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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me

be honest, how many of you don't have a plant anymore? :(

This really bugged me because I intentionally tried to renumber to water it.

And killing a plant by watering it two days in a row?!


Neo Member
My bad guys, thought I did, fixed. Thanks for the reply.

I don't feel like I missed too much there. The music wasn't what I expected to fill those reveals.


Haha suckers, I totally called that plant thing in episode one.

you're gonna side with David? Post the results!
Curious to see how that plays out.

Who sides with David? Dude's a creep!

The only significant thing I noticed, aside from the fact he doesn't get kicked out the house, was that you get included in the list of people Chloe believes let her down near the end, when she finds out about Rachel and Frank. She brings up how you sided with her Stepdad instead of her and storms out the RV.

I really believe David doesn't have any ill intentions. He's being pinned as a villain so, so hard, which only makes me think he's absolutely not a bad guy. Just someone who's methods are messed up from being a war vet.

And according to the choice stats near the end, only 13% of people chose to side with David. Neat.


I have to say, as much as the ending threw me for a loop, I'm a little disappointed with how short this episode was, if only because I know it'll be at least a few months until we get to play EP 4. That aside, it was still an awesome episode and I really can't wait to see how this all plays out. I hope they manage to pull it off, anyway.

I just hope the wait is shorter!
Ouch, I've made some very unpopular decisions in this episode (
I sided with David, I didn't kiss Chloe, I left the gun at Frank's RV
), so I'm curious to see how it'll pan out. Also, my poor plant died :(

I wasn't expecting that ending at all, even though
I knew something bad was going to happen when she changed the past in such a drastic way. Butterfly effect and all of that. I also thought a tsunami was going to hit due to the quick receeding water you see near the end, but it might've just been normal waves or low tide...


Does anyone think that
the random photos you can take are going to have more of a purpose now that you have the ability to go back in time through them? What if one or two of them end up being important...

Obviously not, because [ending twist spoilers]
they can only rely on those photos that were taken in the storyline, not additional pictures.

Max took a pic with Chloe when she was in her home during Ep.3. This one may be used, or others that were mandatory...
Wow, watching a youtube playthrough and I saw that Max doesn't really call out Chloe on her shit if you
saved Kate in episode 2.
I actually thought that was a great scene, because even though Chloe is my favourite character she had to be set straight for some of her episode 2 behaviour.


You've gotta realise it probably wasn't even the
"handicapped fund"
though, right?.
Cash money in a brown envelope in a drawer? That's not official college funds, that's some kind of bribe or other shadily obtained money
Yeah, that's why I said maybe intentional. I just thought it was funny that Max said
it was "a lot" for a "handicapped fund" because it's pea-sized, hahaha.


I still haven't finished this yet, but a friend of mine gave a passing glance and said '
Ha! It'll be funny if her and Rachel are the same persons
. I brushed that thought away, as it made no sense whatsoever, but I then got thinking that......what if? Nah, not happening.
I still haven't finished this yet, but a friend of mine gave a passing glance and said '
Ha! It'll be funny if her and Rachel are the same persons
. I brushed that thought away, as it made no sense whatsoever, but I then got thinking that......what if? Nah, not happening.

it'll probably end with Rachel Amber
being the Maxine Claufield from Earth-2


This episode might have been the best one yet, it had everything that made the first two episodes great and also added a nice dark theme. Also confused how people found this to be the shortest episode, I look around at absolutely everything in the game and episode 2 was by far the shortest.
Where's the photo in the girls dorms?

Victorias room. There is an action figure on her dresser or something in the back corner. You might have to look at the box for it in the trash can in her room first. Positioning to get the photo prompt is wonky on that one too


Victorias room. There is an action figure on her dresser or something in the back corner. You might have to look at the box for it in the trash can in her room first. Positioning to get the photo prompt is wonky on that one too

It's not about that. You see what Victoria has there is a glow in dark figure. So you need to direct your phone's light on the figure for a few seconds before the game lets you take a photo.
It's not about that. You see what Victoria has there is a glow in dark figure. So you need to direct your phone's light on the figure for a few seconds before the game lets you take a photo.

oh huh...didnt even think about that. Just kept walking back and forth in front of it until it let me take the pic lol
That can't be unless they pull something unbelievable stupid ("
time travelling to the same timeline affects your facial bone structure!

Consider this
Current Max consciousness from timeline A (TL A) when back to her 13-year-old self then returned to the present, but this present is not her present, the timeline has diverted so much that we can now consider this one a timeline B (TL B), but Max has no memory of anything that happened in this timeline, I mean she is part of the Vortex Club for crying out loud, obviously the Max from TL B had a life that diverged from the Max from TL B, you're following me?

ok, so now where is 'TL B' Max? did she disappeared into nothingness or was her consciousness forced out of her body when TL A Max 'returned', maybe her consciousness when into TL A Max's body and now she is all confuse about everything being so different, if she hadn't develop her powers yet, she might now, and who knows what she'll try to do, maybe even end up sending her consciousness to another body different from hers, maybe that of a girl named Amber.

Is this too much? I feel like it might be too much


Victorias room. There is an action figure on her dresser or something in the back corner. You might have to look at the box for it in the trash can in her room first. Positioning to get the photo prompt is wonky on that one too

It's not about that. You see what Victoria has there is a glow in dark figure. So you need to direct your phone's light on the figure for a few seconds before the game lets you take a photo.
Ah, I tried going in there on my first play through but it wouldn't let me in. I guess I missed
Max entertaining going through her stuff after talking to Dana.
Bit dumb on my part.

Thanks you two!
Fuck I was thinking about getting
the gun but didn't see it anywhere so I figured frank had it on his person please don't tell me it was in the bathroom drawer:(

This is the first time I actually worried about a decision and I feel it'll come back and bite me:/


Fuck I was thinking about getting
the gun but didn't see it anywhere so I figured frank had it on his person please don't tell me it was in the bathroom drawer:(

This is the first time I actually worried about a decision and I feel it'll come back and bite me:/
It was in one of the ceiling high cupboards, in between Chloe and the drivers seat.

This email from
Nathan in Victoria's room
is incredibly satisfying to read.


Consider this
Current Max consciousness from timeline A (TL A) when back to her 13-year-old self then returned to the present, but this present is not her present, the timeline has diverted so much that we can now consider this one a timeline B (TL B), but Max has no memory of anything that happened in this timeline, I mean she is part of the Vortex Club for crying out loud, obviously the Max from TL B had a life that diverged from the Max from TL B, you're following me?

ok, so now where is 'TL B' Max? did she disappeared into nothingness or was her consciousness forced out of her body when TL A Max 'returned', maybe her consciousness when into TL A Max's body and now she is all confuse about everything being so different, if she hadn't develop her powers yet, she might now, and who knows what she'll try to do, maybe even end up sending her consciousness to another body different from hers, maybe that of a girl named Amber.

Is this too much? I feel like it might be too much

Wouldn't explain why in timeline A, they're two distinct people who did specific things concurrently. I suspect they won't go with a multiverses interfering with each other and instead go with a general, Max is messing too much with time and the bad joojoo is building up too much. I like the theory that the impending doom is the universe trying to wipe them out to put a stop to it for balance.


Just finished it.

Holy shit.

I did not see that coming. That's insane. I liked how they mention the disability fund at the beginning of the episode and foreshadowing what's to come. I was legit shocked at that ending. I was shocked when the photo starting to shake but my jaw hit the floor at the end. So good!

Does anyone know how to
save the tree? Sounds like it's dead for everyone. I missed loads in the later sections too. The fireplace and the photograph in the flashback and the homeless woman and Alyssa by the diner. Felt like I was thorough but obviously not.


Does anyone know how to
save the tree? Sounds like it's dead for everyone. I missed loads in the later sections too. The fireplace and the photograph in the flashback and the homeless woman and Alyssa by the diner. Felt like I was thorough but obviously not.

I just watered the plant once at the start of Episode 2 and it's still alive for me.

I watered mine in episode 1 and avoided it in episode 2. I'm guessing it dies if you water it more than once, since you'd end up drowning it (apparently...).

I am far more pleased with myself for catching on to this than I should be.


Wait... did anyone here have a talk with Jefferson before (end of E3 spoilers)
venturing into the past to save Chloe's dad?
Apparently there were a few scenes that didn't make it in the final version, so maybe this was one of them (there's dialogue written for this scene in the game's files).
So, first impressions

starts off darker this time. I like how Max is looking after Kate's rabbit.And how she's calling people out for their hypocritical bullshit regarding the suicide thing
Wait... did anyone here have a talk with Jefferson before (end of E3 spoilers)
venturing into the past to save Chloe's dad?
Apparently there were a few scenes that didn't make it in the final version, so maybe this was one of them (there's dialogue written for this scene in the game's files).

mind posting that dialogue? or pming it to me?

I know there was a cut location in Episode 3, referred to as
End spoiler:
Damn, that ending. Saw it coming but still surprised me somehow. Only excites me more for the next episode. Interested to see if Max will be able to return to her own timeline.


Consider this
Current Max consciousness from timeline A (TL A) when back to her 13-year-old self then returned to the present, but this present is not her present, the timeline has diverted so much that we can now consider this one a timeline B (TL B), but Max has no memory of anything that happened in this timeline, I mean she is part of the Vortex Club for crying out loud, obviously the Max from TL B had a life that diverged from the Max from TL B, you're following me?

ok, so now where is 'TL B' Max? did she disappeared into nothingness or was her consciousness forced out of her body when TL A Max 'returned', maybe her consciousness when into TL A Max's body and now she is all confuse about everything being so different, if she hadn't develop her powers yet, she might now, and who knows what she'll try to do, maybe even end up sending her consciousness to another body different from hers, maybe that of a girl named Amber.

Is this too much? I feel like it might be too much

Nah, it's not too much compared to Stein gates.


Just finished episode 3 and man was it good. I may have even enjoyed it more than the first episode. I'm in love with this game and there's a really great chance it will end up being my goty. That ending though

Also #TeamPancakes


Consider this
Current Max consciousness from timeline A (TL A) when back to her 13-year-old self then returned to the present, but this present is not her present, the timeline has diverted so much that we can now consider this one a timeline B (TL B), but Max has no memory of anything that happened in this timeline, I mean she is part of the Vortex Club for crying out loud, obviously the Max from TL B had a life that diverged from the Max from TL B, you're following me?

ok, so now where is 'TL B' Max? did she disappeared into nothingness or was her consciousness forced out of her body when TL A Max 'returned', maybe her consciousness when into TL A Max's body and now she is all confuse about everything being so different, if she hadn't develop her powers yet, she might now, and who knows what she'll try to do, maybe even end up sending her consciousness to another body different from hers, maybe that of a girl named Amber.

Is this too much? I feel like it might be too much

Analogy spoiler for recent popular superhero film if you're sensitive:

It's basically the same as the X-men Days of Future Past movie ending. Wolverine went about his life until the day he originally travelled back in time and then his "remembers everything from the previous timeline but the new one is alien" mind took over.
Based episode 3.
4 is out July, right?

Episode 1: January 29
Episode 2: March 23 (53 days later)
Episode 3: May 18 (56 days later)

Assuming the pattern holds, episode 4 should be out around July 10/13 (assuming no weekend release) and episode 5 around September 4/7.

And now that I've done that calculation: SO FAR AWAY.

(also, beaten by previous post)


Another great episode with some amazing moments and wonderful soundtrack. I'm really glad this game does have a good deal of chill moments to balance out some of the absolute insane shit that seems to happen. That ending too...I don't think I saw any of the last chapters coming at all. The wait is real.

My stats this time around:
I left the money
I kissed Chloe
I sided with Chloe - GOD DAMN did this feel so fucking good. Loved the bit with Chloe right after telling me not to rewind either. She knows me so well.
I didn't kill the dog.
I missed the bit about the gun, but Chloe still has it, so that works out.
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