How can you be more than a goatherder? You either herd goats or you don't.
The story is that Obama was the son of a goatherder, leaving out the fact that his dad basically worked a part time job doing work on his father's farm before going off to college. It's a great story, but it goes a lot deeper than that.
However, I think your line on being soft on crime and gun control is a bit ironic considering how the assault weapons ban lapsed under this current President and apparently had little effect on him.
my fault, should have wrote "pro- gun control" or something along those lines.
Mandark said:
Sorry Rip, non-membership in the DLC isn't good enough. You now have about 31 hours to come up with something better.
I have posted a lot more than just "non-membership in the DLC". As of right now, if Obama was to pull an Edwards in 2008, his Illinois voting record up to him being elected senator is good enough to use by Republicans to point out that despite his "centrist" persona, he is a liberal at heart. Now add on 4 years, a couple of voting sessions in congress where he now has to either go with his liberalism or move to the right to help his national career, which ticks off his base, or be branded at the very least a hypocrite by opponents.
The Chicago Tribune pointed out in April 2004 he is moving to the right to blunt these negatives and some are defending him as saying he is no way a liberal.,1,3965484.story?coll=chi-elections-utl
Barack Obama, possessing an intense devotion to social justice, arrived in the Illinois Senate in 1997 and quickly became a darling of the Democratic Party's liberal wing--a label he wore like a badge of honor into the U.S. Senate primary in March.
But after winning his party's nomination, Obama is now engaged in a timeless dance of politics: The liberal stalwart is gingerly stepping toward the political center to court swing and independent voters in the general election.
An ardent supporter of stricter gun control measures, the Hyde Park state senator voted last month to allow retired police officers to carry concealed weapons. On a radio show, he compared his political style to moderate former Republican governors Jim Thompson and Jim Edgar. And Obama's allies have been staunchly defending him against the dreaded "L" word--liberal--with Democratic U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Chicago proclaiming that Obama is nothing at all like that.
It seems the liberal moniker has become something of a millstone for Obama in his November battle with Republican Jack Ryan, whose supporters have been feverishly trying to paint the Democrat as a left-wing extremist. One, state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger (R-Elgin), went so far as to deem Obama to be "to the left of Mao Tse-tung" in a comment widely disseminated by the Ryan campaign.
Nothing wrong with moving to the center or to the right in politics, but this along with disproves the notion that he is going to be open about his liberalism in congress. It's nice for his base, but beyond that his views and voting records(Illinois and votes in congress) are going to be his biggest liabilities. That's why I'm amused by all this superstar talk and the next big deal for the Democrats, its just not there.
I know that for some in this thread are thinking how can him being a liberal be such a big deal, but in national politics, it's a huge deal.
Red Mercury brings up another point I want to expand on
I think we'll have to agree to disagree there as I don't see them running away from what could be called 'liberal' activities, just label. Personally, I think the only reason they are running from the lable is not because it won't hold up on a national level but because the Republicans have done such a good job of smearing what that word means. They've turned it into something evil and now, unfortunately, the democrats have to dance around what they really are. It's a shame that the democrats don't have as big of an echo chamber. But, that's just my personal view. So like I said, going to have to agree to disagree if that's how you feel.
The tag of Liberal would not get the stigma that it has because people keep repeating it on talk radio, there has to be actions, ideas, policies, examples that go along with it that Republicans can use to make it work, which there has been. That's why Obama is running away from it, but unfortunately for him, he is going to be held accountable by his base more so than say Hillary Clinton because they see him as their biggest liberal star. That brings me back to the black commentator articles and the quote about him not being seen as "black enough"
He has to move to the right to be a national figure, but that will just piss off his supporters who will not be as pragmatic as they were with John Kerry saying he has to say certain things to appeal to other voter groups.