at least no one here seems to really like nico that much
She has her moments
You could watch the anime, its nice.
That gif is amazing!She has her moments
Fuck society, anime is life!Yeah, maybe I should. I used to follow anime religiously when I was at college and uni but finding time for it now I'm older, married, working and have a toddler etc. is difficult. It must be two or three years since I last watched any non-Ghibli anime. Society tells me I should have grown out of it by 31![]()
maybe it'll help on harder songs though.
Just sent out a bunch of friend requests to those who have posted their LLSIF Eng IDs.
If I happened to miss you out, please send me a friend request at "900103822". Thanks.
Oh you have no idea how important they are to me.
Which name do you have in the game, I need to know who is from here and who are random.
BGBW - ID: 770403747 / idolm@ster
Blacksafs - ID: 769323267 / Safs@GAF
Chariot - ID: 138733509 / Karl@GAF
chickdigger802 - ID: 928785609 / Cdig
Draxal - ID: 716158992 / Drax@gaf
EvilKatarn - ID: 228908451 / アイドルのGAF
firehawk12 - ID: 193512899 / Allen
holysan - ID: 189388923 / Maki-lucky
ImBarryScott - ID: 852848557 / CrunkyBall
Jintor - ID: 544772824 / Miso
JoeFu - ID: 302166723 / joefu
Kincaido - ID: 343412777 / Kincaido
Mokoi - ID: 068482645 / Mokoi
MSMrRound - ID: 900103822 / HarashoGAF
Recknoc - ID: 983459193 / OhNoMelon
Rhak - ID: 706326408 / Rhak
Ronok - ID: 662554678 / Chihiro
SpacePirate Ridley - ID: 363623790 / SPRidley
Thoraxes - ID: 062309120 / Thoraxes
Yui - ID: 059672033 / Alice
Good idea. Done.You guys could add @GAF to your username if you like to make it easier
settings > change name
Where are you hanging? Just ask, we can help. (I think)I downloaded this and played through the tutorial and I have no idea at all what's going on.
Please post in this thread, when you change your name, so I can adjust the list.
So i did by despair a 5 scoot regular student and i got:
Nico smile
Nozomi pure
Umi pure
Umi tied with Nozomi
Going to keep resetting my IP and voting for Honoka 2000 times.
Yeah, sure, I send you the whole post per PN. But at the next possibility I will hijack the next OT >Omg chariot i see you have created an whole OP i do want to edit some parts of it into the OP but not all because i like my personal touch![]()
Yeah, sure, I send you the whole post per PN. But at the next possibility I will hijack the next OT >![]()
GREE, I thinkLol, the word "green" is innapropiate for team name.
Poll (you can vote for multiple Idols!) and ID list for the new page
Good idea. Done.
Please post in this thread, when you change your name, so I can adjust the list.
GREE, I think
Yes, I do seem to have a habit of resonating best with the main gals. I'm sure there are exceptions like...that Haruka and now Honoka, do you just see the first girl, fall in some sort of trance and forget everyone else?![]()
Well, I have to wake up in the middle of the night to make the most of the event.Wish the event doesn't start when I'm in the middle of a 8 hour work shift though...sigh...I'm gonna look suspicious sneaking into the bathroom from time to time again (which is really hard since I'm surrounding by like 30+ 3~6 year old kids) >.>
He is over the horizon and already in manical m0t0k your avatar doesn't quite work with the theme of despair
lol m0t0k your avatar doesn't quite work with the theme of despair
He is over the horizon and already in manical laughter.
Instead of a wall of shame i am creating a Rare board of dispear for our regular members let me know if you want in![]()