Man, on two missions I found myself looking around for 20 minutes each, because I didn't know where to go or what to do just because I didn't see it lol.
Also, as far as framerate goes, there was a moment where I looked through the wall into a certain room
and I swear the framerate dropped to at least 15fps. It was almost stuttering. I tried it one more time, same effect. Seriously, the small rooms are such a tease when they go up to 60fps. Such a shame the game can't handle busy rooms well.
I just got the Newegg email also but I also got one just before they cancelled my MH3U order claiming that they didn't have the stock to fulfill it. If they pull that again I fear for the service rep who gets my call
I've uploaded a bit more of the game's music. This time I've recorded the composition that sounds after finishing a level, which I think it's awesome and fits Luigi like a glove. It reminds me a bit of Super Mario World, specially at the end. Enjoy it!
Got charged from Newegg too. Said within 24-48 hours it should ship, so I'm hoping that by Monday I'll get it since I have 3 day shipping. I think I got NSMB2 on a Tuesday but I didn't get charged days in advance like this. I've gotten my 3 day shipping stuff in two days before, so if they ship it tomorrow morning there is a chance I could get it on Saturday. Already cleared a place in my game case for a spot for this game so I'm starting to get hyped!
I played this for a couple hours last night. It is fun so far. It is been a long time since I played the previous one, so I can't make any comparisons. I think it will be a great game for keeping me occupied during my one hour commute.
Wait, is the glow in the dark box pre-order special bonus edition or is it that way for every PAL box? God I hope Bergsala (The shitty scandinavian distributor) didn't fuck that up! It's bad enough that they're cutting us off from Club Nintendo and star points as it is.
Gahhh... Newegg is about to ship mine, but I'm going out of town soon. I hope it get here in time. Was going to cancel it and buy from eshop when I'm away.
Me too. I was surprised it happened already. I cancelled my Lego City preorder with them after it didn't charge or ship on Tuesday and picked it up at Target instead. Glad this one seems to be going well launch wise.
is awesome fun.
-It's kind of annoying that the lights and vacuum clip through almost everything, including walls to different rooms/outside.
-Oh god there's a
gyro to walk across a small beam
section and although you don't need to
move the system much
I'm sure some won't like it. Was mostly annoyed because I was tired and didn't notice when it switched to
gyro controls
-First boss is cool
that falling elevator scene is amazing!
, but I was tired and got stuck on the second half of the battle so I gave up. Gonna try again later.
Me too. I was surprised it happened already. I cancelled my Lego City preorder with them after it didn't charge or ship on Tuesday and picked it up at Target instead. Glad this one seems to be going well launch wise.
“If you gave Mario a piece of cloth, he would turn it into a superhero’s cape,” said Jonathan Yao, Dark Moon’s character artist.
“If you gave the same cloth to Luigi, he would turn it into a safety blanket.”
Wow... That can mean a couple of things. The way I take it... My argument is that it's different, ambitious and polished. It's the cool older cousin that only comes over on birthdays... Not the tag along red head from two houses down.
Thanks for posting the article. Just to be clear, I did say this during the interview, but I did not come up with it. It was an analogy provided by Nintendo early on in development.
Thanks for posting the article. Just to be clear, I did say this during the interview, but I did not come up with it. It was an analogy provided by Nintendo early on in development.
“If you gave Mario a piece of cloth, he would turn it into a superhero’s cape,” said Jonathan Yao, Dark Moon’s character artist.
“If you gave the same cloth to Luigi, he would turn it into a safety blanket.”