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LTTP: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (Some spoilers inside)


Right at the end of the game as I'm typing this, and the game actually kinda... sucks?!

Long story short, this is one of the very few Resident Evil games I haven't completed even once. For reference, I completed and enjoyed every other mainline title in the franchise, even including most of the spin-offs (skipping only absolute trash like REVerse and Umbrella Corps). So having not seen the end credits of this one was quite the omission.

This isn't my first encounter with the game. Many years ago I did my first attempt beating the game on the Dreamcast and eventually did ragequit right at the end of the first disc (which IMO is still one of the worst boss fights in the franchise). Fast forward 'til today, and I'm almost done with the game, this time for real.

- Playing the PS2 version, and damn does it feel dated even compared to the original PS1 trilogy. The jump to fully 3D environments on the Dreamcast might have been revolutionary for the series back in the day, but everything feels drab and lacking in detail nowadays, even compared to something like RE2.

- I don't know if it's just me, but it also did feel more clunky and unresponsive than its predecessors which are, once again, made for much older hardware. Not that it should matter.

- Pretty much every boss felt underwhelming, tedious, unfair, or all that at once. I actually got so bored fighting the giant albinoid at the pool, I just let myself get electrocuted twice, got the emblem and left. Let's not forget the Steve "boss fight" (if you can even call it that), which can genuinely softlock you if you don't bring at least 2 healing items.

- Speaking of Steve, I hated this fucker. All attempts to make me sympathize with him (and there were a lot of these) fell flat.

- Alfred and Alexia were interesting villains, but were kinda underutilized. Wesker was almost comically bad.

- Why is the damn knife so ridiculously OP?! The pistol on the other hand was an absolute joke until I got the semi-auto upgrade.

- The bandersnatches were an absolute pain to fight due to how far their attacks can reach. Lost count of how many times I got hit by someone on the other side of the room.

People always criticize RE4, 5 and 6 for being way too over the top, but having played this now I genuinely believe that THIS is where the series started devolve in its anime-level nonsense. And before anyone asks, I'd genuinely take even the highly controversial RE0 and RE6 over this.

Hey, at least the CVX soundtrack is a banger. And it also gave us this scene, which I'm 100% sure will be removed in the remake:

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Also replayed this recently since the classic era. Definitely unforgiving difficulty for playing blind. I was able to use save states to alleviate many parts, otherwise would have ragequit. Plot and locations are decent, agree that steve sucks, and I was not too fond of playing everything over again as chris. The game is prime remake material despite the inevitable controversy


Resident Evil was always cheesy nonsense to me, so Code Veronica (and 4) are exactly my cup of tea. In that manner I disagree with you about Steve. I love him because he's so ridiculous. FAAATHER lmao. In the same vein I liked Wesker's appearance

I genuinely appreciate it because I like the map design, the atmosphere and setting. I like how convoluted it feels as in this is the classic Resident Evil formula taken to a preposterous level tho which it should've never been taken. It has you struggle, and it's stupid, but that's so great about it. And since I far prefer the classic REs over the modern one, this one actually ranks quite high for me.

A remake would be so interesting. You'd have to overhaul Steve so much that by the end it would be a different character altogether.


I get it and agree with several of the points, even if I do like it more than you do.

My thing with CV and 0 is that I know them well enough to play around the bad bits, which makes them better experiences. Steve is a big example of that. Yes, people have found ways to no hit the encounter without firing a shot, but if you don't have a weapon that can stun him or the full heals you're dead unless you get very experimental with your stubborn attempts to redeem your broken save.

My least favourite boss isn't Steve, it's Nosferatu. The low visibility and high enemy attack range makes A rank runs a nightmare because you only get the free save, which means redoing Antarctica when you mess up that boss (either poison or death). The sniper rifle isn't exactly great, and I'm not nearly practiced enough to try the knife strat.

I think it's a game that experiments a fair bit, with mixed results. You have at least 2 bosses off the top of my head where you can just grab the item and leave with no penalty. Equippable lighter is something we didn't see before or after IIRC. I like the knife buff, it stops it being an item you immediately put away forever.

I don't find the Bandersnatchers to be bad, personally. Yes they have the stretch, but you nearly always see them coming and they have their non-arm side to run round. But I do recognise that might be because I've learned the game to the point where I know when and how to run past things.

If they are ever brave enough to remake CV, it will be very interesting. CV is one game that will actually benefit from being remade, unlike 2/3/4. They can rethink some of the decisions and bring the game up to the level is deserves to be at. But at the same time, we all know Alfred will be completely changed because of the inevitable backlash despite it actually being fine.

One of the things I know to play around and they definitely need to change if they remake it is the frequent jumping between characters at the end. You can easily find yourself in a situation where you've been fooled into loading up one character with weapons and you find yourself without a decent inventory. Speaking of which, the missable Magnum is another thing you can play around when you know but probably shouldn't have to. No other game has a "Should have saved that item we gave you no reason to save" moment.
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Gold Member

I think it overstayed its welcome. I thought it felt too long and comparatively more backtracking than any prior RE maybe because it was a big map.

Lots of softlocks as well like the tyrant plane fight as you said.

I’m very interested in a remake simply because of the potential of this game. A few fixes here and there and optimized encounters and there’s a possibility of this game being one of those at the top.

For the record, I first played CVX on the PS3 so I may not feel the same way as those that do have played it on release.
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One of the things I know to play around and they definitely need to change if they remake it is the frequent jumping between characters at the end. You can easily find yourself in a situation where you've been fooled into loading up one character with weapons and you find yourself without a decent inventory. Speaking of which, the Magnum is another thing you can play around but probably shouldn't have to. No other game has a "Should have saved that item we gave you no reason to save" moment.

Since I was going in blind, I got locked out of being able to use my grenade launcher. With tons of ammo left for it.
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Gold Member
Played all RE games on release, loved PS1 trio, hated Survivor.

I was excited for Code Veronica, played it around release and my sentiment matches yours. I replayed it last year and my opinion of it couldn't change. Game is simply bad.



Since I was going in blind, I got locked out of being able to use my grenade launcher. With tons of ammo left for it.
Same happened to me, and it's not the player's fault it happens.

Speaking of the GL, the B.O.W Gas Rounds are a damn mystery and I had to Google them again for this post. Apparently those 3 mysterious rounds are only really usable on the island Tyrant because they do half health + 30, whereas on everything else they do basically nothing. I had heard they half health in the past, so I used to save a couple shots for Alexia. Turns out that's utterly pointless, so you're better off using 2 or 3 on Tyrant (Plane) and maybe 1 one on Tyrant 1.


Speaking of the GL, the B.O.W Gas Rounds are a damn mystery and I had to Google them again for this post. Apparently those 3 mysterious rounds are only really usable on the island Tyrant because they do half health + 30, whereas on everything else they do basically nothing. I had heard they half health in the past, so I used to save a couple shots for Alexia. Turns out that's utterly pointless, so you're better off using 2 or 3 on Tyrant (Plane) and maybe 1 one on Tyrant 1.
After several failed attempts at beating the Tyrant on the plane (most of which being me just getting stunlocked trying to get up after being pummeled), I actually got pissed off and started looking for a way to cheese him. Something I never did with any other boss in RE.

Turns out, a lot of people were recommending to use one of these on him, and then spam with gun powder arrows for extra damage. This made the fight so much easier. Only afterwards I found that these 3 rounds contain P-Epsilon gas which is the "official lore reason" why they're so powerful against this boss in particular.


- Why is the damn knife so ridiculously OP?! The pistol on the other hand was an absolute joke until I got the semi-auto upgrade.

Yea.. the knife is very strong. But at the same time you always risk losing health because you have to engage in close combat. The game also throws so much ammo at you, you can easily kill every enemy. No need to waste a slot for the knife.
I have no idea what you are talking about regarding the handgun. On gamefaqs there is a damage table for the weapons and the handgun is quite decent on pretty much every enemy?!
For example the first Tyrant has 500 HP, the handgun does 14 dmg with each shot, acid and flame round do 40. First Alexia has 300 HP, handgun does 13 damage, flame round only 15, acid rounds 25 and the magnum 70.
The huge advantage of the handgun is the range. You can put as much distance as possible without losing damage output.

- Pretty much every boss felt underwhelming, tedious, unfair, or all that at once. I actually got so bored fighting the giant albinoid at the pool, I just let myself get electrocuted twice, got the emblem and left. Let's not forget the Steve "boss fight" (if you can even call it that), which can genuinely softlock you if you don't bring at least 2 healing items.

The Steve section sucks. One of the reasons is you have to redo a portion when you fail. Its as if you failed the alligator/sherry escape section in RE2 Remake and the game would have you redo ~2 mins of gameplay to get back to this 'trial-and-error' part. One heal (even just a green herb) is enough if you try running away from Steve if you are on green health condition when you start this.

Personally I really enjoy the Tyrant fight on the plane. Its one of the few times in the franchise the Tyrant really felt like a threat. I've seen a lot of people complaining about running out of ammo or similar.. which I dont really get. I played this game as a kid and a second time about a year ago (which basically felt like a blind run). And I am someone who kills pretty much 95% of the enemies (unless its clear you can very easily avoid something). And both times I had no issues regarding health items / ammo. Also didnt use the BOW rounds (only read afterwards what they do).

You are the first person I see to try fighting the albinoid. Shouldnt get electrocuted more than once trying to get the item. Bosses you dont have to fight is nothing new in the franchise. RE 1 had Yawn and the Giant Spider for example.

When I played this as a kid Nosferatu shared the shit out of me. You can say the bosses are underwhelming, but no other boss in classic RE left such an impression on me. Sniper Rifle is a bit clunky though.

Alexia 1 is one of the best fights in classic RE imo. She kills you if gets too near, but at the same time she is an absolute glass canon (as long as you dont use acid/flame rounds). Game also lets you restart here if you die.

In Alexia 2 there is a lot of stuff going and I can understand if someone gets frustrated by this. As a final boss I think she is alright. Just use your most powerful arsenal left and she shouldnt pose a huge problem. The game also gives a good amount of health towards the end with mostly throwing basic zombies at you.

You did mention you would gladly play 0 over this. None of the bosses in this game is as poorly designed as the giant bat in 0. I also dont know which of the bosses in 0 would much more exciting than the ones in CV.


i bought the 360 version as its backward compatible on xbox , my only complain is that there is no subtitles but overall the game is still fun as i experienced it on dreamcast

P.S if there is a 'modern version ' , the final boss fight might be altered .. just saying :messenger_beaming:


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Speaking of which, the missable Magnum is another thing you can play around when you know but probably shouldn't have to. No other game has a "Should have saved that item we gave you no reason to save" moment.
You mean to save magnum bullets? Because that's the whole survivor horror shebang


You mean to save magnum bullets? Because that's the whole survivor horror shebang
To get the Magnum in CV you have to go out of your way to take the empty fire extinguisher from the pre-metal detector corridor at the start of the game and put it in an item box. Then, when you get to Antarctica, you can fill it up and use it to put out a fire and pick up the magnum. This is the only way to get it.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
To get the Magnum in CV you have to go out of your way to take the empty fire extinguisher from the pre-metal detector corridor at the start of the game and put it in an item box. Then, when you get to Antarctica, you can fill it up and use it to put out a fire and pick up the magnum. This is the only way to get it.
Oh, I see it now. Didn't remember that, actually. Back in the day I probably get to a magazine or something, but I find this ok. Magnum is the most fun of the franchise, but I accept turning into a secret thing
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I still love the game despite its shortcomings of which there are quite a few. I think the 3D instead of prerendered backgrounds is both good and bad, with the prerendered stuff just looking better. But there is a sort of lowpoly appeal to it. It has some serious softlock issues which is funny, I seem to always run into one, mostly the ending. It really needs better signaling or the player gets the shaft which is usually never fun. A properly telegraphed switch could be satisfying but since its kind of kept as a surprise or twist it comes off as sudden and thus without having to replay sections or the whole game. It only wares on nerves and patience, especially once the swap is no longer a surprise.

But it still retains the core elements of classic RE which I love and its got Claire. I so much preferred this game over 3 since I don't like Nemesis stalkers in games. I prefer more cosmic and slowburn horror, or just high tension atmospheric stuff. Steve is a twat though, not helped by the terrible acting lol. Its up there with Titus for me. I can do the Alfred hahahahaha laugh to annoy my friends though sadly nobody gets the reference.
I missed the magnum and still beat the game. The only time I really disliked it was when I had to aim the sniper rifle in Antarctica. I had a great laugh at some of the lines by Steve. I loved the villains, the setting, Chris catching up with Claire, and the rivalry between Wesker and Chris. It definitely felt like an epic sequel to the original Resident Evil both in cheese content and mechanics. I would like it more than Resident Evil 2 if it had better pacing and mechanics.
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similar to many of you, the only RE game I couldn't be bothered to keep playing through. come to think of it, it might have been the first game I dropped because it felt like a chore


Finally finished the game. A bit over 11 hours of playtime (probably the longest of the oldschool games), D rank.

The final boss was once again a total slog. I actually expected one final fight against Wesker with how the game always teased his role in all this, but everything ended with only one long cutscene. Oh well.

I do agree that a remake would fix a lot of the issues I have with this game. The potential is already there. Capcom just needs to nail the execution much better this time.
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What time is it?
I've always kind of hated it but I had a bad save file on the airplane flight to Antarctica (?) with very little ammo. I did that boss fight dozens of times before finally beating it and I thought I'd beaten the game only to be greeted with the second half of the game. I turned it off and never looked back. I also kind of thought the formula was a little long in the tooth during my RE3 playthrough and CV made me realize I was completely over it.
Alfred is amazing and a remake would absolutely destroy the cross dressing freak. And I think the problem with Steve is the voice actor. If he didn't have that annoying voice and accent, people wouldn't rag on Steve half as much. He's a good lad but he just sounds annoying. Code Veronica is cool. It's got problems but it has that Dreamcast feel which I very much love.


Writes a lot, says very little
I played it at release on the Dreamcast. I have good memories with it. But hey, I haven't played it in ages.


The last time i played this game was maybe 6 or 7 years ago, it was one of the ports. I want to play it again, but I'm holding out for that remake lol

Phobos Base

I've always kind of hated it but I had a bad save file on the airplane flight to Antarctica (?) with very little ammo. I did that boss fight dozens of times before finally beating it and I thought I'd beaten the game only to be greeted with the second half of the game. I turned it off and never looked back. I also kind of thought the formula was a little long in the tooth during my RE3 playthrough and CV made me realize I was completely over it.

That part is pretty notorious, as it's very easy to soft lock the game if you didn't have the foresight to save the correct type of ammo for it.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Top 3 worst mainline RE.

I first played it on PS3 and got stuck at the plane boss. I had to start all over because I had only save file just before the encounter. Dropped it but tried again with the 360 version on Xbox One.

Ended up enjoying it but this one can use a real remake.
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It's one of my favourite RE games, but I do get the criticisms. I just really enjoyed the over the top story, the atmosphere, environments (the mansion with the huge doll is a standout), and playing as the Redfield siblings. Plus, it has my absolute favourite save room theme:

As for Steve, I've always believed that his character would've been more well-received if the VA wasn't so bad. He just sounds kind of whiny and it's off-putting for many. As well, the game was the final one to use the original formula and perhaps shows why later games were made differently. I like it, but it didn't set the world on fire when it was released.

I think you're right about certain things being removed in the remake which will be a shame.
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