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London riots spreading through UK

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Deleted member 17706

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Dead Man said:
LOL way to miss the point. Try this. So if x% of people can do it, so should the other 100-x% of people.

If it can be done, I don't think it should be excusable if someone chooses not to do it just because they were at a disadvantage.
Pazuzu9 said:
Was just watching the footage of the Miss Selfridge fire in Manchester. It was just a dress in the window that was set alight, and people just stood around watching it for several minutes, including the BBC guy who was filming it.

Why on earth didn't anyone find a damned extinguisher?

It turned into a significant fire very quickly and that could have been easily prevented if someone had just put out the dress instead of standing around filming the damn thing.

All of the people standing around were part of the scum
The film wasn't done by the BBC, it was from a bystander I believe


Pazuzu9 said:
Was just watching the footage of the Miss Selfridge fire in Manchester. It was just a dress in the window that was set alight, and people just stood around watching it for several minutes, including the BBC guy who was filming it.

Why on earth didn't anyone find a damned extinguisher?

It turned into a significant fire very quickly and that could have been easily prevented if someone had just put out the dress instead of standing around filming the damn thing.

This worries me too, there are a lot of people who are happy to just watch what's going on and update their Facebook status "oh my god the animals, can't somebody stop them?"

Yes, it's terrible - either do something or gtfo of there.


My parents beat me when I was young for different wrong doings lol. Guess it's an Asian thing. But resenting them is out of the question. I respect their hard angle take on things and appreciate everything they did for me and the reasons why. This no hitting business is silly. Yes it should be a last resort, but it shouldn't be out of the question either.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
storafötter said:
I know this is possible, I am not trying to say it is always something that turns out right. I have the experience of the latter. I don't want to excuse people for bad upbringing when I have taken better choices myself despite the lack of encouragement. Some will always not follow this path, however I don't find people inheritable kind in general.
If those people in the past didn't end up preaching human rights as much as today, I don't think most of the population would figure what is fair and just by themselves. Thats why education is probably the most effective and best way we have so far to teach people something for the better for everyone. It might not work always, but is the most effective way as I see it.

I agree that education is extremely important, but surely you know there are people out there who simply refuse to learn. I went to public school and there were always a few assholes who not only didn't want to learn (and thus usually skipped class), but would actively disrupt other people's efforts for their own entertainment. These kind of people can't be reasoned with using kindness and light-handed punishments. They are willfully and happily ignorant and mean.


nib95 said:
My parents beat me when I was young for different wrong doings lol. Guess it's an Asian thing. But resenting them is out of the question. I respect their hard angle take on things and appreciate everything they did for me and the reasons why. This no hitting business is silly. Yes it should be a last resort, but it shouldn't be out of the question either.

Totally agree, it shouldn't be out of the question - that's a part of this whole problem. Teachers haven't been able to physically defend themselves from, or even to restrain kids in this country for years - same with police etc - this has stripped all power from them and given it to the kids, which is a huge factor in all of this, I think.
IamMikeside said:
This worries me too, there are a lot of people who are happy to just watch what's going on and update their Facebook status "oh my god the animals, can't somebody stop them?"

Yes, it's terrible - either do something or gtfo of there.

This is just today's British culture at it's very finest though isn't. Everyone a journalist, politician, doctor, financial expert...nobody's a policeman apart from the police though! That said really good to see communities coming together amidst all this. After all this is done we need to ensure that we stick together as much as we can. It will take alot of effort for society to recover to where we were before all this let alone improve on it.


for fuck's sake, dickhead vandals have hit my local town of Leamington Spa. I was out earlier playing pool tonight, top of the town. Just got a phone call from a friend telling me shop windows and whatnot have been smashed in.
I disagree with the media's overly thought out breakdowns of why this is happening.

It's not too complicated: people want free stuff and to cause destruction, and will use any excuse and any means necessary to get it. It's not the government at fault, the police, the upper class, poor schooling, poor job prospects blah blah blah - it's being a bad person driven by greed.

This may have supposedly started over a gang member being shot by police, but it's really been pure self-interest from day one. I have no sympathy for any of them.
Zefah said:
I agree that education is extremely important, but surely you know there are people out there who simply refuse to learn. I went to public school and there were always a few assholes who not only didn't want to learn (and thus usually skipped class), but would actively disrupt other people's efforts for their own entertainment. These kind of people can't be reasoned with using kindness and light-handed punishments. They are willfully and happily ignorant and mean.

I fully agree with that, unfortunately it is a bit frowned upon to use other methods than the kind and light handed punishments.
BlazingDarkness said:
All of the people standing around were part of the scum
The film wasn't done by the BBC, it was from a bystander I believe
There was a guy just talking on BBC News 24 who witnessed the whole thing. I'm pretty sure they said he worked for the BBC. He said there were police just sat in their vans at either end of the street. Nobody thought to tell them? It can't have just been scum standing around.


Zefah said:
These kind of people can't be reasoned with using kindness and light-handed punishments. They are willfully and happily ignorant and mean.

Oh come on. Kids messing around in class can be reasoned with and eventually alter their behaviour. There are lots of cases of serious criminals becoming reformed. You shouldn't write off school kids off as beyond help.


I disagree with the media's overly thought out breakdowns of why this is happening.

It's not too complicated: people want free stuff and to cause destruction, and will use any excuse and any means necessary to get it. It's not the government at fault, the police, the upper class, poor schooling, poor job prospects blah blah blah - it's being a bad person driven by greed.

This may have supposedly started over a gang member being shot by police, but it's really been pure self-interest from day one. I have no sympathy for any of them.

Way late to the heated discussion of a few pages back, but I disagree and I'm too discussed out to list the reasons why.


Vivalaraza said:
This is just today's British culture at it's very finest though isn't. Everyone a journalist, politician, doctor, financial expert...nobody's a policeman apart from the police though! That said really good to see communities coming together amidst all this. After all this is done we need to ensure that we stick together as much as we can. It will take alot of effort for society to recover to where we were before all this let alone improve on it.

Ageed, though I think the communities that have been coming together are largely made up from 'outsiders' - be they foreigners who have immigrated and whatever else.

I really don't see a great sense of community in this country in general, but I think that's something we really need to improve upon.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sneds said:
Oh come on. Kids messing around in class can be reasoned with and eventually alter their behaviour. There are lots of cases of serious criminals becoming reformed. You shouldn't write off school kids off as beyond help.

I'm not talking about a little messing around with friends in the back of the class or occasionally making snide comments to the teacher. I'm talking about outright acts violence against other students or the teacher, loud shouting of profanity, bringing stereos and playing music in class, etc.
IamMikeside said:
Ageed, though I think the communities that have been coming together are largely made up from 'outsiders' - be they foreigners who have immigrated and whatever else.

I really don't see a great sense of community in this country in general, but I think that's something we really need to improve upon.

Well yeah it's not as good as it could be, or should be, but it's something.

The one thing I fear is the stereotypes which already exist will be even further reinforced in the mindset of the public. That could lead to further problems, most probably not like this, but general tension within communities.

Another thought, as much as there is need for the society as a whole to help foster and environment where these things don't happen again, I strongly believe leadership needs to emerge from within the rioting communities. They will take much better to their own promoting change than being told.


I think the whole situation sucks...... everybody has lost sight......this started last week because a man, wanted for questioning, shot a gun at armed Police (British general duty police DONT carry guns), and one of the police was a pretty good shot and fired back.

The man is dead, and my deepest condolences to his family, partner and kids. Now the family quietly and peacefully protested out the from of the Police station....as they have every right to do.

But this is where it all went wrong. Some stupid idiot has decided that he's gonna start something and then every body thinks that they are in on it then BBM is used (Come on RIM, you really needed to shut down BBM UK, half the reason this has spread so quickly is because of BBM)!!

Now look where the country is...both the PM and his Deputy (who I think look alike) were on holiday. This has gotten out of hand. The country has to stand strong...these thugs and rioters are preaching about how they have had a misjustice and its just a government plot against black muslims...come on give us a break....are you that closed minded. Its not about you! Stealing is wrong, rioting is wrong (esp in this case - Egypt is not, I lived there I know what it was like). be at east united, but you can't even do that.

All those rioters and looters and idiots and people who have posted on FB and Twitter about what they managed to get hold of have it coming to you. It was mentioned that those caught during the riots would have their pension permanently cut, never again, so they better go and find a job, with a criminal record. Do you think you made the right choice.

Sorry that was my rant! Peace out.


There are problems that need to be addressed about the education system among many other things. However right now the police need stop these riots by any means necessary. All the rioters do is strike fear into their own local communities. Once everything is under control they can have their peaceful protests and mass rallies. I would attend myself, sadly I don't think these idiots would be interested.


Zefah said:
I'm not talking about a little messing around with friends in the back of the class or occasionally making snide comments to the teacher. I'm talking about outright acts violence against other students or the teacher, loud shouting of profanity, bringing stereos and playing music in class, etc.

Lol that you think some of these unruly kids can't be reasoned with. Even some of the most vile criminals have been reformed. Children are usually actually easier to shape and mould than adults...


TruskyMX said:
I think the whole situation sucks...... everybody has lost sight......this started last week because a man, wanted for questioning, shot a gun at armed Police (British general duty police DONT carry guns), and one of the police was a pretty good shot and fired back.

For the record it was announced earlier that no shots were fired at the police from the now dead suspect.
TruskyMX said:
I think the whole situation sucks...... everybody has lost sight......this started last week because a man, wanted for questioning, shot a gun at armed Police (British general duty police DONT carry guns), and one of the police was a pretty good shot and fired back.

The man is dead, and my deepest condolences to his family, partner and kids. Now the family quietly and peacefully protested out the from of the Police station....as they have every right to do.

But this is where it all went wrong. Some stupid idiot has decided that he's gonna start something and then every body thinks that they are in on it then BBM is used (Come on RIM, you really needed to shut down BBM UK, half the reason this has spread so quickly is because of BBM)!!

Now look where the country is...both the PM and his Deputy (who I think look alike) were on holiday. This has gotten out of hand. The country has to stand strong...these thugs and rioters are preaching about how they have had a misjustice and its just a government plot against black muslims...come on give us a break....are you that closed minded. Its not about you! Stealing is wrong, rioting is wrong (esp in this case - Egypt is not, I lived there I know what it was like). be at east united, but you can't even do that.

All those rioters and looters and idiots and people who have posted on FB and Twitter about what they managed to get hold of have it coming to you. It was mentioned that those caught during the riots would have their pension permanently cut, never again, so they better go and find a job, with a criminal record. Do you think you made the right choice.

Sorry that was my rant! Peace out.

Agree with much of what you said but the bolded bit is wrong. He didn't shoot and that is something which needs to be looked at also. Not that it makes the riots okay, not at all...but that was a cock-up and the Police could do with less cock-ups.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
nib95 said:
Lol that you think some of these unruly kids can't be reasoned with. Even some of the most vile criminals have been reformed. Children are usually actually easier to shape and mould than adults...

Oh, they can be reformed, maybe. I doubt they can be with light handed punishments, though.


I think the looting started because those in Tottenham realised the police were stuck in the area around their station. This allowed idiots to go and ransack the retail park without fear of being caught. Obviously people in nearby areas caught onto this the next night and looting spread to the areas around Tottenham, mainly Hackney and Enfield. Since then it has kept escalating.


Shogun PaiN said:
For the record it was announced earlier that no shots were fired at the police from the now dead suspect.

Not to be pedantic, but the bullet found in the radio was Police issue and the gun that was reported as being used by the suspect has no evidence as of yet of being fired.

He still may have fired shots at the officers, just been a terrible shot.


Zefah said:
Oh, they can be reformed, maybe. I doubt they can be with light handed punishments, though.

The one's that are caught probably won't be given 'light handed' punishments. That's my guess. But those of you calling for life imprisonment and in some cases even death/extermination etc, imo have lost the plot.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
nib95 said:
The one's that are caught probably won't be given 'light handed' punishments. That's my guess. But those of you calling for life imprisonment and in some cases even death/extermination etc, imo have lost the plot.

Anyone found guilty of firebombing homes and businesses deserves nothing less, in my opinion.

The idiots who simply took advantage of already broken windows to steal some stuff have no sympathy from me, but yeah, they probably shouldn't be put to death just for that.


Zefah said:
I'm not talking about a little messing around with friends in the back of the class or occasionally making snide comments to the teacher. I'm talking about outright acts violence against other students or the teacher, loud shouting of profanity, bringing stereos and playing music in class, etc.

A lot of unruly kids actually end up being diagnosed with issues like ADHD, varying levels of autism, personality disorders, depression, bipolarism etc etc etc

All of which are manageable to different levels.

You know what? I look at what's happening at the moment, and I can't help but think of Fight Club's Project Mayhem. A disaffected generation who feel they've been let down by society and thus have no stake in it.

nib95 said:
The one's that are caught probably won't be given 'light handed' punishments. That's my guess. But those of you calling for life imprisonment and in some cases even death/extermination etc, imo have lost the plot.

hear hear.


What I'm more concerned about now is what ridiculous knee-jerk laws are going to be rushed through in a misguided attempt to stop this happening again. Civil liberties in UK are already woeful, I dread to think what's to come.


onken said:
What I'm more concerned about now is what ridiculous knee-jerk laws are going to be rushed through in a misguided attempt to stop this happening again. Civil liberties in UK are already woeful, I dread to think what's to come.

Well, it's the best time to pass through unpopular laws. It's a trick all governments use.
CrazyDude said:
When was the last big riot in the u.s?

Widest-scale riots I can remember would be the ones immediately following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. No memory of anything quite as violent or chaotic in the 6 years since.


leadbelly said:
Well, it's the best time to pass through unpopular laws. It's a trick all governments use.

Yeap, and the similar knee jerk fear and anger related reactions in the public just have us allowing them.


nib95 said:
Yeap, and the similar knee jerk fear and anger related reactions in the public just have us allowing them.

Parliment on Thursday is going to make things a lot worse. I'm actually pretty terrified of the backlash we're going to see.
nib95 said:
The one's that are caught probably won't be given 'light handed' punishments. That's my guess. But those of you calling for life imprisonment and in some cases even death/extermination etc, imo have lost the plot.

Those calling for those things are just as bad as the loiters in my eyes. I understand that the crimes the kids are committing are angering and should be punished, but calling for the extermination of them is simply ridiculous, and borderline mental.

Anyway, even if we did kill them all, there would be more within another generation that are produced due to the way society seems to be in the UK. It would be better to find a way to minimize the amount of kids who have this type of mindset, so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Those saying it isn't possible aren't trying hard enough. There are other European countries that don't seem to have these problems. Why can't something be learned from them to help your fix youth problems?


Gentleman Jack said:
Widest-scale riots I can remember would be the ones immediately following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. No memory of anything quite as violent or chaotic in the 6 years since.

I forget the extent of those, but the LA riots in 1992 are a good analogy. 1 billion in property damage and 53 people were dead
0242: Gloucestershire Police say they are dealing with what they called a "gathering" in the Brunswick area of Gloucester.
There has been some disorder around the city, with roaming youths setting fires in bins.
And a major fire has taken hold at the old Brunswick Road campus of Gloscat (Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology), a large 60s building that has been derelict since the college moved in 2007. It's next to Gloucester library which reports suggest is also on fire.
neutralgamer02 said:
Those calling for those things are just as bad as the loiters in my eyes. I understand that the crimes the kids are committing are angering and should be punished, but calling for the extermination of them is simply ridiculous, and borderline mental.

DECK'ARD said:
They've finally burnt a library :(
Uggh, where the fuck is that slow motion cat video now.


dabbled in the jelly
Vivalaraza said:
Made me laugh. True though...elitist? Maybe we are from a different social class but hardly elitist...
You don't have to be the guy on the Monopoly game box to be a social elitist.

It is merely the difference between enfranchisement and disfranchisement.

When efforts are made by the state to keep certain social, racial, religious or economic groups unprosperous or impoverished while keeping certain other groups prosperous then it will always lead to a form of social elitism and more accurately social injustice.

Many countries who are supposedly a part of the "civilized world" practice an unofficial form of apartheid where certain groups are promised the illusion of equality but they secretly ensure those groups will never truly be socially or economically equal to the group or groups which harbor the majority of the political and financial power.

Whether you are enfranchised or not, people who always tend to look down on the disfranchised while grouping them together into negative stereotypes are social elitist.

The negative side effects of disfranchisement has nothing to do with race, creed, color or religion. If one were to look throughout history, specifically at every group or sub-group who have suffered disfranchisement, they have all demonstrated the same or similar behavior which was in turn ridiculed by the then enfranchised members of society.


neutralgamer02 said:
There are other European countries that don't seem to have these problems. Why can't something be learned from them to help your fix youth problems?

Good point. A lot of people have said that the welfare state has created a sense of entitlement amongst people that leads to selfish, self-centred actions such as looting. I wonder if people in other welfare states in Europe feel the same.
Sneds said:
Good point. A lot of people have said that the welfare state has created a sense of entitlement amongst people that leads to selfish, self-centred actions such as looting. I wonder if people in other welfare states in Europe feel the same.

I hope you aren't trying to blame the welfare state for this. The UK was a classical example in welfare state after the second world war. However Scandinavian countries have since then taken much bigger steps and have achieved a lot of success with welfare state opposed to riots, social and economic problems (ahem like class problems). Welfare states can encourage of course certain problems, but the reason for such is rooted in other things than the welfare system itself. If it really was a problem mostly due to the welfare system, wouldn't the most generous countries with the welfare system have bigger problems? Scandinavia proves otherwise.
storafötter said:
I hope you aren't trying to blame the welfare state for this. The UK was a classical example in welfare state after the second world war. However Scandinavian countries have since then taken much bigger steps and have achieved a lot of success with welfare state opposed to riots and poverty problems (ahem like class problems). Welfare states can encourage of course deviant behavior and lazyness, but the reason for such is rooted in other things than the welfare system itself. If it really was a problem mostly due to the welfare system, wouldn't the most generous countries with the welfare system have bigger problems? Scandinavia proves otherwise.
Why are you even comparing the welfare system in the UK to that of Scandinavia? Have you ever actually went and signed on at a DSS anywhere in the UK? It's fucking depressing to say the least.
glaringradio said:
Why are you even comparing the welfare system in the UK to that of Scandinavia? Have you ever actually went and signed on at a DSS anywhere in the UK? It's fucking depressing to say the least.

It is a valid comparison if people are saying that the problem lies primary in the welfare system. There exist countries without the same problems with welfare system. You think our welfare system is not overcomplicated or confusing, along with high taxes?

Anyways I have to go to bed now. Night folks and hopefully some more stability by tomorrow.


storafötter said:
I hope you aren't trying to blame the welfare state for this. The UK was a classical example in welfare state after the second world war. However Scandinavian countries have since then taken much bigger steps and have achieved a lot of success with welfare state opposed to riots, social and economic problems (ahem like class problems). Welfare states can encourage of course certain problems, but the reason for such is rooted in other things than the welfare system itself. If it really was a problem mostly due to the welfare system, wouldn't the most generous countries with the welfare system have bigger problems? Scandinavia proves otherwise.

I'm not blaming the welfare state but other people have. You can look through this thread and find posts were people talk about people having a lack of social responsibility due to reliance on the welfare state. There were posts were people seemed to assume that the rioters were all on benefits.

Edit: see the post below mine for a good example!
storafötter said:
It is a valid comparison if everyone is saying that the problem lies primary in the welfare system. There exist countries without the same problems with Welfare system. You think our welfare system is not overcomplicated or confusing, along with high taxes?
It's a valid comparison if every welfare system in every country is exactly the same. You've just said yourself that Scandinavia has a welfare system which works, which is fantastic and everything, but the welfare system in the UK (in my opinion) is one which breeds laziness and a false sense of entitlement. Fuck most people I know who are on unemployment benefits are youngsters who use their dole money to cover their drink and drugs whilst their mum buys all their food. The only people I know on it who are legitimately trying to get out of the system and back into employment fucking hate being on it because of the label which comes with it.


Sneds said:
I'm not blaming the welfare state but other people have. You can look through this thread and find posts were people talk about people having a lack of social responsibility due to reliance on the welfare state. There were posts were people seemed to assume that the rioters were all on benefits.

This is not universally true, but it is an enormously reasonable conjecture.
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