"Now I have a machine gun HO HO HO"
Amazing film, the series stops a three for me though, I have the blu ray box set with 1-4 on which I got for £10, I will not buy 5 EVER.
I have collected the first 3 films so many times on dvd and twice on blu-ray (between 2002 - 2010). I have only got one copy of Die Hard 4 (it was marketed as 4.0 in Australia - why they did this AND not call it live free or die hard here is beyond me) and don't intend to collect more copies of it. I marathon the first 3 films at least once.... sometimes 4-5-6 times every year............................ i pretend 4.0 and now 5 don't exist.
I remember watching the movies when i was little.......... however i went some years without seeing them. I was first exposed to With a Vengeance in the late 90's (yep i was a bit slow considering it came out in 95 lol). It became my favorite in the series and one i could watch over and over again and enjoy it every single time.
i didn't watch Die Hard or Die Harder again until the early 2000's - when i got both of the 2 disc special edition dvd sets. I got a barebones single disc edition of with a vengeance a few years later (Australia was super slow we didn't get a version with quality special features of With a Vengeance until the late 2000's). I collected the movies again severla times to "freshen up" the discs of the original copies i had (i watched them so much they were a little worse for wear haha).
Anyway i had a new appreciation for the original, it became my favorite in the series once again. I even had an appreciation for the second film even though most people rubbish it..... i still think it's good.
I would rate the series as the movies came out, the first time i watched the 4th movie i was disgusted it was not a Die Hard movie.... you can't just shoe-horn trade mark phrases and say yep it's Die Hard.... it wasn't even a Die Hard-esque story.
I say this whenever the topic comes up but they could have turned many of Bruce's previous films into a Die Hard story (see Hostages or 16 Blocks for better Bruce Willis films in the 2000 - era) and this is what we ended up with LOL.
I have not seen the 5th film and i don't plan to.
did anyone play the Die Hard Trilogy on the PS1? It was a 1st person shooter, a third person action game and a crazy taxi rip off. all in one game! oh the memories
One of my favorite playstation games and my best value purchase considering how often i played it. I actually completed the sections in reverse order (found the driving in WAV super easy, whereas i kept on dying in the Nakatomi building).
Yes! And it does count!
"What's your favourite Christmas movie?"
"Die Hard"
"That's not a Christmas movie!"
That's a conversation I have every year. It's as much of a tradition as Christmas itself.
The funny thing is, it is a Christmas movie... i actually included the first two (and later the third as i felt empty not watching it having watched the other two considering it was Christmas time lol) and had a christmas movie marathon last year... it was pretty epic i have to say.