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Just an absolute treat of a game, I crossed the dragon age games off my list of games to play, we all know the headlines regarding Veilguard now.
People were stubborn about the combat in Dragon Age 2, they got more action and it basically didn’t sit well with Origins fans.

You’re putting up with a lot of dialogue choices, that’s good I think there’s multiple directions you can take in terms of friendships, rivalries with companions but I felt like in the end it didn’t matter and I wasn’t afraid to choose random choices.
You’re monitoring health all the time, and between three companions it kills your attention on the enemy but in a good way.
I really like the main character, Hawke and my advice is to not spend so much time on character creation especially when the default character, in this case, is designed so well.

Let’s talk story for a moment, the game has you doing tons of side quests, some for your companions, is composed into three acts and can be beat in under 30 hours. There’s the leader of the Qunari invasion known as The Arishok, than there’s Meredith Stannard and either protecting or destroying the mages in what’s a civil war like against the templars, and think about Origins where the Darkspawn were the villains. Are the darkspawn done and dead? Well no, but Dragon Age 2 makes us believe that. I think they introduced another species as foes in the Qurani, they’re just fake tough guys who are here for face. Than there’s Knight Commander Meredith Stannard, a mage killer and again because of BioWare’s unbelievable choice system I think the Elf mage guy who you can upset and make him the villain but my play through he was on my side (and than turned evil) so I think the story accomplishes a lot, Kirkwall has a real knights, model identity, between the lowdown, the hangman bar etc. perhaps smaller than origins in scale but more atmospheric. I love Kirkwall, the appealing merchants, just nice visuals it’s just a place you can get use to.

Overall I think you can’t let people dictate your impression on a game, I originally played Dragon Age 2 on release during 2011, tap’d out for undocumented reasons and returned in 2024 and crushed it with my reaver berserker warrior build.
What did GAF think of Dragon Age 2? Should these games be remastered? Playing on the PS3 again felt pure and I was blessed to still have a PS3 but you got to wonder who still has that system.