I fell in love with it after I saw that you can combo spin attacks with it. After using the BoM for a while (until I encountered the Rakuyo), I noticed most of the combos were Dodge+R1. My secondary is the Threaded Cane and it might be that I use it even more than the Rakuyo. Most of the times I prefer to use visceral attacks and also it looks much cooler and more satisfying.I'm mixed about the Rakyuo. It seems to be a much more practical but slower version of the BoM, but I was never a fan of twinblades, plus the transform animations don't look as cool as the BoM's.
Braintrust. Greatest enemies ever!
I just looked it up and didn't realize there were so many damn weapons in the DLC. I gotta hurry up and kill Amelia...Woah I just looked up that weapon and got it mixed up with the Bloodletter for some reason. Neat didn't even know it existed. Not looking forward to that well which I've probably died 20 times at.
DLC is absolutely the best part of the game. Don't skip it.It is great.
What I didn't like in a way, was how NOT relaxing was playing this game. After a difficult day at work having ass kicked by BB wasn't nice. I guess that's why I haven't tried it with DLC yet.
Ehhh no you don't have "so many builds" at all. You have str, dex, quality, arcane, and bloodtinge. That's it. I love the game but I don't like how it streamlined the RPG elements so much, Dark Souls games are better RPGs.
Ehhh no you don't have "so many builds" at all. You have str, dex, quality, arcane, and bloodtinge. That's it. I love the game but I don't like how it streamlined the RPG elements so much, Dark Souls games are better RPGs.
You were that impressed by the?Living Failures
Ludwig is the first DLC boss, if you meant him. If you meant Lady Maria, she's 3rd. Unless you meant Laurence but he's not really "second", he can be fought at any time after Ludwig as he's optional.
I know. I've only learned to parry at the end of the game. Bloodstarved Beast is my favorite Soulsborne boss because as cliched as it might sound, it forced me to get good. I played with magic for Dark Souls I and II so it was quite an exhilerating experience when I learned all the beast's move and I finally won. My hairs stood on all ends.I don't even want to know how much of a pain Blood-starved Beast is without parrying him.
I don't even want to know how much of a pain Blood-starved Beast is without parrying him.
I don't even want to know how much of a pain Blood-starved Beast is without parrying him.
Yeah, this was Bloodborne's one major failing for me. It's not so much the "lack" of weapon variety: if you factor in the DLC, nearly all of the major weapon classes (e.g. greatsword, scythe, mace, etc.) that you might find in Dark Souls are represented in BB by at least one form of a trick weapon. But there's not much as variety in the clothing sets, NPCs are far fewer and generally don't offer as much in the way of interaction, covenants don't have as much of an impact, multiplayer interactions (in my experience) were limited by the bell system, and build options weren't quite so diverse owing both to a reduced number of player stats and the blood gem enhancement system. All of that is to say, compared to Souls, Bloodborne seemed a bit lacking in its roleplaying potential, which hurt its replayability for me, but I still greatly enjoyed the five playthroughs (just started a sixth last night) I got out of it since the combat, music, art design, and world building (playing the game convinced me to read Lovecraft for the first time) are so damned good.
Not to poo poo on the love fest here, but I just cannot get into the Souls games. I get their appeal and there is certainly a hook, but the trial-and-error/insane frustration doesn't work with my schedule. I play games to unwind, not to get stressed out. I like the art style and I had some fun with what I did play of Bloodborne, but the comments from people saying shit like, "If you don't love this game you hate games" make no sense.
SO much pain. You can beat him without parrying (I didn't get into parrying that thing until the chalice dungeons) but man, it's going to take you a while to find something that works.
Beat the game 4 times and got the Platinum, never learned to parry![]()
The same applies towho, from a recent thread about the hardest Soulsborne bosses, was mentioned quite frequently. A lot of bosses seem to be helpless when it comes to their backside.Ebrietas
Braintrust. Greatest enemies ever!
I don't even know what "quality" build is![]()
Yes, she can be cheesed once you learn this, but until you do, she's tough as nails.
It's also pretty lame to defeat her this way, so I'm glad I can win that battle normally.
Yeah it's super frustrating the first couple runs. Once you get to the second phase he becomes pretty easy to parry.I don't follow the discussion much so I'm not sure how this stacks to the experiences of other players but the hardest boss for me is. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of that boss but it's the one battle in the whole game I dread.Martyr Logarius
I'm so glad I learned how to consistently parry these guys.Braintrust. Greatest enemies ever!
I'm so glad I learned how to consistently parry these guys.
*LadiesI'm so glad I learned how to consistently parry these guys.
Bad frame pacing is not amazing
It clicked for me after the second boss. I was hooked afterward and it ended up being one of my favorite games ever. Keep going!I didn't "get" the game at first. Never played a Souls game before.
But I just beat the first boss. And it was satisfying. Finally learned how to upgrade. We'll see, but I think I'm hooked now.
Agreed.Bad frame pacing is not amazing
In Soulsborne games you have absolute control over what you do in combat, all the time, and there's pretty much never a moment where you say "NO I didn't mean to do that!".
Really? I love BB but this is a shit enemy and the game has other problems too. It's great but not "perfect". I wish it were.Braintrust. Greatest enemies ever!
Parry? Oh man, I didn't know they could be.
Watch this video. Parrying the Winter Lanterns is incredibly rewarding, because if you are in the middle of a visceral animation, the frenzy won't damage you. They're also very easy to parry, with a generous window and only one attack you have to learn the timing for.I hate the Braintrust enemies. Hate them. I don't have trouble beating them but in theit's mind numbingly infuriating.Nightmare Frontier where you have to deal with them AND being poisoned by the water