Captain Zyrain
Getting off the freeway again...
Error: Source not supported. wtf
Getting off the freeway again...
Thanks that worked. Pretty choppy but better than nothing.I had to launch edge to get it to work
Thanks yo. Did they say kidnapping is confirmed now? Holy shit.
gtfo wait is this a new car? or did the white shirt take another car??
gtfo wait is this a new thing? or did the white shirt take another car??
Thanks for link
Preferred Stu's plain commentary, though - this channel is speculating like crazy, just to sound busy on air.
Only that there are two people, the second person could be a friend that met them when he jumped out of the first car.
Stu refueling currently
amazing, wonder if he has to go back to a home station, or literally landed next to a helpful gas tanker truck :lol
amazing, wonder if he has to go back to a home station, or literally landed next to a helpful gas tanker truck :lol
Probably van Nuys airport
So it is a carjacking, even if he runs out of gas this is going to be fucking ugly.
So it is a carjacking, even if he runs out of gas this is going to be fucking ugly.