indeed. there is a lot of wisdom and meaning in traditional works. even if you don't consider yourself religious, you will discover many moral truths that give life meaning. things people wrote thousands of years ago that still hold true today. It’s not as if they made up meaning and you made it up too and wow it’s coincidentally the same. There is a real eternal truth and sometimes you just have to look to discover it.This whole thread needs to read Ecclesiastes - so much would be learned and it would only take 20 minutes.
look to religious texts, look to classical fantasy and mythology. a myth is not just a story about fantastic things. it is a story with embedded meaning. it speaks to what Jung called the "Collective Subconscious" on an almost instinctual level. most classical fables derive meaning from what came before. by contrast, most current media seems to want to simply destroy what came before, remove all context, remove all meaning.
galaxy brain has taken over, the stories no longer speak to us as humans. it is no wonder masses of people feel that life is meaningless. their culture is hollow.
you won't find much real wisdom in modern media. Hollywood and TV is designed to make you feel like life is meaningless. they want you to feel that so that you become dependent on THEM for meaning. don't buy into that.
i see a lot of people saying there is no meaning but what you create. i disagree entirely. there are objective truths, regardless of what postmodern media will try and tell you. moral relativism is a lie.
modern society wants you to feel that way: that all standards are relative, that there is no Truth just different viewpoints, that life is meaningless, because they want to sell you that meaning. all lies.
notice how every company wants to sell the idea that their customers are morally righteous now. with #BLM they are selling that their product has moral meaning. even the cold capitalist market knows people need meaning.
this year has shown me there IS an objective good and evil. beyond the shadow of a doubt. it is not some arbitrary construct. you know evil when you see it.
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