This was the first thing I was going to post when I saw those DVDs. He obviously made some bad business decisions, but the Rhode Island government is blood thirsty over this debacle and are looking to take him for whatever they can. It's scary when I hear the local radio stations just completely vilify the guy, like he personally took all that money. All the evidence points to the fact that he poured his heart and soul into the project, but lacked the project management skills to see it to the end or make the tough calls.
Tax payers are also out of tens of millions. He never should have gotten the money in the first place but that doesn't excuse him squandering it the way he did. The taxpayer's job is not to baby the dreams of millionaires.
He's also got a probably fairly lucrative job at ESPN. The guy's fine, he may not be able to afford his previous lifestyle but his family will still be living it up as AT LEAST upper middle class.