As Wyndstryker said, just favorite them. They will be greyed out.
Well then
The event has been delayed.![]()
Well then
Well, at least I can try to sleep properly.The event has been delayed.![]()
Than don't keep 'em. atm there are only 65 Idols at all and 27 N's. So you're perfectly good for nowthose still take up space though right? I only have like 90ish slots so if I favorite every idol after maxing, i'd have like no space left.
alexein - ID: 567122377 / Alexandre
BGBW - ID: 770403747 / idolm@ster
Blacksafs - ID: 769323267 / Safs@GAF
Chariot - ID: 138733509 / Karl@GAF
chickdigger802 - ID: 928785609 / Cdig
Draxal - ID: 716158992 / Drax@gaf
EvilKatarn - ID: 228908451 / アイドルのGAF
firehawk12 - ID: 193512899 / Allen
gashikunFLCL - ID: 679577154 / まこまこりん
holysan - ID: 189388923 / Maki-lucky
ImBarryScott - ID: 852848557 / CrunkyBall
Jintor - ID: 544772824 / Miso
JoeFu - ID: 302166723 / joefu
Kincaido - ID: 343412777 / Kincaido
Kumubou - ID: 988992277 / Kumubou
Mokoi - ID: 068482645 / Mokoi
MSMrRound - ID: 900103822 / HarashoGAF
Paprikka - ID: 970842023 / Safflower
Recknoc - ID: 983459193 / OhNoMelon
Rhak - ID: 706326408 / Rhak
Ronok - ID: 662554678 / Chihiro
SpacePirate Ridley - ID: 363623790 / SPRidley
The Grim Heaper - ID: 156513442 / Heaper
Thoraxes - ID: 062309120 / Thoraxes
Wyndstryker - ID: 784265711 / Kawada
Yui - ID: 059672033 / Alice
ZetaEpyon - ID: 386332454 / Zeta
Well then
The event has been delayed.![]()
Awww, she is so precious.
Nice! It would be nice to have a only archievment overview by the game to see who has finished what song.Yay! Finally full combo'd a hard song; Mogyutto "love" de Sekkinchu.
You know...I have to be honest. I was glad when someone created a OT for this game...quite unexpected I would say...and now it's well into 20+ pages?
This thread is getting scary, yo! ;___;
Ah, yes. I think we might at least brought three people to watch this show and more to come, if I am reading the posts correctly. And thats not counting lurkers.
Kudos on m0t0k1, that he created the thread. Otherwise I would've maybe never known about this game.
Yeah thanks m0t0k1 for the OT. I only watched the anime, and didn't even know there was a game for it.
Thanks guys you are embarrassing me
Yeah some people (including me) have been having a few problems with input. I just close the game down and reopen it when that happens.Is it just me or are there input issues. I been stuck on the title screen. Also sucks that the event got delayed was looking forward to it.
HANAYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3Last board update for the day before i had the bed. I really need to wake up early again. added owl-san
So, when you go back to Twilight, you show her the Magic of Idols, aye?HANAYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hoot! OvO/)So, when you go back to Twilight, you show her the Magic of Idols, aye?
Should I even bother with leveling my idolized Ns? 1 Gem after 5/10/25? maximized girls isn't the greatest reward tbh.
Haha. Is there an email or something were we can cry our tears out? Or thank them for the game. Or both.I demand at least 10 love gems as an apology for ruining my excitement with the delayed event.
I demand at least 10 love gems as an apology for ruining my excitement with the delayed event.
Well, we now have unexpected not-server maintenance.Actually, in the past they've apologized for things before with gems. But that's usually unexpected server maintenance.
I-I do not...You can do it too. Come on, I know you want it.
Heh, I did the same earlier. Too bad I used my Smile team instead of my Pure team. D:Yay! Finally full combo'd a hard song; Mogyutto "love" de Sekkinchu.
I knew you do like us :3I-I do not...
The Grim Heaper - ID: 156513442 / Heaper
I'll add @GAF to my name if people need it.![]()
Oh yeah, I know that feeling. I often get this oh-shit moment when I start and just see that I have the wrong team ;__;Heh, I did the same earlier. Too bad I used my Smile team instead of my Pure team. D:
Sure, you're inSo how is the overall ranking determined, is it just the total score from all songs and difficulties? If so I guess I'll need to spend some LP going through all the songs on easy again with my current teams.
And could you add me to the list too?
Paprikka - ID: 970842023 / Safflower
Though I feel like the game is needlessly restrictive with friend list size. Surprised they don't let you buy more slots with love gems.
My team levels are too low to even get close to S rank in score so I'm not too bothered by that, but the 1000 points to scout is nice... even though I got nothing new for the 1000 I spent.Heh, I did the same earlier. Too bad I used my Smile team instead of my Pure team. D:
My team levels are too low to even get close to S rank in score so I'm not too bothered by that, but the 1000 points to scout is nice... even though I got nothing new for the 1000 I spent.
Well I've managed to finally idol the final cool normal I had and found the last smile pure idol I needed so I just need one more of her and then I'll have idol them all. Then when I'm filled the bond metre for those two I'll have all the side stories so far.
And yet my muse members are in their default state.![]()
Yeah, at 25k I just started getting Bs. Dat p2w feel.It will take a while to get an S rank for score on Hard, like my Smile team in jp is the "strongest" team I have
pretty dope team right? But I barely just started getting S for score on some songs with it
Guess that's the advantage of the slow roll out, you can concentrate of maxing the level of this initial pool before moving onto the next.I'm rolling in Rares in the JP version, it's crazy. There are also like 70 normals, so my member list is always crammed. Levelling them all up to Max is going to be such a daunting proposition... but it's the only other way to get heart points at this point.
Yeah, but unless you shell out for Rares, you're basically score capped for a while.Guess that's the advantage of the slow roll out, you can concentrate of maxing the level of this initial pool before moving onto the next.
So, when you go back to Twilight, you show her the Magic of Idols, aye?
Hoot! OvO/)
If it's like other games. 1.5x 2x multipliers to exp.So when leveling up characters, whats the different between success, huge success and ultra success?
I just got a Ultra Success, I suppose its more exp points than what you where goign to be given? Im not sure though.
I was confused at first when I played a score match event when people beat me using the wrong type of idol or especially when they got a low combo but they must have had veeeery high leveled teams and possibly high leveled skills too.
So what are the chances that we receive KISS idol cards?
Hopefully tomorrow.How long until everyone ITT has an Eli avatar