You really shouldn't come close to a blackjack table.![]()
Haha yeah that's true. ^^
Alright, I'm ready for the Eli event, I can play exactly 4 songs before I lvl up.
Oh and I really like the event song.
You really shouldn't come close to a blackjack table.![]()
I think I play (too) many games too. Currently playing this, brave frontier, valkyrie crusade, warframe, ace combat I, and I still have to finish Infamous SS evil playthrough. Also Atelier Rorona+ next week woot can't wait.
Back to LL, I haven't touch the event song yet. Going to start using all my patches tomorrow if I can.
Unlike you the idol gods looked down upon me favourably and places me in team red a.k.a team Haruka.
Oh shit that comes out next! Damm I really been behind on releases. I've been picking up all the atelier games. Still need to finish Escha&Logy.
checked the wiki...
yesss, I'm not gonna want to stay up for this tonight after work but I will anyway!
Sitting on 300+ tokens at the moment. It seems like I'll be grinding the event song a bit this evening.
Welp. I just got a discounted $80 iTunes GC. God help me.
Welp. I just got a discounted $80 iTunes GC. God help me.
Pull pull pull pull pull
Despair time.
[amazing grace on a bagpipe]Welp. I just got a discounted $80 iTunes GC. God help me.
lol my ranking went from 5.5k to 8.8k
it's impossible to get anywhere near the good prizes without spending money
did the steam sale start?
Yes just bought the witcher 2 because a friend recommended it. I know I am going to be disappointed because he has the opposite taste in gaming but for 4 I could give it a try.did the steam sale start?
Yes just bought the witcher 2 because a friend recommended it. I know I am going to be disappointed because he has the opposite taste in gaming but for 4 I could give it a try.
It's a pretty interesting game. I played it like a 2 years ago, and I like how they handle alot of the story decisions and how everything branches out in different ways, and most choices are more grey than choices in say Mass Effect. The end of chapter 1 and its overall effect on the game was actually pretty neat I thought, and makes Witcher 2 become a game of multiple playthroughs if you like the Gameplay.
Edit: I got so much on my Steam backlog already that all i need from this sale is Dark Souls 2 and Metal Gear Rising. DS2 is 33.99 or so right now, so if it doesn't end up becoming a daily, I will pick it up at that price.
Haha, I'm in the exact same position. Even my cool team is the same (I only have 3 pure SRs in it)That leaves Wild Stars as my only song I have yet to S-Rank. All other songs are S-Ranked, S-Combo'd. I'm not too far off on Wild Stars, but it's unlikely I'll hit it until I get the SR Cool Umi. My Cool team is made up of three SRs, none of them Cool, so it'd be nice to have a Cool SR for once helping my score.
The Witcher is awesome! That's the only western RPG I really enjoy playing.Yes just bought the witcher 2 because a friend recommended it. I know I am going to be disappointed because he has the opposite taste in gaming but for 4 I could give it a try.
It's a pretty interesting game. I played it like a 2 years ago, and I like how they handle alot of the story decisions and how everything branches out in different ways, and most choices are more grey than choices in say Mass Effect. The end of chapter 1 and its overall effect on the game was actually pretty neat I thought, and makes Witcher 2 become a game of multiple playthroughs if you like the Gameplay.
Edit: I got so much on my Steam backlog already that all i need from this sale is Dark Souls 2 and Metal Gear Rising. DS2 is 33.99 or so right now, so if it doesn't end up becoming a daily, I will pick it up at that price.
Probably yes. Just take a quick skip through the soundtrack.LLgaf, do I want Hotline Miami?
For $1.49? Hell yes.LLgaf, do I want Hotline Miami?
Probably yes. Just take a quick skip through the soundtrack.
Dude, phoenix and I are red, what do you think how WE feel? ;___;
You knew red was destined for despair as soon as I joined it.
(Too bad we're dealing with idols and not magical girls, or I would get to make a Hotline Mami joke.)
Welp, time to pack it up.
I feel like I'm the only hardcore gamer of the topic.![]()
Oh, books! What language are you reading them in? I'm interested in collecting them but I heard that the English translation quality isn't really good?The Witcher is awesome! That's the only western RPG I really enjoy playing.
Lately, I've been reading the books in order to be fully prepared for the 3rd game.
Hey, I play many games! It's just that all of them are around 2-3 years old because I always wait for price drops.
It truly is worth it just for the soundtrack alone. I like how everyone is putting their steam team colors in their avatar haha. My team blue was in first earlier, but sadly we have dropped to third.
You knew red was destined for despair as soon as I joined it.
yeah I noticed I don't play many video games anymore because of card games. I think I last played some PSO2, was fun. oh and luftrasssleuseusfseleussres
Yu put way too much head into this.
... It's like you're just lurking there, ready to pounce.*avatar quote*
lots of weiss schwarz (eng love live deck, jp crayon shin chan) and my little pony, and a little bit of Magic: the gathering.Why do you have to bring your bad luck everywhere?
I forget card games are still a thing. Which ones do you play?