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London riots spreading through UK

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zomgbbqftw said:
This is the night softly softly policing died. If Cameron and May don't announce a new zero tolerance approach to policing along with new jails I can't see myself voting for them in 2015. They have failed in their duty to protect the people of the this country so far.

I'm actually wondering if part of the softly softly approach is the police maybe being a bit political and playing it wisely. The public demand for a crackdown is rising, we are quickly putting incidents like Ian Tomlinson behind us and remembering that we do need robust policing...

as for prisons, we clearly need them, these fucks don't deserve to be free. I don't care if we have to build prison ships or fucking subterranean dungeons cut into the side of the pennines...

holy fuck at the scenes at waltham abbey.... fucking hell



Bristols been hit too now! As if my hometown was bad enough - ilford getting hit, now my current area is now too! Just hope all my friends and family are safe!
ToastyBanana said:

Pieces of fucking shit.

What a bunch of fuckin douchebags.

Wallach said:
What's in this video? It just says video unavailable for me.

Guy with backpack is bleeding on sidewalk near a bunch of these thugs. One thug comes to embrace him and help him up and walk him a few steps. Another thug opens up his bag and goes through his stuff, along with the guy that helped him up. Take shit out and throw it.

Classy. Fuckin assholes.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DECK'ARD said:
Looters called the police's bluff, and won.

Media reports it, more people try it.

Yep. The longer they don't crack down, the more people are going to spring up throughout the country and start looting. A message is being sent to potential looters that the police won't do shit. Dirtbags throughout the UK are going to watch videos on the net of people walking off unscathed with freshly stolen loot and they're going to gather their mates and try the same thing in their neighborhood.


This has got to be the main worldwide news right? Going to be VERY interesting to see what comes from all this, I seriously hope the Police get more power but it really is a lose lose situation. Fucking kettling those students and the police get it, they push that old man and they get it, they don't use force and they get it. Did the policeman that pushed that guy not go to jail? If so I cannot blame them for not doing anything using force.

How do they fucking win?

Zefah said:
Yep. The longer they don't crack down, the more people are going to spring up throughout the country and start looting. A message is being sent to potential looters that the police won't do shit. Dirtbags throughout the UK are going to watch videos on the net of people walking off unscathed with freshly stolen loot and they're going to gather their mates and try the same thing in their neighborhood.

Yeah I can see the police saying what I said but obviously word it differently, things will change after this for sure or James Cameron will be fucking off very soon.
leadbelly said:
A lot of these rioters are just kids. Using that kind of force will inevitably lead to a kid dying which would escalate the situation even further. The police can't really win in this sort of situation. They have come into enough criticism in the past for using excessive force.

Better a rioting kid than an innocent adult.

Tear gas is not excessive force....


mxgt said:
How can people do this?


Because they have no fear of any consequences, so they will continue doing what they want until they are satisfied, or stopped. Both of which don't seem to be happening anytime soon.
kharma45 said:
Yeah there is a ridiculously low number here, "In 1967, the population was estimated at 1,350; by 2004 this number had fallen to 130. It is now estimated to be around 500, but could be as low as 100. The current membership of the Belfast Hebrew Congregation is believed to be as low as 80."

Our school had every religious domination at it bar one, and I think Judaism may have been it.

Yeah, I guess they all kind of looked at each other and said, nah, nah, we're moving. That said I have to wonder when the drop occurred between from 67 and 04.


Red UFO said:
Really hope it doesn't get to Leeds (where I am).

How the fuck did this spiral out of control so badly?!
Arsehole 1: "Oh shit, those southerners are getting free shit?"
Arsehole 2: "Damn. I want free shit."
Arsehole 1: "Me too."

Arsehole 2: "Pass me my phone, you get on Facebook."
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm actually wondering if part of the softly softly approach is the police maybe being a bit political and playing it wisely. The public demand for a crackdown is rising, we are quickly putting incidents like Ian Tomlinson behind us and remembering that we do need robust policing...

as for prisons, we clearly need them, these fucks don't deserve to be free. I don't care if we have to build prison ships or fucking subterranean dungeons cut into the side of the pennines...

holy fuck at the scenes at waltham abbey.... fucking hell


What the fuck are they doing to Waltham Abbey!?!?
leadbelly said:
A lot of these rioters are just kids. Using that kind of force will inevitably lead to a kid dying which would escalate the situation even further. The police can't really win in this sort of situation. They have come into enough criticism in the past for using excessive force.

Yeah I understand that with rubber bullets but water cannons and tear gas would never kill someone.

Has the TSG even been deployed? They haven't been mentioned in the news at all and they are usually used in situations like this as they have the training for it.


Not Wario
So, let me get this straight- all of this is basically a bunch of opportunistic criminal activity? I mean, none of these people are actually daring to suggest that their destruction of local businesses and attacks on the citizenry has anything to do with a police killing are they?

KingDizzi said:
This has got to be the main worldwide news right? Going to be VERY interesting to see what comes from all this, I seriously hope the Police get more power but it really is a lose lose situation. Fucking kettling those students and the police get it, they push that old man and they get it, they don't use force and they get it. Did the policeman that pushed that guy not go to jail? If so I cannot blame them for not doing anything using force.

How do they fucking win?

Between the famine in Africa, the Syria situation, the economic situation across Europe, and the U.S.'s own fiscal woes? Doubt it.


Not pure anymore!
Ugh, Leeds and Bradford are safe... for the time being. Fuck, Manchester is so close to us, I hope that nothing happens here!


Unconfirmed Member
shuri said:
England will be known as a nation of political pussies who crumbled under the weight of political correctness and young jobless thugs with daddy issues if they don't start cracking skulls! I can't believe they torched that old building.. For fucks sake..

yep. That the police and politicians let it get this far is an embarrassment.

They should've come down hard on the rioters on Saturday. Now they know the police are powerless to do anything and it's fucking anarchy out there.

I hope tomorrow morning Cameron approves a tough crackdown. fuck all these people.


venison crêpe
Ookami-kun said:
So how come the parliament isn't intervening?

They were on summer recess. The PM is coming back for an emergency COBRA meeting in the morning.

It cannot be emphasised enough how this whole situation has escalated incredibly fast.
Andrefpvs said:

Well at least someone won't go down easil...

The police are failing to penetrate the rioters' area of action so...

Ah fuck it, I don't have a punchline for this.

It's pretty hard to get much funnier than the joke sitting on the box.


Koburb said:
It is time to revoke England's status a country. If they were white British citizens they would have used deadly force long ago like when they killed Ian Tomlinson. But when it comes to immigrants and Muslims the gutless British police and government does fuck all.

Maybe you will have to get America to save you again since you are a bunch of socialist pussies who would rather let terrorists destroy your country than fight back.

Take a lesson




wtf dude. who the hell are you?
Maybe a bit off-colour, but all those aerial shots of burning London remind of of the "Riot" disaster you could cause in Sim City 2000 :/
SmokyDave said:
We're going to have a body count by the morning. If people start to die before the police act then we really need a re-think on how our society works.

Fucking this. This whole situation is making me sad and embarrassed to be English.

The massive cracks in our liberal approach to policing/punishment are finally being exposed to their core. This isn't a race thing, its a 'because we can' thing. Police need to start protecting homes and businesses by deploying... fucking something :(

I think we all saw it coming, since we have been breeding this 'I don't give a fuck' sub-class for quite some time and it has been compounded by shittiness of our justice/prison system.
Wax Free Vanilla said:
sainsbury's depot torched. 750 people out of a job.

Fuck. What the fuck are these assholes thinking?!?

And where the fuck are our leaders!?!?

David Cameron must be off the plane by now, get that Cobra meeting started now, not in the morning. Get the instructions out now. Fucking sort it out.

BlazingDarkness said:
'minor scuffles' in Manchester, please dont escalate

Nah, GMP will beat the shit out of them.
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