My so-called "emotional appeal" was never intended to stand toe-to-toe against the actual case in-game against us, as it is a pure statement against accusations based on metagaming. Yet, who are the alleged "LOVELESS" now, you who say passion is stupid and does not belong in this Tunneling of Love? But fine, I will be cold for you now.
Karkador x Zippedpinhead has put forth a kernel of an admittedly solid case against us, which is the criticism of our alleged recklessness given the role we have, and that we have played it 'badly'. They say we made a mistake with ourselves.
This kernel of an actual gameplay-relevant accusation, since its statement, has been largely dropped by the majority of the players here and instead you all have resorted for many pages now to "metagaming" in the form of using prior games against me and therefore my partner Kawl, and now using the Crab Scale of Balance against us and our role, despite it being a relatively arbitrary scale of 'role madness' in the first place. If the host has chosen to include a single wildcard in a "vanilla 5-ranked" game, how many points did that inclusion add to their game's Crab rating? Did it, even? Did the addition of a single 'mad' role for fun affect it, especially one as relatively benign as an empowered Miller in a game of a technical 15? None of you possess the design document of this particular game. That is the realm of the host, and we are all players. If each of you had that in front of you to refer to, and if you can quantify a single 'mad' role's addition and thus the scale itself, then I'd submit to this presently illegitimate incriminator.
I respect Karkador for trying to quell this. Yet, if none of you are willing to return and look at the pair of us objectively within the bounds of this game alone, then construct a case from that, then I will do it for you:
- Publicly state the Miller aspect in the D1 claim, leave out the Tracker aspect
- Face the standard Miller suspicion gauntlet; if they buy it and survive your debut, be content in the fact that scum would not likely target you every Night due to your value as a conversation piece/lynch scapegoat
- When the Town heat inevitably finally reaches you many Days later after your Miller claim, unveil your Tracker aspect and state who your Nightly targets were, and if you saw anything potentially incriminating in the process
- Live or die afterwards, be secure in the knowledge that you executed your power to the best of your capability, for the betterment of Town
All metagaming aside, the primary motivator for our lynching Today should be for not following this quite logical play strategy above with the role we were given. We have been accused of being a scum Tracker by the other Tracker claimant, Karkador x Zippedpinhead, for this admissible-as-ingame-evidence conjecture on a perceived mistake:
But your reasoning for claiming Tracker along with it is bullshit. You would have been scrutinized for claiming Tracker no matter what. At least try to paint less of a target on yourself from Day 1. The entire move looks like "Hey everyone, don't mind us, we're not evil at all, no sir"
We have already previously outlined multiple times our initial reasoning behind why we included our Tracker aspect in our claim and why we didn't think it was a serious mistake; the following two posts of ours summarize our continuing POV on this matter:
Post #1911 ("
If we had solely stated ourselves to be as Millers and had elected to omit that Tracker detail from our oh-so succinct debut, as you personally profess we should have; it would have be seen as a subtraction, not addition, upon reveal to our already tentative credibility after-the-initial-claim-fact in the highly likely event we had to come 'fully clean' in future due to increased scrutiny of our persons as naturally befits those of the Miller persuasion late-game. [...] Players do not react well to what they would perceive as conjured hand-waves against their suspicions in the form of claimed pro-Town abilities, especially when the claimant is in immediate danger without such.") and
Post #2083 (
we did not trust Town to trust us with only a Miller reveal alone; we were not thinking about the game's overall role balance pre-game, as we were only concerned at the time with accruing credibility against an early lynch of ourselves by letting Town know we were Miller variants who were empowered and could actually help out with our power role. "Personal execution [of our debut claim] for Town's sake, not game theory. [...] We weren't thinking about 2 Trackers because we weren't even considering game balance with other possible roles at the time.").
Refer to those for your judgement, but for your immediate convenience I will reiterate our position here; we dumped our entire dual-class role into our opening claim because we thought that the pro-Town credibility gained from claiming to be a Tracker with showable results depreciated with time spent as a publicly-announced Miller, as we were feared not having to show anything useful for ourselves if the time came to unveil had we kept it secret like you suggest we should have. You have convinced the others it was a mistake on our part; we personally did not believe it was at the time.
Both parties have mutually confirmed each other. On N1, Team BLAWL saw Team Zippador visit them; and, Team Zippador saw Team BLAWL visit them.
Karkador x Zippedpinhead knows for a fact that we are a Tracker role, and vice versa. If
they were in actuality the scum Tracker they say we are; getting rid of us via lynching in public like this gives them far more net benefit than keeping us as the Millers around as said conversation piece/scapegoat, because they gain something
better for themselves: the removal of Team BLAWL as a known powered role threat to their team, a credible defense post-our lynching, saying that as claimed Millers our deaths had to come sooner or later anyway, and safety for one more Night phase guaranteed of who may potentially be their teammates, Timeflux.
Refer to a quote of Kark's:
Nope. You revealed Tracker because you assumed you were the only ones with it. Oops..
Did he not make the
exact same assumption, when he chose to out himself and his partner as "The Real Town Tracker"?
What is the opposite action that Team BLAWL could have taken after D2 start, after seeing them visit us N1?
What were our alternatives to being discreet about them, as we were?
What, that as soon as D2 began, we should have immediately publicly announced and revealed them as a power role capable of visiting others, of unknown alignment? Start ourselves this '1-for-1-pro-Town-trade' gambit that Kark is employing against us?
In the light of no kills occurring last Night, do you understand how much more anti-Town the move that you're subtly insinuating we should have done, to be? We would have been eviscerated for calling a power role out like that when you
could have been the Doctor or Switcher who saved a couple's life (our life) last Night; yet, they execute this calling-out move on us, and they are cheered for it? Don't forget that no one died last Night, and take that into consideration like we did.
Initially, all we knew is that they visited us. Our post-Night 1 result PM of our Tracking stated that we saw Karkador x Zippedpinhead visit us. This Morning, we didn't know what they were, but since there were
no kills last Night they probably weren't the killer themselves, since we saw them and we're obviously still alive. They couldn't have been a Roleblocker, since our power clearly went through on them. But, they could have been a Doctor, even the Doctor who might have stopped the NK from happening if we were its target; they could have been a Switcher, who switched us with someone and that wouldn't have affected our targeting of them.
It would be understandable and highly likely that scum refrained from attacking us last Night, since them keeping a Miller around as a conversation piece/potential scapegoat for as long as possible, is in their best interest in standard scum tactical practice. But, there's always the possibility of such an attack having happened, especially since we claimed to be an empowered Miller and therefore a threat to scum, not a vanilla one, and that's why we chose to be discreet about Karkador and his partner. We did not want to out a Night-action capable pair Today
given the deathless context of last Night.
In the light of no kills occurring last Night, can you understand why we chose to be discreet about discovering them to be a power role?
It is this discretion of ours that Karkador wields as a #scumtell against us; saying that we kept silent because as alleged scum we had no reason to reveal their identity, as all we had to do was wait until the upcoming Night to get the chance to off them as a known power role threat.
Objectively, can you not see this accusation from both POVs?
possible pro-Town angle for keeping Kark a secret:
- With no NK last Night, there is no valid reason to reveal and confirm that they were a power role, because they can't have been the as-yet non-existent malicious killer; since there was no death, there was no real proof to back up an accusation like that.
- With no NK last Night, they could have been the ones as a Doctor who protected us from a possible attack, given that we had stated D1 that we were a Tracker and therefore a powerful anti-scum role. It may have been scum's decision to attack us because of this, weighing that keeping us around as a claimed Miller conversation piece was far less valuable than jumping on the chance to kill a claimed power role. That was their potential prerogative, but it is but one explanation for the deathless Night. I have not yet seen anything more practically plausible suggested as explanation.
possible scum angle for keeping Kark a secret:
- As Kark said; keep silent and wait the Day out, until the time to strike the seen power role came the next Night.
We never even considered the scum angle in our weighing of the situation because we aren't scum (yes, hearsay or whatever it's called, your Honour, we know). We only had the pro-Town angle in mind. It was a unique situation we had to face regarding whether or not to reveal+confirm-them-as-powerful this Daybreak,
and Karkador x Zippedpinhead faced this exact same dilemma before D2 start as well, except they had the benefit of weighing their options in the shadows. Not like us. It just so happened that Team BLAWL chose to make the first move and HAD to, since we had claimed as Trackers D1 the burden to prove ourselves was on us. And we did. We managed to catch a power role moving. It just so happened that our target moved towards
us. And since we didn't die, and since we saw there was no NK, all we could do was hint that we did indeed see a power role move and it was towards us. Which we did.
There was no pressure on Kark to make the first move like there was on us, because no one knew they even existed. Who knows what they would have done if we had sat on our results instead? They could call us out for to post our Tracker results like the rest of you were and none would be the wiser regarding them. They'd be blended in. All the onus was on us, yet these angles are
equally valid reasons for our inaction of discretion, which
Gorlak #1699 and
surprisingly Zippedpinhead #1774 of all of you made a comment on; so, with regards to our withholding of Kark's identity, what makes one side more credible than the other?
All Karkador keeps talking about are the ways
we look scummy because we didn't call him out this Morning. He is unwilling to be objective and bring up the pro-Town reasonings behind us being discreet, because he knows they are as equally valid as the one in his accusation, and so he ignores them in favour of his own for the sake of pushing us to lynch. He is unwilling to step in our shoes, because he has been walking in our footprints since the game started;
down to the Tracker claim AFTER ours,
down to him admitting he's been teasing us since D1 with his constant asks for us to repeat information we already stated, and, all I see your "
sorry, it's a consistency test, thread's too fast, didn't catch that before, I'm working" routine as, is as an excuse to feign pro-Town work and seeming contributions with minimal effort,
down to his apparent confusion on Page 36 over whether we targeted Timeflux or not on N2 even after we had stated we didn't,
down to his now repeatedly asking
us to provide
him with a possible plan for an alternative lynching Today and not stating the obvious and better alternative himself (which I outline in detail at the conclusion of this post). He has been connecting #scumtell dots with that not-calling-out-of-him as his main ammunition, and throwing accusation after accusation against us based on it, filling the conversation with theories about why we are the scummy ones. He hasn't been pushed to seriously defend himself, and when he does defend himself it is light and referential back to the not-calling-out-of-him, because the interrogations have not been truly in-depth in taking into account the deathless context of last Night, the role info gleaned from NeverTim's flip and his own erratic post activity based on repetition. He has so far with his partner, taken it relatively easy. And as a result, you have all been thoroughly influenced in following his POV and its derivatives alone, as shown by the majority of votes on us.
So then, on credibility; if we take the above angles out of the vacuum, and apply our respective personalities and stated roles to them:
yo, Blawl is
timeflux pls confirm
Team BLAWL are the 'Best Friends'. The magnificent Blargonaut x Kawl_USC, and you can stick that in your collective canon. Or will you all ship us out like you did last gen's OTP?
And, Kark, is that what you were alluding to, with calling us "chums"? I don't know how a mere Tracker would know that, if so.
To paraphrase the Role flavour; we're kids whose parents have been lifelong friends from before we were even born. They always tease us about how we're going to grow up and get married since our families were so close; but, being kids, we still think love is "icky" and "disgusting", and hate it when they do that. Hence, why we appear Loveless when investigated. We're still young and we just think of being friends.
and btw, our move is called PRY: <target_name>
- First in everything. Our D1 debut was planned well in advance and appeared far more coordinated than Timeflux's (which is fake, by their own word), down to the hours spent creating my avatar pre-game start (I know this is anecdotal, but it's true and I did). We claimed Tracker on D1 before Karkador x Zippedpinhead ever did. First to hint at the start of D2 that our N1 target visited us too.
- Since D1, claims Tracker power to be unlimited in uses. Objectively, this infinite use appears to be a blessing as balance compensation for our bestowed Miller handicap.
- On D1, largely indifferent in stance to Timeflux's Name Cop claim; were open to them coming by and taking a look at our Role Name, despite everyone stating that our Miller/Tracker claim conflicted mechanically with Timeflux's Name (not Alignment) Cop claim. Then, on D2, Timeflux stated that they were lying all along and that they weren't actually Name Cops. We believe our own claim as Millers gains validity because of their backdown, as the alleged mechanical conflict is gone.
- After Kark deployed his '1-for-1-pro-Town-trade' gambit D2, more pressure has been put on us to seriously defend ourselves than on them. Understandable given our Miller debut claim, but proportionally unfair; it feels like scum are among the pushers, taking full advantage of our Miller claim and using it against us.
Team Zippador
Dear Blarg and Kawl,
We know you tracked us, because we tracked you. Actually, we have had some questions for you since Day1, but, you know; "ignore Blarg the first day", and all that.
-The Other Trackers
Zipped gave away enough details about our role, I think. (11 word rolename, 'Binoculars' being the command).
Paraphrase the flavor? We're apparently old perverts.
Literally the first words of our role name is "a pair of old people".
If it's of any importance karkador is 87 years old and I have no age given...
If they really must know, it's that our Tracker ability is limited-use; which is what makes their claim a tad weirder (they claimed unlimited use)
Flux, stay out of my way. Go back to reading your past games. I have business with Blarg and Kawl.
I was being purposefully dense and annoying to try to get a reaction from Blarg and Kawl. They saw me target them, for unknown reasons.
If they watched me act like a scummy asshole, it might have tipped them in favor of outing me - if they are Town.
If they are Scum, they might instead opt to let belligerent Townies do themselves in.
You know, we felt extremely skeptical when you claimed "Miller Tracker", because WE'RE the Trackers on this team.
But you know what would pass for a Miller Tracker? A scum tracker, of course.
- Karkador has exhibited a repetitive, reactive play-style and plays dumb/busy/reluctant and claims it's teasing others for consistency for pro-Town purposes. Zippedpinhead has been a relative non-entity in comparison, echoing what his partner says. I think FluxWaveZ, actually, summarized this point best:
You EXPLICITLY acknowledged it here:
(quotes of Karkador)
Your whole thing this game has been acting obtuse, twisting the arguments of others and "forgetting" what other people have said to drive your own narrative. You prolong discussion points that should be over with relatively quickly, hammering the point to make it revolve around one thing instead of naturally having the discussion move onto something else.
- Claims their Tracker power to be x-shot, limited use. Coincides with Town-aligned NeverTim's 1-shot Immunity we discovered after their flip D1, but Kark claimed x-shot on D2; only after they had clear knowledge of it existing in Town. And even if their x-shot is true; what if Team Zippador are x-shot exactly because they are
scum-aligned Trackers? Objectively, an unlimited scum Tracker would be a quite powerful role as they are essentially a scum-aligned Investigator that can suss out the Town power roles as long as they are alive. If Karkador x Zippedpinhead are telling the truth, what if their claimed x-shot quantity is a power nerf placed on them because of that, for balancing?
- Did not challenge us on D1. Waited until they were able to Track our movement N1, and on D2 start, waited for us to say our results first, because they knew everyone was expecting us to announce something due to the onus of our D1 claim. After we dropped our hint, they revealed themselves to confirm us, then after confirming us they pushed for our lynching saying there could only be one Tracker and since we're Millers you can't be it, because they are. Then, the metagaming of games past and host criticism began around us.
- They initially acted reluctant to reveal their role name and flavour when asked by us after we had revealed all our own voluntarily, with Kark attempting to downplay the importance of role names and saying that there could still be a Name Cop even after Timeflux had admitted they were lying and despite our own apparently conflicting presence as Millers.
- Their reveal and claim as "The Real Town Tracker" will undoubtedly attract Town Cop, Doctor and/or Switcher power roles to either investigate or protect them on N2; a luxury that will never be afforded to us due to us being Miller claimants. Kark undoubtedly knew he would attract this kind of Night-time attention when he chose to reveal himself as "the" Tracker to accuse us of being a scum-aligned Tracker. Is it not possible that there is a scum-aligned Framer who can tailor Kark's alignment Tonight in expectation of these visits, and that Kark's reveal and accusatory gambit against us were made because he was secure beforehand in the fact he would never be found out?
Which brings me to our counter-proposition.
have to split this megapost into two as the total is over GAF's limit of 24000 characters)