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Gold Member
Agree with OP, The only thing I love about Elden Ring is the Rot goddess. It's the worst open world game I have played, felt so empty and depressing. The exploration is the only thing that i like but even then I was tired of galloping from one place to another, it felt like forever to reach one place from another.

This opinion all while having an avatar of Horizon....

triggered GIF


Best From titles ranked:

Elden Ring
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Demons Souls

If we count DS remake then I’d put the remake above DS2.

So you see OP, you’re just wrong. I’m somewhat of an expert on FromSoftware games. Not liking Elden Ring just means you have shit taste is all.
With all the time you took to carefully counterpoint me and explain your reasons I really can't disagree with you Mr.Goodtaste
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There's no such thing as a game that appeals to everyone. Not everyone loves The Last of Us, Breath of the Wild, Red Dead Redemption 2, or Fornite. Elden Ring is no exception. It takes a very specific approach to it's Open World design and combat. You're either with it or you're not. But even if it doesn't click with you, I think it still shouldn't be hard for anyone to understand why the game is so beloved. The first month of that game's release was a magic time. Listening to other player's talk about the things they discovered, the secrets they unearthed, the weapons they found, the game didn't explain shit and it was fun to discover the world with the rest of the community. I'll never forget on my 2nd playthrough how absolutely floored I was that I completely missed half a dozen dungeons on my first playthrough. Not just tiny insignificant dungeons, I'm talking massive massive areas that I missed. The scale of the game is absolutely crazy, and I'm sorry but anyone who claims the game is anything less than impressive is a goddamn fool. You don't have to like it, but at least recognized what it achieved and why it resonated with so many gamers.

Going from many AAA games that would hold your hand and constantly explain shit to you, to a game that just dropped you into a world and said "Go!" was so goddamn refreshing. It scratches that itch many of us yearned for since the early days of playing the original Legend of Zelda.

Sounds like you never played a souls game before, because all of them do this, put you in a world and say "go figure out" ... they are just not an fully open world game, is a bit more linear but even them you have different paths, worlds and etc you can take, but I might had just interpreted wrong, if so , and you have playd all the souls games, iam sorry, my bad.


The OP is fairly incoherent but I agree with the general criticisms of Elden Ring. I was both vindicated and annoyed when the king of bad analysis, Joseph Anderson, expressed almost my exact opinion on the game.

I'd go further against the open world, though. It's purely a negative. The joy of exploring it was never that strong, because it was always clearly in the vein of Elder Scrolls, with a lot of low-effort dungeons scattered over an otherwise unremarkable landscape. Running around the open world doesn't feel adventurous, it feels like you're clearing a checklist.

Later bosses and level design are just abusive to the player.
If you can point my incoherences , it would be nice to know and discuss in a friendly manner


Not a surprise for me that a lot of people responding negatively seems to be people that didnt played souls before and tried for the first time with elden ring or couldn't play the other ones but found a way to play this because of the more friendly difficult or just for the open world exploration.

As I explained in my OP , is one hell of a game, worthy of everything its getting, prizes and accolades, but for me, as a soul fan, it didnt work.
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Gold Member
Sounds like you never played a souls game before, because all of them do this, put you in a world and say "go figure out" ... they are just not an fully open world game, is a bit more linear but even them you have different paths, worlds and etc you can take, but I might had just interpreted wrong, if so , and you have playd all the souls games, iam sorry, my bad.

I’ve played them all. It’s my favorite series next to Resident Evil, and I’ve been a day 1 buyer of FromSoftware games since DS1. Being a full fledged Open World set ER apart from DS on a far grander scale. That’s why it gave so many players a strong sense of wanderlust and discovery.
I think Elden Ring is FormSoftware's best work after Bloodborne. It is not as thematically unified, but it is thoroughly thought out and polished all the way through. In contrast, Dark Souls games always fall apart in quality near the end. Also, Demon Souls is an experiment that is inconsistent in its execution throughout regardless of the version.


I think Elden Ring is FormSoftware's best work after Bloodborne. It is not as thematically unified, but it is thoroughly thought out and polished all the way through. In contrast, Dark Souls games always fall apart in quality near the end. Also, Demon Souls is an experiment that is inconsistent in its execution throughout regardless of the version.
I think is the most unbalanced experience of them all... by far .. and now in NG+ is showing this in spectacular fashion, since Im already in Caleid Im OP as fuck and all Im doing is riding that stupid horse from A to B (borrriinnggg) and slaughtering everything in my path in 3 to 4 strikes (obs.: I didnt farm/grind for levels, just played the game to completion in 110 hrs my first playthrough)... top that with the worst replayability of the souls games (for the same reasons and the others I gave in the OP).... of course this is all my humble opinion and I dont expect others feel the same way...

Is definitely the perfect game made for open world/explorers lovers though and I imagine that for them this game is really a masterpiece, especially in the first playthrough.


First things first, Iam a big souls/from fan, since Demons Souls on ps3 I have fallen in love for this games and have been playing them multiple times, SEKIRO and BLOODBORNE are my absolute favorites followed by DS REMAKE, DS3 AND 1 , AND FOR LAST DS2.

You can judge ELDEN RING in the souls category of games or you can judge by it's on merits, so Iam not here to say its a bad or even a average game because its not, its good as usual for FROM (including DS2), BUT! , as a lover of this type of games I just didnt liked what they did with Elden Ring and I would think and hope that the blame is because of the OPEN WORLD push and the choice to appeal finally to the mainstream and offer a more easy-to-swallow experience. So I will try to break some thing here for anyone the bothers to read.

GRAPHICS: after playing DS remake is difficult to embrace FROMs dated engine, it feels and screams last gen, even more that I had to play the ps4 version on PS5 for achieve the desired locked 60fps, but it is what it is and FROM games shines in level and art design, so no big deal but I hope we can see an upgraded engine for their next game.

Gameplay: as good as ever, so many choices, each one with their pros and cons, you can always feel the weight of the weapon you are using and how this affects the fights. From is king of gameplay and nothing comes close for me. I always play souls with a melee build favoring great/ultraswords and use very litte to zero magic.

The world: well it sucks, im sorry but I just hate this open world stick, it feels diluted, empty and repetitive, it is big ? Yeah sure.. so ? More is not equal to better, open world plagues this game and brings down the souls experience for me. And now in NG+, something that I always enjoyed, feels like a slog and I dont think I'll be able to enjoy my second run in any way.

THE CORE GAME PLAY/DIFFICULT/BOSSES: souls games are about exploration,lore,secrets, and building your character but in the end is all really about the challenges of facing difficult enemies and getting good to beat them, for ages people have been asking for an "easy mode" and this time from gave them, is not coincidence that people that long hated souls games are singing praises for Elden Ring as the "first souls game they can play and/or enjoy", the game is just bland and easy, sure you can choose not to develop your character, not upgrade your weapon and etc, and artificially create the difficult but thats not the way this games are meant to be played.

I can only blame the open world formula for this, not having a clear and linear way for progression made the developers loose the tightness and controlled balance of the game's difficulty.

The other thing is, its clear for me that From wanted to make the game friendly for casuals, without a clear "easy mode" they choose to put several itens (ashes of war for example) to facilitate the game, you can have for example h an exactly mimic high level character fight for you or along side you, and this is just one of many many helps you can get, and some will say " you just dont use that and its ok" well its not because again , because of this choice, FROM have to account for the difficult and balance of the game, you know people can use this so you will make your difficult boss fights balanced for that and in the end you have cheap difficult fights. And ill close with this

Since DS2 i have never seen From make the bosses so cheap, the difficult of well thought bosses of the last games is substituted for bosses with 6 hit no defense, no scape, ultra stamina never ending combos, so the game is hard afterall??? NOPE!! the game is cheap, and is screaming for you to use the "special itens" they gave to you for win, and well, you use, and ?? Becames easy as beat a mario game on auto, just sit and watch the bosses been melted away.


So with the open world and appeal to mainstrean, the balance and tightness of souls/from games was lost, and for me the fun of the game was lost, becoming empty and soulless (no pun intended).

For the first time I dont think Ill finish an NG+ (I did 4 runs at least for DS2) and this for me is just sad.

Iam really heappy for all that loved this game, and happy for the new fans that could for the first time enjoy Miyazaki great franchise, it can be the best game of all time, but for me it didnt work and I really hope that this stays its on thing, its on series, and dont become all From and Miyazaki do from now on.

Cheers my friends, have a nice day and thanks for anyone that took the time to read all this.

Good games for you all



The world is intricately designed with hundreds of secrets to find, lore to discover and surprises in store. Unless you charge around on the horse from boss to boss that is. The atmosphere and design is stellar from start to finish. I feel like you played a different game to me lol


The world is intricately designed with hundreds of secrets to find, lore to discover and surprises in store. Unless you charge around on the horse from boss to boss that is. The atmosphere and design is stellar from start to finish. I feel like you played a different game to me lol
I agree with you.. it has all that .... we played the same game ... but I dont play souls games or anygame for that matter to spend 120 hours discovering shit I dont need, doing the same dungeon over and over with minor tweaks and facing the same dragon 35 times specially at the cost of a more balanced gameplay and difficult ... Elden Ring is dark souls with the "discovery and exploration" cracked to eleven , a looooooot of filler and terrible balanced and cheap inifinity stamina enemies ... it is DS2 polished
I agree with you.. it has all that .... we played the same game ... but I dont play souls games or anygame for that matter to spend 120 hours discovering shit I dont need, doing the same dungeon over and over with minor tweaks and facing the same dragon 35 times specially at the cost of a more balanced gameplay and difficult ... Elden Ring is dark souls with the "discovery and exploration" cracked to eleven , a looooooot of filler and terrible balanced and cheap inifinity stamina enemies ... it is DS2 polished

There are 12 dragon bosses, and most of them have differentiating aesthetics, attacks.. in line with the area you find them in.

Well.. here's the thing, actually. You're stupidly exaggerating way beyond the other end of the spectrum of divergent opinions, so what do you expect? A lot of people do that, it's basically human nature to scream out of the top of your lungs and get noticed. But it's not interesting. It's boring, it's basically a waste of your time because you're not gonna get anyone with half a brain that played the game to get riled up. Maybe a couple of shitty hot takes that'll take a similar regurgitated approach just for the sake of it being a hot take.

It would be far more beneficial for you if you're posting or making a thread to be honest with yourself, and carefully think how to unleash your opinion so people can acknowledge it, respect it, discuss it, i dunno. It's not like i'm speaking out of hate or malice here, i am completely indifferent. So you think the game has problems, right? Well fuck me, so does everything else. OK.

So here's the thing with the rest of this loosely based 'spiritual' series. I played them all expect for Bloodborne.. They all have varying amounts of bullshit, some more than others. Dark Souls falls off a cliff quality-wise a little over the half way point; Up until and including Anor Londo (and its secrets) - it is one of the greatest games ever made. Dark Souls II is 98% complete bullshit, don't feel like going into detail because i'm lazy. Dark Souls III is Dark Souls I faster, polished and more linear, with an infinitely less interesting world and lore. It's .. cool, i dunno, made kind of irrelevant by Elden Ring, i think, but i gotta replay it and refresh my memory. Sekiro is a piece of shit if you don't like its theme, aesthetics and don't feel like getting used to the combat (which is basically a rhythm game with QTEs). If you do, then it's basically a perfect game at what its doing and i respect that. I did not vibe with it, so fuck that game and the monkey.

As i said in another thread, i believe Elden Ring has the least amount of bullshit out of all of them, is the most approachable, is by faaar the most visually varied & interesting, most build variety, incredibly polished, memorable, by far the best lore in the series, and the best story bits of the series. Elden Ring truly is the best video game FROM has ever made, and the culmination of this loosely based series.


The nicest person on this forum
I loved Elden Ring a lot and kind disagree with lot of your points, if you consider act exploring as "filler" then this not your type of game.

With that being said I still prefer Sekiro, it my favourite FROM, it has most fun combat system and more likeable characters in FROM games.


There are 12 dragon bosses, and most of them have differentiating aesthetics, attacks.. in line with the area you find them in.

Well.. here's the thing, actually. You're stupidly exaggerating way beyond the other end of the spectrum of divergent opinions, so what do you expect? A lot of people do that, it's basically human nature to scream out of the top of your lungs and get noticed. But it's not interesting. It's boring, it's basically a waste of your time because you're not gonna get anyone with half a brain that played the game to get riled up. Maybe a couple of shitty hot takes that'll take a similar regurgitated approach just for the sake of it being a hot take.

It would be far more beneficial for you if you're posting or making a thread to be honest with yourself, and carefully think how to unleash your opinion so people can acknowledge it, respect it, discuss it, i dunno. It's not like i'm speaking out of hate or malice here, i am completely indifferent. So you think the game has problems, right? Well fuck me, so does everything else. OK.

So here's the thing with the rest of this loosely based 'spiritual' series. I played them all expect for Bloodborne.. They all have varying amounts of bullshit, some more than others. Dark Souls falls off a cliff quality-wise a little over the half way point; Up until and including Anor Londo (and its secrets) - it is one of the greatest games ever made. Dark Souls II is 98% complete bullshit, don't feel like going into detail because i'm lazy. Dark Souls III is Dark Souls I faster, polished and more linear, with an infinitely less interesting world and lore. It's .. cool, i dunno, made kind of irrelevant by Elden Ring, i think, but i gotta replay it and refresh my memory. Sekiro is a piece of shit if you don't like its theme, aesthetics and don't feel like getting used to the combat (which is basically a rhythm game with QTEs). If you do, then it's basically a perfect game at what its doing and i respect that. I did not vibe with it, so fuck that game and the monkey.

As i said in another thread, i believe Elden Ring has the least amount of bullshit out of all of them, is the most approachable, is by faaar the most visually varied & interesting, most build variety, incredibly polished, memorable, by far the best lore in the series, and the best story bits of the series. Elden Ring truly is the best video game FROM has ever made, and the culmination of this loosely based series.

There are 12 dragon bosses, and most of them have differentiating aesthetics, attacks.. in line with the area you find them in.

Well.. here's the thing, actually. You're stupidly exaggerating way beyond the other end of the spectrum of divergent opinions, so what do you expect? A lot of people do that, it's basically human nature to scream out of the top of your lungs and get noticed. But it's not interesting. It's boring, it's basically a waste of your time because you're not gonna get anyone with half a brain that played the game to get riled up. Maybe a couple of shitty hot takes that'll take a similar regurgitated approach just for the sake of it being a hot take.

It would be far more beneficial for you if you're posting or making a thread to be honest with yourself, and carefully think how to unleash your opinion so people can acknowledge it, respect it, discuss it, i dunno. It's not like i'm speaking out of hate or malice here, i am completely indifferent. So you think the game has problems, right? Well fuck me, so does everything else. OK.

So here's the thing with the rest of this loosely based 'spiritual' series. I played them all expect for Bloodborne.. They all have varying amounts of bullshit, some more than others. Dark Souls falls off a cliff quality-wise a little over the half way point; Up until and including Anor Londo (and its secrets) - it is one of the greatest games ever made. Dark Souls II is 98% complete bullshit, don't feel like going into detail because i'm lazy. Dark Souls III is Dark Souls I faster, polished and more linear, with an infinitely less interesting world and lore. It's .. cool, i dunno, made kind of irrelevant by Elden Ring, i think, but i gotta replay it and refresh my memory. Sekiro is a piece of shit if you don't like its theme, aesthetics and don't feel like getting used to the combat (which is basically a rhythm game with QTEs). If you do, then it's basically a perfect game at what its doing and i respect that. I did not vibe with it, so fuck that game and the monkey.

As i said in another thread, i believe Elden Ring has the least amount of bullshit out of all of them, is the most approachable, is by faaar the most visually varied & interesting, most build variety, incredibly polished, memorable, by far the best lore in the series, and the best story bits of the series. Elden Ring truly is the best video game FROM has ever made, and the culmination of this loosely based series.
Im sorry i didnt like the game you love ... but it is what it is.. there is not need to became this offset about a game, and as for you is the better one for me is the shittier one ... different opinions exist.. leave with that and fuck off, and since everyone in this topic was very polite except you big man baby.. you are going to the ignore.. bye bye
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I loved Elden Ring a lot and kind disagree with lot of your points, if you consider act exploring as "filler" then this not your type of game.

With that being said I still prefer Sekiro, it my favourite FROM, it has most fun combat system and more likeable characters in FROM games.
Yes sekiro is the best.. no I dont consider exploring filler, I consider filler filler , several repetitive caves and minibosses with minor tweaks so you can add content... and yes open world games usually are to repetitive for me and therefore I dont play them ... but since I love from games I had to try this one ... It fell short but for souls game lovers plus open world lovers it is the full plate.. as I stated in the OP it is a good/great game ! It just wasnt to my taste


I expressed my opinion and my feelings about this game, not trying to convince or change anyone's mind, I LOVE From games and the souls series, so I wanted to express what I felt ... will not coming back to this topic because it has reached it's course... see you in the games everybody @modif you can close the thread I would be thankfull! Have a nice day everybody
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