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London riots spreading through UK

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I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
dwu8991 said:
Too many immigrants are to blame and that's coming from someone that is an immigrant.

It's got absolutely fuck all to do with immigrants, your weak attempt at trolling this is pathetic..
zmoney said:
again i ask, wtf is wrong with deploying the army...same as the national guard...
Ok, so what if this turns into the UK's Kent State? What if innocent people caught up in it are caught in crossfire? I just don't think a Military force needs to be deployed with rubber bullets. The police are better trained for this type of situation.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
zomgbbqftw said:
I am 100% sure that none of these arseholes are immigrants, many may be immigrant born, but 99% of them will have been born in the UK. It's the immigrants who are standing up for their shops and homes and the feral locals who are destroying everything. Nothing to do with race or immigration.
What? Logic?
Empty said:
what's with the bloodlust itt. the rioters are terrible but just arrest the fuckers and stick em' before a judge to get justice there, no need to get all excited about them being physically beaten.
I say beat them even if it's someone who's been sitting at home for 3 days and decided "I think I want a piece of this".


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
BBC is so refreshing. American news is practically shouting all the time. These guys maintain a relaxed tone.


dwu8991 said:
Too many immigrants are to blame and that's coming from someone that is an immigrant.
Yeah, pretty sure it's mostly the opposite of immigrants who are causing the issues right now. Have you actually been following what's happening?


Empty said:
what's with the bloodlust itt. the rioters are terrible but just arrest the fuckers and stick em' before a judge to get justice there, no need to get all excited about them being physically beaten.

Too right.
Snowman said:
Probably not, but talking about killing people and gouging peoples eyes out, even in defense, just seems kind of fucking crazy to me :/
you do whatever you have to in self-defense. if someone is trying to cause you harm, you fight back in whatever way you can.


Nihilistic Monk said:
Ok, so what if this turns into the UK's Kent State? What if innocent people caught up in it are caught in crossfire? I just don't think a Military force needs to be deployed with rubber bullets. The police are better trained for this type of situation.
OK...Kent State....they shot peaceful hippies. Here they would be shooting violent criminals....not even remotely similar.
Christ, what's with the fantasies about beating, shooting and killing rioters? I don't see exactly how it's any better if it's deranged nerds driving the violence. Except for spaghetti wrists not hurting much and all that.
ashbash159 said:
If our country can't handle some mindless thugs, what would they do if something worse came along?

The police have the capability to handle this. The politicians don't have the fucking balls to authorise the police to bust heads and fuck all of the idiots up. The manpower to deal with this is available, the political will of those Eton poshos in charge of our country is what is lacking at the moment.


Empty said:
what's with the bloodlust itt. the rioters are terrible but just arrest the fuckers and stick em' before a judge to get justice there, no need to get all excited about them being physically beaten.

tehbible said:
Being an American, I'm kinda glad that the U.S has gun laws to protect law-abiding citizens.

Any thief in America knows that one cannot go rampaging through the streets of an American city without being shot by a vigilante. Hell, theres tons of citizens that are just waiting to kill someone that steps into their house.

All this means that if something like this would go down in the US, the rioters would have guns instead of rocks and bottles. I don't see how that would be in any way an improved situation.


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Count Dookkake said:
IMO, each dead rioter would improve the UK's future way of life.

Can you tone down your blood lust a tad. It's getting offensive.
Truth be told, most of these rioters will either walk away free or go to prison and become even worse thugs. I honestly feel sad that it has come to this and I don't wish anybody dead but I do think the Government needs to crack down on this people and an example should be made.


Pazuzu9 said:

Yeah, that's the one. Mistakingly copy-pasted the same link twice.

My original post with the correct links:


dwu8991 said:
Too many immigrants are to blame and that's coming from someone that is an immigrant.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

immigrants are the ones that are hard working, law-abiding citizens.

chavs are white, and its this group as well as others that are damaging the reputation of London.
Do the politicians/experts moaning about BBM have no idea how dumb they sound? It's basically just texting. Maybe the history books have it wrong, maybe the Boxer Rebellion was organised via Blackberry Messenger and Twitter.

All attempts at politicising this are failing terribly. Ken Livingstone is going on and on about how it's due to spending cuts. WRONG, half these kids don't even know what spending cuts means. Others are blaming police cuts. But they haven't even started cutting the police yet. Others going on about youth clubs. Do they really think these kids wouldn't go looting if they went to youth clubs? Some blame the fact that these kids grew up in poverty. Except so did millions of other kids, and they aren't rioting. Others are going on about how the police treat these kids badly, and those tensions caused it. No, they really didn't - these kids would hate the police whether they were the hippies we have now or hard-ass militants.

The weirdest part of all this is that all the bullshit politicising is coming almost solely from the left. Normally you'd think there would be a huge firestorm about immigration, multiculturalism, etc due to the significant number of ethnic minorities seen in the pictures. But none of the people being interviewed on tv are talking about that stuff, and credit to them for it. This is nothing to do with immigration or even race. Even Sky News seem to get that. And crazier still, the Conservatives are the party going on about 'hug a hoodie' and 'we must police by consent' and not wanting to take a hard line. HELLO? You're the fucking Conservative party, you're the Security party, you're the party that is supposed to take a hard line, zero tolerance approach to rioting scum and not give a fuck about their human rights.

The only political angles that I think have any legitimacy in this issue are:

1. Are future police cuts sustainable, when they can't even protect the public at full strength?
2. The police need more effective ways of dispersing rioters. i.e. rubber bullets, water cannons.
3. The BBC need more funding so that they can buy another news helicopter. The current one goes down every 5 minutes to refuel or some shit.


dwu8991 said:
Too many immigrants are to blame and that's coming from someone that is an immigrant.

Your ethnic background does your reasoning no help. All races rioting are from similar economic backgrounds. More than likely they have no money to afford the lifestyle they desire hence looting merchandise they'll most likely use from Footlock, JD, Currys, Tescos, Sony.
Count Dookkake said:
Your willingness to be degraded is more offensive.

You're just as much a thug as those cheering on the rioters. Another shithead getting his rocks off fantasizing about violence. You just wear a different colored shirt.
Im watching the BBC News stream, and someone is reporting rioters in Picadilly? Isnt that in London? "Pitched battles" are being reported. Is this true?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Person on BBC reporting from the Manchester city centre says he sees about 2000 people.

Good grief.
butter_stick said:
Because I personally have no faith in our system to punish these fuckers in any meaningful way.

And also his right. I come from a poor background and have had to work my way up to where I am. Nothing handed to me. Support myself, pay my bills.

These people have nothing to offer. Expect respect without earning. Fuck them and their family.
The Orange said:
All this means that if something like this would go down in the US, the rioters would have guns instead of rocks and bottles. I don't see how that would be in any way an improved situation.

It would ease up the ROE a bit for the cops. Then again you would have seen CS and Rubber Bullets deployed earlier.

To the best of my knowledge hoses really don't get used a lot in this country (dogs to an extent too), because of that whole hosing and dog attacks on Civil Rights Protesters.


Dice said:
Person on BBC reporting from the Manchester city centre says he sees about 2000 people.

Good grief.

Not from where I can see, but then I can't see Market Street.

They didn't come from Piccadilly that's for sure.
cyberheater said:
Can you tone down your blood lust a tad. It's getting offensive.

Could you explain how they'll contribute to society and won't further be a blight on the tax-payer? How their current actions aren't ruining the lives of business owers/employees and will probably have server repercussions on those who need benefits? In what way are we not better off with them dead?


Pazuzu9 said:

Sony centre:

Seems a bit outside, not close to the centre. Kind of a douche move to aim at such a big place that doesn't really stand for anything in particular (?), except 750 people employed.
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