blah just job Eli
Do EX scores count toward score ranking in the JP event?
I do, but when you have felt the warmth of URs or multiple SR pulls, a single one just won't do!
But I could have got an old event card or something, so I am happy I got a new card. But would have loved UR Rin![]()
I guess the update really was just to add a new draw.
Fuck man. 2000 tokens in US and TW. I hate you Klab.
The update gave us UR Rin! All is good in the world! I just wish now I could obtain her![]()
Yeah, iirc they added EX and 4X versions of the event songs at the same time in the JP version.Of course, I doubt they will add one and not the other.
Daring!! EX Random is -not- more fun.
Go check the bonds of the guy who has the highest ranking for event song and be terrified.
Hey I just got some new normal named Rakshata! Is she new or was she already added before?
That's a hacker -- check the #2 rank. Whoever that is has been splashing the cash.They only have 250 bonds with Kotori or are you talking about the JP game?
She was added in the previous update, also hi, I'm here to join the fun.
That's a hacker -- check the #2 rank. Whoever that is has been splashing the cash.
She was added in the previous update, also hi, I'm here to join the fun.
That's just sad...
Well with moneybags like these, the EN game is going to last a long while even with less people playing methinks.
Played the song 30 times. Fucking save me.
Played the song 30 times. Fucking save me.
That's just sad...
She was added in the previous update, also hi, I'm here to join the fun.
Wait. A new Normal was added today?
Finally got the FC for Daring EX! Note to self: work on hitting double notes with thumbs consistently.
New blood! Welcome!
I just Scouted 12 times and not ONE of the new Normal.
Which one is it so that I can glare angrily at it when I see it?
RIP.I'm still higher rank than him, so... Take that! >_>
I'll be working through my 2000 tokens tonight. Not looking forward to it...
Did it 50... had to take a break though. Blergghghghghgh.30 times in a row? Have you gone crazy yet?
Let's say he got lucky and got 1 unique UR every 50 stone draw. So that's 54 draws (to idolize the URs) or 2700 stones. That is about 31.4*$50 for a total of 1570 dollars.
HNNNNGH-Prepare to be stared at, Ranpha.
Good luck getting her. It drained my points from 72,000 to 51,000 to get two of them. ~_~HNNNNGH-
Seriously I love that damn card. ALL MY WANT.
... *eyes her 300 FP*Good luck getting her. It drained my points from 72,000 to 51,000 to get two of them. ~_~
You could get really...REALLY lucky with those 300FP.... *eyes her 300 FP*
NOPE. Seriously, after getting my Kayo-chin I am sick of this game. =_=
At least you got an SR Maki. I'm gonna buy 15 Loveca for the post-event 11 draw.and zero new cards, meh.
Oh boy, that's great news.Looks like the new songs for JP SIF will be sub unit songs!
It also says they'll be playable before they release the singles for each so yay! I can't wait for the new Lily White songs.
Wow, this game looks awful -- it looks like a PSP game. Why would the make the charting easier than in LL:SIF??? Music-rhythm games should be very easy to design mechanically, but way too many games screw it up. :|
Time to make a dent in these tokens. If I don't report back tomorrow I probably lost my mind.
My copies of School Idol Paradise and BD Vol 3 shipped!
Going to slam that Lily White ver in my Vita and go to straight to Watashitachi wa Mirai no Hana or Junai Lens (if I can) of course the song list is so small it won't take long to unlock -_-
EMS was fast for me last time, so I hope I get everything soon.
My copies of School Idol Paradise and BD Vol 3 shipped!