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London riots spreading through UK

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storafötter said:
What happened since tonight, if someone could give me a bit of an update. Murder?

Three young Asian lads were killed in a hit and run last night in Birmingham. The whole Asian community there (probably about 300k) is out for blood, Asian community leaders like my dad are calling for non-violence and peace, but the young people aren't having any of it.


Manager said:
Manchester centre isn't very big, they had probably kept track of them (biking gang). And really, black hooded out in the middle of the night?

Opus Angelorum said:
It's fair to assume they were up to no good.

If they were innocent then it was wrong, but they weren't as described above. Fuck them.

SmokyDave said:
Yup, really. The longer this goes on, the more people will genuinely feel that way.

Oh no, I agree that the massive likelihood is that they were being followed by the helicopter - and what happened there needed to happen, but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.


zomgbbqftw said:
My dad's pretty big in the Asian community and he's been on the phone with some people in Birmingham pleading for non-violent response to the murders last night. There is a lot of anger in the Asian community at the mindless killing of the three boys last night and there are people who are arming themselves with guns, knives and anything they can find and many are out for blood. If the government don't control this in Birmingham it could turn very nasty.

One of the community leaders there said the young people want to raid the council estates in the day and destroy the looters and their homes and he was having a tough time convincing them not to take matters into their own hands. He said that he has never seen them so incensed before and it is an unholy alliance of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs who want to destroy the estates and looters.

I don't want to see any more bloodshed in the Asian community, but the way things are now with the police standing around doing fuck all (GMP excepted) I can see the violence escalate. Please Mr Cameron, come to your senses, enact the Civil Contingencies Act, authorise the police to use deadly force against the looters, bring order and peace back to our streets.
I've talked an awful lot of smack about the muslim community in the past and over the last two days, I'm happy to be eating handfuls of my words. Their response to this has been inspirational (along with the other asian communities). Peaceful show of numbers at first but with a willingness to escalate to violence where it's clearly needed.


IamMikeside said:
Oh no, I agree that the massive likelihood is that they were being followed by the helicopter - and what happened there needed to happen, but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.

It's a welcomed change from four days of watching footage of cars burning, innocent civilians beaten down and burgled, people's homes and stores burning and London's mayor waving a green groom. I take it you haven't seen many videos...?

Plus, that was late on the evening, after Manchester was in flames and destroyed.


Manager said:
Two or three Asians run over by a car in Birmingham. 40 something cars lit on fire in Manchester. Shik's defending their gold by beating up people coming close with bats and knives.

In other words: Anarchy...
IamMikeside said:
...but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.

In my eyes it's a form of justice they deserve and a great contrast to the sickening footage we have seen of innocent people being attacked.

I enjoyed watching it, if that makes me a bad person so be it.


IamMikeside said:
Oh no, I agree that the massive likelihood is that they were being followed by the helicopter - and what happened there needed to happen, but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.
Honestly seems like a pretty standard police arrest. It's not like they all took turns beating the teenagers. They were only beaten for a few seconds and it didn't look all that bad.

The part I found awesome was the tackle/intercept, not the beating, though.


Vagabundo said:
In other words: Anarchy...

Many cops left to London (which was safe this night), unfortunately it resulted in other areas being undercovered.

Earlier last night it was reported that stores were burning in Manchester and "2000" people out on the streets, but with no police in sight. It was not until later on the police were beating down people.
zomgbbqftw said:
Three young Asian lads were killed in a hit and run last night in Birmingham. The whole Asian community there (probably about 300k) is out for blood, Asian community leaders like my dad are calling for non-violence and peace, but the young people aren't having any of it.

Thanks for the update. How terrible! it is good to hear that your dad is encouraging non-violence.
IamMikeside said:
Oh no, I agree that the massive likelihood is that they were being followed by the helicopter - and what happened there needed to happen, but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.

Instant justice. You rarely see it and when you do it's immensely satisfying.


mokeyjoe said:
The destruction and devaluation of traditional working class occupations and their rplacement with low-level service sector work. Policies designed to create a homogonised, sanitised middle England simply pushed many 'blue-collar' workers into a welfare supported underclass whose self-respect was gradually crushed. These are their kids and grandkids.
What occupations were people being forced out of into low level service work, whatever that is and why would that cause men to start broken homes?

I'm sorry but that doesn't sound logical. Is this Margaret Thatcher or Kim Jong Il?


Manager said:
Many cops left to London (which was safe this night), unfortunately it resulted in other areas being undercovered.

Earlier last night it was reported that stores were burning in Manchester and "2000" people out on the streets, but with no police in sight. It was not until later on the police were beating down people.

I tweeted GMP asking for a Corden around the city tonight, they walked in from Longsight and Cheetham Hill etc..., not a big enough centre to not keep them out.

Edit: not this Corden



Salazar said:
Scargill & Co were more more to blame than Thatcher. Even my Grandad, lungs full of coal dust, reckons that much.

It wasn't just the closing of mines, it was the devaluation of working class values, of doing 'an honest day's work', even for little money. See how old fashioned that sounds now? It was all about getting rich, hyper-consumerism, and looking down on people who still worked in these places. This is an ethos that came right from the top and is the reason why Britain doesn't have a real working class any more just a largely state dependent underclass. Many today don't want to work, they want to get rich and have stuff - because it's been ingrained in them that this is the way of the world.
I'm listening with disbelief to news of this stuff on the radio. Just crazy. Good luck to everyone from/in the area.

boris feinbrand said:
Bloodlust. Bringing people together since the beginning of time.

Fixed that for ya.


Unconfirmed Member
A bit about the guy who was "helped" and robbed:

BBC News said:
1224: BBC 5 live speaks to a friend of the man, who was filmed bleeding and being helped by a gang of youths, who then stole the contents of his bag. Dzuhair Hanafiah says the 20-year-old Malaysian student Mohammad Asyraf is currently in hospital with a broken jaw and is in "good spirits". He only arrived in the UK four weeks ago. His bike and phone were taken and his mother is trying to find the money to visit him.
storafötter said:
Thanks for the update. How terrible! it is good to hear that your dad is encouraging non-violence.

He is calling for the Asian community to be peaceful because he doesn't want to see his friends bury their kids. He wants the police to fuck up every single person engaged in the looting and rioting. He has been talking to people in the Met about using live ammunition since Sunday, everyday he has more and more supporters.


Napoleonthechimp said:
I don't find the Asian community's bloodlust to be inspirational. They could easily kill people who had nothing to do with the looting.
Maybe, but I'd like to think that they'll choose their targets wisely. Most of us know where these scumbags live in our local areas and we know what they look like.


Manager said:
It's a welcomed change from four days of watching footage of cars burning, innocent civilians beaten down and burgled, people's homes and stores burning and London's mayor waving a green groom. I take it you haven't seen many videos...?

Plus, that was late on the evening, after Manchester was in flames and destroyed.

I've seen plenty of the videos - I haven't been able to tear myself away from the footage and the updates. The only stuff I would've said I found 'awesome' would be where you're seeing people doing the clean up, people making the police drinks and stuff like that.

I'm not condemning what the police did - it's not as if that's a video of police brutality - I'm just saying that I find it chilling that anyone finds videos of violence (of whatever level) to be awesome.

Opus Angelorum said:
In my eyes it's a form of justice they deserve and a great contrast to the sickening footage we have seen of innocent people being attacked.

I enjoyed watching it, if that makes me a bad person so be it.

Doesn't make you a bad person, it's just that you have a trait which I find completely alien and at odds with my opinion. I'm not making a judgement on it, though I admit I presented myself in a rather judgemental way, which I do apologise for - that really wasn't my place.

NotTarts said:
Honestly seems like a pretty standard police arrest. It's not like they all took turns beating the teenagers. They were only beaten for a few seconds and it didn't look all that bad.

The part I found awesome was the tackle/intercept, not the beating, though.

Completely agree with you on the bolded :)


btw, forgotten to be mentioned on this page: the three Asians who were killed were guarding their car wash. A car went by, quickly changed direction and ran them over.

qq more

Manager said:
btw, forgotten to be mentioned on this page: the three Asians who were killed were guarding their car wash. A car went by, quickly changed direction and ran them over.
That's fucking terrible. Did they ever caught the asshole?
zomgbbqftw said:
He is calling for the Asian community to be peaceful because he doesn't want to see his friends bury their kids. He wants the police to fuck up every single person engaged in the looting and rioting. He has been talking to people in the Met about using live ammunition since Sunday, everyday he has more and more supporters.

Yeah it could get very bloody, along with unrelated youths getting killed due to the rage.


Looking from the outside I find this whole thing very weird and interesting with how the people seem to perceive how police act. In America the police would be expected to start bashing heads in on day 1 when things started getting violent but it's been 4-5 days in the UK and it still seems like people are debating whether or not police should move to more aggressive measures.

And how the whole thing started is really odd to me too. For the most part people wouldn't of given the shooting incident a second thought and blow it off as another criminal getting what they deserved (Maybe an internal investigation). But people protesting the police doing their jobs seems very odd.


I think somebody needs to start listing the independant businesses and the homes that have been affected by the riots along with totals for how much it has cost them - then we need to start donating - most of us did it for Japan recently and a million other causes thoughout the years (and quite rightly) - time to put some charity into our own country.

A lot of this can probably be done by getting into these cities and putting some hours in to rebuild. I'll definitely be looking at spending a few weekends doing that when the riots are over.


IamMikeside said:
Oh no, I agree that the massive likelihood is that they were being followed by the helicopter - and what happened there needed to happen, but to find footage of people being beaten as awesome? Chilling.
They deserve it.

It's only a couple of punches. Besides, if police asks you to stop, you stop. In any situation. And you won't get your ass kicked. Whether it's for a talk, or to arrest you, you stop.
But if these idiots try to escape or fight back, or try to resist arrest, they deserve a beating. They're wasting the cops' time.


Junior, please.
SmokyDave said:
Maybe, but I'd like to think that they'll choose their targets wisely. Most of us know where these scumbags live in our local areas and we know what they look like.

I hope so too, but in the heat of the moment their judgement may be somewhat clouded to say the least.


woolley said:
Looking from the outside I find this whole thing very weird and interesting with how the people seem to perceive how police act. In America the police would be expected to start bashing heads in on day 1 when things started getting violent but it's been 4-5 days in the UK and it still seems like people are debating whether or not police should move to more aggressive measures.

And how the whole thing started is really odd to me too. For the most part people wouldn't of given the shooting incident a second thought and blow it off as another criminal getting what they deserved (Maybe an internal investigation). But people protesting the police doing their jobs seems very odd.
It's not a protest. It's opportunistic, mindless looting, arson and violence by people who mistakenly have a sense of entitlement without responsibility.


Scary Euro Man
Parl said:
It's not a protest. It's opportunistic, mindless looting, arson and violence by people who mistakenly have a sense of entitlement without responsibility.

And the kneejerk reactions without reading continue. You're not actually responding to what he wrote, you know.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Racist or whatever but when i see that i keep thinking its Snoop.

Where 3 Muslims and 3 Asians killed in separate incidents? I know three died but confused as to who.

I guess they are both? Same incident.


Cyport said:
What a twat, a friend of his who also went rioting put his phone number on there. You can see it. Might be worthwhile reporting it to the police.
Was thinking the same thing.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I blame this whole thing partially on years and years of constant exposure to popular media portrayals of fame, fortune, glamour and celebrity with no associated effort, making young people think that they're entitled to grow into those archetypes.

When those youths begin to understand that the larger society won't just take them and idolize them, they gather around their own social power structures, where they feel they can make a difference and get the respect that they're entitled to - gangs and cliques. They also reject all outside authority, for fear of invalidating their illusory sense of self-iimportance.

If they want to blame something for their misfortune, they can just point their fingers at the government - after all, it's not like it is going to talk back. It's easier than going back to square one and actually working hard for the things you want - who does that on TV, anyway?

Combine all of this with the constant bombardment of advertisements, appealing to consumer urges and establishing certain goods as inherently associated with a successful life, and you have a recipe for widespread looting, criminality and senseless anarchy - the gasoline on the ground.

All that was needed was a lit match to fall down and serve as a pretext for letting loose this pack of dogs, looking to fulfill their base needs at the cost of a society they don't respect or even acknowledge.
SmokyDave said:
Maybe, but I'd like to think that they'll choose their targets wisely. Most of us know where these scumbags live in our local areas and we know what they look like.

The problem is that you can't. They are filled with anger and hate right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they just set fire to council blocks and flats as revenge. The Asian community in the Midlands have been there for 30-40 years and have built up the lives and businesses there and they have watched people burn it all down while the police stand around doing fuck all worrying about health and safety or human rights.


zomgbbqftw said:
Three young Asian lads were killed in a hit and run last night in Birmingham. The whole Asian community there (probably about 300k) is out for blood, Asian community leaders like my dad are calling for non-violence and peace, but the young people aren't having any of it.

Everyone that isn't a looter - every race, creed and colour - should offer to gang up and beat up the chavs.

That would be a beautiful sight and the best advert for multiculturalism the country has ever seen.
Furret said:
Everyone that isn't a looter - every race, creed and colour - should offer to gang up and beat up the chavs.

That would be a beautiful sight and the best advert for multiculturalism the country has ever seen.

Right now it is the immigrant communities which are standing up and defending their towns while white people wait for the police to do it for them.


zomgbbqftw said:
Right now it is the immigrant communities which are standing up and defending their towns while white people wait for the police to do it for them.
You have no idea how infuriating that is. I'd love to be a member of a 'community' right about now.


iapetus said:
And the kneejerk reactions without reading continue. You're not actually responding to what he wrote, you know.
I didn't intend to respond directly, but I did read the post.
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