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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Sorry for the long post, just a bit emotional.

I've been trying to respond since you posted, but it's difficult. I don't understand how some parents can treat their children with such disdain. You must care deeply though if it affects you like that. Maybe someday he will regret treating you that way.


Hunky Nostradamus
Well, I might have the most self-handled four incher (on a really good day) in the world. I just can't help myself.

your coq is 4 inches?

when he sat down you could pretty much see it all, though he was wearing underwear, these to be precise
but you saw enough peeking out over the top

ew american eagle. your affections are wasted on such a pleb

he's a pretty small dude, not that skinny but not fat either, but he's blessed where it counts

if you say so

One guy in my gaming giveaway thread posted about his son and had a really heartwarming story, it totally made my day. ;)

I'm an emotional wreck right now.

After that thread...

I had a similar relationship with my father.
We always had a very superficial relationship and never talked for more than two or three sentences about school, work or the weather, we had no interests in comon. He was always proud of being a good father, I never lacked anything important, never went hungry, he talked about me with his friends. I knew he was proud of me and he loved me very much.

He just never told me or showed that to me enough.

When we talked about school he had nothing to say about my grades unless they were lower than before then all I heard was the shouting. When we talked about work he told me of all the sacrifices he was making to give me and my siblings education so we better not waste it like that time when... and shortly he was shouting again. I don't know how he did it but the weather was no better topic. Eventually he would find a way to get angry about something.

I was the kind of person that never talked back. He used to get in big verbal fights with some of my sisters whey they tried to respond to him, but I just had to wait till he finished. It never lasted long.

Well enough about me.

There are parents, like yours and mine, that don't know how to relate to their children, they just know the basics. I'm the father, he is the son so he must obey me. I know what's better for my son, As long as he does well in school and in the house I don't have nothing to worry about. etc. He is having a really hard time realizing that now you are your own person with your own personality, and his own wants and needs and he doesn't know how to deal with it, the manual doesn't say anything about it, so he'll just keep doing what has been working. Making sure you do well in the house and in school because if you do well there then you'll be fine in life.

I'm really over simplifying this but he believes he knows what is better for you right now even tough he doesn't really know "you", well, at least that was the problem with my father. He never made the effort to know me just that I got good grades and dit my shores. But he loved me, I'll give him that and I really want to believe that your father does too.

One of the biggest fears every child have is to dissapoint his or her parents. What he told you is one of the most hurtful things any person will hear in their lives, but know this, Your father is disappointed that you are not the son he wants you to be, when he hasn't made the effort to know about the son he has. I'm also sure he is not the father you want him to be. But is the father you have really that bad?

Maybe he is. But even if you can't have a "normal" father-son relationship with him you can try to make it as painless as posible. I'm sure he is not evil, or hates you. He is just a bad parent. Maybe in the near future, when you are both adults and he doesn't sees you as a child, and then gets to know the person you've become you can say to him how much he hurt you today and he'll be sorry and apologise and cry. If he doesn't then fuck him and good riddance.
do you have many sexual partners? how do they react to it? have you ever been turned down because of it? are you happy with it?
I don't have much of a sex life so no, I don't have many sexual partners, I used to be really ashamed because of it, but now that I'm older I got over it mostly. I went to the doctor once for something unrelated but I asked him why is my penis that small, he just said some of them are and as long as it worked I shouldn't worry. So i mostly didn't.

I used to put my dick size in my manhunter profile (lol, now i feel old), so I never got the first reaction face to face. You know, they ask photos and I never had to heard them laugh. jajaja. :p anyway. Some people got interested one tough it was cute. another one just wanted to fuck me. So I never got turned down because of it. At least I never got turned down face to face. online rejection is easy to overlook, they just fade away..

I even tried the whole small penis humilliation thing but it did nothing to me. I need small cock worshipers or something. but anyway, now I'm happy with it. I think so, yeh.


Hunky Nostradamus
I don't have much of a sex life so no, I don't have many sexual partners

do you think that's because of your size or is it due to other factors?

I used to be really ashamed because of it, but now that I'm older I got over it mostly.


I went to the doctor once for something unrelated but I asked him why is my penis that small, he just said some of them are and as long as it worked I shouldn't worry. So i mostly didn't.

that wasn't a very good response from him. is he still your doctor or did you fire him?

I used to put my dick size in my manhunter profile (lol, now i feel old), so I never got the first reaction face to face. You know, they ask photos and I never had to heard them laugh. jajaja. :p anyway. Some people got interested one tough it was cute. another one just wanted to fuck me. So I never got turned down because of it. At least I never got turned down face to face. online rejection is easy to overlook, they just fade away..

if you're brave enough, you could do cam shows and rake in the dough!

I even tried the whole small penis humilliation thing but it did nothing to me.

:/ what was that like?

I need small cock worshipers or something.

they're out there, im sure. there are tumblrs you could submit your pics to and maybe that would give you a self esteem boost?

but anyway, now I'm happy with it. I think so, yeh.

that's good
do you think that's because of your size or is it due to other factors?
It's like the fifth time I say this in this thread but again, I've been overweight most of my life so when I was a teenager I never was very outgoing or confident. So pretty much no sex until my mid twenties.
that wasn't a very good response from him. is he still your doctor or did you fire him?
I've never had a regular doctor, so this was a one off consultation in a little clinic near my house. I wasn't worried about the size of my penis then, I was more worried about the blood and puss that was coming next to it. (I woke up with a small inflamation and pain in the base of my dick, so naturally I gave it a little squezze and when the bleeding didn't stop five minutes after that I panicked and went to the doctor. Turned out to be an abcess from a badly infected ingrown pubic hair.) Why am I sharing all this today?. I'm not drunk. :D
if you're brave enough, you could do cam shows and rake in the dough!
I guess I'm not brave enough. also don't need the money at least at the moment.
:/ what was that like?
Well this was mostly over a skype call, and I didn't like it because it relied heavily in the "you are your penis" psychology or something. Like when you hear things like "baby penis, I can't tell if you are a man or a woman, You are useless as a man" and that type of thing. There is a fine line between the funny like "Good thing I brought my glasses" or "I feel that my hands are gigantic", but it gets really demeaning really fast. especially for me and some of my earlier insecurities and complexes. they never really dissapear completly.
they're out there, im sure. there are tumblrs you could submit your pics to and maybe that would give you a self esteem boost?
I like small penises. :D, well all sizes in general, but I see mine everyday so I don't know for me they are more normal and appealing than most on the bigger side.
that's good
Good talking to you. I normally would ask you more personal stuff too get some kind of even but I don't know if I dare. :p
So umm..

I've been called fat about 3 times in the last little while (most recently in Vegas on the weekend) by other guys.

I kept telling myself it wouldn't get under my skin, but I sorta broke down a couple days ago. I don't really know what else to do. I don't really know how all these guys manage to make their bodies look flawless. Am I doing something wrong?

I thought I was coming to terms more with my body, but it's really difficult to now.
I'm sorry for bringing the mood of the thread down, but I really just don't know what else to do.
I know you've already been assured by many here, but let me add that you are, in no way at all, fat. Not even a little bit. Period.

And anyone that would be so disgusting and classless to make fun of people just for the way they look, regardless of if they're big, small, or anything in between, are literal human garbage. Like, if you cut them open, demonic filth would spill out. A lot of people are pure trash, and their opinions mean even less than the sum of their putrid parts. Pay them no heed.


Hunky Nostradamus
It's like the fifth time I say this in this thread but again, I've been overweight most of my life so when I was a teenager I never was very outgoing or confident. So pretty much no sex until my mid twenties.

sorry i don't remember reading any posts from you before this page. but since you're overweight, maybe the rest of your penis is being concealed?

I've never had a regular doctor, so this was a one off consultation in a little clinic near my house.

do you live in the us?

I guess I'm not brave enough. also don't need the money at least at the moment.

wear a mask

Well this was mostly over a skype call, and I didn't like it because it relied heavily in the "you are your penis" psychology or something. Like when you hear things like "baby penis, I can't tell if you are a man or a woman, You are useless as a man" and that type of thing. There is a fine line between the funny like "Good thing I brought my glasses" or "I feel that my hands are gigantic", but it gets really demeaning really fast. especially for me and some of my earlier insecurities and complexes. they never really dissapear completly.

whoa that sounds awful :/ i never understood why some people like that sort of thing

I like small penises. :D, well all sizes in general, but I see mine everyday so I don't know for me they are more normal and appealing than most on the bigger side.

are you a grower or a shower?

Good talking to you. I normally would ask you more personal stuff too get some kind of even but I don't know if I dare. :p



So umm..

I've been called fat about 3 times in the last little while (most recently in Vegas on the weekend) by other guys.

I kept telling myself it wouldn't get under my skin, but I sorta broke down a couple days ago. I don't really know what else to do. I don't really know how all these guys manage to make their bodies look flawless. Am I doing something wrong?

I thought I was coming to terms more with my body, but it's really difficult to now.
I'm sorry for bringing the mood of the thread down, but I really just don't know what else to do.

Not understanding this post.

Who called you fat and in what capacity. Your anything but fat lol.

Also if you wanna be a singer and go in the public eye you better grow some thick skin. Everyone is going to nitpick you to death from your voice to your looks.

Sorry this isn't the coddling post that everyone is giving you, but you gotta learn to have some confidence in yourself so that words from random people don't hurt you.


So umm..

I've been called fat about 3 times in the last little while (most recently in Vegas on the weekend) by other guys.

I kept telling myself it wouldn't get under my skin, but I sorta broke down a couple days ago. I don't really know what else to do. I don't really know how all these guys manage to make their bodies look flawless. Am I doing something wrong?

I thought I was coming to terms more with my body, but it's really difficult to now.
I'm sorry for bringing the mood of the thread down, but I really just don't know what else to do.
Even if you were a floor denting fatty who couldn't leave the house, that wouldn't make you a bad person. Those people on the other hand are awful human beings for trying to body shame you, and no matter what shape they're in they're still awful human beings who probably poison all of their relationships with their hideous personalities. Normal people who are content with themselves and have fulfilling lives don't bully others. If those guys saw you as an actual person instead of a decorative object, they'd want to help you get in shape if you're really so unfit.

If you want to get in better shape for your own reasons and not for the sake of tactless idiots, you could either find a nice gym partner to work out with or join some sort of sports or exercise group that's not limited to ultra athletic people. Maybe have a look at Meetup.com for groups in your area.
sorry i don't remember reading any posts from you before this page. but since you're overweight, maybe the rest of your penis is being concealed?
:( I already compensated for that.
There are no standard or official organization for measuring dick. so there is a lot of variation in the results you get. do you do it standing or in bed?, you measure from the underside, on the top side, on the left or the right? do you compensate for curvature if it exist. do you use a rigid or flexible ruler, how about a piece of string. etc. and then you get to the how hard do you press on the base of your dick do you measure only the visible part, or do you press the ruler to get to the "real base" or whatever you wanna call it. so yeah. Also, I've been normal weight twice in my adult life and the lenght is consistent with that method.
do you live in the us?
No, I'm from Acapulco, Mexico. Medical atention here is very cheap. so no problem with that. I believe that day I paid $200 to the doctor and another $100 in antibiotics and analgesics. That was in pesos so about $25 dollars.
are you a grower or a shower?
I'm a grower. When my penis is flaccid only the head is poking above my balls, (so no, I can't do the helicopter :( ), I would say that when I get aroused it grows like 300% but the result is not very espectacular. Someone told me it's tasty tough.


Hunky Nostradamus
There are no standard or official organization for measuring dick. so there is a lot of variation in the results you get. do you do it standing or in bed?


you measure from the underside, on the top side, on the left or the right?

always from the top side

do you compensate for curvature if it exist.

of course

do you use a rigid or flexible ruler, how about a piece of string. etc.


and then you get to the how hard do you press on the base of your dick do you measure only the visible part, or do you press the ruler to get to the "real base" or whatever you wanna call it.

only the visible part, as the part you don't see doesn't matter

No, I'm from Acapulco, Mexico. Medical atention here is very cheap. so no problem with that. I believe that day I paid $200 to the doctor and another $100 in antibiotics and analgesics. That was in pesos so about $25 dollars.

you should go more often then!

I'm a grower. When my penis is flaccid only the head is poking above my balls, (so no, I can't do the helicopter :( ), I would say that when I get aroused it grows like 300% but the result is not very espectacular.

on the plus side, at least you don't have to worry about it flopping around when you go jogging

Someone told me it's tasty tough.

on the plus side, at least you don't have to worry about it flopping around when you go jogging
Yeah, no flopping!, if you wanna look on the plus side, I'll give you another one. I can go with a hard on everywhere. I can go with a mini-size tent in my pants and no one even notices. even on swetpants. :p.

Also you can't just say how you measure your dick and not give the results.


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, no flopping!, if you wanna look on the plus side, I'll give you another one. I can go with a hard on everywhere. I can go with a mini-size tent in my pants and no one even notices. even on swetpants. :p.

oh yeahh

Also you can't just say how you measure your dick and not give the results.

the result is whatever the ruler tells you it is
I know you've already been assured by many here, but let me add that you are, in no way at all, fat. Not even a little bit. Period.

And anyone that would be so disgusting and classless to make fun of people just for the way they look, regardless of if they're big, small, or anything in between, are literal human garbage. Like, if you cut them open, demonic filth would spill out. A lot of people are pure trash, and their opinions mean even less than the sum of their putrid parts. Pay them no heed.
You're right, mr.. I know they're soulless and bad people :( But for some reason I can't seem to just convince my head to get over it. I think it might be because one of the main things they targeted (besides everything) was my legs, and you know how insecure I am about them :(

Thank you for the words of encouragement mister <3 i have some really killer friends in here. And irl as well who have really helped me take my mind off of it. <3 You're amazing.

Even if you were a floor denting fatty who couldn't leave the house, that wouldn't make you a bad person. Those people on the other hand are awful human beings for trying to body shame you, and no matter what shape they're in they're still awful human beings who probably poison all of their relationships with their hideous personalities. Normal people who are content with themselves and have fulfilling lives don't bully others. If those guys saw you as an actual person instead of a decorative object, they'd want to help you get in shape if you're really so unfit.

If you want to get in better shape for your own reasons and not for the sake of tactless idiots, you could either find a nice gym partner to work out with or join some sort of sports or exercise group that's not limited to ultra athletic people. Maybe have a look at Meetup.com for groups in your area.

Meetup.com?? I've never heard of it! What is it, exactly? Thank you for the resource :)

I do really want to get into better shape.. Partially for myself and my own insecurities, but also partially so that I'll stop getting called fat :(. I know I should only do it purely for myself.. But.. I dunno.. ;___;


Meetup.com?? I've never heard of it! What is it, exactly? Thank you for the resource :)
No problem! It's this great site that works as a hub for real-life social groups. You search for groups in your area (if you're near a big city there will be hundreds), sign up for whatever looks interesting, and then attend any of the events you want to. There are city walks, sketch meetups, LGBT book clubs, tons of exercise groups... pretty much anything you can think of really. It's a good way to get out and meet friendly people who share some of your interests.

I do really want to get into better shape.. Partially for myself and my own insecurities, but also partially so that I'll stop getting called fat :(. I know I should only do it purely for myself.. But.. I dunno.. ;___;
Just know there will always be jerks who dislike you for no good reason. If possible, try to surround yourself with people who like you for you and don't cut you down all the time.


I think he's still too young that "I don't give a fuck what you say" mentally comes with age, and experience.

Plus it takes a lot of work to maintain good shape... :*( I like food, but it's the devil.
Good morning GAF (well at least morning to Euro GAF). I am pretty hung hover after drinking a ton of beers and eating sausage (no pun intended). At the party my office had yesterday one of the sausages was labeled "Not Chorizo"...what the hell does that mean? It bothered me all night lol.

On topic:

No problem! It's this great site that works as a hub for real-life social groups. You search for groups in your area (if you're near a big city there will be hundreds), sign up for whatever looks interesting, and then attend any of the events you want to. There are city walks, sketch meetups, LGBT book clubs, tons of exercise groups... pretty much anything you can think of really. It's a good way to get out and meet friendly people who share some of your interests.

Just know there will always be jerks who dislike you for no good reason. If possible, try to surround yourself with people who like you for you and don't cut you down all the time.

This is an awesome resource, thanks for sharing!
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