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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I mostly use :D or :3
Also used by me (but not so excessively since it doesn't really fit into a conversation on FB or Steam chat): 〜( ̄ ̄) and (ー)
They only really fit on message boards.


Why use >:] when I can use


Get on my level, plebs


I started playing Super Smash Bros 3DS but it's so difficult, I die all the time. :(
Last SSB game I've played was the first one on the N64.
I started playing Super Smash Bros 3DS but it's so difficult, I die all the time. :(
Last SSB game I've played was the first one on the N64.

:eek: Just keep practicing. find a character or two that really clicks and focus on them in terms of learning more with the game .
I dont think i have you on 3ds. I should pm you my 3ds code lol


I still have to buy Smash Bros. Someone give me money, I'm a poor pleb. 😾

I also need a new PC. Maybe I just go out, learn an instrument and play terrible music on the streets. People will throw money at me just to shut me up. Perfect plan. 😎


My best friend uses ": )", I don't know why and it's upsetting me a bit.

I can't tell her "why do you put a space between the eyes and the mouth? why don't you do a nose while you're at it?" because it sounds petty and this is real life, not a Seinfeld episode, haha.

I still have to buy Smash Bros. Someone give me money, I'm a poor pleb. 😾

I also need a new PC. Maybe I just go out, learn an instrument and play terrible music on the streets. People will throw money at me just to shut me up. Perfect plan. 😎

That's actually a great idea...


:eek: Just keep practicing. find a character or two that really clicks and focus on them in terms of learning more with the game .
I dont think i have you on 3ds. I should pm you my 3ds code lol

my friend code is 4055-3191-6936, I have like 95 friends since I had Ditto on my Pokemon park thingy from X/Y. I guess I'll have to delete people. Damn that 100 friend limit!


My best friend uses ": )", I don't know why and it's upsetting me a bit.

I can't tell her "why do you put a space between the eyes and the mouth? why don't you do a nose while you're at it?" because it sounds petty and this is real life, not a Seinfeld episode, haha.
:) looks really creepy though.
That's actually a great idea...
The dots at the end make me think that you are being sarcastic. Why would you, it's a fool-proof plan. 😉

Unrelated, but I'm kind of in love with my Courier (player avatar) from Fallout New Vegas. What a sexy man. 😋


The dots at the end make me think that you are being sarcastic. Why would you, it's a fool-proof plan. ��

What? Nooooo I swear to you I was totally sincere, El Gato! I do think it's a good idea. Even if it probably won't work if you put it into practice.

People are gonna get mad and call the police or just run away, haha.

:p is basically a necessity. It softens posts in the absence of proper conversational context.

Yeah but ":p" is dangerous. Sometimes it softens the post, but other times I feel like it's a cheeky smile which convey an impression of sarcasm or boastfulness haha


True, but that's still an upgrade over no :p at all! BTW it seems to me like XD is very popular in Mexico while kind of frowned upon in English speaking forums / sites. We don't have "lol", so I guess we adopted XD as a replacement.

Mr. F

:) looks really creepy though.

The dots at the end make me think that you are being sarcastic. Why would you, it's a fool-proof plan. 😉

Unrelated, but I'm kind of in love with my Courier (player avatar) from Fallout New Vegas. What a sexy man. 😋

I need a new Fallout game, like yesterday.
As for me, I'm a :3 / :D/ :r person. And sometimes I use SPOILERY Ace Attorney gifs to express emotion. Yeah.

By the way, I'm now lurking through the dating site scene. Gosh, why did I do that? I'm looking for nerdy guys
and daddies, I'm like Lana del Rey *shot*
and wow, everyone is a big hypocrite. There's this guy that had sinilar tastes as mine and I thought we could be good friends or whatever, but when he sees a pic he's like "uhhh not interested, g'luck!". And he was "looking for friends". Seriously. Stop lying or I'll have to ban you out of the gay club.


By the way, I'm now lurking through the dating site scene. Gosh, why did I do that? I'm looking for nerdy guys
and daddies, I'm like Lana del Rey *shot*
and wow, everyone is a big hypocrite. There's this guy that had sinilar tastes as mine and I thought we could be good friends or whatever, but when he sees a pic he's like "uhhh not interested, g'luck!". And he was "looking for friends". Seriously. Stop lying or I'll have to ban you out of the gay club.

They're all just saying that... I don't know why they even bother, actually. You're right that they should be more upfront about it.

Or maybe they mean "sex friends" but then why wouldn't they just write that.


(fluffy bunnies)

I see you edited your post so I'm not sure if I should answer it or not. I'm just going to say that I think you're overthinking what he posted and you shouldn't feel like he was targeting you :) If you want me to elaborate a bit, I can :)

As for me, I'm a :3 / :D/ :r person. And sometimes I use SPOILERY Ace Attorney gifs to express emotion. Yeah.

By the way, I'm now lurking through the dating site scene. Gosh, why did I do that? I'm looking for nerdy guys
and daddies, I'm like Lana del Rey *shot*
and wow, everyone is a big hypocrite. There's this guy that had sinilar tastes as mine and I thought we could be good friends or whatever, but when he sees a pic he's like "uhhh not interested, g'luck!". And he was "looking for friends". Seriously. Stop lying or I'll have to ban you out of the gay club.

If you're talking about Grindr and the likes, you should always assume that most people are looking for hookups even if they're not upfront about it (for various reasons, be it that they feel bad about it, or they're outright cheating on someone and are -badly- covering their asses in case they get caught). Sometimes you might be pleasantly surprised but that's not what those apps are created or used for 99% of the time.


I see you edited your post so I'm not sure if I should answer it or not. I'm just going to say that I think you're overthinking what he posted and you shouldn't feel like he was targeting you :) If you want me to elaborate a bit, I can :)

no worries. too paranoid to keep my post out in the open. :B

it's not his post (or profile) what's confusing me, it's my reaction to it. usually I'm just annoyed at that kind of behavior and shrug it off. but this hit hard. maybe I thought of him as a decent guy. or the illusion of him being decent gave me hope. lol


If you're talking about Grindr and the likes, you should always assume that most people are looking for hookups even if they're not upfront about it (for various reasons, be it that they feel bad about it, or they're outright cheating on someone and are -badly- covering their asses in case they get caught). Sometimes you might be pleasantly surprised but that's not what those apps are created or used for 99% of the time.

On the other hand, that's also what makes the hook-up services vastly superior. You know exactly what you're getting into when you start chatting up someone on Grindr, but on a standard dating site you have no idea what the other party is really interested in (since they're usually too shy/sly/asshole to just say outright on their profiles).

If you're looking for an actual relationship, standard social contact has always worked more reliably in my experience.
On the other hand, that's also what makes the hook-up services vastly superior. You know exactly what you're getting into when you start chatting up someone on Grindr, but on a standard dating site you have no idea what the other party is really interested in (since they're usually too shy/sly/asshole to just say outright on their profiles).

If you're looking for an actual relationship, standard social contact has always worked more reliably in my experience.

The problem is, I'm not talking about Grindr, I already know the deal of that place ;___;

It's just that I'm TERRIBLE at standard social contact and I am quite good at words, so I feel more confortable through some site or whatever before getting into action
non sexual action ofc

By the way Berordn why does MWFT have boobs


The problem is, I'm not talking about Grindr, I already know the deal of that place ;___;

It's just that I'm TERRIBLE at standard social contact and I am quite good at words, so I feel more confortable through some site or whatever before getting into action
non sexual action ofc

I really wish I had some better advice, but my last few relationships seem to have stemmed from just being in the right place at the right time and having mutual interest in a guy, be it at work, school or otherwise. Made friends with them, and eventually we started making out.

By the way Berordn why does MWFT have boobs


I'ma try recropping that.

edit:eek:kay, better?


All this talk about Grindr, dating, going out, making out, drinking, going to a bar... is foreign to me. Here I am, twenty years old, never dated, never kissed anyone, and I feel as if this is my destiny. I can see myself now thirty years from now just being by myself, alone. But it's not scary nor does it make me sad. It's just anxiety. One's future, our future, is mot written on a wall so anything could happen. At the same time I feel as if I'm not in control of my life, just living life and trying to survive. With no motivations or goals in life. The only thing I look forward to is upgrading my gaming PC, running benchmarks and overclocking my pc. That's it. It's the only thing that keeps me going. To get the most out of my cpu, and gpu, running uniengine, or fire strike. My life doesn't get more exciting than opening a package to find out that my gpu has finally arrived or being able to achieve a stable overclock and squeeze more frames. But as far as having a social life or dating or a "love" life, never had any of those. So I'm an outsider and I prefer to observe and analyze (sometimes over analyze) and connect the dots. I've concluded that it takes a lot of courage to be fully out and dating is in the same way as taking a leap of faith. You can never really know anyone 100%. To me that's scary... and I'd rather be a coward, and play it safe or so to speak. I love and hate my solitude.

I apologize for being dramatic, writing this helps me venting off. :p I love the :p, it's like a humorous relief to me, at least that's how I try to use it. Similarly to lol
Did you like it?

I found it highly interesting and enjoyed it very much. While I did feel that, a few times, there was a leap of logic in the characters' assumptions/deductions (even when I really enjoyed the ideas that were being presented), or that their actions did not quite jive with their behaviour or thoughts, that and also felt that some of the music became somewhat annoyingly repetitive later on in the show, the fantastic atmosphere, fascinating characters, interesting moral questions posed, the setting of the show, the deliberate pace, and the magnificently interweaving tale (some of the reveals, particularly those that altered our perception of events that previously occurred or merely intertwined with them, were very clever in subverting expectations) made it a very enjoyable show. I do wish the passage of time had been dealt with in a more visible manner in regard to the characters' facial appearances, I wasn't very fond of the repetitive nature of some of the openings, or the utilisation of flashbacks (to events that happened, which we saw in an accurate frame of reference, in the story) at numerous points, admittedly, and I had been becoming extremely annoyed that characters were calling Johan "The Devil" and "Monster" to people without any awareness of him for the umpteenth time, but this is a mild, petty annoyance admittedly.

I particularly liked any episode or sequence with a substantial deviation from the main tale. The opening featuring the "Monster Without a Name" tale was, in particular, one of my favourite segments of the story.

I know this is poorly structured as I'm writing more in a train of thought rather than a structured response to the question, and I know I'm being very vague as I don't want to spoil anything for anyboy who has not yet watched the show, so to conclude, yes, I very much enjoyed it even if I did have some complaints that, while sometimes significant or startling, were not nearly enough to leave a remotely negative impression of what was overall a very strong, engrossing, and interesting show.


Who does he play as? Probably someone I hate playing against. <______<

I don't know how I missed this post.

He used Wii Fit Trainer (holy shit he's great), Mario, Little Mac and Ike (was it Ike at the end?). He won every fight by two stocks and dominates every one of them.
my friend code is 4055-3191-6936, I have like 95 friends since I had Ditto on my Pokemon park thingy from X/Y. I guess I'll have to delete people. Damn that 100 friend limit!

PMed. I read this and immediately thought of you being in this type of situation

" I have only 1 more 3ds friend code slot in my system, and only 1 of you can get in to play against me in smash, and the other; will be immediately deleted to make room."
I thought for a few days a few weeks ago that maybe Caladrius got a name change to Berodn, wasn't sure!

Should I buy The Wonderful 101?
There's a demo on the eshop you could try.

I don't like the game much but I want to. It is mostly fairly good but there are sections that are unclear and horrible and OH NO WHAT IS IT WANTING ME TO DO, FUMBLE FUMBLE, what is this mini-game, why isn't this thing working, now I got a low score.

These bits put me off, but it is a game I want to go back to still.


I thought for a few days a few weeks ago that maybe Caladrius got a name change to Berodn, wasn't sure!

There's a demo on the eshop you could try.

I don't like the game much but I want to. It is mostly fairly good but there are sections that are unclear and horrible and OH NO WHAT IS IT WANTING ME TO DO, FUMBLE FUMBLE, what is this mini-game, why isn't this thing working, now I got a low score.

These bits put me off, but it is a game I want to go back to still.

Ah a demo, didn't even realize, thank you.


All this talk about Grindr, dating, going out, making out, drinking, going to a bar... is foreign to me. Here I am, twenty years old, never dated, never kissed anyone, and I feel as if this is my destiny. I can see myself now thirty years from now just being by myself, alone. But it's not scary nor does it make me sad. It's just anxiety. One's future, our future, is mot written on a wall so anything could happen. At the same time I feel as if I'm not in control of my life, just living life and trying to survive. With no motivations or goals in life. The only thing I look forward to is upgrading my gaming PC, running benchmarks and overclocking my pc. That's it. It's the only thing that keeps me going. To get the most out of my cpu, and gpu, running uniengine, or fire strike. My life doesn't get more exciting than opening a package to find out that my gpu has finally arrived or being able to achieve a stable overclock and squeeze more frames. But as far as having a social life or dating or a "love" life, never had any of those. So I'm an outsider and I prefer to observe and analyze (sometimes over analyze) and connect the dots. I've concluded that it takes a lot of courage to be fully out and dating is in the same way as taking a leap of faith. You can never really know anyone 100%. To me that's scary... and I'd rather be a coward, and play it safe or so to speak. I love and hate my solitude.

I apologize for being dramatic, writing this helps me venting off. :p I love the :p, it's like a humorous relief to me, at least that's how I try to use it. Similarly to lol
I'm also 20, kinda in the same boat as I still have trouble being 100% out. It's honestly the only thing holding me back, but I'm not gonna rush it and just let it happen. It sucks, but yeah...one day! :p


wait who are




introduce yoselfs

there seems to be a lot of that going around here u__u

Hi! I am a human being from planet Earth. The planet is located in the milky way galaxy which is 2.5 million light years from the Andromeda galaxy in the Triangulum and Pegasus constellation. I am a biological and organic organism that's part of a large family of mammal organisms. We named ourselves humans in our quest to classify other living organisms so there wouldn't be much confusion.
mouhahaha :p

What is there to introduce about myself? I'm terrible at introducing myself, what do you want to know? This would be easier if there was like a form we could all fill out like interests and stuff. Actually this would be great to add to the original OT.

Please feel out this ____ so we can get to know you better and welcome to the LGBTQIA forum ^_^

I'm also 20, kinda in the same boat as I still have trouble being 100% out. It's honestly the only thing holding me back, but I'm not gonna rush it and just let it happen. It sucks, but yeah...one day! :p

Best of luck! Don't be afraid, don't be ashamed of who you are.
It's so easy to say it but harder to do it. But one day, one day!


Platinum Games' output are love-it-or-hate it, so that's not surprising.
The only games of theirs I've played so far are MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns/Max Anarchy.

Loved the former, felt ambivalent towards the latter.

wait who are




introduce yoselfs

I am not familiar with Leonidas but Berordn is good people
even if he dislikes Waluigi.

I thought for a few days a few weeks ago that maybe Caladrius got a name change to Berodn, wasn't sure!

Nope. Still kicking.

I was moving at the start of last month and Berordn started frequenting here not long before that.

Neep norp
Hi! I am a human being from planet Earth. The planet is located in the milky way galaxy which is 2.5 million light years from the Andromeda galaxy in the Triangulum and Pegasus constellation. I am a biological and organic organism that's part of a large family of mammal organisms. We named ourselves humans in our quest to classify other living organisms so there wouldn't be much confusion.
mouhahaha =:p

What is there to introduce about myself? I'm terrible at introducing myself, what do you want to know? This would be easier if there was like a form we could all fill out like interests and stuff. Actually this would be great to add to the original OT.

Best of luck! Don't be afraid, don't be ashamed of who you are.
It's so easy to say it but harder to do it. But one day, one day!
I guess what Ratsky means is your sexual orientation, hobbies, interest, favorite games.. just stuff about you in general
I am not familiar with Leonidas but Berordn is good people
even if he dislikes Waluigi.

Neep norp
what? who can dislike the best Mario character? wtf
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