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London riots spreading through UK

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Mastadon said:
Hearing that it's being contained already. Apparently a few shops on Granby street were hit. I work in the council buildings in town, might have tomorrow off :lol

Ha fortunate for you, but glad to hear if true that the police have contained it quickly, although isn't a police station round the corner from there?


kaizoku said:
On the way out of town I passed a bus stop and spotted the people I was stood with earlier. I felt so sorry for them. The buses stopped out of the blue with no notice and people stranded after a days work in a town that was descending into utter chaos.

To contrast this, I saw dozens of people calmly wandering to piccadilly station to get the train home, which are still running just fine. Most had shopping bags from Tescos are laptop bags and none were being chased by raging gangs.

This was after the fire.

It's shit if you get caught in the middle but Manchester will still be here in the morning.
jufonuk said:
put it this way, football fans from one of the roughest clubs in london are drinking in a pub, and holding off the top and bottom of eltham branching out into kidbrooke way and if the looters come up it will be a bunch of kids versus, guys who have been drinking all day pissed off and up for a fight, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I hope they fuck all the arseholes up. Police in London aren't doing shit. GMP showing looters whose boss.


BlazingDarkness said:
Canning circus police station in Nottingham has been firebombed by 30-40 men.

Firebombs should be considered attempted murder, lethal force should be authorized in response.


Haha I've been told that the rioters in Leicester were kicking off outside the Highcross pub and got chased off by the people drinking in there.


I was hoping to god that a plain clothes police officer would come and nick that guy live on TV. he'd have deserved no less.
Oh man the kid on Sky News in Manchester.
"I am here to piss the police off, they nick for you nothing, mate"

Sky reporter "What have you been doing tonight?"

"Getting pissed".

(someone shouts mother fucker in the background).

I should rewind this and put it on youtube :)


DECK'ARD said:
Fucking hell. Manchester:


And a video from the main street of the Northern Quarter:


Yeah. Shoulda boiled some oil and poured it on them.


GMP are awesome.

Communities are starting to get together and protect themselves. But there has been little to no looting in London tonight. A lot of the stuff seems to be coming out of Manchester. I hope they catch that little shit who lit up Miss Selfridges.


zomgbbqftw said:
I hope they fuck all the arseholes up. Police in London aren't doing shit. GMP showing looters whose boss.

well, i wouldn't rely on the EDL. judging by how often the fat racist cunts get the shit kicked out of them they're not going to be much use

and i'd imagine they've caused more than their fair share of damage themselves as well as costing the taxpayer millions


Toodles said:
NottinghamGAF, trouble brewing.

From the 'nottspolice' twitterfeed,

Canning Circus Police Station fire bombed by a group of 30-40 males. No reports of injuries at this stage. A number of men arrested. Fire service at scene.


Getting too close for comfort here...


I love how on that live update with the BBC news there was a women just in the background with her kids.

Fucking Darwin award.


zomgbbqftw said:
I hope they fuck all the arseholes up. Police in London aren't doing shit. GMP showing looters whose boss.

I wondered about that. Isn´t London full of hardcore football fans (hooligans)? Why can´t they get into action and give these youngsters a good beating?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
got loads of things going down near me again tonight. about 400 people marching down my road
Mastadon said:
Haha I've been told that the rioters in Leicester were kicking off outside the Highcross pub and got chased off by the people drinking in there.

This is how the rioting will end. Citizens. Ordinary people who have been let down by police.
Arnie said:
Horde of 80 year olds rioting?

Fuck Footlocker, Oxfam's the first to fall.

LOL. I know mate. But because the place is full of old people there's no police presence up there at all, one station with like 7 police in it I think. There's always trouble up there on Fridays and Saturdays with people being beat up and glassed. Tons come from ouside the area to raise hell.


so are these riots really led by the poor and downtrodden or are they just a bunch of over privileged twats on a tantrum, ala Vancouver and Hollywood?


Interesting read - http://www.cnbc.com/id/44073673

In late June, half the public schools in Britain where closed by a massive protest over public pensions cuts, including three major teachers' unions, customs and immigration officers, and air traffic controllers. Some 750,000 people took part in the protest.

London's press has reported that discontent has been simmering among Britain's urban poor for years, in neighborhoods like Tottenham, where the riots started.

But as one man told NBC News about an economic protest two months ago, "There was not a word in the press about our protests. Last night (Saturday) a bit of rioting and looting and now look around you."

In response to the violence, Prime Minister David Cameron has said law and order will prevail in Great Britain and he's doubled the amount of police officers in the streets and instituted curfews for young adults.

Cameron's conservative government is under fire for spending cuts to social programs in order to help reduce the country's debt. Among those hit the hardest are large numbers of minority youths who have been at the forefront of the unrest.


Mastadon said:
Haha I've been told that the rioters in Leicester were kicking off outside the Highcross pub and got chased off by the people drinking in there.

The one next to Mosh?


zomgbbqftw said:
This is how the rioting will end. Citizens. Ordinary people who have been let down by police.

The only reason the police haven't done more is because the public would be outraged if they hurt the rioters.


Mastadon said:
Haha I've been told that the rioters in Leicester were kicking off outside the Highcross pub and got chased off by the people drinking in there.

Haha good, would have love to been there and seen it.
I went round to Highgate earlier, it was eerily quiet. A lot of the shops were closed, but there were a few holdouts, but the lack of traffic was the most disorientating thing. Barely any cars going on the North Circular at 7 tonight, (I could still see some smoke in the sky from a fire lit last night, but I couldn't tell from where) and by the time I was on Archway Road, you could look in both directions and not see any pedestrians or moving cars. Brent Cross was thankfully open, but I think it shut early. Staples Corner was completely shut, and the Currys from what I saw on the road had boarded up its glass doors. I think the police did a good job last night in that area in preventing a riot. One thing I noticed was that most of the petrol stations had closed, and by 9 none of the ones I saw were open, obviously trying to prevent rioters from gaining any fuel.


Teh Hamburglar said:
I can hardly believe this is actually happening in a country like the UK

A country that has had a history of hooliganism. It's why British people are a little bemused at the way other countries see the British - especially America.

qq more

Chriswok said:
Getting a bit blood thirsty in here - do people really want to see looters get their heads smashed in on live TV?
I do :>


Fucking scums deserved it and I would love to see them getting their heads smashed in

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Marleyman said:

they cut EMA which is for students attending college, u get £30 a week for attending college and it was for students whos parents wernt better earning under £30,000 a year (they did it so the students could get lunch an various other things for college) the Cons cut the whole thing when they got in.
Why people riot?

Libya-"Cuz our government bombs its own cities and turns its tanks on its own people."

Syria-"Cuz our government commits atrocious human rights violations against its own people."

Egypt-"Cuz our leader was an anti-democratic tyrant."

Vancouver-"Cuz we lost a hockey game, eh."

London- "Cuz TV's and PS3's cost too goddamn much to buy, innit."
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