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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Ha, appreciate it. I can't say I wouldn't mind knowing anyways since I could probably use some ideas on how to combat my own stress and anxiety.

Also, as for the bolded: whaaaaaaaat? Gato, you're killing me. :p It's such a dumb fun movie! You really should watch it. I'm almost tempted to suggest a viewing party, haha.
I'll let you know if it has any good effect on me!

And of course would I be down for a viewing party, heh. Makes more fun to watch something that way. :3

Top of the page, so here have some hot guy:



I don't really think that correlates though. Unless the gay for pay dude is espousing some sort of "I'll let you suck me off but I won't like it" type attitude in real life, then he's just another performer to me. Some of my fav pornstars are gay for pay, and if they're down to really get into it and give a good show, then to them I say bravo.
It's a personal thing, really. I just don't like it and it turns me off ...like honestly I don't care if they're doing the best gay sex ever filmed it's just not hot for me if I know they're straight or they're "gay for pay."


I'll let you know if it has any good effect on me!

And of course would I be down for a viewing party, heh. Makes more fun to watch something that way. :3

Top of the page, so here have some hot guy:




His hair looks really greasy and he just looks like he needs to shower.

It's not big enough to say anything about the larger population even at that college, no. It actually reminds me of Neil Malamuth's research from the 1980s that I've posted about before, where 16 to 20 percent of respondents would commit "rape" if they could be certain of getting away with it, but 36 to 44 percent if it was worded as "force a woman to have sex."

How do you get "31.7%" of 73 men, by the way? That's 23.141 men.

That is disturbing. However, is 73 enough people for a sample?
73 men doesn't feel like big enough of a sample. Still, these results are very disturbing.

Regarding bolded, yes, and no, It depends more on how precise you want your confidence interval to be than the actual population size which is largely irrelevant unless you've a small population/are sampling a high percentage of the population.

At 73 people, for a large population, at the 95% confidence interval, your margin of error is going to be approximately 11.47%. The population size, if large, is rather irrelevant. As a simple demonstration of how irrelevant it is, the margin of error for 1,000,000,000,000 people is approximately 11.47%. At 1,000,000,000 people is approximately the same, at 100,000 people it's approximately the same, at 1,000 people it's approximately 11.05%. A rough way of checking the margin of error for a large population, so long as the sample is a small percentage of the overall population (I know I'm being vague but I don't care to explain at the moment) is .98 divided by the square root of the (sample size) (i.e. 98/((100)((sample size)^(1/2)) or .98 multiplied by (sample size)^(-(1/2))).

Original Claim: 36% of men would 'force a woman to have sex' if they'd get away with it.
Let's say there was another study, where 1,000 people were sampled from the population. In it, 431 respondents say they would 'force a woman to have sex' if they'd get away with it.
H0 - We do not prove the original study wrong.
H1 - We prove the original study wrong.

4310/10000 is approximately 43%.

Original study found 36% would with a sample size of 73.

At the 95% Confidence interval:
.98/(73)^1/2 is approx 11.47%.

Therefore the range that the true percentage is, if the study is accurate (36-11.47)% <= p <= (36+11.47)% (I'm not doing these calculations. 43% falls within these ranges, so we fail to reject the null hypothesis (i.e. we would not be able to claim the original study was flawed) despite the fact that it's a much larger population.

That's an example simplified hugely and making a number of assumptions, but with that amount of people you can be 95% certain that the true percentage will be within the range.

(Basically, if the sampling was done correctly, the population is pretty much irrelevant if it's very large; I should also note that I've only done Statistics at a Leaving Certificate level so perhaps there are more intricacies than we had been led to believe, as I assume, but I very much doubt it's hugely inaccurate).

Regarding underlined,that's odd.

EDIT: Also, supports Neil Malamuth's research assuming he found 40% would do it and it was +-4% at 95% confidence interval (because this research states 24.53% to 47.47% would)

EDIT 2: Terrisus could probably give more accurate calculations than the extemely broad stuff I've done though, and talk about other confidence intervals (the Leaving Certificate was confined to 95% and rough estimations) though, but it's better to criticise the selecting of a sample than it is for it being too small.


Was watching Community, which is a good show and all that,but what I really liked was Troy's Dracula costume.


*listens to Childish Gambino*
The guys posted in this thread are super hot but too much white

Btw, there's too many white men posted in the last couple of pages.
Thank you, your efforts are appreciated. I am all for more diversity in the pictures posted in this thread. Some good ones posted already.

I'll let you know if it has any good effect on me!

And of course would I be down for a viewing party, heh. Makes more fun to watch something that way. :3

And nice, that would be pretty fun, ha. Shoot me a PM or hit me up directly if you want to talk about it more. :>

Top of the page, so here have some hot guy:



Such good taste. :3 Oberyn is one of my favorite characters in this past season. GoT Book 3/Season 4 spoilers:
So gutted when he died, he was a sexy badass. :<

Anyways, here he is with the actor playing The Mountain:



Went to the dentist for my annual (I know) appointment. Still not a single cavity. They did tell me I needed to floss more though.

Still no hope for braces

RIP forever, sex life.


I can't post my couple favourite hot black daddy pics since they are all nudes. :(
And my hot black dudes are all bodybuilders so not many will enjoy (plus very borderline SFW).


I can't post my couple favourite hot black daddy pics since they are all nudes. :(
And my hot black dudes are all bodybuilders so not many will enjoy (plus very borderline SFW).

You ain't alone, brother. Loooooooooove me some super swole dudes. ^^^ oh my goodness. I was literally caught by surprise when this post hit and I saw that gif.


Regarding bolded, yes, and no, It depends more on how precise you want your confidence interval to be than the actual population size which is largely irrelevant unless you've a small population/are sampling a high percentage of the population.

This is the link to the study that the article provides, which says:

Eighty-six male college students received extra credit for
their participation. All participants were over 18 (M=21,SD=3.6) and most were juniors in college. The over-whelming majority of participants (>90%) identified as Caucasian, consistent with the general student make up at this university, and all identified as heterosexual, with prior sexual experiences

This was reduced to 73:

There was one participant who indicated that he would rape a woman, but denied any likelihood to use force to obtain intercourse. Because we did not know how to make sense of this answer and could not exclude a random error (e.g., careless marking), this case was dropped from the analysis. Cases with missing data for the dispositional measures or intentions were also dropped. This left us 73 cases for analysis, which all fell into one of these groups: endorsing no intentions of sexual assault (n=49), ndorsing intentions to use force but denying intentions to rape a woman (n=13), and endorsing both(n=10). Statistical guidelines for our chosen analysis suggests that the minimum number of cases per group should exceed the number of variables to be workable, and 5 observations per variable entered into the analysis, although 20 is preferred. For our 3 groups and 2 variables, we have 73 cases that surpass these requirement

Anyway, do you see anything about how they actually got their sample? If it's just, "Hey, male junior students in my class, want some extra credit?" I'm not sure you can just apply the math for confidence intervals and expect it all to work out. But I don't have time to read it at work, so I'm hoping I can get you to do it instead..


So.. what's the difference between "rape" and "forcing women to have sex"? Both are against her will. Or is just about the name and a bunch of men don't understand that forced sex is basically a rape?

There's gafhotmen tumblr. It's very NSFW.

Holy shit, the dude in the 4th picture down on this tumblr. I almost passed out.

Edit: here's a SFW one of him.

What kind of perfect face?

Double edit: he's gay too.
This is the link to the study that the article provides, which says:

This was reduced to 73:

Anyway, do you see anything about how they actually got their sample? If it's just, "Hey, male junior students in my class, want some extra credit?" I'm not sure you can just apply the math for confidence intervals and expect it all to work out. But I don't have time to read it at work, so I'm hoping I can get you to do it instead..

Unfortunately the statistics segment of what I've done is minimal at best and makes a huge number of assumptions and approximations so I really couldn't do much actual mathematical analysis given that they're not using such simple methods it seems, and I'm pretty sure the previous post was limited to simple random sampling. The information they provide on how their sample was selected is minimal. It is possible that the introduction of the incentive would create a bias (it may create a higher probability that those struggling in their course would be more likely to respond than those doing very well) but whether or not this was accounted for I cannot really say. I'll be able to get back to you in thirteen weeks on how useful the study is but I've a suspicion that's too long, so somebody who has done statistics at university level already would be better able to respond really.

EDIT: The main point I was trying to make was that a sample size of 73 out of a huge population isn't inherently too small, only that how meaningful it is depends on what you want your margin of error to be.


Usually these top of the page hot guys aren't my type; but today...
You have good taste! :D

he's in Rio? nice.
He comes from somewhere in South America afaik so I'd imagine he'd took that photo somewhere around there, yeah.


And nice, that would be pretty fun, ha. Shoot me a PM or hit me up directly if you want to talk about it more. :>

Such good taste. :3 Oberyn is one of my favorite characters in this past season. GoT Book 3/Season 4 spoilers:
So gutted when he died, he was a sexy badass. :<

Anyways, here he is with the actor playing The Mountain:

I will! And yeah, both of them are hot. x3

(Spoiler for Game of Thrones Season 4)
I was devastated when he died. I read it in the books, but I still cried a million tears like a little child crying about the loss of a good friend.


Gold Member
That dude has a mediocre scrawny face. Why y'all drooling over him?
Probably for the same reasons why you have Nathan "token average-looking straight brown-haired white man in his 30s lead character of a video game" Drake for an avatar? We all like what we like.
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