Yeah was about to say that. I am going crazy about those rares right now adding blacksafs also
edit: added mokoi
alexein - ID: 567122377 / Alexandre
BGBW - ID: 770403747 / idolm@ster
Blacksafs - ID: 769323267 / Safs@GAF
Chariot - ID: 138733509 / Karl@GAF
chickdigger802 - ID: 928785609 / Cdig
Draxal - ID: 716158992 / Drax@gaf
EvilKatarn - ID: 228908451 / アイドルのGAF
firehawk12 - ID: 193512899 / Allen
gashikunFLCL - ID: 679577154 / まこまこりん
holysan - ID: 189388923 / Maki-lucky
ImBarryScott - ID: 852848557 / CrunkyBall
Jintor - ID: 544772824 / Miso
JoeFu - ID: 302166723 / joefu
Kincaido - ID: 343412777 / Kincaido
Mokoi - ID: 068482645 / Mokoi
MSMrRound - ID: 900103822 / HarashoGAF
Recknoc - ID: 983459193 / OhNoMelon
Rhak - ID: 706326408 / Rhak
Ronok - ID: 662554678 / Chihiro
SpacePirate Ridley - ID: 363623790 / SPRidley
Thoraxes - ID: 062309120 / Thoraxes
Wyndstryker - ID: 784265711 / Kawada
Yui - ID: 059672033 / Alice
ZetaEpyon - ID: 386332454 / Zeta
Poll (you can vote for multiple Idols!) and ID list for the new page
I should probably sue this person for stealing my luck. Goddamn.
Looking goodadded the new codes thanks chariot later in the evening i will look for my code lol. Also made some nice banners for the OP to add to the despair
Also I created a page that lists most of the japanese cards so far. For easier looking at what you want to get someday.
Double Cards are cards that come idolized. It was just the easiert to show them double.
The english version has 65. So around 1,25 pages.Thanks for that.How does the number of cards in the English version compare? >.<
I always do. The last posted List is current.Can you update the friendcodelist for me while i do that[/IMG]
The plot thickens.Also added Yui for some added drama to Chariot![]()
Jesus, Yui, what are you doing?! D:
The plot thickens.
I will update the dispair in 30 min in the meantime i made this
edit: saw the picture on a blog and added the rare cards to it
Ah, yes. I think we might at least brought three people to watch this show and more to come, if I am reading the posts correctly. And thats not counting lurkers.You know...I have to be honest. I was glad when someone created a OT for this game...quite unexpected I would say...and now it's well into 20+ pages?
Wow. Glad to know there are quite a few other Love Live fans in GAF.
Also: this game might just make purchase those upcoming Love Live Vita games >.>
I've had School Idol Paradise (BiBi and Lily White) pre-ordered for quite a while now, I am very excited for them
Are there events that give love gems? Seems like getting your first 50 or so won't be that hard, but the next 50 could be rough.
Do they ever do sales?
What do yall do with 'used girls' as in ones you already got the event? Fuse them away?
They still 'exist' in your album I guess... but you have finite space :S
Are there events that give love gems? Seems like getting your first 50 or so won't be that hard, but the next 50 could be rough.
Do they ever do sales?
What do yall do with 'used girls' as in ones you already got the event? Fuse them away?
They still 'exist' in your album I guess... but you have finite space :S
So, I made a new op, if we ever need a new one. Anything that needs to be improved?
Please point out any grammar mistakes I made, my english is medicore.
Love Live! School Idol Festival is a free-to-play rhythm game for Android/iOS based on the anime with the same name (minus the festival). To build your ultimate idol group you punch idols in the face, feed them to each other and keep breeding clones of worthless N-Idols. Play the game for free now and share the fun with us and the despair of getting swamped by nuns.
Nico comes from behind and ties with Eli and Maki
Still no votes for Hanayo
Well, M0t0k didn't take that over to his OP and its now the Board of Despair... despear...Small change make the top picture a side by side like this:
wish the UI was better for squad management. i've most definitely accidentally fused away some idols that i haven't maxed yet or i have to go back and forth between many screens to see if I did or didn't fuse away something.
Favoriting idols solves that issue
Well, M0t0k didn't take that over to his OP and its now the Board of Despair... despear...
M0t0k, It's Despair, not Despear
Anyways, thanks for your recommendation, Owlowiscious!
edit: I added a title to the pictures of the card overview, so you can look what number the idol is.
explain. favoriting makes them not show up in training?
wish the UI was better for squad management. i've most definitely accidentally fused away some idols that i haven't maxed yet or i have to go back and forth between many screens to see if I did or didn't fuse away something.
Well, english version is not further than chapter 5. So, we just have a handful of songs (all avaible en songs are listed in the OP). But updates will come.does the game falter at later levels?
current pace im getting new songs every 2 days or so from just playing when i have the energy (not playing at night) and not using gems to recharge which is a decent enough pace.
You can do it too. Come on, I know you want it.wait are we sharing IDs
A little pinkish red flower symbol in the upper right corner of the idol portraits will tell you if you maxed their bond or not.
As Wyndstryker said, just favorite them. They will be greyed out.but it doesn't show up for dupes of the card. so if got a normal idol maxed up and fuse her away, if i get more of that card from drops, i wouldn't know from a glance if I had maxed that card before (all these idols blend in my mind :X), and have to go to side stories to verify.
Should I even bother with leveling my idolized Ns? 1 Gem after 5/10/25? maximized girls isn't the greatest reward tbh.
...i wouldn't know from a glance if I had maxed that card before
The event has been delayed.![]()