-down! :C

I'm sorry that took me so long.



Hunky Nostradamus
You know what happens when I try to explain myself. Remember when you asked if there was such a thing as a 'Christian Buddhist'. I do.

oh yeah i forgot who i was talking to for a second

I don't I've ever seen someone use a Sister Act 2 gif before. Ratsky setting trends.

<3 sistra ack

So damn good. I wallow in it. Let it rain, let it snow, let it sleet, let it freeze.

I love any good excuse to stay in my pajamas, put on old movies/TV, light some candles, put something bready in the oven, and nest.

youre like my long lost something or other


... Your name's "Upside_Down" when viewed upside-down! :C

I'm sorry that took me so long.




how did i never notice this u__u



... Your name's "Upside_Down" when viewed upside-down! :C

I'm sorry that took me so long.
Well, that's quite the revelation. I always thought it was some acronym or another language, a dead one possibly.

I don't change my music habits when it gets gray out -- almost always listen to fun stuff.

I think this song is perfect for rain though -- http://youtu.be/YQ1LI-NTa2s
Oh, that's pretty good. The music video has this funny obsure thing to it which I am pretty used to from Björk. Liking it. I heard the track somewhere before but I don't know where. And no, the bandname doesn't ring a bell either. Huh...

Exactly. Also music that's slightly brittle and distant, slightly grey, and slightly sad. All day everyday.
It reminds me more of the times when I walked alone along the shores of the big river in our city. But everyone projects another meaning in music or any other form of art, naturally. =)

I noticed the upside down thing months ago!
And kept it for yourself, leaving us in the dark, haha. Well, I guess it's more fun when you figure it out on your own.
I'm... Surprised that no-one else noticed beforehand. Then again, I only noticed it when I dropped my phone while I was looking at this thread, and the screen, uh, swooshed around to vertical again.

... My mind has never been this... Blown~
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