Bungieware said:London is huge and very densely populated.
It's incredibly hard to deploy police in the right areas in a city this big. There's no pattern to these riots.
You paste Odegra in this forum? What have you unleashed!?!
Bungieware said:London is huge and very densely populated.
It's incredibly hard to deploy police in the right areas in a city this big. There's no pattern to these riots.
Napoleonthechimp said:There is NO excuse for this behaviour.
I know and thats a good thing. But heaven forbid they postpone the match at the Home of Football TM. It's all a giant money grabbing exercise by the FA.Suppersalmon said:They have postponed some of the Carling cup matches tomorrow involving Charlton & West Ham
Napoleonthechimp said:It just goes to show how much of society are just mindless animals.
I hope this is just some bullshit reportMeus Renaissance said:BBC producer in Notting Hill reported a fire to police-told her to stay indoors an close windows as reports of youths with machetes in area
what a load of bullshitKentpaul said:if they bring the army in it will just be legal hooliganism on the armys part.
Zenith said:Kentpaul's a chav himself. Spent his whole life on the dole.
Chaos said:
kharma45 said:Mark Stone back on Sky... what a shift he's put in tonight
Chaos said:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/08/mark-duggan-handgun-lethal-weapon?intcmp=239Kentpaul said:eh, i couldn't find a job for 18 months, I'm currently in employment right now...
I'm no chav.
Originally Posted by Sir Fragula:
People aren't starving, no. And yes there are billions who have a lower quality of life... but it's ignorant of reality to suggest that social deprivation and violence have no correlation. These people clearly have no engagement with their community, and that's a problem.
Chaos said:
ColR100 said:http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/08/mark-duggan-handgun-lethal-weapon?intcmp=239
He probably deserved to be shot.
You're an idiot.Ripclawe said:Spare me the sob story. These are the acts of punk ass criminals that deserve a beatdown of the highest order. They saw an opportunity to act out and the London police have shown they can't handle it.
Kentpaul said:eh, i couldn't find a job for 18 months, I'm currently in employment right now...
I'm no chav.
Anyway it may hinder the Prem's start?Clegg said:BBC reporting that the England/Netherlands is still scheduled to take place.
Thats right FA, put peoples health and safety in danger so you can make those £££.
Bastards :/
Ripclawe said:Spare me the sob story. These are the acts of punk ass criminals that deserve a beatdown of the highest order. They saw an opportunity to act out and the London police have shown they can't handle it.
mxgt said:You're fucking crazy if you think I'm going out there and putting myself in danger to combat these sub human pieces of shit.
Youre from up North right? The PSNI probably have more need to use the large shields when compared to the MET.kharma45 said:Just noticed, the riot shields the MET have are tiny compared to the one we mainly use, almost full length
We have those huge ones in Dublin. Don't fucking know why.Clegg said:Youre from up North right? The PSNI probably have more need to use the large shields when compared to the MET.
Its fucking terrible that the PSNI still have to use those massive riot shields to stop the scumbags from both sides.
The worst of the troubles ended 30 years ago FFS. I thought we'd be past this.
Regardless, this person was holding a fire-arm.Kentpaul said:The firearms officer is understood to have told investigators that he opened fire because he believed he was in danger from a lethal weapon. Two shots were fired, it is understood; one hit Duggan and one missed, lodging in another officer's radio.
Shit coulda killed a passing kid, if the cop can't even aim he shouldn't be using a gun.
Darren870 said:Oh okay...im going to go bust some heads....who is with me !?!!?
Bugger off Junior...
Chaos said:
I'm not suggesting we should show much sympathy right now. I'm suggesting that these things don't just happen, that there are legitimate social issues which have allowed a generation of kids to grow up with no attachment to society, and that it is in everyone's interest to consider how to avoid this recurring in the future.Ripclawe said:Spare me the sob story. These are the acts of punk ass criminals that deserve a beatdown of the highest order. They saw an opportunity to act out and the London police have shown they can't handle it.
Kentpaul said:The firearms officer is understood to have told investigators that he opened fire because he believed he was in danger from a lethal weapon. Two shots were fired, it is understood; one hit Duggan and one missed, lodging in another officer's radio.
Shit coulda killed a passing kid, if the cop can't even aim he shouldn't be using a gun.
Clegg said:Youre from up North right? The PSNI probably have more need to use the large shields when compared to the MET.
Its fucking terrible that the PSNI still have to use those massive riot shields to stop the scumbags from both sides.
The worst of the troubles ended 30 years ago FFS. I thought we'd be past this.
The Incarnation said:Keep on expecting other people to do your dirty work then.
You see people with loyalty to their nation wouldn't put up with this. In fact people with a sense of community wouldn't stand for it at all. See the Turks for an example, they aren't moaning about why the government and police doing enough, they're sorting out their own shit.. In many respects they're living out David Cameron's dream, Big Society, but in this case little community.
Brits, English people especially as a whole are rather individualistic, selfish and spoiled. You can see this in the way our Football fans expect England to actually win things. A woefully misplaced sense of entitlement. Can't live off delusional history forever.
Only around such people can chaos like this freely reign. Because if the people in general were more like the Turks in London let's say, I'd wager quite a lot that this riot wouldn't of happened in the first place. They wouldn't of dared.
This is the result of what happens when people become too separated in a nation.
People will always act like their peers. And if a bunch of folks feel like they don't belong, they won't give a shit, about anything really, their own health, other people's health and safety, other people's property, just look at what they do to the streets that even they themselves live on.. They have no anchor in the nations that they live in. It takes a bit more than England fuck yeah and waving a flag around to help a person develop pride in where they live..
So yeah, expect others to defend the place where you live, when people like yourselves have really done nothing to make the place worth living.
Kentpaul said:half our army is made of chav's who couldn't find a job so they joined the army, if they bring the army in it will just be legal hooliganism on the armys part.
we should give the turks shields and let them take care of it.
tehbible said:so has this surpassed the L.A Riots back in the 90s?
how come I don't see any store owners in front of their shops defending it?
Chaos said:
Truth hurts?Darren870 said:Perma ban this guy....