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London riots spreading through UK

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Mr. Sam

Meanwhile, on Facebook!

"people joining groups & making jokes about this need to shut the fuck up. you think this is funny? people have been KILLED. you're just as bad as them."

The same person, earlier that evening:

"they may be riots in tottenham, peckham, catford, lewisham, oxford circus, hackney, & croydon, but the apocolypse has clearly only started early because cher lloyd is number 1."



the best facebook status i've seen is this:

'the wholesale looting of britain's public finances by a load of spivs and shady mortgage brokers was a more heinous and damaging crime than the actions of a few hundred street urchins. fact.'


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SmokyDave said:
There were around 1000 incidents last night resulting in at least 100 arrests. The trouble isn't even over yet. I'll eat my cock if most of those arrested don't live in council accommodation. They can't turf that many people out.

Osiris, thanks for the info. On phone or I'd have multiquoted you too.

Still hearing a lot of sirens.

They would need to be convicted of a public disorder offence and then go through a long legal process to throw them out so the final numbers would be relatively small.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Synth_floyd said:
So what's the real reason for the riots? Social inequality, disenfranchisement, poverty?
Parents that don't know how to raise their children.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I just had a fucking coworker who is a stereotypical hard right neocon just say that this would have never happened if people in England had guns to protect themselves.
Synth_floyd said:
So what's the real reason for the riots? Social inequality, disenfranchisement, poverty?

Decades of touchy feely parenting and welfare / support papering over the cracks of failing families and neighbourhoods. This has created kids without boundaries and an overwhelming sense of entitlement. Those kids are simply giving in to anarchism, rebelliousness and their own greed -- smashing things up and stealing because they know they have a good chance of getting away with it. It escalated because there was a toothless police response to the initial rioting on Saturday, toothless police response nationwide ever since, and the toothless politicians who run this country won't give the police the tools, the mandates and the moral support that they need to properly take control of the situation.


Trojita said:
I just had a fucking coworker who is a stereotypical hard right neocon just say that this would have never happened if people in England had guns to protect themselves.

You can't fault his logic.

If people were armed, this would have been over in a few hours.

Or not ... unless LA people can't shoot.
Manager said:


"I am for politically engaged non-violent solutions...
but on the other hand, if people wanna smash shit up and go mental, I'm cool with that and that's a problem for the police."

What a fucking stupid, insipidly liberal, shallow, ill-thought-out, pseudo-intellectual position to take. It makes me want to roll my eyes so hard that they bust out of my skull.


Unconfirmed Member
It's on like Donkey Kong.

Guardian said:
8.08pm: Scotland Yard has effectively sanctioned vigilante action against suspected rioters and looters, issuing advice that they can be beaten with weapons if they are honestly thought to pose a danger, writes my colleague Vikram Dodd.

In a document sent to businesses in the capital, police gave explicit guidance on what constitutes "reasonable force", saying people do not have to wait to be attacked if they are in their own home or business. With police numbers stretched the limit, the Met said if someone "honestly and instinctively" believed they, their business or another person was in danger, they could use force.

The guidance says: "You are not expected to make fine judgements over the level of force you use in the heat of the moment." It adds a weapon can be used and says: " The more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence."

The Met guidance says use of a weapon could also be lawful and constitute reasonable force. It is understood the guidance was issued after business owners asked for advice about how much force they could use to defend themselves and their property.



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Synth_floyd said:
So what's the real reason for the riots? Social inequality, disenfranchisement, poverty?

Our whole society is based on greed and the cult of personality rather then spiritual ideals.


anonnumber6 said:
KEY103 KEY103
Manchester and Salford City Council say they will evict any council house tenants found to be involved in the riots.

Trying to get verification for this tweet.

Awesome, about time they showed some balls.
zomgbbqftw said:
Because change is slow and requires the people who maintain the inequalities to change their ways. It is much, much easier and more personally satisfying to do what you can to win against an unequal system. Blacks, Indians, Pakistanis across the country do it all the time. It is within our own power to get out there and earn jobs that are reserved for white folk, sure we will have to work harder than a white person, but if you want the job then you have to willing to do the work.

Complaining about inequality gets you nowhere, getting into well paid jobs and powerful positions does. My dad is a leader in the Indian community, he has worked with the council to make sure that access to sports facilities in Enfield are open to all wards rather than the ones they are based in. Our local cricket club hated it because suddenly a bunch of BME kids from Ponders End and Edmonton turned up to join, but they adjusted and now the club is one of the best in London.

Meanwhile some other idiot sitting in their council estate complained that he got stopped and search for a knife or a bomb and sued the police. Who made a difference?

So, which is it. Are equal opportunities there for black youth as there are for white youth, or are there not? If you have to work harder than someone else just to get to a position, then things are not equal. That leads to discouragement, and ultimately a negative feeling about your place in society. It is great to say, well I made it here against all odds...etc, but that doesn't really fix the problem in the system. Change may be "slow", but that doesn't mean it should be ignored. If people had that mindset in past generations, things would not be the way they are today.


IdreamofHIME said:
All seems pretty quiet, think it's pretty much over or are they waiting for the weekend?

Raining in Manchester. But the night is still young, real shit didn't start until later yesterday.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior

A vigilante is a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification.
But..if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal..
You become something else entirely..

It's time, now I can finally become the real life Batman the world has been waiting for.


Manager said:
Raining in Manchester. But the night is still young, real shit didn't start until later yesterday.

Miss Selfridge was on fire by this point and there was thousands of them in town already.

Not so tonight at all, I remain optimistic that the GMP's response along with the weather should really calm this down.


Canadians burned my passport
Veidt said:

A vigilante is a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification.
But..if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal..
You become something else entirely..

It's time, now I can finally become the real life Batman the world has been waiting for.

No you are just wearing hockey pads.


Who else is scared that this kind of shit happens in their own country? I'm in montreal and there's already been an episode of violence in 2008 that was triggered almost the in the same circumstances. Seeing how the uk has become a free-for-all zone makes me wonder if the same group of "people" here are watching closely and taking notes...


ScotlandYard said:
With police numbers stretched the limit, the Met said if someone "honestly and instinctively" believed they, their business or another person was in danger, they could use force.

I honestly and instinctively believed that that black man was going to harm me or my business. I just happen to own a mobile hot-dog stand that is no where in site now.

Bad luck he died eh?
neutralgamer02 said:
It is great to say, well I made it here against all odds...etc, but that doesn't really fix the problem in the system. Change may be "slow", but that doesn't mean it should be ignored. If people had that mindset in past generations, things would not be the way they are today.

I am all for change and improving social mobility in any given group of society, but the problem with this naval gazing search for understanding is that it does not (and cannot) address the reality in the here and now. Worse still, there is this implicit suggestion that people are behaving in a completely unacceptable way because, in effect, they can't help it. That it's not their fault. That they have been failed, and that's why they're doing it.

We CANNOT allow ourselves to dream up caveats where it is more 'understandable' for people to break the law. The law is THE LAW. These yobs -- and they are not just people from disenfranchised groups, you would know that if you were here -- they are acting out destruction on a scale that is unprecedented, and they are doing in it a time of relative plenty compared to the generations that have passed before, where their forbears had to sail through storms of much greater hardship. There is NO deep reason for this scale of destructive anarchism, it is happening on this scale because we have failed to take control of it and we are too soft. I have never been so sure of anything in my life.

We can talk about how we fix problems for different ethnic and geographic groups later, in fact we are doing it right now and we do it all the time -- but we can't let it detract us from rejecting this behaviour outright, from condemning it in the strongest possible terms, putting a stop to it, and bringing down the full weight of the law for each crime as if it were any other day in any other time. Laws have been broken, its time to show some balls and start enforcing it.


MmmSkyscraper said:

The phrase 'shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted' comes to mind.

The looting is over. But what will happen is people 'fitting the descriptions' of looters are going to get fucked up by some idiots who can then say they were going to attack me.

Some kids walking past my house let me go and get my baseball bat.

We've already seen the race element seep into these matters the fact the government has sanctioned this shows how much they've lost control.
Who else is scared that this kind of shit happens in their own country? I'm in montreal and there's already been an episode of violence in 2008 that was triggered almost the in the same circumstances. Seeing how the uk has become a free-for-all zone makes me wonder if the same group of "people" here are watching closely and taking notes...

you mean every time the habs win a playoff series?


marrec said:
I honestly and instinctively believed that that black man was going to harm me or my business. I just happen to own a mobile hot-dog stand that is no where in site now.

Bad luck he died eh?

yes because that would stand up in court


Dabanton said:
We've already seen the race element seep into these matters the fact the government has sanctioned this shows how much they've lost control.

Or more importantly how out of touch they are with anything that is actually going on in the streets.

You can't just say shortsighted shit like that and expect some racist prick to sit on his hands.
MmmSkyscraper said:

Man the Guardian is being whiney.

Scotland Yard has effectively sanctioned vigilante action against suspected rioters and looters, issuing advice that they can be beaten with weapons if they are honestly thought to pose a danger, writes my colleague Vikram Dodd.

Explaining the laws regarding use of force in regards to questions from the public is not sanctioning vigilante action.

It is understood the guidance was issued after business owners asked for advice about how much force they could use to defend themselves and their property.


SteveWD40 said:
Miss Selfridge was on fire by this point and there was thousands of them in town already.

Not so tonight at all, I remain optimistic that the GMP's response along with the weather should really calm this down.

True, but I was thinking of other cities. Southampton has been mentioned before, as well as Stockport. But I haven't heard much today. Manchester seems calm tonight.
Who else is scared that this kind of shit happens in their own country? I'm in montreal and there's already been an episode of violence in 2008 that was triggered almost the in the same circumstances. Seeing how the uk has become a free-for-all zone makes me wonder if the same group of "people" here are watching closely and taking notes...
I live in London and can vouch for the fact this isn't particularly scary.
Wrestlemania said:
I live in London and can vouch for the fact this isn't particularly scary.

Sadly, you don't speak for everyone. I live outside of London, and work a half hour walk from the nearest trouble spot, but many of my colleagues live right in amongst these areas and they certainly wouldn't agree with you.
neutralgamer02 said:
So, which is it. Are equal opportunities there for black youth as there are for white youth, or are there not? If you have to work harder than someone else just to get to a position, then things are not equal. That leads to discouragement, and ultimately a negative feeling about your place in society. It is great to say, well I made it here against all odds...etc, but that doesn't really fix the problem in the system. Change may be "slow", but that doesn't mean it should be ignored. If people had that mindset in past generations, things would not be the way they are today.

It takes people of courage to work in a system that is built for others and community leaders in these minorities need to give young people the courage when they are beaten down by employers and tell them not to give up on their education. Instead of complaining about the lack of equality why not become a lawyer and change the system? Why not become a leader in your field or even Prime Minister.

I have money on Priti Patel, MP for some Bristol constituency to become Con leader after DC and then PM. BME people can make it to the top jobs, even if it is difficult. If the system works against you, you work harder to prove to yourself and to others that you are the best. Sitting at home moaning about inequality doesn't help anyone. Kwasi Kwarteng was selected by his local Conservative Asoc. in an open primary to be their candidate in May 2010, he won with a huge majority and has been tipped to be the first BME PM along with Priti Patel.

You can say this is rare success, but these are the changes that have already happened. At the next election I think the Conservative party will field around 50-60 BME candidates in winnable constituencies and Labour will field even more. Our voice is growing, it just takes time. Complaining about inequality doesn't change things one jot.
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