hopefully this is enough
I'm praying that my 32k is enough too.
hopefully this is enough
Kinda glad there wasn't a Pure box during the event, I hope the next theme is better than the Chinese dresses
Yeah, Chinese dresses are my weakness. Even Nico's chinese dress UR looks good to meI liked the theme, then again I really like Chinese dresses. <_>
Should have spent the extra loveca.For the JP 2nd tier, if we consider that the last half hour has never beaten the last hour, everyone above 31481 should be safe. I...have 31384, so as usual, I'm not completely safe.
Should have spent the extra loveca.![]()
You should play the TW version so you can make predictions for me. lolI literally ran out of time, but I am also in the 1 token left over club.
EN event is kind of hard to predict, because I don't know what the 4x/EX songs will do the scoring this time 'round. Based on past events and giving a bit of a margin, I'd say the final score for the EN top tier will be in the low 37k and the 2nd tier in the high 26k.
Whoa, why is the bear here??I just saw that the S1 LL bluray is OOP D:
Whoa, why is the bear here??
That was in the OVA!who could forget the episodes when they were waitresses or mermaids
Hmmm rank 200 is at 28.7k now (and I see you around there! You got three August Nico cards?? @__@)
Anyway, so up nearly 10k for the cutoff...I hope thats it at the worst, I wouldn't have to play too much more for that.
Trying a new strategy; it's called, let's not be 20k behind on the last day.
And yeah, somehow I managed to draw 3 of those Pure UR Nicos. My EN Pure team is stronger than my JP one.And yet, still can't get up to top 10 in the Event Song scoring. I am top 50 worthy, though; have a little bit more to level up on one card that can end up as a top 9 Pure card for me.
We've got slightly less than 27 hours left. I might just aim at 38k and see what happens; leave room for a slight adjustment as the day goes on.
Man, people with their luck!
Fair enough. lolYou don't want to know how many draws that took or how many 15% off iTunes cards I bought.![]()
You know, I sort of like that the Ns are themed with the new SR/UR cards. I didn't notice that until the Mermaid one.And here's the new normal idolized!
I wonder how long it will be until we get tickets in the internacional version. Seeing everyone making good pulls is making me jealous lol
Currently I'm at 39 loveca, at least, so I'm gonna do an 11-pull sooner than later. If only I hadn't done 3 single pulls a while algo...
I haven't been posting as much in the thread because of
I wonder how long it will be until we get tickets in the internacional version. Seeing everyone making good pulls is making me jealous lol
why don't you like Umi-chan ;_;
Wait, is the event over for the US? Is that why everyone's doing 11 draws? Or is that just JP?
Got this one after the Umi event, it seems a lot of people draw this one. I was so surprised that I got a UR though single ticket pull.
This one I drew after the Honoka event. I quite like this card.
Wait, is the event over for the US? Is that why everyone's doing 11 draws? Or is that just JP?
Ah I thought you meant you only wanted those three >_>
Possible maid UR Umi is making me want to buy loveca for JP...But I will stay strong! Hopefully
Yeah, it looks really good and semi-related, I think these pictures where people draw the characters as the seiyuu is my favorite thing
I need more
Nope, I'm done with the event. BRB buying 15 Loveca.You can do an 11 draw in the US event right now; an oddity put the guaranteed SR+ draw in effect as well (mid event update to add cards). But if you're pushing for event related things, you might need your loveca gems for that.![]()
Soooo... Does anyone have a guess about how many points one should have to be in the top 1000 at the end of the event?
I'm currently rank 675 with 23.4K points. Not sure if I should aim higher or not (this is the 1st time I'm trying to rank).