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London riots spreading through UK

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zomgbbqftw said:
Right now it is the immigrant communities which are standing up and defending their towns while white people wait for the police to do it for them.

Thing is, many of us see the police as being our community, having police in the family, not having any problems with them or whatever. They tell us to get out of their way and let them do their jobs.
SmokyDave said:
You have no idea how infuriating that is. I'd love to be a member of a 'community' right about now.

The only time I saw white people out was in Enfield and in Eltham last night, and so many lefty progressives were ready to label them BNP, it was disgusting. They had every right to protect their town centres.


I hope the Asians refrain from senseless destruction, now is not the time to act, especially under these circumstances. Let the police and law do their job, the killers will be delt with.

zomgbbqftw said:
Right now it is the immigrant communities which are standing up and defending their towns while white people wait for the police to do it for them.
That's not entirely true, there was a large group of white people defending their homes in Enfield last night
BlazingDarkness said:
That's not entirely true, there was a large group of white people defending their homes in Enfield last night

Only to get labelled as BNP by left progressives. It was disgusting to see that. I hate Nick Griffin for jumping on their bandwagon.

Emily Chu

Prine said:
I hope the Asians refrain from senseless destruction, now is not the time to act, especially under these circumstances. Let the police and law do their job, the killers will be delt with.



Napoleonthechimp said:
I don't find the Asian community's bloodlust to be inspirational. They could easily kill people who had nothing to do with the looting.

Manager said:
btw, forgotten to be mentioned on this page: the three Asians who were killed were guarding their car wash. A car went by, quickly changed direction and ran them over.

Yeah. So far it appears that only the innocent have been injured. How much more does it take before people realise that being jolly well cross won't do?
zomgbbqftw said:
My dad's pretty big in the Asian community and he's been on the phone with some people in Birmingham pleading for non-violent response to the murders last night. There is a lot of anger in the Asian community at the mindless killing of the three boys last night and there are people who are arming themselves with guns, knives and anything they can find and many are out for blood. If the government don't control this in Birmingham it could turn very nasty.

One of the community leaders there said the young people want to raid the council estates in the day and destroy the looters and their homes and he was having a tough time convincing them not to take matters into their own hands. He said that he has never seen them so incensed before and it is an unholy alliance of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs who want to destroy the estates and looters.

I don't want to see any more bloodshed in the Asian community, but the way things are now with the police standing around doing fuck all (GMP excepted) I can see the violence escalate. Please Mr Cameron, come to your senses, enact the Civil Contingencies Act, authorise the police to use deadly force against the looters, bring order and peace back to our streets.

You need to add some Jews to the mix, the combination would make Chavs shit themselves.
zomgbbqftw said:
Right now it is the immigrant communities which are standing up and defending their towns while white people wait for the police to do it for them.

That is what the white people have been neutered to do. A quagmire of social failure.


Carl said:
apparently one of the looters was sentenced to one day in prison? Great punishment
Oh that's only the start. It'll get worse. You think people are angry now? Pffhaha it's about to get crazy.

Your about to witness British Justice in all it's horrendous glory.


Unconfirmed Member
zomgbbqftw said:
He is calling for the Asian community to be peaceful because he doesn't want to see his friends bury their kids.

Was listening to Radio 4 just now. Heard the father of one of the victims saying the same thing, let the law deal with those responsible.
Myke Greywolf said:
I blame this whole thing partially on years and years of constant exposure to popular media portrayals of fame, fortune, glamour and celebrity with no associated effort, making young people think that they're entitled to grow into those archetypes.

You're wrong. Sorry, but it has to be said.

People are rioting because

a) it's fun
b) all their mates are doing it
c) they can get a free tv

It has fuck all to do with the media, rap music, GTA, race, spending cuts, youth club closures, lack of education opportunities, or lack of jobs.


Junior, please.
Carl said:
apparently one of the looters was sentenced to one day in prison? Great punishment

Do you have a source? The sentence for riot can be up to 10 years.

If this is the kind of punishments that are going to be handed out then that comment about looters "feeling the full force of the law" is going to look pretty ridiculous.


SmokyDave said:
You have no idea how infuriating that is. I'd love to be a member of a 'community' right about now.

Well yeah, so we go along and ask to be part of their community. Hands across the ocean - and into the faces of chavs.
33-Hit-Combo said:
Yeah. So far it appears that only the innocent have been injured. How much more does it take before people realise that being jolly well cross won't do?
Are you kidding me? Do you really want to turn this into a race war?
zomgbbqftw said:
The only time I saw white people out was in Enfield and in Eltham last night, and so many lefty progressives were ready to label them BNP, it was disgusting. They had every right to protect their town centres.

That's probably because they were chanting 'E-E-EDL' as they walked. You can see it on the video posted by the Guardian liveblog.


fastford58 said:
That is what the white people have been neutered to do. A quagmire of social failure.

Why is it neutered to allow the country's law enforcement to enforce the law rather than rolling headlong into vigilante justice as some communities appear to be straining to do?

Have you not seen the vast cleanup operations by "white people" - in fact, by ALL people - going on in London?


thelatestmodel said:
Do you have a source? The sentence for riot can be up to 10 years.

If this is the kind of punishments that are going to be handed out then that comment about looters "feeling the full force of the law" is going to look pretty ridiculous.

They just said it on BBC News.
From The Guardian Live Blog
11.35am: This YouGov poll – which shows a third of those surveyed would back police use of live ammunition when tackling rioters – is full of startling numbers:
As rioting continues for a fourth night, the poll for the Sun has found that there is widespread support among British adults for a range of tactics to be made available to the police:
• 90% think the police should be able to use water cannon when dealing with rioters
• 33% say police should be able to use firearms/live ammunition
• 77% support using the army to help deal with the situation
• 57% feel David Cameron is dealing with the situation badly
• 85% believe either a majority or most of those taking part in the riots will go unpunished
Link to YouGov Poll


Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Your Excellency said:
You're wrong. Sorry, but it has to be said.

People are rioting because

a) it's fun
b) all their mates are doing it
c) they can get a free tv

It has fuck all to do with the media, rap music, GTA, race, spending cuts, youth club closures, lack of education opportunities, or lack of jobs.
Well, I'm trying to explain what is behind that attitude, you just seem to be describing the attitude itself. Why do those people think it is fun? What makes them think it's a good idea to join their mates? Do they not know that stealing is wrong?

The cognitive dissonance between the reality they know and the one TV shows them, contributes to get them making all the wrong choices, in my opinion.


thelatestmodel said:
Ah, OK, I'm not following the live stream at the moment. Lots of people are about to get very angry.

He'd already spent a day in custody so they just left him go... >.<


Junior, please.
Your Excellency said:
You're wrong. Sorry, but it has to be said.

People are rioting because

a) it's fun
b) all their mates are doing it
c) they can get a free tv

It has fuck all to do with the media, rap music, GTA, race, spending cuts, youth club closures, lack of education opportunities, or lack of jobs.

You forgot d): they completely lack any form of conscience.


zomgbbqftw said:
Only to get labelled as BNP by left progressives. It was disgusting to see that. I hate Nick Griffin for jumping on their bandwagon.

they were chanting EDL and BNP. what else do you want?

looitng in birminghame tonight will be suicide. there's tons of asians there


Your Excellency said:
That's probably because they were chanting 'E-E-EDL' as they walked. You can see it on the video posted by the Guardian liveblog.
Well, we could really use a league to defend England right about now.

BluWacky said:
Why is it neutered to allow the country's law enforcement to enforce the law rather than rolling headlong into vigilante justice as some communities appear to be straining to do?
Because the countries law enforcement cannot be the sole enforcers of the law in situations like this. Every other community has already figured this out.


AngryMoth said:
I really don't think labelling these people as 'scum', 'yobs', etc is going to do any good. They're clearly anger and disillusioned and we can only hope to increase these feelings if we continue to alienate them further from society. Yes, they're actions are deplorable and we need to put a stop to it as soon as possible, but the government needs realise that this a problem with society, not with the individuals.

I think there's a very simple solution to the problem:


(Probably old, but I swear I've not seen it posted in this thread yet)
Alexis Bailey, primary school teacher and convicted rioter:


So much for the 'they are just underprivileged really' argument. This guy is a fucking teacher, nothing underprivileged about him. Fucking opportunistic scumbag.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Your Excellency said:
You're wrong. Sorry, but it has to be said.

People are rioting because

a) it's fun
b) all their mates are doing it
c) they can get a free tv

It has fuck all to do with the media, rap music, GTA, race, spending cuts, youth club closures, lack of education opportunities, or lack of jobs.

I'm not blaming games cos they're not encouraging any kind of lifestyle really or planting violent seeds in our heads.

Music and TV/Film is where its at. Those are the art forms that inform culture and this is what the problem is, a whole generation of people who buy into a certain culture. I know because I've been through it. I've seen films and thought it'd be great to rob a bank and shoot cops, I've listened to some music and figured the gangster lifestyle would be exciting and glamorous and shows like The Wire make it seem not so bad.

You get lots of films showing that prison is almost like an adventure and isn't something to be scared of.

Basically there is no deterrent for guys who want to buy into that Eminem I dont give a fuck lifestyle. The law scares people who have a life and a future but if you feel like you have no future there is nothing to lose.

We have to start dishing out pain and suffering, thats what scares people throughout history and makes them agree to live in a peaceful orderly society. Thats how humanity has gotten where it is today, because if someone wants to fuck with society, society is gonna fuck you up. You either agree to get along, leave, or face the consequences. Whats happened here is a whole generation of very light consequences.
qq more said:
Seriously, a fucking day? How the fuck is that gonna help at all?
Yeah it's ridiculous, any normal kid would be scared shitless to ever put a step wrong again after a day in custody, these kids however, for them it'll be an achievement and status between their community, like ASBOs and those electronic tags are, they do fuck all.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Sorry, not buying it, nobody gets sentenced to a day in the nick.


qq more said:
Seriously, a fucking day? How the fuck is that gonna help at all?

Yesterday it was reported that the major reason few were arrested the first three days, was the it would force several policemen of the battlefield. They'd need to transport them to the holding cells, do paperwork. Probably something similar with this now, that they don't have room or want to waste money on some people that they probably lack real evidence on.

Plus, maybe I've watched too many TV dramas, but I think there's a time limit for how long you can keep a person without any real proof. They've arrested 700+ people, they probably don't have good evidence on all.

Gui_PT said:
Apparently not.

Alright thanks.
Your Excellency said:
That's probably because they were chanting 'E-E-EDL' as they walked. You can see it on the video posted by the Guardian liveblog.

As long as they were there to protect their local community I don't care what they were chanting. The police have utterly failed to control this and people are absolutely unprotected.

You know the reason these guys were out in Enfield (I know one of them, he's 100% not BNP)? It's because the looters were beginning to target people's homes. A black family and a white family had their homes burgled in Enfield, that was the tipping point for them.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
SmokyDave said:
Are you saying the BBC are deliberately fabricating inflammatory news?

No, I'm saying either the magistrates saw zero reason for sentencing to be referred to the courts and the person was found guilty of an extremely minor infraction only tangentially related to involvement or the BBC or whoever reported it to them were mistaken, period.

Minor sentences are likely to be 30-80 hrs of community service, not time spent in custody already served whilst waiting for the hearing, just not buying it.


Manager said:
Yesterday it was reported that the major reason few were arrested the first three days, was the it would force several policemen of the battlefield. They'd need to transport them to the holding cells, do paperwork. Probably something similar with this now, that they don't have room or want to waste money on some people that they probably lack real evidence on.

Plus, maybe I've watched too many TV dramas, but I think there's a time limit for how long you can keep a person without any real proof.

Alright thanks.

No he was actually charged with a day in prison


Guy at work saying "Put out a statement saying all benefits to every single person will be cut if there are any more riots and they will stop instantly" is kinda missing the point I feel

Father of murdered son in Birmingham on TV saying that a day or two days from now nobody will care or remember. Sad, but can't see the national newspapers keeping his story on the front pages for too long unless the Asian community also starts rioting in protest.

Young black woman from neighbourhood shocked, can't believe how far things have gone and thinks we need to fight for peace on the streets. Got to admit that fighting for peace always makes me think of fucking for celibacy. Pardon my French.

Apparently they have someone in custody.
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