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London riots spreading through UK

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fortified_concept said:
I won't expand on why I'm on the side of these demonstrators, everyone who knows me as a poster knows that's I'll always be on the side of the poor and disenfranchised even when they respond violently and I always think there are more reasons than the obvious for large scale uprisings.

What I want to stress here is how just like the wikileaks case western "democracy" is showing its true colours when it's cornered. Cameron is talking about bringing the military and censoring the internet to "stop these riots". Their hypocrisy, fascistic tendencies and propaganda are starting to become apparent even to the simpleminded retards that vote for these scum while the youth already despises all of them, the politicians, the bankers, the rest of the greedy rich scum that influence the political process, and their instruments of violence. I also love how the corporate/government media are painting these as "riots" while the word is "insurrection" or "violent demonstrations" if it happens to countries they have no interests in or how they're focusing on the looting as if the anger of these young people they're expressing through these demonstrations is just about looting or looting is the main reason behind all this.

There's something that Assange said a while ago in a Democracy Now panel with Zizek that was stuck in my head. He said that the attempt at censoring his organization from the american government, corporations and banks isn't a bad thing, it's actually great news. It shows that they're finally starting to panic. It shows that their "democracy" is forced to show its true colours because they're afraid and the more they're panicking the more their real intentions will be exposed so the more the people will wake up and the more they'll panic. I'm glad I live in a time when the true face of the western oligarchy masked as democracy will finally be revealed. I don't know what will happen then but the latest huge demonstrations throughout the world showed me that there's a glimmer of hope for humanity afterall.

Also, Darcus Howe for PM.
Um...I don't think you've been following these events very closely, have you?

Yes, some of them were the young, poor and disenfranchised underclass, but if you'd ever been around them, you'd know why most Brits hate them. They're thoroughly unpleasant people, with no respect for anything. And yes, this is me saying this.

Moreover, the poor youth weren't the only rioters - there were plenty of people, both young and old, before the courts who had middle-class backgrounds, good educations, good prospects, and hopeful futures. You can't honestly say that these people are any kind of "disenfranchised", so while the class struggle and [il]legitimate protest were certainly a small part of what happened, they definitely took a back seat to simple materialistic anarchism and greed.

However, I too am somewhat disturbed by David Cameron's unseemly swift turn towards authoritarianism, even as the current fearful and upset public mood supports it. I don't know about Furret and the rest of his proto-fascist chums, but I don't want this country to slowly change into a totalitarian police state just because some people are frightened by a bunch of hoodies setting fires and looting for a few nights. Yes, chavs are "the scum of the earth", but they're still people, and they're that way for several reasons, both socio-economic and moral. Fixing some without fixing the others, as Cameron's government is wont to do, will just ensure that this happens again - and if it happens at the Games, then say hello to your new Norsefire masters, but beware the Fingermen.

Unity Through Strength, eh, what?
fortified_concept said:
Yes because everyone who is part of these demonstrations is a criminal just like the fuckers who killed the 3 kids. Because everyone who is part of this is the same and everyone's intentions, ideology and reasons are the same.

I'm not the one trying to paint these riots as some form of demonstration, or display of discontent. Demonstrations often have criminals among them, but mostly those are fringe phenomenons. With these riots the only real goal was to cause havoc. Then you have the opportunists who see a great chance to steal stuff, the nationalists and racists who want to play endgame europe.

If anyone among them is actually doing this because of one guy that was shot by the police, then they are still fucking despicable in their choice of behaviour.

Actions matter, not some non existant good intent.


fortified_concept said:
Yes because everyone who is part of these demonstrations is a criminal just like the fuckers who killed the 3 kids. Because everyone who is part of this is the same and everyone's intentions, ideology and reasons are the same. Has it even be proven that these cunts were part of this and not just common criminals?

Since when is arson and looting not criminal action?


boris feinbrand said:
I'm not the one trying to paint these riots as some form of demonstration, or display of discontent. Demonstrations often have criminals among them, but mostly those are fringe phenomenons. With these riots the only real goal was to cause havoc. Then you have the opportunists who see a great chance to steal stuff, the nationalists and racists who want to play endgame europe.

If anyone among them is actually doing this because of one guy that was shot by the police, then they are still fucking despicable in their choice of behaviour.

Actions matter, not some non existant good intent.
Very well said.


Dambrosi said:
Um...I don't think you've been following these events very closely, have you?

Yes, some of them were the young, poor and disenfranchised underclass, but if you'd ever been around them, you'd know why most Brits hate them. They're thoroughly unpleasant people, with no respect for anything. And yes, this is me saying this.

Moreover, the poor youth weren't the only rioters - there were plenty of people, both young and old, before the courts who had middle-class backgrounds, good educations, good prospects, and hopeful futures. You can't honestly say that these people are any kind of "disenfranchised", so while the class struggle and [il]legitimate protest were certainly a small part of what happened, they definitely took a back seat to simple materialistic anarchism and greed.

However, I too am somewhat disturbed by David Cameron's unseemly swift turn towards authoritarianism, even as the current fearful and upset public mood supports it. I don't know about Furret and the rest of his proto-fascist chums, but I don't want this country to slowly change into a totalitarian police state just because some people are frightened by a bunch of hoodies setting fires and looting for a few nights. Yes, chavs are "the scum of the earth", but they're still people, and they're that way for several reasons, both socio-economic and moral. Fixing some without fixing the others, as Cameron's government is wont to do, will just ensure that this happens again - and if it happens at the Games, then say hello to your new Norsefire masters, but beware the Fingermen.

Unity Through Strength, eh, what?

Fucking this. The frothing demand for Authoritarianism in this thread scares me shitless.

Treat the symptom, not the disease eh guys? Lets lock everything down, institute curfews, filter and block social networking sites, put tags on every chavvy looking scum (because if they look like a chav they must be scum right?) you can see and if anyone does any bad, blow their fucking brains out.
fortified_concept said:
I won't expand on why I'm on the side of these demonstrators, everyone who knows me as a poster knows that's I'll always be on the side of the poor and disenfranchised even when they respond violently and I always think there are more reasons than the obvious for large scale uprisings.
CNN said:
Those passing through London's courtrooms on Tuesday and Wednesday -- some courts sat overnight to cope with the numbers -- have included a teaching assistant, a lifeguard, a postman, a chef, a charity worker, a millionaire's daughter and an 11-year-old boy, newspapers reported.
Are those the people you are talking about?

I can't ever support people rioting like they did last week. They aren't starving or something, they aren't stealing food because they need it, they took tv's and game consoles to their houses simply because they could.


AngryMoth said:
Russell Brand did a really good blog post about the riots. Don't agree on some his points but it's worth reading.

He does have a point that a lot of these kids gain no benefit from the loss of cohesion in society. I know GAF is extremely allergic to social explanations for this particular problem, but it doesn't take a huge leap of logic to reason that the individualistic turn western society has taken may be producing people who feel disconnected and, especially if they're from the lower classes, powerless.

It doesn't quite explain this whole event, though. I'm well aware of that.


fortified_concept said:
Yes because everyone who is part of these demonstrations is a criminal just like the fuckers who killed the 3 kids. Because everyone who is part of this is the same and everyone's intentions, ideology and reasons are the same. Has it even be proven that these cunts were part of this and not just common criminals, neonazis, bad drivers or whatever the fuck they could be other than "rioters"?
Okay, I'm hope I do not come off as hyperbolic here, but as a liberal who believes in social programs for the greater good, I'm not seeing how what's occurring here is protest.

Private homes and business are being looted and burned to the ground. While these individuals may believe they're protesting, which I'm confident most of them do not, they are doing it at the expense of peoples’ lives and livelihood. It's unacceptable, wrong, and should be punished. These people are, quite literally, destroying the people who are taxed enough to pay for the looters’ programs. They’re biting the hand that feeds, then chomping it off at the wrist. I wouldn’t blame the citizens of the UK if they said “fuck ‘em” and the programs were drastically cut in response to this and PD enforcement was cranked up.

To look into the reasons why a human would treat other people so disrespectfully, as is occurring in the UK, is understandable, and encouraged. Preventing something like these events from occurring again is to be applauded. However, to delight in an old man’s business being burned to the ground or homes being destroyed because it could possibly be viewed as some sort of validation that the social programs are inadequate, or because the arsonists could see it at as protest, is ethically wrong and calls to a problem with ones world view. Really, I question your personal integrity because you call this violent and selfish outburst protest. One should wonder what you would believe is appropriate in your community.


Xavien said:
Fucking this. The frothing demand for Authoritarianism in this thread scares me shitless.

Treat the symptom, not the disease eh guys? Lets lock everything down, institute curfews, filter and block social networking sites, put tags on every chavvy looking scum (because if they look like a chav they must be scum right?) you can see and if anyone does any bad, blow their fucking brains out.
They're just scared and upset, Xavien. They'll calm down, and then they'll regret what they posted in the heat of the moment. I'm sure of this.

Well, unless they're real scum, that is.

EDIT: Contrast UKGAF's kneejerk lashing out with the reaction of Mohd Asyraf Raziq Rosli, the student from the "Bad Samaritan" video we were all so disgusted by. He's the very model of dignity compared to all the swivel-chair brownshirts in this thread.


fortified_concept said:
I won't expand on why I'm on the side of these demonstrators, everyone who knows me as a poster knows that's I'll always be on the side of the poor and disenfranchised even when they respond violently and I always think there are more reasons than the obvious for large scale uprisings.

What I want to stress here is how just like the wikileaks case western "democracy" is showing its true colours when it's cornered. Cameron is talking about bringing the military and censoring the internet to "stop these riots". Their hypocrisy, fascistic tendencies and propaganda are starting to become apparent even to the simpleminded retards that vote for these scum while the youth already despises all of them, the politicians, the bankers, the rest of the greedy rich scum that influence the political process, and their instruments of violence. I also love how the corporate/government media are painting these as "riots" while the word is "insurrection" or "violent demonstrations" if it happens to countries they have no interests in or how they're focusing on the looting as if the anger of these young people they're expressing through these demonstrations is just about looting or looting is the main reason behind all this.

There's something that Assange said a while ago in a Democracy Now panel with Zizek that was stuck in my head. He said that the attempt at censoring his organization from the american government, corporations and banks isn't a bad thing, it's actually great news. It shows that they're finally starting to panic. It shows that their "democracy" is forced to show its true colours because they're afraid and the more they're panicking the more their real intentions will be exposed so the more the people will wake up and the more they'll panic. I'm glad I live in a time when the true face of the western oligarchy masked as democracy will finally be revealed. I don't know what will happen then but the latest huge demonstrations throughout the world showed me that there's a glimmer of hope for humanity afterall.

Also, Darcus Howe for PM.

This post has been quoted tons of times, and has had many appropriate responses, however no one has yet used the most appropriate response of them all...



Read today that Cameron s talking about shutting down social media during crises.

Instead of that why not use the same technology they use to go after kids sharing mp3's and subpoena the rioters ip addresses from the ISP's?

Or is it a matter of priorities?


DodgerSan said:
Read today that Cameron s talking about shutting down social media during crises.

Instead of that why not use the same technology they use to go after kids sharing mp3's and subpoena the rioters ip addresses from the ISP's?

Or is it a matter of priorities?

Again, it's a self-destructive kneejerk reaction from a typically out of touch politician.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
UFRA said:
This gif reeeeeaaaaallllllyy needs to become a banned meme. Such a mindless response with such a poor attitude. It's like the badge of douchebags.


Dambrosi said:

Again, it's a self-destructive kneejerk reaction from a typically out of touch politician.

If you actually read the original V For Vendetta, instead of the dreadful movie, you'd know it was about the relative qualities of authoritarian government and anarchy.

Moore's point was that in moments of crisis authoritarianism probably is more beneficial to society and that while anarchy may seem, to some, the more moral and desirable route it's ultimately more destructive.

Norsefire was absolutely not a simplistic Nazi analogy in the comic.


Dice said:
This gif reeeeeaaaaallllllyy needs to become a banned meme. Such a mindless response with such a poor attitude. It's like the badge of douchebags.
oh come on, now you're just asking for someone to reply to your post with that gif! ;)


Dambrosi said:
They're just scared and upset, Xavien. They'll calm down, and then they'll regret what they posted in the heat of the moment. I'm sure of this.

Well, unless they're real scum, that is.
I wouldn't bet your hat on that, my feelings aren't going to budge an inch. Well, except when I read a post by fortified_concept and then I shift slightly further right and my blood pressure rises slightly.


Dice said:
This gif reeeeeaaaaallllllyy needs to become a banned meme. Such a mindless response with such a poor attitude. It's like the badge of douchebags.

Because all other memes are such well thought out responses with excellent discussion points.
That multicoloured woman on Question Time is super annoying, as is Fraser Neslon, stupid wet liberal Tory.

Vigilantes kept our street safe.
zomgbbqftw said:
That multicoloured woman on Question Time is super annoying, as is Fraser Neslon, stupid wet liberal Tory.

Vigilantes kept our street safe.
The highlight of the program was the young black girl asking David Davis if he had ever lived on a council estate.


zomgbbqftw said:
That multicoloured woman on Question Time is super annoying, as is Fraser Neslon, stupid wet liberal Tory.

Vigilantes kept our street safe.

In what way do they keep us safe?

As we've seen in enfield and eltham this week their more trouble than help.
Dice said:
This gif reeeeeaaaaallllllyy needs to become a banned meme. Such a mindless response with such a poor attitude. It's like the badge of douchebags.

Yeah, it was a really disrespectful way to reply to fortified_concept's perfectly sane and informed rambling.
boris feinbrand said:
I'm not the one trying to paint these riots as some form of demonstration, or display of discontent. Demonstrations often have criminals among them, but mostly those are fringe phenomenons. With these riots the only real goal was to cause havoc. Then you have the opportunists who see a great chance to steal stuff, the nationalists and racists who want to play endgame europe.

If anyone among them is actually doing this because of one guy that was shot by the police, then they are still fucking despicable in their choice of behaviour.

Actions matter, not some non existant good intent.

I didn't imply that there's good intent; anger and frustration are certainly not "good". But justifiable? Maybe. All demonstrations don't start for the same reason and there are levels of violence and in each one of them depending the level of frustration and sense of injustice demonstrators feel. This is the result of years of economic terrorism and injustice, this is the result of an angry and disgusted youth and a ruined western society that only cares about wealth and power.

So yes I won't stand of the side of the "grown-ups" who created this rotten society, I'll stand on the side of the angry kids even if many of them are being stupid at least they're angry at something instead of sitting idly and accepting injustice and murder. As it already been told most of the demonstrators might not be political but the demonstrations are.
anonnumber6 said:
The highlight of the program was the young black girl asking David Davis is he had ever lived on a council estate.


He's the left's worst nightmare. Well educated, ex-council estate Tory who has never had a leg up anywhere.

I usually fill the left's worst nightmare when it comes to coloured people because I don't sit around complaining about inequality and get on with my life.


Furret said:
If you actually read the original V For Vendetta, instead of the dreadful movie, you'd know it was about the relative qualities of authoritarian government and anarchy.

Moore's point was that in moments of crisis authoritarianism probably is more beneficial to society and that while anarchy may seem, to some, the more moral and desirable route it's ultimately more destructive.

Norsefire was absolutely not a simplistic Nazi analogy in the comic.
No, they weren't, and I agree on his point about anarchism, and I also agree that the film was bunk, but the point is that you shouldn't just lurch violently to the right every time there's a few nights of public disorder. You end up making some very bad decisions that way, and doing things you and your descendants come to regret in the future. At the risk of further Godwinning the thread, look at Germany and how they view their political past.

Besides, you're running the risk of being a simplistic Nazi analogy in this thread. Look at your posts, man! You really think like that? Or are you just venting, like the rest of UKGAF?

A simple rule of thumb: if you're upset, don't post - instead, put your head in the fridge and cool down.

fortified_concept: No! There was nothing justified about it! And the rioters weren't trying to justify it on the night anyway!


fortified_concept said:
I didn't imply that there's good intent; anger and frustration are certainly not "good". But justifiable? Maybe. All demonstrations don't start for the same reason and there are levels of violence and in each one of them depending the level of frustration and sense of injustice demonstrators feel. This is the result of years of economic terrorism and injustice, this is the result of an angry and disgusted youth and a ruined western society that only cares about wealth and power. So yes I won't stand of the side of the "grown-ups" who created this rotten society, I'll stand on the side of the angry kids even if many of them are being stupid at least they're angry at something instead of sitting idly and accepting injustice and murder. As it already been told most of the demonstrators might not be political but the demonstrations are.

Until one of them throws a rock through your window, climbs in, and takes your ps3 and tv and the rest of your shit. You know, for social justice.

I don't live in England, but it certainly seems that a good chunk of the violence is just people doing fucked up shit just because they've got some cover.
Wrestlemania said:
16,000 police kept our streets safe.

Not on Monday night they didn't, Turkish and Greek vigilante groups in Wood Green and Palmers Green kept me safe. There were literally zero police in my area along Green Lanes.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
people saying they everyone involved should lose there benefits and stuff, are just not thinking. that will give them even more reason to riot. they wouldnt have anything to lose would they. if they are doing this now they would have even more reason to do it if they do that and they wouldnt care.


Enron said:
Until one of them throws a rock through your window, climbs in, and takes your ps3 and tv and the rest of your shit. You know, for social justice.

I don't live in England, but it certainly seems that a good chunk of the violence is just people doing fucked up shit just because they've got some cover.

Indeed. Being "poor and disenfranchised" is a licence to do whatever the fuck.

"Always on their side" rofl.


zomgbbqftw said:
Not on Monday night they didn't, Turkish and Greek vigilante groups in Wood Green and Palmers Green kept me safe. There were literally zero police in my area along Green Lanes.
Would you have felt as safe if they had been the same BNP and EDL middle-aged white shitheads who "protected" Eltham by throwing bottles at riot police? I bet you not.

ashley678 said:
people saying they everyone involved should lose there benefits and stuff, are just not thinking. that will give them even more reason to riot. they wouldnt have anything to lose would they. if they are doing this now they would have even more reason to do it if they do that and they wouldnt care.
Exactly, they're not thinking, they're justifiably upset and lashing out. Don't think too badly of them.
Enron said:
Until one of them throws a rock through your window, climbs in, and takes your ps3 and tv and the rest of your shit. You know, for social justice.

I don't live in England, but it certainly seems that a good chunk of the violence is just people doing fucked up shit just because they've got some cover.

The bankers and politicians have stolen from me a lot more than a kid with a rock ever could. Who will prosecute these fuckers?


fortified_concept said:
So yes I won't stand of the side of the "grown-ups" who created this rotten society, I'll stand on the side of the angry kids even if many of them are being stupid at least they're angry at something instead of sitting idly and accepting injustice and murder. As it already been told most of the demonstrators might not be political but the demonstrations are.

I honestly think you're just trolling at this point, or really out of touch with reality.

You make it sound like the only option is either to rebel and destroy, or sit and be quiet. There are no other peaceful alternatives? The only way to make their point is to destroy their own communities even more? How can that be a good thing?

Not to mention, I would be willing to bet that about 80% of the juveniles participating in these riots are just doing it because everyone else is. I really doubt they have any motive other than the fact that it's unlikely they'll be singled out and caught for their behavior, so they can do whatever they want to destroy and steal...
fortified_concept said:
The bankers and politicians have stolen from me a lot more than a kid with a rock ever could. Who will prosecute these fuckers?

It doesn't justify any additional damages, no one is proving to be any hero by acting the same way or worse. I admire peaceful demonstrations with ideological backing that is there for the benefit of everyone, not this type of stupid opportunism. It is truly rotten to try to justify actions that hurts others more than positive gains in order to gain attention. If they truly were genuine dissatisfaction and not selfish people they would target those who have blood on their hands. This whole situation is a disgrace to most activist, even myself I must say. We don't steal shallow material stuff while burning peoples homes and careers away. If these rioters were stealing food to survive they might have proved something. However reality is that they steal because they can and most of the time expensive luxury items.
Dambrosi said:
Would you have felt as safe if they had been the same BNP and EDL middle-aged white shitheads who "protected" Eltham by throwing bottles at riot police? I bet you not.

Fair enough, but on Monday night looters were kept off Green Lanes and the surrounding areas because of the vigilantes, not the police. My town high street is safe, but not because of the police.


fortified_concept said:
The bankers and politicians have stolen from me a lot more than a kid with a rock ever could. Who will prosecute these fuckers?
These people are living off welfare. What have bankers done to them.


Dambrosi said:
No, they weren't, and I agree on his point about anarchism, and I also agree that the film was bunk, but the point is that you shouldn't just lurch violently to the right every time there's a few nights of public disorder. You end up making some very bad decisions that way, and doing things you and your descendants come to regret in the future. At the risk of further Godwinning the thread, look at Germany and how they view their political past.

Besides, you're running the risk of being a simplistic Nazi analogy in this thread. Look at your posts, man! You really think like that? Or are you just venting, like the rest of UKGAF?

A simple rule of thumb: if you're upset, don't post - instead, put your head in the fridge and cool down.

fortified_concept: No! There was nothing justified about it! And the rioters weren't trying to justify it on the night anyway!

It's a message board, I'm just venting. I'm actually very liberal in real life.

But boy, morons like fortified_concept would make a brown shirt out of anyone.
zomgbbqftw said:

He's the left's worst nightmare. Well educated, ex-council estate Tory who has never had a leg up anywhere.

I usually fill the left's worst nightmare when it comes to coloured people because I don't sit around complaining about inequality and get on with my life.
Exactly, I'm an ethic minority(Bengali-Iranian) as well and I'm getting quite tired of the myth that people of a certain colour are always at a disadvantage, it's borderline insulting when people neglect any hard work or talent and reduce it down to colour.
fortified_concept said:
I didn't imply that there's good intent; anger and frustration are certainly not "good". But justifiable? Maybe. All demonstrations don't start for the same reason and there are levels of violence and in each one of them depending the level of frustration and sense of injustice demonstrators feel. This is the result of years of economic terrorism and injustice, this is the result of an angry and disgusted youth and a ruined western society that only cares about wealth and power.

So yes I won't stand of the side of the "grown-ups" who created this rotten society, I'll stand on the side of the angry kids even if many of them are being stupid at least they're angry at something instead of sitting idly and accepting injustice and murder. As it already been told most of the demonstrators might not be political but the demonstrations are.

There are those that are legitimately angry about their unjust situation and the social segregation in the UK that left whole segments of the population as de facto slave labours with no chance of uprising. And those are the ones that actually do something about their situation, try to get involved with changing their life instead of taking the easy coward route of burning houses, destroying peoples lifes, killing others, robbing and taking advantage of the situation.
Aknowledging the reasons, why these people saw no reason to restrain themselves, to commit crimes and be so destructive is one things. There is no denying that these Riots are a direct result of generations of undemocratic segregation, but it doesn't justify the outburst. It makes it understandable, yes, but it takes a huge cyinic to actually support the outburst of violence as some sort of twisted "just vindication".

You talk about a western society that only cares about wealth and power. It seems you aren't exactly cynical, but terribly naive. To think that there has ever been a human society that wasn't interested in wealth and power is not only proven to be historically wrong, but on all accounts is an empirical fallacy. Unless you believe in political rethoric, the sheer reality of all human conduct is the pursuit of wealth and power, and society as a result it's collective expression.


Furret said:
It's a message board, I'm just venting. I'm actually very liberal in real life.

But boy, morons like fortified_concept would make a brown shirt out of anyone.
*nods sagely in agreement*

I'll just leave it at that.
Veezy said:
Okay, I'm hope I do not come off as hyperbolic here, but as a liberal who believes in social programs for the greater good, I'm not seeing how what's occurring here is protest.

Private homes and business are being looted and burned to the ground. While these individuals may believe they're protesting, which I'm confident most of them do not, they are doing it at the expense of peoples’ lives and livelihood. It's unacceptable, wrong, and should be punished. These people are, quite literally, destroying the people who are taxed enough to pay for the looters’ programs. They’re biting the hand that feeds, then chomping it off at the wrist. I wouldn’t blame the citizens of the UK if they said “fuck ‘em” and the programs were drastically cut in response to this and PD enforcement was cranked up.

To look into the reasons why a human would treat other people so disrespectfully, as is occurring in the UK, is understandable, and encouraged. Preventing something like these events from occurring again is to be applauded. However, to delight in an old man’s business being burned to the ground or homes being destroyed because it could possibly be viewed as some sort of validation that the social programs are inadequate, or because the arsonists could see it at as protest, is ethically wrong and calls to a problem with ones world view. Really, I question your personal integrity because you call this violent and selfish outburst protest. One should wonder what you would believe is appropriate in your community.

A selfish outburst could also be a protest. And while I never see black and white I do take sides. Do I like or care about the idiot kids that loot, mug and destroy? No I fucking hate them. But as a sum I'm on their side because they're the products of a shitty society that recently became even worse and consciously or unconsciously they're reacting to that. The Middle Eastern revolutions didn't happen just because of Bouazizi, there was a plethora of reasons behind them and frustration brewing for years.

So I'm on their side because either good or bad they're probably the only people that can possibly bring the change we need since there's no chance in hell their idiot parents can do anything than vote for the same scum politicians they always voted for. Like that movie said, being angry is a start.


fortified_concept said:
The bankers and politicians have stolen from me a lot more than a kid with a rock ever could. Who will prosecute these fuckers?

Yeah? But in the meantime, ALL YOUR SHIT IS GONE. And perhaps you or your family are injured in the violence, or worse, DEAD. Is it worth it? To prove a point?

This isn't some revolution or some cause to die for; its an excuse for thuggery. If you say it is, put your money where your mouth is, sell all your possessions and give your money and time to this cause. If you don't, then you are full of crap.


Enron said:
Yeah? But in the meantime, ALL YOUR SHIT IS GONE. And perhaps you or your family are injured in the violence, or worse, DEAD. Is it worth it? To prove a point?

This isn't some revolution or some cause to die for; its thuggery. If you say it is, put your shit where your mouth is, sell all your possessions and give your money and time to this cause. If you don't, then you are full of crap.
I think fortified and people like him see this as some sort of revolution or precursor to one. Hence it's okay because they are on the "right side of history."

people on the dole rioting, looting and pillaging their nation because they want more benefits. That is pretty much straight out of the socialist/communist "revolution" playbook.


fortified_concept said:
A selfish outburst could also be a protest. And while I never see black and white I do take sides. Do I like or care about the idiot kids that loot, mug and destroy? No I fucking hate them. But as a sum I'm on their side because they're the products of a shitty society that recently became even worse and consciously or unconsciously they're reacting to that. The Middle Eastern revolutions didn't happen just because of Bouazizi, there was a plethora of reasons behind them and frustration brewing for years.

So I'm on their side because either good or bad they're probably the only people that can possibly bring the change we need since there's no chance in hell their idiot parents can do anything than vote for the same scum politicians they always voted for. Like that movie said, being angry is a start.

10 PRINT "You are a fucking moron"
20 GOTO 10

The only change these opportunistic scum are likely to cause is turning the country further to the right and appearing to justify any and all authoritarian laws that may now be brought in.

You are wrong about everything.
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