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"Chuds ruined Dragon Age Veilguard"

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Is it a user requirement to make overly emotional posts on reddit?
From that reddit post we can imediatelly tell its not just random poster but likely a dev or close family of a dev who was directly financiallly affected by terrible performance of DA:V and layoffs at the studio, emotions running wild there so likely a woman or some weird pronouns person on hormonal dosages surpressing testosterone which makes us/normal males stoic and not so emotional xD


2 Rules for a Happy Married Life.
Rule 1: The Mrs is never wrong
Rule 2: If the Mrs is wrong, refer back to rule #1

Hidden Rule #3: The Mrs is usually more wrong than right, but we never say that part out loud. We let them discover that for themselves and watch as they never admit it
Wtf? My marriage is nothing like that. Get out of abusive relationships, life is too short.
Donald Glover Reaction GIF
fire destroy GIF


Chuds doing the same thing the woke folk were doing. Two sides of the same coin.
Wokeist literallly made DA:V terrible game, we, sane ppl simply decided to not reward that dev studio/publisher for their clownworld behaviour. We never told leftists cuck to not buy DA:V same like with concord. hell they could put money where their mouth was and buy 10k copies each, we simply didnt want to have part with supporting bad game/dev and low quality product.
I noticed a common thread amongst this specific group of 'gamers' and devs alike, is that they lack accountability, reflection and are masters at deflecting arguments/blame onto other people or irrelevant factors. They seem to have a hard time dealing with reality and instead get angry like a little child. It's like they skipped a part of their social development as a teenanger/young adult moving into professional adults. Is this the result of children being raised by gen x and y, for a large part being 'spoiled brats' who haven't dealt with failure and no as an answer?


World’s Biggest Weeb
Last I checked the right wasn't shoving beliefs or politics into games. I would say the same thing if games were blatently tryin to push conservative values into a game to brow beat gamers over the head. So no it's not the same not even remotely the same.
They’re also not banning all discussion of certain games the way Era banned any mention of Hogwarts Legacy and many sites refused to cover/review it. Or worse, when Wired got their trans sex toy reviewer to give the game a 1/10 and use her review to preach and bash Rowling.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
They’re also not banning all discussion of certain games the way Era banned any mention of Hogwarts Legacy and many sites refused to cover/review it. Or worse, when Wired got their trans sex toy reviewer to give the game a 1/10 and use her review to preach and bash Rowling.
Exactly, we actually believe in free speech. The left are embarrassing, I'm honestly embarrassed for them if I'm being honest. Sad pathetic bunch that truly are like children that can't handle someone saying no or having a stern point of view, but they're at a level of laughable that's beyond words now.
Let me clarify. We both (Chuds and Woke) talk mad shit and review bomb games. Has one side historically gone way farther than the other on this issue, yup. The pendulum is swinging the other way now. Devs/publishers need to be taking note of the shifting climate.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Let me clarify. We both (Chuds and Woke) talk mad shit and review bomb games. Has one side historically gone way farther than the other on this issue, yup. The pendulum is swinging the other way now. Devs/publishers need to be taking note of the shifting climate.
Bro I don't review bomb games that is lame as hell, I will shit on bad games when speaking on forums but I don't ever go out of my way to review bomb games and I don't think many others do if I were to guess. We may be vocal against shit but review bomb? That feels like a lefty thing all day long because they can't handle it and always want to lash out like children.
Bro I don't review bomb games that is lame as hell, I will shit on bad games when speaking on forums but I don't ever go out of my way to review bomb games and I don't think many others do if I were to guess. We may be vocal against shit but review bomb? That feels like a lefty thing all day long because they can't handle it and always want to lash out like children.

It is fucking lame, but the review bombing did happen. I think the Dragon Age devs took the wrong approach to introducing characters from marginalized communities. A fetch quest to retrieve the discarded cock of a trans man would have been a more rewarding approach.
You gotta love the juxtaposition.

Wokies : "The right-wing chuds online don't represent the gaming community, and are a loud minority."

Also Wokies once a confirmed flop has happened : "The right-wing chuds online ruined the game."
It reminds me of Umberto Eco's description of the logic of fascism: "Our enemies are powerless before us" and simultaneously "Our enemies are so strong they are destroying our society."


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It is fucking lame, but the review bombing did happen.
Did it happen with Hogwarts Legacy? It did and people were trying to ban it in online discourse too.

Again this is why I am very upset by this... we keep trying to push these "more progressive" ideals in badly done movies and games. Were they trying to intentionally associate those ideals with badly done / low quality slop (in general... think about most "woke" media that flopped, it is almost always something of really questionable quality)?
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Did it happen with Hogwarts Legacy? It did and people were trying to ban it in online discourse too.

Again this is why I am very upset by this... we keep trying to push these "more progressive" ideals in badly done movies and games. Were they trying to intentionally associate those ideals with badly done / low quality slop (in general... think about most "woke" media that flopped, it is almost always something of really questionable quality)?

You are correct. These ideals were pushed on all of us based on the landscape at the time and it created a massive backlash. People were afraid to create art, tell stories, jokes, etc. that might dare upset anyone. There was no attempt at balance. It was ramming the fist of equality up your ass. It was a no lube situation that we all had to suffer through. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way, and I hope we are able to find the right balance before it swings to a place of hate (again.) I personally don’t hate anyone, I make fun of everyone and everything.

Alpha Male

No. It's because the game didn't sell well. We can debate why it didn't sell well, but it was underperforming by 50% that led to this. EA management only cares about money, and this game didn't make enough.

"You people" should know perfectly well that hate campaigns can't hold a good game down and stop sales. You tried to do it to Hogwarts Legacy. Half the games media refused to cover it and certain forums flat out banned any discussion of it. But it was a great game, players loved it, they told their friends, and it sold like hotcakes. A coordinated hate campaign did nothing to impact its sales.

When was the last time a publisher shut down a studio that made one of the best selling games of the year? :pie_thinking:


Gold Member
Did it happen with Hogwarts Legacy? It did and people were trying to ban it in online discourse too.

Again this is why I am very upset by this... we keep trying to push these "more progressive" ideals in badly done movies and games. Were they trying to intentionally associate those ideals with badly done / low quality slop (in general... think about most "woke" media that flopped, it is almost always something of really questionable quality)?
The dumbest part of pushing the narrative is when companies use good existing franchises that had nothing to do with woke suddenly being the mouthpiece of it.

If a company wants to make a new IP like Dustborn and do it go ahead. The franchise's first game can start off the DEI train as much as they want as its identity from the get go. But when it kills DA, a UBI SW game, Marvel and Disney content etc.... it's a lousy way of rolling the dice injecting politics into a known franchise.

But they kind of have to do it because the best way for the woketards to get eyes on it is to use popular brands that are already established. A way to get eyeballs on the political agenda. But also a way to kill sales.
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Gold Member
No, cunts ruined Dragon Age and it sounds like they're all being made redundant very shortly.
According to EA, some Bioware people are gone, but the rest are reorganizing into whomever is left to work on ME.

Last year, according the one of the lead ME guys, the next game is supposed to be mature and gritty like the old games on 360. This was in response to people bugging him about how Veilguard is. We'll have to wait and see how truthful that is.


I’m conflicted on stuff like this. On the one hand there’s legitimate criticisms that can be made on lots of these games. But it’s also absolutely true that there are controversy grifters that probably couldn’t care less about any of this and are just click farming, and those things dominate the algorithm. And so “game bad” tends to become the entire story and probably DOES discourage people who otherwise might enjoy the game from ever giving it a go. It’s honestly pretty twisted, but the only way to balance things would be censorship which I am absolutely not for. It just is what it is…


Exactly, we actually believe in free speech. The left are embarrassing, I'm honestly embarrassed for them if I'm being honest. Sad pathetic bunch that truly are like children that can't handle someone saying no or having a stern point of view, but they're at a level of laughable that's beyond words now.

free speech is a left wing cause and always has been.
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Speaking as a former fan of the franchise, I didn't buy the game because I don't want Disney-level writing and crap humor in my fantasy RPG. I may still get it when it goes on a deep sale, but I can't say I care about the game at all. To be clear, I don't care if the game is "gay", as Dragon Age has been gay in the past. But the past games also had much better writing and dialogue, and had actual choices.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The "woke" are concerned with ending discrimination against oppressed groups, and they can sometimes be annoying about it.

The chuds are concerned with preserving the status of their group.

These are not the same.

What people believe matters less than how they act on their beliefs.

Belief is inherently subjective. Action is manifest and empirically measurable.

These two groups act the same, they employ the same tactics, and equally believe in their own righteousness and the moral bankruptcy of their opponents, meaning they are equally reprehensible and destructive.
Are there female chuds or is this strictly the preserve of the matriarchy?
Of course there are female chuds, otherwise known as chids. How else would chuds procreate?
On the other hand if a female transitions to males and the males transitions to female, how would they continue their species?

It's why they are so hellbent on converting the chuds and chids while at a young age.


Its funny how the devs cant take accountability for the shit quality game they produced, back in older days we all knew accountability is like kryptonite to most women and they always will find 100 excuses for their terrible behaviour, now it spread to all leftists, since we got those "male feminists" aka cucks or even worse- predators pretending to be "an ally" of their prey, u would be surprised how many of those self proclaimed feminists are nasty and evil ppl, at least us-traditional guys tell it all uprfront so woman knows what she is getting into/what are our expectations/requirements ;)

The difference is- woman, as long as she is pretty, or even avg but stilll relatively young/not ugly, she will find some1 to take care of her, so she can live in delulu land for decades, even her whole life if she doesnt fuck it up(like divorcing her provider husband in hopes of finding prince charming at 40yo with 2 or more kids;p), developers tho, in this harsh business that judges ppl on the merit, aka quality of products they make- here u either produce solid game that sells decently or reality kicks u in the ass- u lose ur job just like most bioware devs :)
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In my opinion, the main thing going against this game was how it was marketed/revealed. There was very little hype when it was announced, it seemed. Here are some of the issues going into this:
  1. It took too long to come out. People have moved on and better RPGs in a similar setting have came out.
  2. The rumors/stories around the development hell of this game really hurt it. Anytime you hear stories of development struggles where it seems like the game is being completely remade or restructured, hype for the game becomes less.
  3. BioWare's track record has become questionable due to their recent releases. Where before, fans would line up day one for a new BioWare game, their recent releases have now made people be more wait and see on their games. This impacts hype for a game greatly.

So with those three things hurting the hype for the game at its announcement/updates they were already coming in down. To get over bad hype at the start, you need to show things that help increase hype, and get gamers to believe you are going to deliver a solid game.

And this is where I believe "chuds" made their impact. As they were trying to show more of the game to try to drum up hype, all the "wokeness" dialogue seemed to be cranked up to 11. So while they were trying to get people excited for the game, negative attitudes were growing even more for the game.

You may think that only "chuds" making anti-woke statements would only impact gamers who are part of forums like these, but it goes beyond that. Having a negative narrative about a game, spreads beyond enthusiasts. Why? Because us enthusiasts are the ones to help the "normals" by suggesting games to try. If they hear someone being negative about a game, and even if this "chud" did not share their opinion on wokeness, it could still counteract any positive marketing.

In other words: word-of-mouth, even before game release, matters.

I personally find most woke arguments dumb and tiring. And I think that yes, those in the "anit-woke" crowd can and does impact game sales. However, BioWare needs to be honest with themselves, that they were already facing an uphill battle with this game, that was going to be very challenging to get over. The "chuds" just made it that much harder for them.

To blame "anit-wokeness" as the the main cause for the failure, is them not being honest with themselves. It helped, but it more than likely still would have failed without it.


Well, obviously people is free to buy a game or not, to review as they want and to publicly mention what they think about it.

If the game tanks in sales, gets bad user reviews and has negative sentiment online it means players didn't like the game. If someone is to blame about it, it's the devs who made it, not the players.

Devs should research what players like and dislike from either previous similar games or via market research, playtesting, focus testing, etc. If they ignore this or go on purpose against what players like, pretty likely players won't like it.

If they purposely try to avoid the main userbase demographics that buy this type of game and try to target instead some supposed 'modern audience' that in reality is a tiny portion of the people who buys this type of game, pretty likely will have bad sales and reviews. And as result, they might get fired or shut down, because companies must keep certain levels of revenue and operating income/profitability, specially when managing giant AAA budgets.

Devs FAFO, players are not to blame. Different thing is if a tiny portion of that playerbase goes to personally harass these devs. That is wrong and should never happen, in that case these specific players are to blame (not all players, not the whole fanbase of that game, not supposed groups).
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A few years ago people would say “I’m so sick of politics in games!” Which the woke crowd would smugly reply “games have always been political!”

Now it’s all, “I’m so sick of this! Stupid chuds! I miss when would could just talk about games!”

Like, yes!
Thank GIF
I remember a few years ago, some retards saying that Sonic the hedgehog 1, from the original sega genesis was political...yeah... the enviroment, capitalism, dangers of industrialization.


Like everything the chuds blame for ruining games is DEI, everything game developers blame for their shitty game is chuds.

Both can be right and both can be wrong. In the case of Dragon Age Vanguard, I heard the gameplay was great, but the story was lame. Thats on the writers.

Nothing can stop bad reviews from tanking a game, and no online movement is going to really affect reviews. Look at Hogwarts.


Weeb Underling
Devs should research what players like and dislike from either previous similar games or via market research, playtesting, focus testing, etc.
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be play testing or market research, but devs shouldn't have to research to know that shit like Veilguard and Concord aren't going to work out at all. They should even have enough taste to be able to have their finger on the pulse without much hard data.
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The financial destruction and parental alienation is a motherfucker.
I once thought life sucked and then I got divorced and my life improved 10 fold!

Doesnt always work out, especially if you are not the one that wants the divorce. But it can improve ones mental health a lot.
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