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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm a goober.

But an adorable one. ;)

Im a guy and i've been really curious lately, I just dont know how to go about acting upon that. Its hard enough talking to girls as it is but I have always seemed to get hit on my gay men more than women. One day gaf, one day

1) Go online
2) Go to M4M sites
3) Post profile/ad
4) ??????
5) PROFIT! (or don't)

Of course, STD/AIDS/blah, blah, blah but it is really that simple. It's 2014, you're in the modern age. There's really nothing stopping you from finding another man to do things with besides yourself.
So, that Vegas thing I was trying to do to meet my ex, yeah, it wasn't a good idea at all. Thank God I got my heart broken once again right before I was about to buy my plane tickets.

I still feel like shit but at least I didn't spend all that money and time for some selfish prick. At least I think I have a reason to move on now.


Hunky Nostradamus
whats the difference between bisexual and polysexual

I knew what this was before I clicked it <3


Sorry right now I can only listen to Kate Bush describe the sky and songbirds in lyric tbh.

lana banana is better than k8 shush btw

Why am I still doing nothing then?

try harder?

So, that Vegas thing I was trying to do to meet my ex, yeah, it wasn't a good idea at all. Thank God I got my heart broken once again right before I was about to buy my plane tickets.

I still feel like shit but at least I didn't spend all that money and time for some selfish prick. At least I think I have a reason to move on now.

what happened?
what happened?
He's been in the US since Monday, we weren't sure about anything for a while, he got his Vegas tickets yesterday and told me, he would be there very shortly, arriving at noon an leaving the next day in the morning. Still, I didn't care, I was in. I didn't have the money until later today so I planned on buying my ticket tomorrow morning. We were figuring out where we would stay, etc (remember this was pretty much our "secret").

As I told you, he's going to see Britney (and has an extra ticket that I was going to pay him for, because his aunt/uncle couldn't make it&#65292; but they wanted to try and sell it). He sent me a few pics from his phone with merchandise from the show that he liked. And in all of them there was the stupid Scruff logo on the notification bar.

I know this might be childish to some, because after all we broke up and we both have been trying to date, etc. but it just felt so wrong. I got very upset and cancelled the whole thing. I mean here I am, thinking of spending my hard earned money and spending hours on a plane just to see him for a bit, while he's talking and trying to meet other guys.

I know it might be selfish from me but he could at least had the decency to send me pics without the stupid Scruff notification on it and everything would have been fine. But then again, I guess it's better this way.
Random: I just discovered that country singer/stud Steve Grand used to do underwear modeling and had a spread in DNA Magazine. (NSFW link.)

This is how you get me interested in country music.


He's been in the US since Monday, we weren't sure about anything for a while, he got his Vegas tickets yesterday and told me, he would be there very shortly, arriving at noon an leaving the next day in the morning. Still, I didn't care, I was in. I didn't have the money until later today so I planned on buying my ticket tomorrow morning. We were figuring out where we would stay, etc (remember this was pretty much our "secret").

As I told you, he's going to see Britney (and has an extra ticket that I was going to pay him for, because his aunt/uncle couldn't make it&#65292; but they wanted to try and sell it). He sent me a few pics from his phone with merchandise from the show that he liked. And in all of them there was the stupid Scruff logo on the notification bar.

I know this might be childish to some, because after all we broke up and we both have been trying to date, etc. but it just felt so wrong. I got very upset and cancelled the whole thing. I mean here I am, thinking of spending my hard earned money and spending hours on a plane just to see him for a bit, while he's talking and trying to meet other guys.

I know it might be selfish from me but he could at least had the decency to send me pics without the stupid Scruff notification on it and everything would have been fine. But then again, I guess it's better this way.

Just curious, but didn't you have a one-night stand recently? I mean, here you are, being mad at your ex for probably having sex with other guys, and yet it's somehow okay for you to do that?

I understand you being upset with him since you had genuine feelings for him, and the whole situation is still fresh for you. It probably hurts like hell just thinking about your ex being with someone else. But man, try to put things into perspective. It was a breakup.

Look at this from a positive side: you didn't waste money. The trip would have ended in disappointment either way, regardless of the two of you reconnecting physically or not. Treat yourself to something instead, and I'm sure you'll feel a bit better. Time will do the rest.


I don't have tumblr guys, I will have to create an account to create an account tomorrow and follow all of you :p What do I have to know about it beforehand?
Lots of FFXIV here. After giving up MMOs once I realized I couldn't handle them and college, here I am 8 months after graduation sucked back into another one.

Ah well, I'm having fun :)

I'm playing FF14 as well. It's not groundbreaking, but I really like it. I think what attracts me the most is that one character can potentially max all the classes.
I approve.

His music videos are hot BTW.

The amount of times I've listened/watched 'All American Boy' is astounding.
I knew about his music, and how hot he is. (I supported his album on KS too, even though I'm not really a country fan.) I just wasn't aware of his modeling past.

More research is definitely required~

Luke Karmali (hot IGN journalist) added me on PSN.

The elation is overwhelming.
He's cute. :)
Just curious, but didn't you have a one-night stand recently? I mean, here you are, being mad at your ex for probably having sex with other guys, and yet it's somehow okay for you to do that?

I understand you being upset with him since you had genuine feelings for him, and the whole situation is still fresh for you. It probably hurts like hell just thinking about your ex being with someone else. But man, try to put things into perspective. It was a breakup.

Look at this from a positive side: you didn't waste money. The trip would have ended in disappointment either way, regardless of the two of you reconnecting physically or not. Treat yourself to something instead, and I'm sure you'll feel a bit better. Time will do the rest.
Yeah, I know it's selfish to expect him not to be with anyone else. I understand that but it's just one of those things that I don't want to hear from him.

Through the years I've lost a lot of self confidence and it's just hard. I wish it wouldn't get to me but it does. I don't want to hear or know about someone I love being with anyone else. I just don't understand why the fuck would he send me those pics without clearing the notification before.

He told me he thought it was stupid that I canceled and I told him that it was just as stupid as spending a lot of money and time to see him (as in someone who broke up with me). But hey, that's me. I do stupid stuff for "love". He was like: you're right, I'm not worth it. Gosh, I hate when he does that.


Yeah, I know it's selfish to expect him not to be with anyone else. I understand that but it's just one of those things that I don't want to hear from him.

Through the years I've lost a lot of self confidence and it's just hard. I wish it wouldn't get to me but it does. I don't want to hear or know about someone I love being with anyone else. I just don't understand why the fuck would he send me those pics without clearing the notification before.

He told me he thought it was stupid that I canceled and I told him that it was just as stupid as spending a lot of money and time to see him (as in someone who broke up with me). But hey, that's me. I do stupid stuff for "love". He was like: you're right, I'm not worth it. Gosh, I hate when he does that.

Doing silly things for love is completely justified when your feelings are being reciprocated. It's worth every embarrassing moment. But when they're not, it's better to just let go and move on.

The reason why I said that the trip would have ended in disappointment was the following: even if the two of you reconnected for a day, it's not like you would have ended up back together, since:

a) if I recall correctly, you live too far apart from each other,
b) he's way too young for a serious commitment,
c) your feelings would have probably been rekindled, and it would have taken you even more time to get over him.

So, in a way, even if it doesn't seem that way right now, him not hiding Scruff notifications is actually a blessing in disguise for you.

As for the confidence thing, it's not about that actually, it's more about the fact that you still have feelings for him. When you stop having feelings for him, those things won't bother you anymore. For example, recently I saw my ex for the first time since we broke up (which was a year and half ago).
I can't say I even flinched when he talked about his numerous sexual conquests. It was like: "well, I can't believe I'm sitting across someone whom I was with for 2,5 years, listening to all that, and actually not feeling like I'm about to die".

Time did its thing. And it was awesome, knowing that I got over him completely.

The same will happen to you. It will get better. You just need more time.
Doing silly things for love is completely justified when your feelings are being reciprocated. It's worth every embarrassing moment. But when they're not, it's better to just let go and move on.

The reason why I said that the trip would have ended in disappointment was the following: even if the two of you reconnected for a day, it's not like you would have ended up back together, since:

a) if I recall correctly, you live too far apart from each other,
b) he's way too young for a serious commitment,
c) your feelings would have probably been rekindled, and it would have taken you even more time to get over him.

So, in a way, even if it doesn't seem that way right now, him not hiding Scruff notifications is actually a blessing in disguise for you.

As for the confidence thing, it's not about that actually, it's more about the fact that you still have feelings for him. When you stop having feelings for him, those things won't bother you anymore. For example, recently I saw my ex for the first time since we broke up (which was a year and half ago).
I can't say I even flinched when he talked about his numerous sexual conquests. It was like: "well, I can't believe I'm sitting across someone whom I was with for 2,5 years, listening to all that, and actually not feeling like I'm about to die".

Time did its thing. And it was awesome, knowing that I got over him completely.

The same will happen to you. It will get better. You just need more time.
Thank you for your words.

Wow, Vazduh, your words are SO moving, and I can't even relate to them atm, but still ! :3

In fact, I'm going to write a romantic fanfic right now.

It'll feature Sonic x Shadow x Silver


Hii ~

Oh yeah, an intro heh. Well I'm Joey, I'm 19 and I'm a kinda-sorta in the closet gay guy. :)

Welcome :) What games do you like? Any other hobbies or interests? Etc lol

BTW we're nice people
not me but the rest of the thread is filled with hot and nice guys :)


Summer ending is such a blessing and a curse, blessing because the heat is ending but a curse because I feel like another year is ending too fast, I don't like time passing so fast :/


Yeah this year has kinda flown by, for better or worse. I start my masters in nursing in January, big new chapter in my life and I can't wait for it.
Every year that passes is a year closer to gay death *shudders*

The gay death thing is so stupid, it's kinda offensive. I'm 32, going to be 33 this year and despite my health issues, I'm in a much better place than I was in my 20s. Guys get better with age, tbqh.
When is gay death happening, anyway? 20? 25?

Or is it more of a social death?
I mean, I have to know.
Coffins ARE expensive, I think? >.<


The gay death thing is so stupid, it's kinda offensive. I'm 32, going to be 33 this year and despite my health issues, I'm in a much better place than I was in my 20s. Guys get better with age, tbqh.

Yeah I know, I was just joking, I do think people in their 30's have generally a better head on their shoulders than people in their 20's and considering how things are going in my life, I don't expect to find anybody until I at least hit 30.


I think it's 30 but it may have changed... I'll be gone in two years. Pray for me GAF.

It's 25 you are zombie already.

In other news about actual death Gustavo Cerati died :( I know there are many latinamerican people in gay gaf so I thought I would share. He was huge in all Spanish speaking countries in the continent.
I think it's 30 but it may have changed... I'll be gone in two years. Pray for me GAF.

Then we'll have to prepare it all in advance. Anything you want? You know, flowers, special guests, a private concert by your favorite

Man, the spoiler tags are ADDICTIVE. It's like crossing out words but better.
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