Did my first ever 10+1 draw...
Welp at least I got all full teams of honor students.
Welp at least I got all full teams of honor students.
CONGRATS on getting best girl UR.got initial kayo-chin SR out of my Honoka b-day 10+1
will take whatever I can get for my Pure team!
I purchased 50 Loveca, did a 10+1 draw, the only SR I received was the Event Kotori which I already have idolized.
I'll never get a UR. ~_~
oops read initial and got excitedI wish it was her UR! But my Pure team is weak, so even "just" a SR is nice.
I'm late on this, but happy birthday Honkers!
Honkers spam incoming!
Frankly, I find that GIF terrifying. What has science wrought us? D:I'm loving that first gif
And that's it for me for a good while. I did 7 10+1 pulls and got 2 URs, that's very good so I won't push my luck any further even though I really want that Maki or one more Nico.
No worries, I'm still confident that [one day] I'll get a UR of my own!OUCH!
Sorry to hear about that pull man, I seriously hope no one else here will end with such a shitty roll.
have 4 friend slots left in JP version
have 4 friend slots left in JP version
Feels good to not be playing the game. Sadly, I'm probably not gonna take a complete break until the Hanayo event. Might just get the normal and then stop there.
Sent a request. Love the Maki that you have up btw. ^^
Haven't really played much the last few days. Motivation is kinda gone since no events and no new song in eng version lol. Enjoying this little break though
Sent you a request
have 4 friend slots left in JP version
Haven't really played much the last few days. Motivation is kinda gone since no events and no new song in eng version lol. Enjoying this little break though
Honoka-chan! (Kotori's voice)
Its always fun to see japanese cakes, they just look like they where taken out directly from an anime cell. So they look like they were made of plastic. I wonder how they taste.
I tried one of those strawberry cakes in Japan (That look very similar to the one in the picture) and it tasted amazing. And thats from someone who don't even really like strawberry cakes in general.
Two real EX songs FC'd!
Shamefully I gave in and did one last 10+1.... But it worked out great this time!
3 SRs two of which are new. Also I have have some SRs that are too weak for my teams now. This is a clear sign of a problem. I regret nothinga little
Two real EX songs FC'd!
Git gudDamm you, and JoeFu seemed to have FC that song already. I only get one chance at it because of that lp recharge. I will do it!
can you imagine how hellish sounding a full Kotori team is
Git gudalso get more level ups so you can play more
Mokoi I am loving that Kotori gif
can you imagine how hellish sounding a full Kotori team is
Well I did just level up after playing the song. Also I was doing really good too hitting all the notes even while playing in a moving vehicle. Until that stupid rubber band effect happened messing me up.
Yeah, that rubber band thing is weird. I'm not sure what causes it and it only happens occasionally. I usually reset my phone when I start seeing it. What device do you use?
It shouldn't be that bad, the problem her event sr was that it had insanely high proc rate.
I actually think Hanayo's the worst (she was my only jp SR for a while, and she annoyed the hell out of me).
yes yes yes and if it were to activate as often as sheep Kotori does...
I think I would do things I shouldn't for that card
I think I would do things I shouldn't for that card
That's the only gif I bothered to find
Nico event coming up soon on the JP game.
Incoming Nico spam!
As a fan of the series already, this is a lot of fun.
It's essentially Puzzle & Dragons mixed with a rhythm game. I very much approve. I'm not that far into it yet, and the possibility is always there that I might tire of it, but for something that's free, it's definitely worth a try.
[I wouldn't be surprised at all if I get heavily addicted to this...]
Be careful, I was a PAD player but two days ago I deleted my rank 130-ish account.Pad-bro!
Anyway gotta try this One..
Be careful, I was a PAD player but two days ago I deleted my rank 130-ish account.
Love Live so much more fun.