Captain America: The First Avenger
When the movie opened in modern day I groaned. I really thought they were going to do another fish out of water story like they Did with Thor, but this time with a guy displaced in time rather than a guy from another world. Thankfully I ended up being wrong.
So after the short intro we are introduced to Steve Rogers, the man that will become Captain America, and something just feels off. The CG they used to make him look so small and scrawny when he had his shirt off had an uncanny valley effect on me that needless to say did not leave a good first impression. Thankfully it's not long before he has his shirt back on and is getting the shit kicked out of him in an alleyway.
Before Steve becomes Cap he's pretty relatable.While I've never been alive during wartime (thank god) a character motivated by the loss of a loved one(s) is a trope for a reason. They even made him even easier to empathize with by making his goal not to explicitly kill anyone, but just to put an end to the war. He's also incredibly selfless from the get go, even going so far as to throw himself on what he thinks is a live grenade to try and protect others, which is a nice change of pace. That being said all this does contribute to a problem that I have with him that I'll get into when talking about Cap.
We're next introduced to Bucky when he comes to the rescue when Steve was getting the shit kicked out of him. Wait a second, we now have a character that is friends with Steve, was enlisted before him, and is trying to convince him to give up on his dreams of being in the army? Yeah...
Now I like Bucky. When he was trying to talk Steve out of joining the army because he's clearly not fit to serve, he never came off as condescending. In quite a few movies I always ask myself why certain characters are friends because they seem about as compatible as oil and water. Sadly we don't get to see much of him before he gets shipped out into his role as the bachelor in a bind.
It's not long before Rogers manages to get into the army thanks to their new super soldier program where they try to make a man out of him. Of course he proves that he is about as swift as a stagnant pool, has as much force as a light drizzle, and is about as strong a a frightened mouse. They wanted the troops to get a flag from the top of a pole, I couldn't not make this reference.
I expected this movie to not have any prominent female roles due to the time period it takes place in. I expected to have a woman waiting for Cap to return from war at most so Agent Carter was such a nice surprise. I was in love with her from her introduction and she just kept getting better (mostly). Is her super marksmanship a super power? She seems like she could even give Domino a run for her money. I didn't like how inconsistent it was though. She can hit a guy from quite a distance driving away from her but she can't hit a guy driving towards her? Movie pls. Can I get a series starring her? Oh wait, yes I can. Y'all have no idea how excited I am to watch her TV series. Oh and she was absolutely killing it in that dress in the bar.
It was refreshing to have a villain that was just "fuck it, I'm evil. Worship me." after all of the others which tried to keep up appearances. It's always great to see Hugo Weaving as a villain. His face is just so punchable that you feel good when he finally gets what's coming to him. Oh yeah him and cap are going to face off in this self destructing base, this is going to be awe-
W-What the fuck is that? THAT"S the best the special effects team could come up with? It looks like they bought it at a Wal-Mart during Halloween for crying out loud. Look, I know these are family movies so they can't make something too scary because of the kids, but really? I feel like they could have done a bit better. I was expecting something on par with redeads in terms of scare factor. It also gets rid of the main reason I liked Weaving in the role, his face.
Are super soldier serums in the Marvel universe extracted from the Triforce or something? This is the second time we've seen the serum affect someone due to their personality. I'm totally expecting a villain to turn into a pig man some time during the MCU.
I'm really interested in seeing what became of Hydra after the events of the film. A group like that won't just collapse without a leader so I really want to know who took over, how they took over, and what their goals are (aside aside from world domination) and how they plan on achieving them. It's because of this that I wish that the movie had ended differently. I understand that they needed Cap in the present day so he could be in The Avengers (Which I'm super pumped to see BTW) but it makes me sad that The Winter Soldier won't have the rebuilding of Hydra in it. Seeing how they've changed in modern times will be pretty cool though.
Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?
I love that they played up the propaganda angle when Rogers was successfully transformed. Of course the military's only super soldier is too valuable to let out on the battlefield, so what do they do? Turn him into propaganda of course! It's just too perfect. I could totally see the government doing that after spending so much money on this whole thing.
As for Cap himself, well he didn't really change as a person after the procedure. I was totally expecting him to let the power go to his head and become a little full of himself for a while before realizing how much of a dick he was being when someone got hurt because of him. Instead his arc is more about accepting the fact that he needs to do what's right, even if the government doesn't agree which I really appreciated. Seeing as this is called Captain
America I truly didn't see it coming.
I do have one problem with Cap though and it's that he's too perfect. I suppose him being horrible with women is meant to be a flaw, but it just makes him adorable. I thought he was using fondue as a euphemism for sex throughout the movie because he didn't want to say sex, but it was because he thought fondue was sex. That's just too precious. Steve Rogers is a big dumb sexy baby. I suppose this will actually be a benefit in The Avengers though. I imagine him and Tony ( I guess I have to call him Tony now that his father has had a prominent role) will play off of each other very well.
I loved that Howard Stark was his Q. It was great getting to see him outside of old recordings and without having our perception skewed by Tony. He really seems like a good guy and I'd like to see him again in the future even thought it's incredibly unlikely.
The movie was absolutely gorgeous. I feel like they absolutely nailed the look and atmosphere.
It was cool seeing actors that have appeared on Doctor Who.
The body count surprised me. I know this is a war movie as well as a super hero movie, but it was still shocking to me. I didn't think it was bad, nor would it stop me from showing this to a child though.
Overall I had an amazing time watching this movie and Winter Soldier has shot up to my most anticipated phase 2 movie. Going into this I wasn't very excited. I saw Captain America as a relic of the past that couldn't be brought into the modern era but boy was I wrong. Funny how the movie I was most interested in (Thor) ended up being my least favorite and the one I was least interested in has become my favorite. If you happen to have never seen this movie but are reading this post then I urge you to go see the movie.
We're not done yet though, it's time for the second one-shot "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer"
Coulson is a secretly a badass, huh? I'm guessing this will come into play in The Avengers.
I've seen a few posts in this thread referring to me as a guy, but I'm not, I'm a girl.
My write-up for The Avengers will be up either Friday or Saturday. It'll most likely be Friday though, but I'm putting Saturday just to be safe.