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London riots spreading through UK

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I need more well off middle class people telling me how the scum that burnt down business and attacked policemen were justified. Please, give me more.


butter_stick said:
I need more well off middle class people telling me how the scum that burnt down business and attacked policemen were justified. Please, give me more.

who are you responding to :p


butter_stick said:
I need more well off middle class people telling me how the scum that burnt down business and attacked policemen were justified. Please, give me more.
justification is up to you. i feel like this isn't just a prolonged vancouver and that there are reasons it has led to this. it is not easy to have this sort of disconnect with the youth and it doesn't just happen.


Joe said:

It's not quite the same. I'm sure banks didn't get together and start planning the downfall of small businesses and actively start seeking out people's property.

Yes what happened with banks is shit but it's a totally different frame of events.
Treefingers said:
So do we have a thread on Cameron's statements about what he's willing to do with regards to these riots, or did I miss the discussion about them? Cause from what I've read on the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14485592) some of these things are pretty scary.
I read this:
Article quoting Cameron said:
"And to the lawless minority, the criminals who have taken what they can get, I say this: We will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, we will punish you. You will pay for what you have done."
in Liam Neeson's Taken voice. Awesome.

Jamie OD

dc89 said:
25 year old in court for looting Greggs.

I hope the free pasty was worth it dick head!

The most fitting punishment for that would be allowing Paddy McGuinness to punch the guy in the face.


Facism said:
Has anyone reported this filth, irregardless of whether it's a joke or not? Her twitter paints her as a massive bellend with no morality.

[edit]nm linked and reported to a policeman friend in Kingston.

Honestly, don't waste the police's time with this shit, just take 5 seconds and scroll down the to some earlier tweets, it's obviously a troll. Please use a modicum of initiative before you start wasting police time, I think they have bigger issues than bad taste jokes on the internet.


Joe said:
this really sums up how i feel


this is how a materialistic youth gets mad in a materialistic society

Pretty much. White collar looting seems to be widely accepted.
"And to the lawless minority, the criminals who have taken what they can get, I say this: We will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, we will punish you. You will pay for what you have done."

Is he talking about the bankers or the poor people?
lifa-cobex said:
I'm sure banks didn't get together and start planning the downfall of small businesses and actively start seeking out people's property.

You're right in a way. Banks don't go out for wrecking and looting on such a small scale.


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lifa-cobex said:
It's not quite the same. I'm sure banks didn't get together and start planning the downfall of small businesses and actively start seeking out people's property.

No. What the banks did was to commit fraud on a stupendously massive scale to line their greedy pockets and because our whole economy is based on this ludicrous ponzie scheme, they were allowed to get away with it by bankrupting us and our children's generation for years to come. All those complicit should be sitting in a jail cell.

What they did was far worse then these rioters did.


cyberheater said:
No. What the banks did was to commit fraud on a stupendously massive scale to line their greedy pockets and because our whole economy is based on this ludicrous ponzie scheme, they were allowed to get away with it by bankrupting us and our children's generation for years to come. All those complicit should be sitting in a jail cell.

What they did was far worse then these rioters did.

Everyone was at it, got to laugh(or cry) at the TV expenses:



(Apologies if already posted)


"And to the lawless minority, the criminals who have taken what they can get, I say this: We will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, we will punish you. You will pay for what you have done."
Is he talking about the rioters or a bunch of hired killers?

How about something like "we are temporarily giving the police more funding/resources to help deal with the vast number of reported miscreants? It's absolutely pathetic and pandering to the extreme spur of the moment viewpoints that are lingering at this point in time. He personally isn't going to help out, is he. In fact, his policies regarding police force funding cuts, promotion of the softly-softly approach and his 'hug a hoodie' policies of the past actively aided the rioters and hindered/is hindering the police forces around the country. His refusal to return from his holiday until Croydon was ablaze was the final straw and obliterated any small support I had for him.
kamspy said:
Umm. Did you click the link?

Yes, I did.

But in general people always say "oh yeah big government trying to take away mah freedoms", and I'm interested in to how a person in modern Britain feels like government is infringing on their freedoms. Cos I can say I personally haven't felt any. Maybe I'm lucky.


thanks for the laugh
Joe said:
this really sums up how i feel


this is how a materialistic youth gets mad in a materialistic society
as i've said throughout this thread, cunts come in all flavours, at all levels of society. the cunts who short sold the economy to flesh out their severance package just had more opportunities than the cunts who mugged a kid as he bled from the mouth or trashed a 90 year old's barber shop.

your link seeks justification through relativism, i see such parallels as entirely damning.
Joe said:
this really sums up how i feel


this is how a materialistic youth gets mad in a materialistic society

I was with them until they said the kids are expressing something political. The massive attack facebook page is. The rioters aren't, and everything that has come out of almost every rioters mouth since Saturday has only served to confirm that. They were doing it purely because they could. They have a very valid point about the bailouts and our thieving ruling class, but the crimes they talk of are not in any way related - except in the sense that you can argue that the money we could have saved could have been spent elsewhere in society. Its a ludicrous hypothetical, and I daresay that if all the variables were the same -- a man killed in Tottenham, a protest turned bad, a slow police reaction, riots spreading to other London boroughs -- it would have played out exactly the same up and down the country. The one thing the politicians said that seemed true today is that Britain is sick, and that there is a small, lawless minority who have neither respect nor fear for authority, no discipline in their lives, no regard for themselves or others... and a lot of self entitlement and greed.

Question Time is on in the next couple of hours. Should be a good one!


i'm really surprised there have been no political groups attaching themselves to the riots to try and escalate it or at least use it to push a real agenda.

has the entire youth society turned apolitical?


Short selling on securities is not illegal BTW. Not yet in Europe anyways.

I'm not sure what purpose tying these riots to the financial crises have other than to derial discussions. Which I suppose makes sense if you want to defend the indefensible.
radioheadrule83 said:
I was with them until they said the kids are expressing something political. The massive attack facebook page is. The rioters aren't, and everything that has come out of almost every rioters mouth since Saturday has only served to confirm that. They were doing it purely because they could.
I don't think they mean the rioters are political, but rather the riots are political - ie. politics is what has led to this situation.


London's rioters were assumed by many to be unemployed youth, with little hope for the future. But those in court reportedly include a teaching assistant, a lifeguard, a millionaire's daughter and an 11-year-old boy



Nolan. said:
It's all so silly, was reading about another guy stealing three Burberry shirts and another a bottle of wine.

And the bleeding hearts thought we were exaggerating when we called them mindless animals.
lifa-cobex said:
It's not quite the same. I'm sure banks didn't get together and start planning the downfall of small businesses and actively start seeking out people's property.

Yes what happened with banks is shit but it's a totally different frame of events.

The underlying lack of moral, lack of responsability and general sense of entitlement is very very similar.
To be perfectly honest, comparing the banking and finance system to organized crime and the current looters, isn't at all far fetched.

The difference? Business suits and private jets vs hoodies and bycicles.


Wrestlemania said:
That's your definition of a "mindless animal"?

That barely seems worth dignifying with a response but here goes.

n adjective
1 acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences. Ø(of an activity) simple and repetitive.
2 (mindless of) not thinking of or concerned about.

n noun
1 a living organism which is typically distinguished from a plant by feeding on organic matter, having specialized sense organs and nervous system, and being able to move about and to respond rapidly to stimuli. Øa mammal, as opposed to a bird, reptile, fish, or insect.
2 a very cruel, violent, or uncivilized person.


zomgbbqftw said:
You can take me off the list. I am of the opinion that Dave should resign and we need a GE.

Must say your opinion on this matter surprises the fuck out of me. Remember how you said that Clegg was looking at repealing the Digital Economy Act, i guess that's off the agenda now?

Looks like they're going to get even more draconian after this, yay for Authoritarianism, like i said before, all the fucking same. Guys, there was a working class party in this country a long time ago, it was called Labour, so much for that huh?
Furret said:
That barely seems worth dignifying with a response but here goes.

n adjective
1 acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences. Ø(of an activity) simple and repetitive.
2 (mindless of) not thinking of or concerned about.

n noun
1 a living organism which is typically distinguished from a plant by feeding on organic matter, having specialized sense organs and nervous system, and being able to move about and to respond rapidly to stimuli. Øa mammal, as opposed to a bird, reptile, fish, or insect.
2 a very cruel, violent, or uncivilized person.
Excellent! Dictionary definitions!


Joe said:
i'm really surprised there have been no political groups attaching themselves to the riots to try and escalate it or at least use it to push a real agenda.

has the entire youth society turned apolitical?

Did you watch todays Parliament why would young people listen to these people? They are so out of touch it's unbelievable. Tonight most of these men and women will leave Parliament and return to an expensive home with nary a worry.

No wonder many don't give a fuck about politics.

Which is a shame.


Wrestlemania said:
Excellent! Dictionary definitions!

Yes, they are the dictionary definition of mindless animals. I could not have invented better descriptions myself than what was already in the dictionary.

Do you disagree in some way or you just showing off that you recognise what a dictionary entry looks like?
Furret said:
Yes, they are the dictionary definition of mindless animals. I could not have invented better descriptions myself than what was already in the dictionary.

Do you disagree in some way or you just showing off that you recognise what a dictionary entry looks like?
I just think it's a needlessly emotive turn of phrase to attach to a couple of people who jumped on the bandwagon and nicked a couple of shirts and a bottle of wine.


Joe said:
i'm really surprised there have been no political groups attaching themselves to the riots to try and escalate it or at least use it to push a real agenda.

The riots themselves have been vastly vastly unpopular amongst the population, the level of hatred for those who have committed the acts is incredibly high, it would be suicide for any political group to try to associate themselves with the acts of violence.

Its hard to put into words the level of disgust 99.999% of the population feel for the scum involved, you need only look at the 24h courts and high terms being served in those court to see how much pressure the public has put on the government to crush those responsible.

Massive efforts are underway to identify and punish all involved expect hundreds if not thousands to be punished for the acts, each and every cretin that was involved faces good odds of either, serving time, being evicted, earning a criminal record or being publicly named and shamed in a effort to discourage future bouts of stupidity.

The general public has such utter contempt for the shitbags responsible that noone wants to be associated with them, every day so far I have heard dozens of people state without irony that the scum should simply be shot and done with.
I was sat with a bunch of 40odd year olds yesterday evening, chatting about the riots. One of them said 'It's all those video games. You can see it, can't you? I watched one of them on the news kicking a window, and it was just like he was acting it out in a video game."

And they all nodded and 'hmm'd agreement.

I was FUUUUUU face personified.
I won't expand on why I'm on the side of these demonstrators, everyone who knows me as a poster knows that's I'll always be on the side of the poor and disenfranchised even when they respond violently and I always think there are more reasons than the obvious for large scale uprisings.

What I want to stress here is how just like the wikileaks case western "democracy" is showing its true colours when it's cornered. Cameron is talking about bringing the military and censoring the internet to "stop these riots". Their hypocrisy, fascistic tendencies and propaganda are starting to become apparent even to the simpleminded retards that vote for these scum while the youth already despises all of them, the politicians, the bankers, the rest of the greedy rich scum that influence the political process, and their instruments of violence. I also love how the corporate/government media are painting these as "riots" while the word is "insurrection" or "violent demonstrations" if it happens to countries they have no interests in or how they're focusing on the looting as if the anger of these young people they're expressing through these demonstrations is just about looting or looting is the main reason behind all this.

There's something that Assange said a while ago in a Democracy Now panel with Zizek that was stuck in my head. He said that the attempt at censoring his organization from the american government, corporations and banks isn't a bad thing, it's actually great news. It shows that they're finally starting to panic. It shows that their "democracy" is forced to show its true colours because they're afraid and the more they're panicking the more their real intentions will be exposed so the more the people will wake up and the more they'll panic. I'm glad I live in a time when the true face of the western oligarchy masked as democracy will finally be revealed. I don't know what will happen then but the latest huge demonstrations throughout the world showed me that there's a glimmer of hope for humanity afterall.

Also, Darcus Howe for PM.
fortified_concept said:
I won't expand on why I'm on the side of these demonstrators, everyone who knows me as a poster knows that's I'll always be on the side of the poor and disenfranchised even when they respond violently and I always think there are more reasons than the obvious for large scale uprisings.

What I want to stress here is how just like the wikileaks case western "democracy" is showing its true colours when it's cornered. Cameron is talking about bringing the military and censoring the internet to "stop these riots". Their hypocrisy, fascistic tendencies and propaganda are starting to become apparent even to the simpleminded retards that vote for these scum while the youth already despises all of them, the politicians, the bankers, the rest of the greedy rich scum that influence the political process, and their instruments of violence. I also love how the corporate/government media are painting these as "riots" while the word is "insurrection" or "violent demonstrations" if it happens to countries they have no interests in or how they're focusing on the looting as if the anger of these young people they're expressing through these demonstrations is just about looting or looting is the main reason behind all this.

There's something that Assange said a while ago in a Democracy Now panel with Zizek that was stuck in my head. He said that the attempt at censoring his organization from the american government, corporations and banks isn't a bad thing, it's actually great news. It shows that they're finally starting to panic. It shows that their "democracy" is forced to show its true colours because they're afraid and the more they're panicking the more their real intentions will be exposed so the more the people will wake up and the more they'll panic. I'm glad I live in a time when the true face of the western oligarchy masked as democracy will finally be revealed. I don't know what will happen then but the latest huge demonstrations throughout the world showed me that there's a glimmer of hope for humanity afterall.

Also, Darcus Howe for PM.

You have absolutely no idea XD!!!

Have you actually read the thread? Or just watched that Darcus Howe vid and made your assumptions based on that?
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